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Level 8 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (77/80)
Location: Gerudo Village
Word Count: 1202

In a lucky turn for Sectonia, her search for somewhere to freshen up didn't take her long. Crammed into one corner of Gerudo Town was an unusually large building in a rough cross shape, and though its distinctive domed glass roof the insect queen could see pools of crystal clear water lit from below. A speedy descent revealed that the bathhouse wasn't only unguarded, but unlocked and completely open to the public for free, so long as the guests minded the brief list of rules and did their part to keep the illustrious, beautiful Bath of Tefnut spick and span. With only women allowed in the city, it made sense (after a fashion) that no security or timing regulations would be necessary, but that any lady who needed a soak could come in and rest her weary head freely.

Within Sectonia found a beautiful, wide-open interior, full of vivid painting and lush plants. Purple pillows dotted with golden stars lay about the decorated columns, and a dozen or two town-clad, deific statues kept a solemn, regal watch over the pools. Aromatic wisps of smoke drifted upward from incense braziers, and obelisks stood tall above reclining chairs. Everything was calm, peaceful, and still. It would take a concerted effort in the low light to spot the half-dozen guests who lingered here currently, all scattered around the bathhouse in a zen-like state of total relaxation.

Sectonia was a bit surprised, but after thinking about it, it made sense, that they would hide everything from the harsh sands inside the buildings. Now this was what she expected. A bit of beauty that wasn't to her taste sure, but she couldn't deny that they tried, and did a pretty good job The fluffy looking pillows looked fairly inviting all things considered.

Finding a spot near the deeper end of the bath house, Sectonia got herself ready and cleaned herself up. While the waters weren't as good as the spa, it was still relaxing and she could get herself to look proper. Sectonia wondered if the few Gerudo here were a bit taken aback like the guards were at no longer being the biggest lady in the room.

Unfortunately for the giant bug's ego, nobody seemed to be paying her any mind. In the Bath of Tefnut's tranquil waters, everyone could sink into their own little worlds. After just a few moments of exposure the insect queen found the pleasantly warm water just as soothing. As she relaxed and let the balmy, almost soporific heat seep in, the soreness and fatigue of a day spent pushed to the limit began to subside, time started slipping away, and she could begin to feel a lot better.

For a good long while, the agreeable stillness endured, the whole place totally quiet except for the lap of the water against the pool's edge, and the occasional light splish-splash of another patron on the move. Some bathers came and went, their gazes lingering on Sectonia for a moment on account of her inhuman appearance, but with it more or less clear that she was here for the same purpose as they, everyone just minded their own business. Nobody made a scene, but after some time, one thing did happen. Nothing out of the ordinary really, but in this place any break in the silence tended to get one's attention. A loud snap rang out, clear and authoritative, and the moment it did a half-hidden shape moved in the shadows. One of the large, animal-headed figures that Sectonia took for just another statue emerged to reveal himself as a well-dressed hawk fellow, white-feathered and formidable of build, carrying a couple of neatly-folded towels like a butler as he hustled around the pool. While not too strange by himself, his appearance did beg the question: in a city exclusive to women, what was a man doing in the public bathhouse?

As he made haste, a beautiful woman pulled herself up from the water not too far away, almost regal in appearance despite her simple black swimsuit. Finished with her soak, she waited in silence for her manservant to arrive and drape a towel across her shoulder, before she accepted the second one to wrap around her waist. She then span around in a flurry of cloth, and when she finished her outfit had changed completely, the towels nowhere to be seen. After a final smirking glance around, as if despairing the quality of her bathhouse's clientele these days, she stalked toward the exit with her burly butler in tow.

"Hmph, another noble with their own servant, She knows to keep her beauty well maintained, although that butler isn't as elegant as my antillions." Sectonia thought to herself upon seeing this woman, nodding in approval but questioning how that butler was a lady. Still, leaving soon seemed like a good idea once she had her beauty soak, and after a few other bit of maintenance of herself, Sectonia eventually left the bathhouse looking almost as good as when she came out of the shangri spa. Seeing as it was nighttime, she doubted any of the stores or anything would be open for her to take a look at magic items or the sort, so she decided to look around for the other girls. They probably had taken this time to find a place to rest, and she'd need to affirm it was a good place.

A short, low-attitude flight eastward from the Bath of Tefnut brought Sectonia to what appeared to be an inn. It seemed nice, and made with the average stature of the Gerudo in mind, managed to be rather spacious. That said, its builders lacked the foresight to take either giant wasps or visiting royalty into consideration, so while clean, tastefully decorated, and plenty comfortable, the inn lacked the luxury and aplomb that Sectonia might be expecting. At the very least, it ought to be suitable for her lower-class minions (that being every Seeker other than herself), but when she briefly looked around the place and inquired at the front desk, she realized that Primrose, Panther, Asbestos, and Alice had yet to check in. Only Peacock was there, already snug in her pajamas so that she could be up bright and early the next day for the morning cartoons, although in this place it was just force of habit. Other than that though, Sectonia's allies seemed to be scattered throughout the walled city still, with no indication as to where they might be.

Sectonia just stood there, trying not to show her confusion, before deciding that, since no one else was here, she'd go and see what this town looked like at night, maybe even swing by the markets to see if they are even open. Under the moonlight this place had a good charm to it, so if everyone else was on the town, she'd just continue to explore herself. Being out at night isn't really a strange thing for her, considering her palace was under eternal moonlight.

Level 8 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (74/80)
Location: Sandswept Sky > Gerudo Village
Word Count: under 750

Sectonia, unlike Midna, had ways of getting all the sand and combat grime out of her fluff. while the imp princess was trying, and failing, to clean herself in the 'washroom', something that was far, far too small for Sectonia. But unlike Midna, Sectonia had summons that weren't only beasts and could do more than just attack things, and as the other girls did what they could to get clean, Sectonia just used her antillions to do the same at a much better rate. It didn't compare to an actual hot spring, but it could get the Queen at least presentable.

While on the ship Sectonia looked over the two spirits she had taken as they had lifted off. Both looking like some strange cactus flower. One was weak, the other was strong, and Sectonia debated what to do with these spirits. The one she had fused with looked like it had quite a bit of cognitive ability, but these were beasts. One of them she would have one of her minions crush for her when she had the opportunity, but the other... she was debating exactly how to use it. Midna had taken in some beast spirits, but those have mutated her to be quite... strange. Perhaps she'd sleep on it and figure it out later.

Soon after though they had landed, getting ready to head out to the Gerudo village. Midna decided to stay back with the guys out of guilt, but Sectonia had no issues with seeing this 'female only' village much like the other ladies of the group. She'd maybe bring something back for the guys, maybe, if she found something that could pretty them up...

Speaking of these "Gerudo" beauty might be something Sectonia might have some issue finding in this village. Most of the other girls heading into the village with Sectonia were smaller than these Gerudo, who looked down at them, trying to almost intimidate them. At least until Sectonia came flying by, forcing the Gerudo to look a bit up at the bee queen, and lowering their intimidation factor considerably.

The strict inspection by the guards was pretty annoying all things considered. Sectonia made beauty a primary concern and it was clear to all she was a Queen, but having to 'verify' that was... Well she understood why Midna didn't come into this town somewhat. At least once they passed the gates, things looked and went by much better. The town was smaller than that of Al Mamoon, but it was more 'thematic' although a theme Sectonia wasn't too keen on having nothing like it in Floralia. The moonlight defensively helped give it a better appearance than if it was in the sun though, but it could use more flowers.

Still it would be best to tour the town. there were a few shops where they could shop which would be some place they'd have to visit, but besides that and some ruckus from some training ground area, there wasn't too much going on. The train station looking building, for a place that seemed to take its security semi seriously, felt a bit weird as well. But for now, Sectonia was going to look around for a proper way to beautify herself if this place had one, then the shops, then get some sleep.

Level 8 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (73/80)
Location: Sandswept Sky
Word Count: under 750

Everyone was relaxing under the makeshift shade Sectonia had made, her ice antillions and poppi keeping everyone cool as they all waited for the ship to arrive. While everyone healed their injuries thanks to her artifact and other healing powers of the group, eventually the ship came to pick them up. Unfortunately, or fortunately, creatures began to attack as the ship got close. Some beautiful, some large, and some that weren't much of note. As the creatures approached, Sectonia finally found something that caught her eye, even if a little. Flower type creatures that had appearances that she hadn't seen before, apparently even flowers could bloom in a sandy wasteland and these were the example of what they looked like.

Getting up to fight, one of the large creatures attacked and was subsequently knocked on its back by one of those on the airship, someone Sectonia didn't recognize right away with a large shield that exploded when struck. Some of the others used medallions handed out by Vandham to teleport to the airship, but seeing as she could fly and teleport herself, Sectonia had declined them. Instead, as the cactus monsters began to attack, Sectonia activated her Chaos Heart shield ability before moving to engage them, throwing large rings of light everywhere, trying to hit both the cactus creatures that she found interesting in hopes of grabbing those spirits to test out later, and trying to attack the big creature at the same time with any rings that missed said cactus creatures.

Thanks to her shield, she could take a few hits from the creatures retaliating, allowing her to have much better aim with her rings than usual. Even if her mask magic item caused them to fracture into clones of themselves and be a bit unwisely, the sheer amount of large light rings flying through the air was too difficult to dodge for long, and soon Sectonia had one of the Piximi spirits in her hands, while doing damage to the overturned Molduga and its allies. Of course, some of its allies had a strange ability to cause damage to Sectonia based on what she did to them. At least her chaos heart shield absorbed some of the damage...

The Florami however managed to both attack and dodge unlike its Piximi underlings, dodging a fair amount of light rings and when it was hit, it started to slowly regenerate. All while also blasting Sectonia with its own blasts, the bee queen being its focus. Since it attacked with energy blasts however, Sectonia didn't take the amount of damage the Florami was expecting thanks to the queen's pipe of insight, her chaos heart shield, and her natural bulk. Still this creature intrigued her more, and with the others joining the fight, Sectonia requested that some of them helped with the Florami.

Moving closer to it so that it couldn't avoid her much at all, Sectonia pulled out her swords as she still needed to keep some magic in reserve if something bad was to happen. While most of the group couldn't deal with a flying target, of all things the Scout was one of the few who could. As Sectonia struck it with her swords, the Scout began to shoot it from behind. He then threw something at Sectonia and the creature, telling her to 'catch it'. Seeing as she had her swords out, there wasn't much she could do, but as the grenade bounced off her, it exploded in a static field that slowed down the Florami a ton. And thanks to the two working on the creature, Sectonia's shield breaking as the Florami tried its best to defend itself, eventaully it fell and Sectonia had her prize. She then swooped over and brought the scout up with her to the ship.


After the engagement with the creatures, the captain of the ship, Vandham, told everyone they'd be going to a nearby village called, uninspiredly, Garudo village, to repair and refuel the airship as getting to the group as fast as it did caused a bit of damage. He mentioned there being 'strict rules' about it, which sounded strange. Sectonia asked. "What would these 'strict rules' be then?"

Level 10 Blazermate - (85/100) - 1 stored level up
Level 1 Susie - (7/10)
Limsa beach
Words: under 750

Susie had a bit of a complex expression on her face hearing Bowser had ruled galaxies. As far as she knew she never heard of him before, and she knew a lot of the big names to buy or sell from in her world. Seeing as he was strong, but not intelligent, Susie wondered how he even managed that. Considering Susie had no recollection of Bowser, she gave him a polite clap and decided to at least humor him, but before she could make a sales pitch, she remembered she didn't have her PDA linked up to the HWC mainframe, so she couldn't even offer a product catalog to the king koopa.

"Ah, another Galaxy subjugation! When I have access to my PDA, I have quite the catalog for you." Susie said to bowser, giving Bowser a sweet expression. Thinking to herself however... "If you can afford them..." Then this koopa just imposed himself the boss. Most people of Susie's position would hate someone this dumb saying something like that, but those people weren't clever and has no business sense. Even if this guy was dumb, it seemed like he was very easy to work with how he talked and what Susie had seen so far, and having someone strong work for you didn't necessarily mean they had to 'work' for you.

Blazermate meanwhile helped out Ace, healing sunburn felt like something that was much easier than wounds and broken bones like she had healed earlier. If her medi gun had a personality, it'd be very blasse about this whole situation. Seeing how Ace himself was trying to flirt with Nadia, instead of the other way around, being the cat lady's wingbot wasn't going to be too difficult. All she had to do was set a relaxing mood and it seemed like things would just progress normally. And with the others talking to themselves, the two were able to share a cute moment.

Eventually the moment passed though, and talks of dinner were coming about. Blazermate decided to follow the group not out of wanting food, but just socializing with everyone. Susie thought the same, having been to this place before, although she might need to order something this time to 'fit in' with this group better. Unlike Blazermate, Susie could actually do something with food and drink, although she preferred sweet things over anything, especially ice cream.


Once they got to the restaurant everyone got seated. Blazermate was used to Bowser and his family and their shenanigans in places like this at this point, but Susie found it humerus. A group of ladies that seemed to talk in unison, decided to go play waiter as apparently they were understaffed today. Something Susie could probably fix if she could sell some Haltmann robots, but... At least right now for a drink she could order a strawberry milkshake as the others offered their drinks. Blazermate, being a bit too preoccupied with other shenanigans at this point, didn't pay much attention to that fact. "Hey, so we have two magic users, one that is a showman... Can you two do some tricks while we wait for our food and stuff? I'm sure you could do some awesome party tricks with magic!" Blazermate said to Rubick and Kamek.


Level 10 Blazermate - (84/100) - 1 stored level up
Level 1 Susie - (6/10)
Limsa beach
Words: 818

Kamek gave a bit of a speech on spirits, something Blazermate already knew all too well, but Susie was new to. She found that interesting, as it meant that if she could start robotizing worlds here, there would be way more resources to claim. Or there could be some interesting things she could find for herself. It also explained why some people seemed to be so... haphazard looking.

Susie noticed right away Bowser wasn't the most perceptive person in the room; often times the strong ones weren't the smartest which worked perfectly for her. Still, as he flexed, she clapped and giggled for him to egg him on, flattery always let you get your way after all for people like him. Of course, he came right out with no pretense or anything asking what Susie could do, glancing at Blazermate as he did so.

Clearing her throat, Susie gave a sales pitch of who she was and what she could do. "As this one said." Susie started, gesturing to Blazermate. "My name is Susie, Susie Haltmann. CEO of Haltmann Works Company. We specialize in robots, weapons, harvesting planets, terraforming, making wishes come true, and science." She then pulled out her blaster gun, showing it to the rest of the group. "This is my top of the line H.W.C. Blaster. It can vaporize foes at quite the range for a gun of its caliber." She didn't demonstrate this function however, as it would be improper to fire such a weapon here in town. "And this is just one of the many inventions we have made at Haltmann Works Co." Susie was a bit disappointed in herself that she couldn't show this Bowser her business suit, for some reason she hadn't been able to call that for quite some time. If she could, she wouldn't have been sitting around this town...

"And I could use a new bodyguard, I lost my adorable little Mecha Knight. Although we'd need to dress you up in a suit of your own." Susie said, giggling with a joyous look on her face. Soon there was a merchant ship coming into view, which considering what susie had been saying, gave Blazermate an idea. Getting her attention by tapping her on her... shoulder? head? Susie's lack of arms made that all confusing, Blazermate pointed to the ship and asked. "Hey, your good at the merchant thing right since you run a business? Could you see what you could get for this?" Blazermate asked, pulling out a giant bean. Susie looked at it bemused, and kept that expression until Blazermate explained. "I found this in a giant haunted ship thing. A lot of the stuff where it was found was kind of... strange but I know its got some kind of magic or whatever you call that. so its not just a 'giant bean'. "

Hearing this, Susie took the bean from Blazermate and looked at it intently, her visor down as she looked at it. After a bit she flipped her visor up and said. "Yes, I could get quite a lot for something like this!" Susie put the bean away and turned to Bowser and the rest of them, most of which weren't interested in the merchant ship. It was soon told to Susie that they weren't very money savvy or had much in the way of funds outside of the gothic dressed princess. They relied on monarchy and savage methods of making money, or using money they just had as monarchs which Susie mentally scoffed at. "Forgive me, but from the looks of it, it seems none of you are business minded. And considering some of the powerful objects found on ships like these, well... No need to worry about that outcome anymore!"

It seemed that the rest of the group were going to go to this ship later though, so Susie couldn't flex her business muscles quite yet, with the two fighting each other having concluded with the one in the skirt winning. She did.... something... that looked familiar to Susie but she couldn't place it, and then Bowser began to go into a very quick explanation of some strange... thing? Why couldn't Susie think about any of that?

Seeing her puzzled look, Blazermate remembered that Susie was still under Galeem's influence and wouldn't know anything about any of that. Seeing as they had just beat a boss and wouldn't be fighting another one for awhile, Blazermate thought a bit to herself before shaking her head. "When we're in a more private area, we'll need to fix Susie and Rubick too if they want to come with us..." Blazermate thought to herself. She then said to Susie. "Oh don't worry about that, I'll fix it later!" Blazermate said to Susie, which confused the pink robot but she shrugged and just moved on.


Level 8 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (72/80)
Location: Sandswept Sky
Word Count: under 750

Sectonia listened as the newcommers introduced themselves, noting that there were two sellswords in their new members. Tora also went on a bit of a tirade on how they had almost nothing to show for their travels outside of a dead area boss and Sectonia could only agree with the group although for different reasons. "I have my own stash of currency, but no one here will take magic gems as payment. Its as if their beauty is lost on those in this desert." Sectonia said, scoffing. She then continued. "Besides, the end goal of what you use currency for should be what you should look forward to, and as my minions, you all have access to something that helps you with that." Sectonia pulled out that ghastly avarice helmet momentarily before putting it away.

"... Still, finding magical items will be of paramount importance if we are to deal with bosses like 'that' thing. Without that train, it would have taken days to defeat that large creature." Sectonia said, the mere mention of that causing a small wave of exhaustion to go through the camp. "If that airship works well, perhaps we could use that to look over the desert for these 'ruins'. But after rest, and cleaning a few of you up. Viscera is quite ugly."

Level 10 Blazermate - (82/100) - 1 stored level up
Level 1 Susie - (4/10)
Words: Less than 750

Apparently Blazermate had missed some excitement with some weird 3 headed dog as when her and Susie arrived, said dog named after the dog of the underworld was making its way off to look at the next interesting thing, having just watched a fight involving Sakura and Birdie which seemed to be some kind of sparring match. "Wow, so a lot went on here at the beach huh?" Blazermate said. Susie looked around, hoping to see others with a high tech level like Blazermate, but much to her annoyance, none of these people were as technologically advanced as Blazermate. Heck, most looked positively savage! But at least one of them, while some kind of amalgamation of organic parts, looked strong, so maybe this wasn't a total waste of her time.

Waving hi to everyone, Blazermate, alongside Rusie and Rubick saw Peach and Kamek do something new to Bowser, combining all of his weird mismatched parts together so that he looked a lot like his old self, but with some slight differences and still all the spiritual power he had acrued. Rubick was confused, asking how this was done, while Blazermate was amazed and had an idea and Susie was just amazed. Moving over to the koopa troop and Peach, Blazermate asked. "Hey can you do that to me too? I like most of my parts, but this sun princess kimono thing is annoying. It gets in the way all the time if I don't like, fly everywhere, and sometimes you want to walk ya know?" Blazermate asked, explaining her reasoning. Undergoing the same thing Bowser did, Blazermate coming out of it then introduced her new 'friend' Susie and Rubick.

"Oh right, the two people I brought with me. This green magic looking guy is Rubick. He calls himself some big title so hes a big shot where he comes from probably, he looks cool either way! He was looking to join up with us to fight things, so yeah." Blazermate said, having forgotten Rubicks preferred title, although if Rubick looked into how Blazermate's tone, she was trying to let him display his showmenship more than anything.

Then pointing to Susie, who was looking at Bowser with a glint in her eyes, hands clasped together in front of her. "And this is Susie. She is kind of in the same boat, but she... Wait why were you following me again?"

This snapped Susie out of her thoughts, and thinking fast, Susie said. "Well, I've been meaning to get out of this town for awhile but I was waiting for some strong people to come by before I did. I'm glad I waited, because it looks like the story of the Seekers being strong wasn't a lie." While she said this, she eyed Bowser in particular, giving him a cutesy wink especially since he looked much, much better and... modable than before.

"So yeah... I don't know what the two of them do, but they wanna help so I don't see why not? Its not like its the first time we've picked up strangers before." Blazermate said. With introductions out of the way, Susie floating around to respectfully inspect everyone, Blazermate then asked. "So I've had my time out on the town, whats everyone up to and want to do?"

Level 8 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (71/80)
Location: Fight Aftermath
Word Count: under 750

Seeing as everyone was hurt to various degrees after the fight and the hot sun and expanse of the desert lay before the group, discussions occurred about how they were going to get back to civilization. Sectonia could teleport herself out of this infernal desert, but only herself, not her minions so that wouldn't do. Eventually though one of the group came up with the idea to speak to those pig creatures, moogles they were called. They could teleport in and out without any issues, and using them to relay information back to 'base' was quite a good idea that Sectonia would need to take for her own later on. And this lead to the planned motion of getting back, an airship that was a little way out that could pick them all up. It'd be much better than flying through this sandpit, that was for sure.

"Well, if a ship is coming instead of needing to fly out of here, I suppose making a campsite would be best." Sectonia said. She wasn't much one for camping or anything of the sort, but she could at least make it eligent if they were to be waiting here for a little while. With her antillions and Poppi keeping everyone cool, and Midna having stored food and water, they could stay a little while here. Worse comes to worse they could use those crystals to teleport over to that town they saw at the foot of the mountain.

Waving her hands much like she did when summoning something, Sectonia summoned a few crystal platforms to give shade and cover everyone from the sun. While they weren't fully opaque and some light streamed through, it was heavily dispersed and made the area cooler, if a bit rainbow colored thanks to the crystals Sectonia had to summon to give everyone a fair amount of room to move about in. "I wont have my minions 'rough it' like some common rabble. Everything must be beautiful." Seeing how Tora seemed to be suffering and getting whatever shade he could, this would probably make him very happy. In fact, a great deal of the group were very, very bad at dealing with the sun it seemed.

With a makeshift campsite being made under a canopy of giant floating gems, Sectonia did what she could to relax. Looking over to Raiden, she said. "So, care to introduce yourself to the others?"

Level 10 Blazermate - (81/100) - 1 stored level up
Level 1 Susie - (3/10)
Words: Less than 750

Blazermate liked this 'Rubick' character, as he called himself. He had a bit of a stage presence to him, which was always enjoyable. Susie meanwhile couldn't figure out just what this guy was or why this 'Blazermate' would just go up and speak to him. That thought would soon be sated though as Rubick mentioned the Seekers, which Blazermate nodded to. "Thats right! I heard from the people around that you were looking for us? Any reason? I know we're a bit famous at the moment, but it can't be just that right?" Susie gave a polite bow to Rubick, but let Blazermate speak since she seemed to be doing that for her and there wasn't anything Susie disliked about that.

After Rubick confirmed that and eased Blazermate's suspicion, Blazermate clapped her hands together, a metal 'CLANG' coming from them. "Right! So, I'll take you to where we're gathering, if your going to help us. Can't hurt to have more people!" Blazermate then looked to Susie who shrugged, and Blazermate guided both the grand magus and the pink CEO to where the rest of the party should be on the south beach. Boy were they both going to get quite a shock when they saw Bowser and his family! Those three were at least easier to see than Sakura, Link, or Nadia... Blazermate had no idea where the latter had gone after they split up.


Level 8 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (70/80)
Location: Fight Aftermath
Word Count: under 750

Sectonia could only laugh as the large creature, trapped as it was and at the mercy of her and her minions. Seeing as it was so injured, the combined attacks of everyone had the creature let loose its final roar before it perished, letting loose its cleansing wave and turning into a spirit. But then came the point that they had all discussed, something that no one was really willing to do, absorbing the spirit of this creature. What was surprising was that, in the end, no one would be absorbing it with the joker kid, now free, decided to do some wonky card thing and... absorbed the spirit that way? Strange. Sectonia made note of that, but she also made note that they might have to fight this thing again at some point...

It was around here, with everyone calming down and the adrenaline of the fight starting to ebb away that it was noticeably hot, extremely so for those who still had their winter gear on. Poppi swapped on her cooling core, which a few of the group started to gather around seeing the temperature was getting to them. Sectiona helped with the heat issue herself by summoning her ice antillions, 4 in total. Sectonia grabbed and used one herself as a fan, while the other three moved about cooling whoever was nearby at the queen's orders.

Seeing as the cyborg ninja, whom had taken a bit to catch up with the group, was no under the spell of Galeem, Midna decided to introduce herself and explained what this world was to the no longer galeem'd Raiden. Sectonia had already introduced herself prior to Raiden, so she waited for Midna to finish what she was talking about before saying. "Another powerful minion for the group. Its a shame that boss spirit was so... ugly. Perhaps next time we find some spirits there should be rewards for all for such a battle." So far all of the 'boss' spirits she had seen had been fairly lackluster when it came to beauty or power, especially this one. Sure it took quite a beating, but that was probably more to do with its size than anything.

Seeing as Midna referred to their other team, Sectonia added. "They appear to be doing fine, otherwise that blue robed mage of theirs would have called me. Although what they are dealing with I could only guess." She turned to Raiden, adressing the cyborg ninja, although her words were meant for everyone at large. "Seeing how... messy that battle was, once we get back to town everyone will need to get cleaned up. And beautified, but that was a given." She said, giving a soft laugh.

Level 10 Blazermate - (80/100) - 1 stored level up
Level 1 Susie - (2/10)
Words: 1084

Blazermate wasn't as enthralled with flying around as Nadia was. After all, this was something she did daily, so the thrill of flight had long, long left the medabot. Still, Nadia's enthusiasm was infectious so Blazermate did a few more fancy tricks such as loop de loops and all that to give the cat lady some more thrills as they flew around Limsa. After awhile though, Blazermate touched down, with Nadia, having had lots of thrills, thanked the medabot for a good time before catching her breath and eventually going on her own way. "Nice girl time. I'll meet you later then!" Blazermate said, waving to Nadia as she made her way to a few areas that did catch her eyes as they flew around, areas that were of a much higher class (but not tech level.) as limsa proper.

With that being decided, Blazermate made her way to the north beach, a high class area she hadn't explored yet. Unlike the other areas, this place was a lot more fancy. Lots of well built builds made in what looked like a metropolitan city, although the buildings were made out of stone instead of concrete and steel, and there were people in the streets, not cars. Considering Limsa proper, this place was much more 'fancy' looking for sure, and the prices that Blazermate saw for a few places exemplified that.

And much like the rest of Limsa this place... lacked technology. Blazermate wasn't surprised, but still, the lack of tech anywhere really sucked. She did concede though if she found a TV the other seekers probably wouldn't see her for a few days and that'd be very, very bad, so... Well, at least things were pretty here even if Blazermate didn't have the money, nor the inclination to buy anything here. Still, touring the place was nice. A lot of high class stores, boutiques, and the like everywhere.

One store did catch Blazermate's attention, although not for any of the products there, but for one of its patrons, another robot with pink 'hair'. A robot... getting herself prettied up? Wouldn't you just get yourself polished and call it a day? Or was this person not a robot but just had some super high tech stuff on them? But then their hands were floating, but then Sectonia also had floating hands and she wasn't a robot...

Blazermate's confusion at starting at Susie eventually caught her attention. Susie, having not seen another robot or anything higher tech than anything in the early industrial age, was ecstatic. Cutting her beauty session a bit short, Susie came up to Blazermate to get a better look at another mechanical person. Seeing Susie approach, Blazermate did get a bit on guard, but only slightly as she too was also curious considering how few other robots or medabots Blazermate has seen on her adventure so far.

Susie gave Blazermate a once over with her eyes before giving a slight bow before speaking. "Ah, its so refreshing to see someone else with class! I've had to make due with what I've had for so long... Oh where are my manners? My name is Susie, CEO of Haltmann Works. What is your name?" While Blazermate didn't seem as high tech as some of the more advanced Haltmann robots, she wasn't too far off from their middle of the line models and for Susie right now, that was better than nothing.

Blazermate was glad this person was friendly, and after hearing Susie talk, replied. "Oh uh, Hi... Susie? My name is Blazermate. Are... you a medabot too? I don't think I've ever seen your model before."

Susie tilted her head, but quickly understood what Blazermate was asking. "No I am not a 'medabot', I assume that's your product name? But yes, I am artificial, if that's what your asking."

Blazermate nodded to this, saying cheerfully. "Its so nice to see another robot! This town has like, no technology at all. Mimic has some nice stuff, but I think hes the exception here."

Susie returned this enthusiasm, although unlike Blazermates it felt a bit more... manufactured. But that kind of manufactured someone well versed in business would have. This little nuance went over Blazermate's head however. "Indeed. Are you new here?"

"Well, yes and no. I'm here with some friends. We are more passing through, but I think we'll be here for a little while longer. Why do you ask?" Blazermate said.

This made Susie excited, if this robot girl was passing through with more robots, even if they were a slightly lower tech level than Susie was used to, they could be a huge help to getting her reconnected with Haltmann Works. After all, most of her Haltmann brand electronics didn't seem to work, and due to the low tech level of this place, Susie had to subsist on her own business skills to make money as nothing took her card. "Oh, I'm so glad you asked. If you are passing through with friends of yours, I would like to join you to see where your going. Its best girls like us stick together right?"

Blazermate scratched her head a bit as she was thinking, but decided that this was fine. Although Blazermate would probably have to explain the 'seeker' thing to Susie. "Uh... yeah sure. I can bring you to my friends. Its nice having new friends after all! " Susie politely nodded at that, and after paying her bill, the two ladies left and made their way back to Limsa and the south beach where Blazermate's friends were, Blazermate explaining the whole 'seeker' thing as the two made their way down to the south. This was something Susie found a bit confusing, but she had heard about these 'seekers' and having powerful allies in this world did entice Susie.


Blazermate made her way back to Limsa, Susie in toe, the secretary glad that there was at least a fellow robot in this town of savages. As the two ladies made their way chatting, they ran into a strange green robed mage who was clearly new in town. Seeing all the strange people going through Limsa, Blazermate wouldn't really give him much thought, but she heard him talking to someone about finding 'the seekers'. Seeing as he didn't seem too evil looking, although a bit strange, Blazermate shrugged and walked up to him, much to susie's confusion.

"Uh... hello? Who are you?" Blazermate asked.

Level 8 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (39/80)
Location: Mountain Guardian Train Fight
Word Count: under 750

Sectonia's fears of a 'panic attack' were founded as the Red Eye did its absolute best to try to catch up to the train and devour it after having knocked off the ammo section of the train. Midna and a few others did what they could to try to slow down the beast as Sectonia was busy getting that shell ready with Tora and as the Red Eyes closed in, ready to chomp, Sectonia attempted to conjure a crystal platform to at least slow it down. This ended up not being needed however as Robin unleashed quite a potent attack that blasted back the Red Eyes. An attack that... caused him to completely disappear, soul and all. What did he call it? 'Final smash'? It seemed to be some technique that burned the mortal coil entirely to preform. Something that, while a few others were sad, Sectonia didn't react much to. If there was one thing she knew, there was never any reason to do an attack like that if there are other methods available. But then that was what heroes did.

And thanks to that attack, at least the group was able to launch that final shell at the Red Eye as they started to pass by that large pit, causing quite a bit of chaos as the red eye took the hit head on, fell into the pit, and got tangled in all the supports and wreckage caused by its rampage, subsequent hit, and fall. Seeing as it couldn't move much anymore, it started to launch hits minions at the group. Some of the seekers who couldn't hit the red eye in the pit launched their attacks at the minions it was spitting out, with those that could hit it doing so. Sectiona joined in on this latter group, having relative peace to cackle and throw large light ring after light ring at the trapped Red Eye. If those rings hit some minions along the way all the better, and seeing as a few went off course thanks to that magic boosting mask of hers, soon the area was filled with large ornate rings of light zipping everywhere dealing no damage to her allies, but devastation to her enemies.
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