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Got it, good ideas and changes.
Heres my rough draft for Susie and her sheet.

Level 8 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (37/80)
Location: Mountain Guardian Train Fight
Word Count: under 750

Sectonia took her time to rest, the rest of her minions congratulating her and Raiden for stopping that large attack. And since its attack was deflected, her minions managed to take another shot at it with the train cannon. Much like she thought though, as the creature got closer and closer to death, it started to get smarter and faster. Instead of having its weak point just showing for everyone to pound at, it kept its teeth closed deflecting all the smaller arms fire. And its newfound speed allowed it to take the rear car of the train off, the ammo car exploding when it tumbled into the creature.

"Hmph. This thing can take quite the beating it appears." Sectonia said, catching her wind as a few of the others started to panic now that they lost their main source of ammo that let them deal with this thing. However thanks to Big Band having stored some special shell, Tora was quite excited saying that the shell he had was the strongest one they had, needing a special way of loading into the gun before it could be fired. Although according to all of her minions, it would take a long time to get it loaded and get the gun ready to fire. Hearing this, Midna did what she could do to slow down the creature to give them all more time. Sectonia however, had another idea.

Summoning one of her staffs, she asked Tora, who seemed to be the one most familiar with the gun, what parts if enchanted would make it go faster, and with his input, Sectonia casted her haste spell on said components. Hopefully this would get that shell loaded in faster, especially as it seemed the group was headed for that giant pit. Sectonia wasn't sure this would work, considering this creature came from a giant pit itself, but it was a bit too late to change course now.

Ms Fortune

Location: Deep Blue Seaside - Limsa
Level 8 Nadia (77/80)
Level 10 Blazermate - (68/100) - 1 stored level up
Koopa Troop’s @DracoLunaris, Blazermate’s @Archmage MC, Hat Kid’s @Dawnrider, Geralt’s @MULTI_MEDIA_MAN, Ace Cadet’s @Yankee, Sakura's @Zoey Boey, Link’s @Gentlemanvaultboy
Word Count: 4497

Despite being pretty thirsty after her long nap, Nadia kept herself under control and sipped her Mai Tai slowly, savoring the sweet and tangy blend of syrup, lime, and Curaçao that overlaid its rum. Her gem-given ability to regenerate made her a lot more resistant to inebriation than the average skinny twenty-year-old, so she wasn't worried about that necessarily, but today's mission was to slow down and relax, after all. She propped herself up with her elbow on the standing table by the bar and watched people come and go, up and down the beach and through the shallows of Heaven's Edge. Even if the Kanzuki Estate was private, the strip of sand between it and the sparkling water was not, so all sorts came and went in a steady trickle between the resorts to the north and Boiling Bay to the south. Though spared a night of gruesome conflict and eldritch horror, the cityfolk of Limsa Lominscuttle Town seemed just as eager to celebrate the end of the Abyssal war as the Seekers. Even a number of shipgirls, mostly unrecognizable as such without their rigging, showed up to enjoy the simple pleasures of the ocean blue. Nadia only realized that fact because she recognized Heinrich from yesterday's naval battle, thanks not just to her distinctive giant braid and their shared appreciation for crop tops, but for the shipgirl's incredible courage and tenacity against overwhelming odds. While they didn't really know one another, their shared struggle and victory made them sisters in arms nonetheless. As Heinrich went by on her way to the bubbling hot springs of Boiling Bay, Nadia gave her a wave, filling it with all her gratitude and respect, and the shipgirl shot her a casual salute with a grin.

It wasn't just locals that happened to pass Nadia's way. In the midst of her people-watching, she heard a familiar light clank-clank-clank, and turned with a smile to see Blazermate approaching. "Heya!" Nadia greeted, waving the Medabot over to her table. "For 'shore'! I've been havin' a whale of a time 'round here. Good food, good games, good vibes! After we got done with volleyball, me and Ace wandered around the shallows a while. It was paw-sitively delightful--more kinds of fish and coral and stuff than I knew even existed! I ran into some otters, and they were so cute! If you can go underwater without, y'know, rustin' or shortin' out or anything, you really 'otter'!"

She giggled at her terrible pun, shifting her weight from one hip to the other. "Anyhow, I'm glad to hear you're havin' a good time. I was kinda worried ya might feel let down, actually, 'cause you can't enjoy restin', sunbathin', or even food and drink. 'Specially 'cause...well, you really, really deserve it! I mean, the whole crew would probably be sleepin' with the fishes withoutcha. So, I guess what I'm tryin' to say is, thank you. Thanks for keepin' us alive, Blaze."

"Good to hear! Yeah, I can walk underwater no problem, but without aqua parts I can't swim or anything, I just sink like a rock." Blazermate said, grabbing a spot at Nadia's table. Nadia then made a few comments about Blazermate not being able to participate in all the organic pleasures Limsa offered, at which Blazermate shrugged. "To be honest, I miss TV and the internet. Thats how medabots usually get their enjoyment without going out and doing stuff. I can dream though, but I also don't need to sleep. Naps can be fun, but until like, today, there hasn't been a chance to have one!" Blazermate said, getting more animated as she continued to speak exemplifying Nadia's point about all the healing she had been doing.

"Thanks though. I appreciate it. I've been on medabot teams where they just ignore the contribution the healer gives the team And those are.... yeah...." With that said, Blazermate went into describing the day she had, having walked around and toured Limsa itself, noting how there was only one shop here that had any experience with her level of technology to do some kind of examination, and how she ran into a big guy with a big beard that could maybe be a relative of Tora, being a big round mechanic. "... And he told me to come back in a little while as he might have some piece to make this shield arm thing less glitchy. He was really worried that it was evil or something." Blazermate concluded.

As the Medabot recounted all the adventures she'd gotten up to, Nadia was happy to just listen and drain her glass bit by bit. Blazermate really gave off the impression of the perky, chatty friend who could go on and on about the little things for hours on end, the sort of steadfast companion who helped keep things real no matter how weird stuff got. It was easy to imagine her as a person, maybe a nurse, with giant pigtails and bright blue eyes, too desensitized by her profession to be innocent and bubbly, but happy to open up and make the most of her days off. That a machine could be one of the most normal and relatable people around really was amazing.

"It does look pretty evil, to be fair," Nadia remarked at the end of her friend's tale. "You got it from the Dead Zone, right? You couldn't pay me to fuse with anything outta that zombie-infested hellhole. I'm just glad you guys came along when ya did, 'cause that was the worst police station I've ever been stuck in, and considerin' how things are in New Meridian that's sayin' something." She sighed, shaking her head, and downed the last of her Mai Tai. "Still, runnin' around with those pro demon hunters for a bit was pretty hiss-terical! Just mowin' through all the creeps without a care in the world. And those fights with that Minos monster and Marie were badass! Even if we did almost get killed. Or worse." The memory of Linkle wishing on the Skull Heart in her place sent a chill down Nadia's spine despite the tropical heat. "I hope that poor girl's okay, wherever she is."

She looked back at Blazermate with a wry smile. "Either way, the Dead Zone's history nyaow, and good goddamn riddance! First that, then the Bottomless Sea...it's really just one nightmare after another, huh? Makes a carefree day like this that much sweeter. Life's a real beach sometimes."

"Ugh, tell me about it. I got this part just to deal with all those zombies! Like... Did you see all the zombies in that place? I figured being able to command them would make things easier. It did.... for awhile til those fungus things came around. " Blazermate said, agreeing with Nadia about the Dead Zone. "At least this thing came with a fairly decent shield and making zombies has been somewhat useful, but yeah." Since Blazermate didn't have to worry too much about being comfortable, unlike Nadia her stance was a bit more rigid with her upper body being the only thing that was really moving while she talked. Blazermate didn't really mind Nadia's puns. Where she came from puns were enjoyed, not hated, by the vast majority of people, so while others might find it annoying, she was completely fine with it. After all, to keep on punning took skill.

"I've got a feeling that the 'almost got killed part' is going to be a constant thing here when we're beating what are essentially things that were assigned by something that was strong enough to destroy worlds. Which really sucks, I miss just having a fun fight with a medafighter from a rival school or something. Then suddenly, BAM, your on this whole 'defend the multiverse' thing." Blazermate said, showing a bit of exasperation. "And yeah, the whole 'spirit' thing.... yeah.... I'm glad that they follow Medabot rules for me. Seems to suck for everyone else though. I mean, have you SEEN bowser? He went from a dapper dragon turtle in a suit to some weird monster thing. Sure he can hide some of it, but still, jeez!" Blazermate said, trying to spin the topic to be a bit more gossipy. "Looks good on you though Nadia. At least so far." Blazermate quickly interjected, almost forgetting Nadia had also absorbed some spirits.

Nadia's eyebrows rose when Blazermate mentioned Bowser. "Yeah, no kidding. I mean, he was mostly fine until he took that one shipgirl. Turned his shell into riggin' and kinda warped his proportions. I mean, I feel bad pointin' it out, but he's like a totally different beast!" Talking about Bowser behind his back kind of rubbed Nadia the way, especially since he'd been nothing but a rock-steady ally and caring Koopa Troop captain since she knew him, but she just couldn't contain herself. At the end of the day, she was by no means too good a person for gossip.

The compliment brought a smile to her face. "Thanks! Almost like it changed my insides more than my outsides, what with the blue blood and all. The only weird thing's this fish tail." Nadia raised her tail and wiggled it around, giving Blazermate a good look at her new fins. "It's thicker and heavier, so its takin' a little gettin' used to, but it sure came in handy when I was swimming. Can't use it like a sword anymore, but when stiffened up it kind of works like an axe." She pantomimed a big swing with her arms, then settled back down against the table. "Other than that, the eye is okay, and these swirls on my skin are better than tattoos. So yeah, lookin' purr-ty good overall, especially with the new clothes. And you're not the only one who thinks so, either. Normally my whole deal throws people off, but Ace said he digs how I look! Guess I'm just one lucky cat." She closed her eyes and leaned on the table, looking incredibly smug, but after a moment the thought of how goofy she must look made her laugh.

"Anyway, I'm down to try some more, but after seein' the Koopas get weird and Link get fishy for a minute, I'm gonna be a bit more choosy. No more monsters for this chica--just good-lookin' gals like yours truly. New powers would be paw-some too, but my head's already spinnin' just from what Rhodeia gave me." Copycats and hydropower were one hell of an addition to her arsenal, and with all the ideas she'd had already, Nadia felt like she could spend hours figuring out how to make the meowst of them. "Thing is, with fusion...I don't really know what Ace likes. If I pick wrong, things could go south fast." She drummed her fingers on her cheek, thinking.

Blazermate didn't feel too bad about talking about Bowser behind his back, after all, she didn't mean anything mean by it, it was just an observation. Still, as Nadia talked Blazermate caught onto something, it sounded like she had a crush on Ace! Blazermate could get it, he was a strong guy, but not Blazermate's type, at least not yet? It was tricky since she had only known the guy for like a day or so and medabots weren't really attracted to physical characteristics. Of course she also relented that at least he wasn't one of those neets that seem to buy female medabots for.... As that thought crossed Blazermate's mind she visibly shuddered before recomposing herself.

"So... you like Ace huh? I don't know much about him myself, he isn't from my world so I can't help ya there, but I can help you by being your wingbot? Just if I get a crush on someone you gotta do the same for me alright?" Blazermate said, her face getting close to Nadias as she spoke in a bit of a lower tone so people couldn't hear that part of the conversation. With that said she went back to her spot across the table then began to think as well. "But yeah.... not sure what hes into. didn't he say he fought monsters' at one point though? So at least we both know monster spirits are out of the picture. I think he likes cats though, with those things that show up when they get knocked out in his presence and all. So maybe your like, halfway there already?" Blazermate thought, idly.

As it turned out, even if Nadia didn't exactly mean to spill the beans, Blazermate caught on quick. There really wasn't much use in hiding her affection for Ace; with how bumbling she could be it must be pretty obvious, in retrospect. Rather than tease her about it, however, the Medabot immediately offered her support, which took Nadia by surprise but left her excited by the thought of conspiracy. That wasn't all that Blazermate suggested, though, because after she volunteered to lend a hand she asked if the feral might do the same in return someday. The notion of robots falling in love and going on dates amused Nadia greatly. After all, why not? It sounded cute. She was super down to help Blazermate find love if the opportunity came up, and if it meant getting a little help in return, all the better. "Sounds like a plan to me!" she agreed without a second thought. "When it comes time I'll be sure to pay you back for helpin' meowt! Just remember, I'm super new at this, so don't get settin' your expectations too high!"

Nadia's new wingbot put forward something that she hadn't considered be-fur. After thinking about it for a moment though, including her commentary on that very same topic during her earlier chat with Ace, she ended up shaking her head. "Nahhh, I dunno. Seems unrelated to me. If I had to guess..." She wracked her brain for a few seconds in an attempt to make connections. "Well, he's super buff, right? I mean, I dunno if you noticed during the games, but wow. Athletic too. I basically had to goad him into showin' it off, though. Either he's just a super humble dude, or that sort of things just normal where he's from. I'm in pretty good shape myself, not to brag or anything, but I'm more, uh..." As her gears turned, Nadia lifted up her own arm and flexed, but basically nothing happened. "...Lithe, I guess. Maybe if I..."

A flash of self-awareness struck her, prompting a sudden cough before she straightened up. "Agh, what am I sayin'." She clapped a hand to her face and massaged her eyes. "This whole spirits thing is weird enough without me tryin' to game the system. All these new feelin's got me actin' like a fool. Just forget I said anything, will ya?" Nadia cleared her throat and led the way back to the bar, where she requested a refill on her Mai Tai. "It's still hard to wrap my head around the whole infinite worlds thing. I mean, yours must be super crazy compared to mine, right?" She glanced at Blazermate as she waited. "Why doncha tell me about the place you come from?"

Blazermate giggled. "Don't worry, I deal with students quite often so I'm used to all this. I am a schoolgirl medabot after all!" Blazermate said, giving a flex. "And if all else fails, good food will do the trick." With that, Nadia was a bit done talking about the subject, much like a schoolgirl who was caught out unawares. Ah.... it was just like home, even if Nadia was some kind of aqua cat girl thing. If Blazermate didn't know better, she would figure that Nadia was some kind of Nyan or Nekko type medabot!

Speaking of home, Nadia, after snapping back to her sense, was curious as to Blazermate's world. Considering Blazermate hadn't actually talked about this before, as the situation never came up before, she was pretty willing to talk all about it. "Well.... I don't know about your world, but my world is a lot more technologically advanced than Limsa here." Blazermate started, pumping her chest out.

"Its a world where... well, how do I put this...." Blazermate started, thinking about how best to say this. Even though she knew it was a fact, she didn't like the idea of medabots being 'bought', even if other medabots didn't care at all about it. "So medabots usually have human partners with them if they aren't independent like I am. These partners can be anyone really from school kids to any kind of adult. Most medabots are used for robattling, which is where two medabots fight until one can't fight anymore and the loser also loses one of their parts. Thankfully for those losers, parts aren't that expensive unless they're aero parts like mine." Blazermate said, starting to hover to show what she was talking about. "After all, can't have kids flying around on a medabot when its super dangerous."

Tapping her chin a bit, Blazermate sighed and relented as she couldn't really think of any better way to say this. "As for Medabots ourselves, well... I did mention everyone, including kids, have one pretty much right? Yeah.... We're not that expensive at the store... And I'm a BLZ-mate model, so as you can guess, I'm not the only one of me running around, at least part wise." with that bit of sourness done, Blazermate shaking her head, she continued. "I'm pretty unique though, I've got a rare medal and everything. And by rare, I mean rare. There are like.... I don't know, maybe a thousand rare medals in total? or less? I don't know, but they are so rare people want to use them to conquer the world." Blazermate said. Nadia would then notice a very weird look on Blazermate's face, as if she couldn't decide to be serious or not with what she'd say next.

"This group I know of are called the Roborobo gang. Basically adults in rubber gimp suits with antenea on their heads that make them look like aliens. They are either so childishly cartoony evil that you can't even take them seriously, or are so underhanded and sneaky they got one up on the Medabot Professor. You can never tell with them and that is what makes them weird to talk about." Blazermate said, deciding to go with a shrug. "Thankfully that unique brand of incompetency means they fail when they try to take a rare medal to take over the world. How a rare medal lets them do that I have no clue, they just seem to drive non rare medal medabots berserk when they tried which is really counterintuitive but they are kinda counterintuitive themselves so.... yeah." Blazermate, deciding to fly a bit more so she could lounge instead of stand, continued.

"And then there is this guy running around where I'm from called Phantom Thief Retort, he kinda looks like a gentleman thief guy, tophat and all, with a mask on. He tries to steal rare medals and unlike the roborobos, he is actually good at it. But at the same time, he's also a bit clumsy. He can beat most medabots in a straight up fight as a human though, so that's pretty.... neat? scary? Besides them and the aliens though; Yeah, there was an alien invasion at one point with medabots from space, things are pretty peaceful. There is this thing called the medabot federation which runs all the tournaments and stuff. And uh.... Mr. Uruchi scares me. Like, he scares a lot of people." Blazermate then leaned in a bit for a moment, as if this was some kind of wrong opinion. "I don't think he's human, or medabot personally. He shows up when a robattle is going to happen like 95% of the time and the ways he shows up are... bizarre. If we ever meet him, you'll know what I mean. Straight out of a horror novel sometimes!" With Blazermate done explaining her world, she then asked Nadia, laying in the air with her hands on her chin as if she was lying on a bed belly down. "So what about yours? You said it wasn't that good?"

The deluge of information, not all of it contextualized or coherently structured, left Nadia somehow feeling like she knew less than when Blazermate first began to explain. So there were medabots, machines so mass-produced and commercially available that basically everyone had them, but they also had personalities and wills of their own? But they were also mostly used for fighting? That seemed like a recipe for disaster in and of itself, but apparently the only criminal organization worth mentioning also happened to be grossly incompetent. But there were also people stronger than medabots like this Phantom Thief guy, who evidently wasn't related at all to Joker or any of the other Phantom Thieves found in the Dead Zone, and a monster called Uruchi that crashed medabot battles. And aliens, which wasn't exactly treated with the gravitas that Nadia might expect, but maybe they just weren't that big a deal in her world?

In the midst of trying to process the information, Nadia got asked about her own world. She took a long sip of her drink as she thought about what to say, then cleared her throat. "Well, it's flawed I guess, but isn't that just the way things are? The country I live in is called the Canopy Kingdom, and I'm in the capital, New Meridian. Mostly Little Innsmouth, which is the port district, but I go all over the city for...errands. Ya know, pickin' up stuff. Anyway, after a big war with its neighbors, the whole country went through a big economic boom, a so-called golden age, though some folks call it 'gilded' instead, 'cause under all the showbiz and shine there's a whole lotta rot. Crime, corruption, you name it. Unlike where you're from, the bad guys are real good at what they do, and there's tons of 'em. And the cops who're meant to be keepin' people safe? Just as dirty as the scum they're supposed to be after. For most folks it's just hard scrapin' by." It felt weird giving a run-down on her world for the second time that afternoon. Nadia was trying not to just repeat what she said before. "The biggest problem is the Skullgirls. They're crazy strong freaks of nature who control the dead, usin' em to kill people and make more dead. Just think of 'em as one-woman zombie apocalypses. The last one was so bad it took all three kingdoms workin' together to put her down, singlehandedly endin' the war. It..." she windmilled her hands, searching for an appropriate term. "...Sucks. And after what happened with Linkle, it ain't hard to guess why new ones keep comin'. No wish is pure enough for that damn thing."

Nadia sighed again and wiped a bead of sweat from her brow. "All things considered though, when there's no Skullgirl around, I guess it ain't thaaat bad. Just gotta keep your head down, an eye out, and work hard to earn your livin'." Her voice went low as she gazed off into the horizon. "And hope nobody comes along to take it all away..."

Blazermate took in the information Nadia told her. So she was basically from a city that was corrupt. That felt... normal in a way? But then she descried things on how it went way deeper than what the roborobs did. And then the zombies... "Huh... seems like its a lot more...... grimy compared to mine. Besides roborobos and the occasional evil guys, we don't have to worry about that stuff. Zombie apocalypse? yeesh. That would be really bad where I'm from if they were stronger than most medabots... And our cops are kinda incompetent too. After all, they lose to the roborobs, so... yeah. Not corrupt though, at least I don't think so?" Blazermate, landed and started to think, tilting her head as she did so. "Do yo think all worlds have stuff like that? I mean, stuff that tries to destroy or take over the world?"

"Uhhhh..." Nadia hadn't expecting such an existential question, especially over a topic that she was so poorly-equipped to handle. Still, after a couple moments, she managed to drum up the best answer she could. "Ya know, probably not. I'm sure there's a bunch of nice, peaceful worlds out there. Just green hills, white picket fences, blue skies, and sunny days as far as the eye can see." Such idyllic countrysides were a tough image to picture outside of very optimistic advertisements and children's cartoons, palatable to only the young and desperate for their idyllic naivety. Was such a place, cloying saccharine and conflict-free, something that Nadia Fortune wanted? The cat burglar shrugged. "Then again, a world like that...it'd be pretty boring, right?"

Blazermate agreed with Nadia. "Yeah... no conflict means things would get boring fast. Its like you need a balance otherwise bad things happen one way or the other. " Still though, she was just making an idle question, and Nadia had to make her think as well! guess thats what happens when you just ask rhetorical questions....

"Hey, I just thought of something!" the feral exclaimed suddenly, her ears going rigid with excitement. "I've never actually flown before. Do you think you could carry me up into the sky and gimme a bird's-eye view of the coast? That'd be so cool! I'm only like, one thirty. Maybe a little more with the new tail. Whaddya think?"
Blazermate thought for a moment before getting into her flying stance. "Yeah sure, do you want to ride on my back or have me carry you?"
Nadia was by her side in a second, visibly giddy. "If I go on your back I can't see past your head things, dummy!" she teased before turning to present the medabot her back "Here, just grab me around the middle."

Blazermate shrugged, and grabbed Nadia by her waist. "Alrighty, so, don't try to shove your hands into my hair and all things will be fine. I know they look like they're good to grab, but I assure you they're not!" And with that little joke she took off, lifting off gently before she started to fly up. Thanks to her increased strength gained by the spirits she had absorbed Nadia wasn't that bad to carry, and while she was a bit slower than she normally would be, she was up in the sky, soon flying over Limsa and following Nadia's direction on where she wanted to go.

Or at least, she would be, if Nadia wasn't mostly preoccupied with losing her mind. "Wooooooooooo!" she yowled, holding up her arms like she was riding a roller coaster. "I'm on top of the wooooooooooooorld!" Seeing as Blazermate had no direction, she just zoomed over whatever caught her fancy.

Level 8 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (33/80)
Level 1 Raiden - (42/10)
Location: Mountain Guardian Train Fight
Word Count: 2429
+8 EXP

The grip of Raiden’s hands tightened as the assault against the large creature became fiercer with every second. Holding on to Tharja and Robin with all of his might, his heels began digging into the metal of the train’s deck, making a terrible screeching noise as he grinded against the tipping train. Every passing second, the cyborg felt his grip slipping more and more as everyone continued attacking. Afraid he was about to lose his own grip, he looked backwards over his shoulder to see the counterbalance tipping further and further. Surely the end of their campaign was coming soon. It sure seemed that way at least. “Come on guys!! We got this!!” He shouted with desperation in his voice.

Sectonia didn’t have too many issues when the train tilted back onto the rails with the big creature retreating due to all the damage it took, only needing to fly up a bit to avoid needing to hold on like the others. She did grab the Scout so he didn’t fall over, and soon the train was back on the move, with the creature soon retaliating with another one of those big spike things that caused so much damage before.

Flying forward with the big thud that the train created with its return to the tracks, Raiden safely returned Tharja and Robin to the deck of the train as he recovered from his backwards fall. He’d brush off his chest from the tumble as he stood back onto his two feet, recovering his lost footing. “Is everyone alright? Nasty turn that shit took.” He asked as he scouted the rest of the train. He wasn’t the only one who needed a break. Sure, his body could be as limber as cybernetics could make him, but damn was his age catching up with him.

The Scout, having gotten to his feet, thanked the queen before going off to do his tasks on the train. Seeing the attack being launched, Sectonia pointed up at the attack and said. ”No one will be if that attack hits again. This train can’t take much more of those type of attacks.” Sectonia said.

Raiden heard the queen speak from above, looking upwards he nodded in her direction. “You’re not wrong… if those explosive… things, get on the train again…. Well, we’ll be in some deep shit.” He scratched his metallic chin for a moment, contemplating the best course of action to take. “If I could get up there… Then maybe I would be able to split the pod in half.” The idea was insane, yet with Raiden’s ability to precisely halve anything that came his way… It was worth a shot. There wasn’t much time.

“Miss… Whatever your name is.” He said referring to Sectonia with a glace. “Is there any way you can buy me some time to find a way up?” His voice had managed to hide his panic in the moment. If they didn’t act fast, that thing was sure to strike the train again and leave scattered living bombs all over again.

”Queen Sectonia, ruler of…” Sectonia said to Raiden’s question, beginning her introduction. seeing as they didn’t have much time she stopped herself before she got going. ”... Yes I can. The issue is getting rid of it. ” she said. Still, the object was going to soon be at its arc, so if Sectonia was to intercept it there wasn’t much time. “Leave that to me, all I need is time.” Glancing at the cyborg newcomer who, out of everyone, seemed to be born in combat, who needed maybe a bit of beauty treatment, Sectonia began to fly at the falling object, using the power granted by the Chaos Heart to conjure a very strong rainbow shield around herself as she summoned her swords.

“Didn’t know that was possible… Huh.” Raiden said, shrugging off his confusion about the nature of magic once again. Now that the spiked pod was being dealt with, this gave Raiden time to contemplate how he could get an attack up there. Sure, he could throw his blade like he did against the Hegel… Or he could even attempt to launch himself up there with a running vault… But both plans would more than likely fail with an attempt. If he threw his blade, he could scatter the Bolsepia amongst the ship once more… And if he did perform a stunt to get up there, there’s no possible way he could reach it OR safely return.

He didn’t need luck or a daring stunt… What Raiden needed was a plan. A REAL plan… and soon. Looking over at the crew, he remembered that there was another strong armed man who could get him up there faster than any trick or precise throw. “Keep that thing up there! I’m coming up!” He shouted to Sectonia. There wasn’t much he could do for inspirational words in the heat of battle.

It wasn’t like Sectonia could do much but hold the colossal object back. Holding her swords in a guard, she eventually met the attack head on, her shield holding, however the attack didn’t just stop, it kept pushing her, as if it was homing in on the train. Just stopping it momentarily wouldn’t be enough to have it miss the train. Sectonia wasn’t too surprised at this fact at this point, but it was a slight hope dashed. Still, she wasn’t sure how long she could hold this thing back.

Raiden quickly jogged to the brass man who acknowledged him at the beginning of their insane train ride. He was hoping that he would agree to Raiden’s crazy idea, but anything was worth a shot if it meant saving the crew extra clean up work with the makeshift explosive creatures. “Listen, I got a plan, but it’s gonna take some brawn.” He spoke up to Big Band. “It’s gonna sound crazy, but I need you to throw me at the pod. If I can get close to it, I can split that thing in two.”

To the swordsman’s surprise, Band didn’t seem to give the absurd idea a second thought. “You got it, hot shot.” He deployed a giant mechanical arm, all brass tubes and silver cylinders, with its finger plates spread wide. Inside yawned the launch tube, where anyone unfortunate enough to get caught in his classic Take the A-Train grab could typically look forward to getting pile-drived over and over again. A slight adjustment to the inner workings, however, meant that Raiden could skip straight to the part where he got spat out at superfluous speed. The detective scooped Raiden up and pulled back on the slide. As he prepared for launch, Raiden clenched onto his currently readied weapon, ready to fly for the sky. Finally, with his brass knuckle as wound-up as it would get, Band gave the signal. “Let’s drop the beat!”

He launched Raiden as he punched, and like a rocket the swordsman took off. Once he had blasted, he hurled directly towards the pod at deadly impact speeds. As he clutched his sword close to his chest. As he rocketed ballistically closer and closer to the point of interception, he prepared his blade for attack. “Outta the way!!!” He shouted to Sectonia as he got dangerously close to her.

Sectonia had been maintaining her gird and concentration as Raiden had been making his plans to launch himself up to the incoming missile, and while her shield held for a good while, it was getting close to breaking. It was at this time Sectonia heard Raiden, but seeing as she was too busy keeping this thing from getting past, or through, her, she couldn’t do much but slightly glance at the cyborg.

Being unable to heed his warning, Raiden approached faster than expected. With the queen still in the way, it left very little for him to do. He hated to do this, but he’d have to push off of her for recon. “Sorry in advance!” He shouted as he grabbed onto the lower half of her body, narrowly dodging her stinger as he placed his feet back on to her body and used her as a living trampoline to get in front of her and closer to the orb. As he clenched his fist tighter around his blade, he slung it into an attacking position. Sectonia wasn’t ready to be treated like that so suddenly, which did break her concentration momentarily as she blushed a bit in embarrassment, giving Raiden a glare as he used her abdomen as a makeshift platform to get up into a cutting position, her shield breaking at the same time as he launched off her.

Now with a temporary boost, Raiden came to a sudden realization. There was no way he was coming back from this safely and without enough time to react, there was no way he’d be able to ask Sectonia for an impromptu pick-me-up. Not to mention considering the fact he used her to spring off towards the rocketing pod, she very well could be more than pissed at him. Consequences for quick thinking.

His blade held vertically, he prepared a charged swing as he took a momentary deep breath. With his blade mode, he was able to swiftly cut clean through the pod before it got too close to the train and caused it to knock off of the rails… God this beast was relentless. Now having executed his attack, Raiden’s blade mode had triggered offline as seemingly time resumed for him in his moment of attack. Releasing the breath he had held in from before the attack, Raiden just as quickly as he chopped through the pod, no began plummeting downwards towards the scorching sands of the desert. There was little time to examine his work on the pod, so he hoped he made enough work out of it to save the crew.

Sectonia, having taken a fair amount of damage, even with her chaos heart shield, from blocking such a large missile for an extended time, saw and felt that Raiden had managed to cut the pod and stop its ability to propel itself and home in on the train by well, chopping it in half. The cyborg couldn’t fly though, but lucky for him Sectonia was below to catch him, desummoning her swords to catch him. However, while he was much smaller than the queen, he was also heavier than her thanks to all his cybernetics. This was something that was made quite apparent as catching him made Sectonia do a bit of an unstable flip before she was able to regain her composure and slowly fly back down to the train, Raiden taking both of her hands to hold. Sectonia, as the pair descended, gave Raiden a glare for what he had done a bit earlier, having fully recomposed herself.

Thanks to the quick rescue from Sectonia, he did not wind up dead on the desert floor. He felt bad having her carry back his steel body, but luckily it wasn’t as heavy as he was back in South America. It was easy to say that cybernetics were not as advanced as they were before 2018. With his newer body he obtained fighting Desperado, Raiden was much lighter and nimble than he was when he fought alongside Snake those many years back, which definitely saved Sectonia at least SOME of the workload of carrying him.

“Thanks for the quick save, Queen Sectonia.” He nodded in genuine appreciation for her efforts, even trying his best to keep formality. While many of the crew had hopefully dealt with the other Akrids the large sand worm had spit out, he returned his attention back to the queen. “Oh, and sorry for using you like that to get to that pod. Only idea I had besides shoving you outta the way like a dick.”

Sectonia appreciated Raiden having the proper amount of formality, and while she did understand the situation had to happen as it did to deal with that attack, she still glared at him, but a lot less harshly than the initial glare. If the cyborg had known Sectonia prior, he’d know this glare was what she gave those she was inspecting more than anything. She then said. ”... Good job cutting that attack in half. You're quite strong and will make an excellent minion.” as she approached the train, a bit tired from having to both block that missile and carry Raiden back down to the ground.

Confused by her general comments after being set down, he looked at the queen with some shock in his expression. “Well, I’ve been a minion before, won’t change anything here I suppose, so long as nothing you're doing breaks my moral code.” He said, playing along with what she had said. The last thing he needed was an enemy, so for now, he’d play along with her belief of him being under her servitude.

Sectonia nodded at the cyborg, drifting down to take a rest from carrying him. ”Good, good. We will need to find you and the others some rewards when this thing is taken care of.” Sectonia said, looking at the others dealing with the Red Eye, the team of her, Raiden, and Big Band having taken care of the large threatening attack. ”Further introductions will need to wait until that thing is dead however. Such an ugly beast…” Sectonia did take a bit of a beating blocking that attack, so she was feeling the damage from this fight even with the slight regeneration her pipe of insight was giving her.

“Probably a good idea. God knows what it’s gonna throw at us next.” He sighed from exhaustion, if the rest of the crew had managed to get their work in while Raiden carved the pod, then hopefully they’d be that much closer to victory. Keeping his blade close, all Raiden could do now was wait. Sectonia kept an eye on her other minions as well. So far this beast was all brawn or minions, but it could have something else waiting for them as it started to fear its own mortality.

Level 10 Blazermate - (62/100) - 1 stored level up
A tour of Limsa
Words: 2833

Blazermate's Day on the Town

After some heated volleyball games, much like the rest of her friends, Blazermate went off to do her own thing. Seeing as the others were having fun on the beach doing what they did, Blazermate stuck around for a bit chilling before heading off to take a look at what Limsa itself could offer. It had been non stop fighting with only very small breaks recently, with terrors a plenty. And since it had been so high paced, there really wasn't much time to unwind and review things, especially compared to the last time she had gotten some time to rest and collect herself. Since then, Blazermate had gotten a lot of new parts, which both made her stronger, but also a bit... Well tripping on her new kimono if she wasn't careful was quite annoying. And her shield arm was quite... glitchy at times. So much so she hadn't really used it to hold much of anything since she got it due to how she didn't have good control over its grip.

Blazermate strolled through Limsa, looking at places where non ship girls gathered to see what kind of people even lived here now that she had the time. There were some neat faces, and as Blazermate looked through Limsa, it dawned on her. No one here had a medabot! Nor were there any medabots even moving through the city. Sure, it kind of made sense that with a massive fusion of worlds there wouldn't be too many medabots overall compared to everyone else, but having not met a single other one in a large city like this when almost every person had one from where she was from was still... concerning. Speaking of other robots, they seemed fairly rare outside of that one junkyard thing they had gone through what felt like years now. Thinking to herself, Blazermate came up upon a fancy looking restaurant run by a chef, who seemed to be giving orders to chefs under him to get food out to the clientele in the outside dining area looking upon the vast ocean. Hmm... There were cafe's like that at home, but not to this level of fanciness, even if the fanciness seemed to come more from the food than the location itself. Something she could only look at, but hey, it looked neat!

Blazermate kept touring Limsa, taking in the sights. Farther north from the eatery, Blazermate found a nice place where fighters were sparring and competing with each other for what looked like fun. It wasn't to the death or anything, considering either side could give up at any time, and everyone involved in the brawl got healed up by the nearby healers. That, and while they were shipgirls, they were giving orders to other shipgirls and others that seemed a lot more fresh faced, training them up to protect the city or the surrounding area? One of them a big guy who, while big, seemed extremely clumsy. Seeing a group come off of the sparring ring, Blazermate helped out the other healers with fixing up the fighters, much like she did to other medabots in the aftermath of a robattle. (Assuming she didn't eject their medals themselves.)

This went fine until her suffering arm, probably the weirdest looking part of her, started to act up again when the clumsy big guy tried to swing with a large mace, tripped, and instead landed on top of the living shield. The shield, getting whacked, decided to scream in the man's face, causing him to be pushed back and causing everyone nearby to cover their ears. Blazermate apologized for her shield arm, saying it just acted up sometimes. Considering its looks, while annoyed, some warriors nodded. Still, considering how finnicky this arm was, she'd need to go see someone about this so she could use this arm better. Sure she had a pocket engineer, but he was more for just fixing her up and maintenance, she'd need to find a non spirit kind of engineer for the more advanced stuff. After all, she did absorb the spirit of one of the abyssal commanders and if her shield caused a lot of issues even if she mostly kept it in control, something like the sun princess might have some other... complications.

After leaving the area with a few confused looks due to what had just happened, Blazermate asked around if anyone here was an engineer, and was eventually lead to the blacksmithing part of Limsa. Although compared to the Medabot Corporation this was more or less a cave where smiths pounded heated rocks into fancy shapes! Considering none of the areas she had been in had anything remotely at the technology level as her home, Blazermate wasn't surprised, but was a bit downtrodden at just how low the average technology level of this galeem land was. First Lumbridge then this... If she hadn't found that engineer so early on who knew his way around machines, she'd be in some serious trouble. Sure Tora knew some engineering stuff, but he was who knows where at this point so Blazermate couldn't find him anytime soon. And considering she was the main healer of the group, it would be prudent to make sure her new parts here didn't have any nasty surprises that might surface.

At first, Blazermate talked with the smiths. Being a robot caught their attention, and as she explained her situation, many, many of the smiths didn't really get it. Sure they were looking at her with wonderment, and some were writing down notes as she pulled off the parts on her healing arm to examine them and maybe get them examined, but it was soon clear no one in this place had any clue about the advanced technology behind how a medabot worked. Some did offer some things based of Aether, or ether, or... Well, Blazermate couldn't really get a good idea of what the smiths were talking about as a small shouting match seemed to form, with the argument of Aether vs Ether. Apparently both weren't the same thing but vastly different types of energy used for smithing or engineering or something? Blazermate did hear Tora talk about this when referring to Poppi, but it was still weird. It was as if they were discussing using the Medaforce or something to craft things? When it was clear she wasn't going to get much in the way of help after the argument between the two forms of magical energy, Blazermate put herself back together and as she was about to leave, one of the apprentices of the smithy suggested a shop down near the plaza that might be able to help the medabot, a shop that seemed to make devices that defied reason. Blazermate figured this was some kind of 'magic' thing she had heard about, but decided to go take a look either way. Maybe she could find some cool parts at least.


Making her way to the alleyway near the plaza she was told to go to, Blazermate found a shop simply named "Mimic's workshop." This shop didn't look too impressive on the outside, but once inside... "Oh, a new customer? Welcome..." The man said, turning around to meet Blazermate's eyes.

Blazermate found Mimic, a big old man with a big beard. For some reason he gave Blazermate a vibe of being Tora's father, even if the two weren't related at all. Mimic looked at Blazermate with a keen interest, almost like the blacksmiths she had just seen. But looking around the shop, this guy was far more used to advanced technology compared to those people with devices around the shop going from staempunk to industrial to glowing magic tech, and the one that caught Blazermate's eye, an M-model tinpet. Watching the medabot look around his store, Mimic watched with curiosity, waiting patiently for her to introduce herself. After getting her look around, Blazermate said. "Hello, I'm Blazermate. Someone at the smithy said you knew a bit more about technology than they do?"

"Yes I do. There hasn't been a technology yet that I haven't been able to copy. Its why I'm called Mimic you know." the old man said with a chuckle. Blazermate wasn't too happy about hearing that, but Medabots outside of their tinpets were extremely easy to maintain so... maybe it wouldn't be so bad? Considering what he had to show in his store, he at least was smart.

"Hm... Well, I kind of need some of my new parts here looked at. I can fix myself, but I got a feeling these parts might be a bit... buggy. " Blazermate said. While her medic parts and abyssal parts seemed to work just fine, it was obvious to Mimic that the creepy demonic looking shield arm of hers was very twitchy and definitely buggy.

"Well, I haven't really seen one of whatever you are before, but I'm sure with a little intuition I can figure it out!" Mimic said with a gung ho attitude. Blazermate wasn't too... enthusiastic about this but if it was just her parts and nothing with her medal or anything it'd be fine. Probably, maybe.

"Well, I guess lets get started... " Blazermate said. She'd soon cheer up though; while Mimic wasn't a medabots technician, he was much more aware of how her inner workings worked than the smithies. Sure he had to look over some of her parts a bit more, but he could point out the basic components inside them without much issue. And as Blazermate took off each part to be examined, Mimic noticed very quickly that her 'skeleton' was very similar to the one he had on his shelf, although a bit wider in areas and pink instead of blue. Considering Blazermate looked like a girl, he could put two and two together very quickly.

First she wanted him to look at her most used part, her medigun and now massive syringe looking sword hybrid. This was the part that Blazermate wasn't as worried about but it was a good idea to get it looked at. And much like Blazermate figured, Mimic didn't see anything wrong with it. Next was her leg parts, which Mimic gave Blazermate the courtesy to look away as she took those off. Seeing as these were only affected by her kimono bottoms, there wasn't much issues with this either, besides the kimono being a bit of a tripping hazard.

Next was the glitchy part, her shield arm. And yeah, this one had problems. While Blazermate knew that this part was a bit... strange looking, it seemed good enough besides the fact that it'd often react to things that struck it without her input. But this part, out of all of her parts, was something that was especially something Mimic's skills could examine well. After a hard look he came to the conclusion that Blazermate would need something to help her comparability with this part; as he explained to Blazermate that this part had a bit of a corrupting influence, and that any demonic things would hold great sway on the medabot without a proper filter for its corrupting influence.

"Huh... That'd explain a lot." Blazermate said. "I did get that in a place where zombies and other weird things were roaming around. This one could control the zombies so I thought it was a really good thing to help my team out at the time. Less enemies on their side, more allies on our side and all that. And then it turned into a shield and that has been really helpful!" Mimic nodded at this, still concerned for the lady medabot, but she wasn't evil or anything so it seemed like she had some level of control over whatever this arm was. Still, as a courtesy he looked at the tinpet under that arm in particular and found that if she had some kind of filter or something, she could remove the glitchiness of this part in particular and be in full control of it at all times. This wasn't something he could offer right away, but he said he'd keep an eye out for a technology of this kind and asked Blazermate to come back later.

Finally was her head part, which as standard for a medabot, also contained her body and medal. Now she was able to remove the head part itself to have Mimic take a look at, the mechanic finding no problems but noting that due to the extra weight offered by whatever the abyssal sun princess gave Blazermate, she would be a bit slower in flying, something Blazermate had noticed. When it came to her body part though, she tried her best to keep her medal hatch and that whole area hidden. Seeing the medabot actually being sheepish about something, Mimic didn't push the issue having a Niece himself. Blazermate did tell him that she was sure that part wouldn't have any issues, and left it at that. Still Mimic was able to get a glance at all the extra features and downsides the medic spirit had given the medabot, and informed her that much like all the other parts, there wasn't an issue per say, but her plating in her shoulders and back was a bit light.

With her checkup complete, Blazermate thanked Mimic. "So... how much do I owe you then?" with the mechanic saying. "Well, if you could tell me what this thing is, seeing as you have a pink looking version of it under your 'parts' I'll consider that payment enough." Mimic then brought up the male tinpet he had on his wall, flipping it over to reveal the spot that Blazermate had been hiding. With all her parts back on and everything, she was much more willing to at least tell him about that.

"Oh thats the medal slot. Basically the medabot brain, soul, and power source. Without a medal you just have a super durable frame, but nothing else." Blazermate said. Mimic requested that Blazermate maybe draw him a picture, since she was unwilling to show that part and from what she said, justifiably so. Blazermate did so, and Mimic was taken aback by how simple such an important part looked. Talking with this man, Blazermate said. "You know, I have a mechanic friend that looks like a feathery onion. But I didn't need much of a checkup at the time so he hasn't actually taken a close look at me like you have. But the constant fighting probably didn't help matters much either..." Mimic nodded as Blazermate thought that maybe Tora would like to know all this too, in case Blazermate got another 'evil' part or something.

The two chatted a bit seeing as there weren't any other customers coming in at the moment, Mimic asking a few questions about Blazermate herself, having not many opportunities to talk to the technology he was tinkering with, with Blazermate telling him what she knew when ti seemed appropriate. After a bit, she changed the subject. "So I am a support medabot, but these enemies we're fighting are getting stronger and stronger, and that last one we had to fight... It was like fighting a massive team of God Emperors with how hard it hit. And while so far I've been able to keep myself safe, I'm sure at some point things will act like they would in a medafight and start targeting me... So yeah, I'll need to make sure I'm at my best to handle that."

"Any reason you can't use more weapons to defend yourself?" Mimic asked, a prudent question, but Blazermate shook her head. "I can use some basic stuff, but I'm a support medabot, not a shooting or melee medabot, so most weapons or advanced acrobatics aren't really something I can do." He nodded, even if Mimic didn't fully understand what Blazermate meant. "Still... Knowing that these parts are working fine, well, besides this one." she said, raising her suffering arm. "'sigh', Its a load off my mind. Considering these parts didn't come from other medabots."

Time passed by as the two talked, but eventually it had to be brought to an end. With a wave Blazermate said goodbye to the kind bearded fellow and said she'd visit later. Having done her tour around town, Blazermate went back to the beach to meet up with the rest of the group. On her way back, she bumped into Nadia, calling her over and running to her with a waving arm. Stopping in front of the catgirl, Blazermate said, her voice very chipper "How has your downtime been? Mines been great! Can't fight 24/7 you know!"

Level 8 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (27/80)
Location: Mountain Guardian Train Fight
Word Count: 604

Seeing their opportunity as Sectonia was busy attacking their boss, a few flying enemies she had missed decided to attack the bee queen, divebombing into her and exploding on contact. Sectonia was quite tough however, and that wasn't enough to cripple her. It did hurt for sure, but not enough for her to externally react. And after a few counterattacks by her minions exposing a weakpoint and another shell landing upon said creature, it took a massive chunk of damage, exploding into gore as it lost a massive part of itself.

"This creature couldn't be more disgusting if it tried." Sectonia said. With a giant chunk taken out of it, bones exposed, it was still trying to detail the train, having even caught up to it presumably after losing a massive chunk of its body making it lighter, and thus, faster. All while causing some damage to the train, the biggest problem exposing the ammo car to the open air.

Sectonia knew this could cause some massive, massive issues if this creature tried the same tactic twice. And while it wasn't the smartest, even an accidental type attack that hit that exposed ammo cache would cause a massive explosion and wipe out all of her minions. Well, she couldn't have that. So while the rest of her minions made their way to attempt to attack the exposed spine of this creature, Sectonia took her time to summon a crystal and use it to cover the exposed ammo car, resealing it so that this creature couldn't cause any issues later on. This did finally tire the queen though, and while the others were off the train attacking, she had to fly and take a bit of a rest on the train.

Of course she refused to allow her minions to know she was tired, so she put on a front to use her position on the train to defend the crystal she had just made as she fired large rings of light at the creature's spine, the light rings acting like buzzsaws as they flew. Her little magical mask made some go off course, hitting the creature in other spots, but after a volley of 5 large rings, which became 15 when split, at least a couple would hit their target.

Thanks to her vantage spot on the train, overlooking everyone trying to get this massive creature to stop trying to derail the train, Sectonia got a good look at what everyone could do. While none of them seemed to have the same magical abilities as her, she did notice at what everyone else was bringing to damage this thing. Tora was fairly straightforward, punch the thing using a combination of Poppi, some mechanical thing, and his own strength. Midna surprised her the most, showing that while she herself wasn't an accomplished mage in most regards, she did have a mastery over teleportation and portal magic, throwing things or summoning things out of portals at an even faster pace than the Queen. Raz... Sectonia really couldn't figure out what he was attempting as his attack was a lot less flashy. He seemed to jab the spine of the creature, in an attempt to sever it like she was? Well at least her rings of light wouldn't bother her minions.

Looking at the others on the train, Sectonia said. "Get that gun ready to fire!" She'd assist, but her size made that difficult, so she decided after her barrage of attacks to potentially catch any of her minions if they fell off the train when this thing no doubt counterattacked from all their attacks.

Level 8 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (25/80)
Location: Mountain Guardian Train Fight
Word Count: 436

This thing just spat out more and more reinforcements. Even with Sectonia and her minions clearing the path for the others, some still go through. At least that new passenger was doing some good work cleaning up the baddies that got past the queen. Still, this thing wasn't letting up, and while she could fly backwards and still strike this thing, it wasn't all that pleasant to do.

But soon, at last, the cannon fired. And the creature in response, having actually felt that attack, decided to launch a big ball at the train that landed, releasing a ton of what were soon to be found out, bomb creatures. Likewise after having taken that shot, red bulbous growths appeared all along the creature in some spots between its plates, spots that Sectonia was informed were weak points and that the others not manning the big gun nor dealing with the rabble were shooting at.

"hmm hmm hmm. Weak points? What a quaint novelty. " Sectonia muttered to herself. Seeing as her minions on the train were having some issues with the bombers, Sectonia turned to face the train, and seeing who was doing the most of the killing down there, decided to cast her haste spell on Raiden, Raz, and everyone nearby. She was unaware of, nor could see, Tora in his station and his situation, but she could at least summon some ice antillions to start to freeze the stuff on the train to finalize her aid to the train crew before turning back to the monster, and with some cackles, threw her light rings at the creature. She did bemoan a bit though that it would be nice to be able to rest on the train and snipe this thing at her leisure though...

Level 8 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (23/80)
Location: Mountain Guardian Train Fight
Word Count: 436

While her spells hit the creature dead on, even with some of their weird patterns thanks to one item she held, this creature didn't seem to mind even with the ones that bypassed its natural defenses. Its size just had some insane bulk that not even her spells could put a dent into. But thanks to her haste buff and the additional buffs of Primrose, at least her minions could get to the train without much issue all except one which decided to stay and try to fight with the queen.

Seeing as her attacks were doing nothing nor were her new minion, Sectonia elected to bring the two of them back to the train as well, seeing as the rest of their group had made it there and were beginning to take off. Flying around, she grabbed Raz out of the air to bring him to safety as the giant monster was getting up and getting ready to chase the train. "We'd best follow the train if our attacks do nothing." Sectonia said a bit annoyed herself. Sure she could probably beat this thing eventually if it had nothing to deal with an airborn fighter like herself, but it would take forever to wear it down. Raz in hand, she flew to the train, needing to cast a bit of Haste on herself to catch up to the now moving train.

Dropping Raz off when she could, Sectonia flew backwards facing the creature, flying above the train and making sure to stay clear of that giant cannon. She had cannons like that back in Floralia, so she knew what kind of damage it could cause if she even got clipped by it. Descending down, she found a spot to talk to the others on the train, noticing a shiny newcomer but just figured that was a traveler who got roped up in this. "I don't think I can slow that monstrosity, nor boost the train itself. We had best keep it busy while the cannon is loaded and fired my minions." Sectonia said. And while saying that, the creature began to spit out smaller creatures in quite a large number to assault the train itself, the creature able to keep up with, but not outpace, the train so far.

Well, they couldn't have the train be attacked now could they? Sectonia summoned her staffs, and flew to meet the oncoming horde, casting a volley of dark lightning all around herself towards the oncoming horde to clear them out, making sure to not get in the way of the massive cannon for obvious reasons.

Level 8 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (21/80) -

Location: Mountain Guardian
Word Count: less than 750

Well, at least Midna's gambit worked. Either way, in order to 'free' this creature they all still had to damage it quite heavily. But this large creature would be extremely useful once they all saw the real boss that spawned when those pillars were destroyed. It was MASSIVE, bursting through the peak of the mountain, but apparently not very nimble as it tumbled down the mountain. Down towards the towns they had visited on their way here. Sort of annoying, but they all could at least chase it with their new minion. unfortunitely Sectonia couldn't assist any of her allies that missed their chance to grab onto the phalanx as she needed to teleport in order to even keep up with the creature going at full speed down the mountain, the big creature rolling the whole way.

Once they all reached the bottom, Sectonia could only laugh and say. "So how long will this one take to kill?" seeing as all of her spells would hit that thing even with their weird patterns sometimes. The only big worry was the fact that it was near Tostarena town and would probably attack it if not distracted. Also it WAS quite large, so getting hit by it would not be great.

But seeing that everyone was in agreement to attack this thing, Sectonia casted Haste on everyone, aiding those who wanted to go to the train and use its giant cannon to attack this thing. Meanwhile Sectonia herself threw barrage after barrage of Rings and Void globules at range. This thing was quite large, so it would take awhile to kill it, but at least she didn't have to worry much about accuracy with how large this thing was. At this time she felt she had a new power, gained from that spirit she had absorbed. Something that was much like her haste/slow spell, although she didn't know what it was exactly. Still seeing as it was a kind of 'buff', she used it on a hasted Tora, as he would probably be doing something foolhardy. The Nipon being surrounded by a very faint dark rainbow shield that would reduce the damage he took and absorb some of the damage he'd take.

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