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Level 9 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (3/90)

Location: Haven
Word Count: Less than 750

Sectonia was pretty happy with that new power of hers. Considering it manipulated more exotic magic itself, she was very sure it asn't from that flower dragon thing she had recently absorbed. Speaking of which, seeing as only a couple enemies could reach her where she was and the one that did leap for her was knocked out of the sky by some of the locals, Sectonia decided to try her other new spirit's power and rained down solar beams to attempt to clear a path back to the train for her land bound allies. Although while they were laser beams, they weren't as great at clearing space as her other attacks, and after trying a few solar blasts, she decided to just clear the way with her large Rings of Light, which covered far more space. Even if they were occasionally a bit random now as they were duplicated in triplicate.

Sectonia gave her allies air support in this way, although considering the ranged weapons of the enemies below and her royal size, it wasn't really difficult to hit the queen bee while she was in the air raining down spells. Although after the first few hits Sectonia put up her Chaos Heart shield which deflected quite a bit of gunfire that went her way. Even so, Sectonia was on a timer as more and more enemies focused on her instead of her allies, and she had to start blinking around and towards the station as her allies managed to approach it.

"So... lets make our way to the next stop. This place has quite the stinging pest problem." Sectonia said when they were all at the station and out of danger from the hordes.

Level 10 Blazermate - (97/100) - 1 stored level up
Level 2 Susie - (16/20)
Peach's Castle
Words: 1251

Having completed their matches, Susie and Blazermate were spending their time relaxing more than anything. The two robot ladies were chatting about their old worlds before having come to the WoL as Nadia and the others were running about doing who knows what. "So, you kind of look like a really fancy medabot. All round and everything. Most medabots don't have that look." Blazermate said as the two girls were sitting at a table watching everyone else do their thing.
"You keep calling artificial people medabots. Is that your word for 'robots'?" Susie asked, sipping on a coffee cup she bought.
"Well, no. I know what robots are, but medabots are way more advanced than robots. I mean, it even looks like you have arm parts, a head part, and leg parts! Although no medal slot, but... well your not a medabot, but you look like one!" Blazermate said, a bit incredulous as this hasn't been the first time she had been asked that question. Susie putting down her cup to think for a moment trying to decipher what Blazermate had said. Looking the medabot over, she got an idea of what she meant. After all, that shield arm did not even match Blazermate's color scheme at all, and it was clearly her arm and not just being worn.

"I see. Well, if you mean by 'parts' things that you can swap around, no, I can't do that. That does explain your look though." Susie said, following with "Like some science experiment gone wrong." under her breath. Not missing a beat after saying that though, Susie continued. "Like that shield for example, that looks bolted on. I could see interchangeable parts being an interesting Haltmann robotics product. Would you care to show me how they work?"

Much to Susies surprise, Blazermate obliged. Not even needing to turn herself off or go into some kind of 'modeling' chamber, Blazermate pulled out a screwdriver and twisted a few screws and popped out a few tabs and her shield arm fell off into two distinct parts, her tinpet arm showing. "See, like this. Your a smart girl, I'm sure you could figure out how to put it back on." Blazermate said, offering her tinpet arm and her disassembled shield to Susie. Blazermate felt like she could easily take on Susie even with one less part, so she was ready to attack her if it came to that.

Of course it didn't, and Susie quickly found out the trick to taking parts off of and putting parts back onto Blazermate. She did notice there was something 'missing' with Blazermate's shield arm when she put it back on the second time, having disassembled it out of curiosity. At first Susie thought she lost a piece, but Blazermate assured her it was fine as it always snapped on like that, before explaining that this arm had always been a bit glitchy since she got it. "See? A simple yet powerful system." Blazermate didn't mention that in her world most medabots were essentially toys for grade schoolers, so they were made as simple as possible to assemble. Knowing that fact would make ANY of her new friends look at the medabot in quite the different light after all.

"Hm... Well I don't know everything, but yes, I see a new Haltmann line of robotics. A consumer model. Although the overhead might be a bit..." Susie said, muttering to herself after Blazermate had reassured her she was fine. Having shown Susie something, Blazermate then asked her a question. "So your artificial like me right? Why are you drinking and eating food? Thats really weird."

Susie giggled at that comment, sipping more coffee in an almost 'are you jealous' fashion before saying. "I'm just that advanced. I don't need them, but the world would be boring if you couldn't taste ice cream." This still confused blazermate to no end, but she just went with it in the end. Susie did look like a super fancy medabot from the future or something, so future parts were just weird like that then.

The two girls chatted a bit more before an idea struck Blazermate. "Hey... We have been going around beating Galeem's champions and all that, but you know... If things are going to just scale up as we go we should get new parts... Or I guess powers, upgrades, all that sorta thing... You know what I mean. We should go and actually look for good ones for a time before we go fight more champions. Just finding what we do on the way has worked so far, but there has to be like, super good stuff just sitting around off the beaten path that could make us all super strong and make this champion busting thing way easier. " Blazermate mused. Bowser had been fine with eating any spirit that came his way, but there had to be a better way to find super good ones. Finding stuff that worked for Blazermate were really rare.

Susie agreed with this plan, but at the same time wondered how they would even go about that. She had been keeping an eye on her PDA on her sales on the Grand Exchange, trying to turn more profits so that she could buy any high tech stuff that came her way in a shop, but she had found stuff like that was rare. Watching Susie doodle with her PDA, Blazermate asked what she was doing, and as Susie explained her idea, Blazermate did something Susie didn't expect, and scoff at the executive.

"You shouldn't just look for tech. There is magic stuff too that might work just as well. I've seen it. Heck, I think these little pins I have are magic." Blazermate said, gesturing to three little badges she had on her chest. "Like imagine stickers or something that makes you stronger, tankier, or gives you superpowers. Things like that exist here and you can't limit yourself to just technology, even if its good."

Susie had to take a bit to calm down and think as to what Blazermate was saying, before asking the Medabot. "And you know this from experience?" with Blazermate nodding, continuing. "Yeah. I also found this ghost like 'powerup' or so I think it was called. It did nothing to me visually on the outside, but now I can summon exploding homing ghosts. A really cool power that takes no part slots? Yes please!" What Blazermate was saying did make sense to Susie, perhaps she had been a bit too quick to ignore things like that, but she'd need to see more things like that in action. She wasn't going to adopt 'savage' items without them being worth it.

Level 9 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (2/90)

Location: Haven
Word Count: Less than 750

It took the Moogle some time to figure out exactly where they were, time that Sectonia really didn't have anything to do but wait for the creature to get its information gathered. After a bit, the Moogle came back and gave Sectonia a new plan. "I do question using these trains as a 'portal nexus'. Collecting the currency needed to buy a pass for everyone might become cumbersome." Sectonia said as the Moogle informed her that they were close, but that she should check out the other stations.

During this time, the creatures on the forest floor began to attack those in one of the towers. Seeing that their allies were udner attack, the Antillions did what they were ordered, shooting lightning orbs at the incoming attackers or hitting them with their clubs if they got close. Of course antillions weren't the tankiest of things, so there was only so much they could do as they helped the others fight. Midway through the fight though, Sectonia joined, Red deciding to attack one of the bigger targets in the fight.

Now, Sectonia could tell there was something a bit different about her when she got to this area, and the time she had gotten to hereslf to think about it while she waited for the moogle had her sort of figure out what was going on. As Sectonia hovered above the battle, mostly unnoticed by those on the ground, she decided to try to use this new power of hers. Charging up the power for a fairly decent amount of time, at least for something in combat, Sectonia looked at the largest group of enemies that were swarming her allies and unleashed the spell in a wide area.

Instantly everyone that was looking at the area that Sectonia had 'detonated' could see space and reality shatter as if it was glass. While her allies were unaffected by the damage, they too were still subject to the visual distortions that occurred. At first, things were just a black and purple swirling void that had shattered through reality. There was a clear definition where this ability had hit, with the edges looking like fractured glass. Those inside the swirling cloud could see nothing but darkness. A few moments later though, the cloud cleared, but what was left of the area was a white void lacking of shading, with vague outlines showing where objects were. Enemies that had survived and Sectonia's allies looked normal though.

This area would eventually return to normal, but those that took damage from this were either disintegrated or heavily damaged. Thanks to her control of magic, she could at least make it so her allies weren't damaged. This also gave her allies some breathing room and signified her return in quite a flamboyant fashion. "Everyone, apparently the plan is to map out every stop, so back on the train we go, apparently." Sectonia said.

Level 9 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (1/90) Level up!
Location: The Metro > Haven
Word Count: Less than 750

Sectonia lucked out. While the buildings taken over by nature could do with some work, overall she found a nice, beautiful nature area awaiting her at the end of the mint line. It was somewhat funny how out of every trio, Sectonia's group was the richest. That Scout really knew how to grab those pons, almost if the allure of money was too enticing for him to stop gathering them after awhile. Sectonia's excuse was her antillions weren't really given an exact amount to collect. They just kept collecting and collecting wherever they could find them until they were finally taken out by some of the cats. But by then they had collected more than enough. Sectonia wondered if these things could be used elsewhere? But now wasn't the time for that.

Having joined them after doing his own mission, Red suggested that everyone keep a low profile in this place, at least as low as they could. Stealth wasn't really Sectonia's thing, with her saying. "What Queen of beauty would hide her presence? These things don't look too bad." Sectonia said, pointing to a Glyphid Grunt which the Scout seemed to recognize right away and throwing a void globule at it, causing it to dissolve into black goo and leave its spirit behind.

Still, this area was fairly enemy filled, so summoning a moogle here probably wasn't the best idea. "I will fly up to the top of that tree to summon the moogle. I will leave some antillions behind to help you all while I am away." Saying that, Sectonia summoned a bunch of green electric antillions and told them to protect the others while she made her way up to the top of the tree, being the only one with flight and thus the one who could make it there the easiest.

Seeing how massive the tree was, it did take Sectonia a bit of time to get up there, but once she was up there, she could look over the whole area. Much of it was like she saw from the ground, a bunch of trees everywhere having taken over urban ruins. She couldn't see the various creatures below though, being too high up. But this height did give her a good time to summon the Moogle, who appeared in a cloud of smoke when summoned.

"You called me, kupo?" The moogle said, with Sectonia replying by pointing at the area they were in. "We came off of Mint line and appeared here. The plan was to catalog where each line went." She then pointed down to the derelect station they had come from, with the moogle nodding along getting a look over the area.

Meanwhile Sectonia's antillions were doing what they were told, and helped the others on the ground with their lightning bolts whenever appropriate.
Medaboat battle

Wordcount 4188 6 xp.

Level 10 Blazermate - (94/100) - 1 stored level up
Rika: ////////////////////////////////////////////////// (6/50)

“So, you and me huh?” Rika said as she wandered over to meet up with Blazermate before pausing for a moment and then asking, “So, uh, do you have any idea how this works?”

[color=0072bc]”Uh, vaguely.”/color] Blazermate said, gesturing for Rika to follow her. As they moved through Alcamoth Blazermate said what she thought it was at least. ”So what we do is we go to this battle arena place and choose an arena, and we robattle. We can go as hard as we want as we’ll just be healed up afterwards and there is no risk of death or serious injury. But only inside the arena. If someone gets knocked out of the arena, the person left standing wins. Don’t attack people outside of the arenas for obvious reasons.” Blazermate continued, trying to remember where the arena area was.

It took the two ladies a bit of time to make it there, but they were more middle of the pack. They could see a few fights going on in some observation windows, where the arenas looked very flat, but colorful and interesting locales. Very different from robattles that was for sure. ”So. Any idea where you wanna go?” Blazermate said, asking Rika to choose one of the arches that had various symbols over them.

“Hmmmmmmm how abouuuuuut, that one” Rika, having perhaps little frame of reference for these symbols out of anyone present, pointed at a wild west looking one and explained her choice simply as “It’s of a hat”

Unfortunately the stage did not turn out to be a hat, and was instead a sandy western town that someone had decided to run two minecart tracks through before spicing the place up with the odd tnt barrel. The place’s name, painted onto a sign hung above the active railway like certainly was appropriate: Danger Gulch

“Huh, it's like a place that’s just all beach? Weird” Rika said as she stepped away from her starting spot in front of the greed painted building and gave the sand an experimental kick. “You ever been to somewhere like this?” she called over casually to her opponent who had spawned in under the awning of the red painted telegraph building

”Yeah, it's some kind of thing out of a western. It's a canyon in some desert or something? Anyway, let's get started then!” Blazermate said, giving a flex at Rika before summoning her Striker who began to make his buildings before charging Rika with ubersaw attachment in one hand, but her shield out in front in an attempt to both close the distance and possibly shield bash Rika.

“Lets” Rike replied, closing her eyes briefly, snuffing out the blue flame wafting out if them only for that fire to flare out a dozen times hotter when she reopened them, the cable tuning to a great streak of fire that trailed behind her when she moved

“I’ve been wanting to try out these upgrades i got last night after all”

True to her word, the ship girl didn’t just start up with her tried and true strategy of overwhelming firepower, but instead raced forwards to meet the bot with a here-for unseen burst of speed, right gauntlet wound back in preparation for a massive punch while she held her other, bayoneted, gauntlet over her chest defensively, moving it to intercept the incoming saw.

Blazermate took her challenge somewhat head on. She still rushed at Rika until she got close, at which point she used her agility to jump over Rika, tilting her shield to use Rika’s blow for more lift if needed. When she did her little flip over Rika, she slashed with her ready Ubersaw. All the while the Engineer had managed to make his level 1 sentry, which began to shoot Rika from the direction where Blazermate was, the shipgirl now sandwiched between both an automated turret, and a medabot.

“Ow” went Rika as the blade slashed over her shoulder, followed by “Ow, ow, ow” as the turret started pinging her hull until she dodged to the side and out into the street. An invisible field popped up around her, gripping the bullets as they came in and slowing them enough that the ship girl didn’t take any more than the first three shots. She turned her right side main gun and one of her turrets in the direction of the stationary target and fried off a battery of 6 ship shells in its vague direction while turning her head after blazermate and actively targeting her with the other turret and her rapidfire cannon, the Brachydios headed rifle roaring as it fired shot after shot in quick succession.

Rika’s ship shells didn’t need to hit too close to home to destroy the level 1 sentry. Seeing the random deviation projectiles come at him, the engineer hid behind his dispenser using it as a wall. This managed to save him from being damaged from Rika’s attack, but he was forced to rebuild both of his buildings. Blazermate meanwhile used her shield to start to block the rapid fire machine gun fire, much like a medabot would do against other medabots with SMGs or assault rifles. Rika’s bullets were a bit bigger though than the standard medabot rounds, which even with Blazermate healing herself and her shield couldn’t keep up with Rika’s damage output. But this built Blazermate’s Medaforce, and when her shield started to show some wear and tear, she took off into the air to dodge Rika’s shots as she healed herself back up. With her vantage point over the battlefield, Blazermate saw one of those red cracks that summoned a ghost around where the engineer was rebuilding his buildings, and kept that in mind.

“Alright both barrels for you, you ahhhh!” Rika cried out as she was interrupted from turning all her firepower at Blazermate now that the sentry was (temporarily) dealt with by the fact that no one had taught her about the dangers of standing in the middle of the road. Or in this case on a minecart track, the rightful user of which came whizzing up the central road and then careaning into the shipgirl upon whom it had snuck up on by virtue of all the racket she had been making.

The little cart smacked into her hips, causing her to topple ass backwards into it, at which point it kept rolling, more slowly now, towards stage right “Nooo I don’t want to go this way!” Rika yelled, before pushing herself upright enough to push herself out right next to the undertakers.

“I’m ok!” she informed her opponent as if the bot hadn't been responsible for her bullet and stab wounds. This didn't stop her from hopping floatlly up onto the roof of the undertakers either, and then shifting to use its sign as cover as she trained her guns on the engineer's sentry spot and raining down hell on him again while she looked out for Blazermate

The engineer took cover where he could from the ship fire, at least having the knowhow to hide although he took some damage from the splash of Rika’s fire. Blazermate meanwhile had been healing herself above Rika and managed to build some Overheal in the process, although still not enough for her shield or any of her abilities yet, even though she was close. As Rika was looking at the engineer, Blazermate looped around behind Rika, and using her shield as a battering ram, she swooped down to knock Rika off her perch and do some damage.

“Oof!” went the ship as she was knocked over her cover and fell down to the ground, smashing into a (thankfully empty) coffin that broke her fall a bit but left her with a butt full of splinters.She started up at the sky for a moment, a touch dazed, then shook her head and used her hullblades to jump herself back onto her feet before setting of at a run and then trying to jump first up onto the yellow building’s awning and then going higher, aiming for the bridge that crossed the street.

Blazermate having swooped back into the sky, moved to where her striker was as Rika repositioned to heal the damage he had taken so that he wouldn’t go down to her next volley and gain some more medaforce and shield in the process. With him all patched up, Blazermate zoomed back into the sky, healing herself and looking for Rika. At least finding Rika wouldn’t be too difficult thanks to Blazermate’s scan ability putting a glowing mark on her.

She wasn't exactly trying to hide either, the ship girl leaping up beside the horse repair sign, then atop the green flop haus’s roof and finally atop its rooftop water tank for maximum height. Of course she wasn't going to ever beat the flying blazermate when it came to altitude, but from here she had a good view of the whole stage from which to bring her guns to bare. And bring them to bear she did, finally training all 4 sets of guns she had and letting loose a barrage that almost blew her off the roof from the recoil.

”She acts like a God Emperor medabot! But without the heat seeking missiles or lasers…” Blazermate said Rika unloading on her in the sky, trying to shoot her out of it. Seeing this as a problem, Blazermate did aerial evasion moves to try to land on the ground in some cover. Her descent didn’t go too well as planned though as Rika managed to shoot her as she was landing, Blazermate being blasted away but thankfully into cover. Cover that wouldn’t last too long as Rika seemed to be having fun destroying all the buildings and walls and everything, so Blazermate did what healing she could to herself behind cover. She then made a flight to that crack in the ground she had seen earlier when she figured she could, the engineer having moved to a different spot on the battlefield to set up, and summoned the ghost that zoomed aggressively at Rika to explode in her face.

“Oh no you don’t” Rika shouted at the ghost as she hopped backwards off of her perch, slow field procking and delaying the ghost just enough that when it served after her it slammed right into the water tank. Rika’s self congratulatory cheer was swiftly ended when the ghost did as ghosts did and phased right through the barrel. Then it headbutter her descending foot while its body was still inside the barrel, scorching Rika’s lower leg. Her cry of pain was swiftly rended into a blub as the rest of the spook bomb had blasted the water tank to bits, showering Rika with water and splinters to add insult to injury.

“Bleh, waterlogged, so not good” she complained after the torrent was over, shaking her arms futilely for a moment before her combat focus kicked back in. The drenched shipgirl limped around the ruins of her ruined firing platform, aimed and then pulled the trigger on her main gun, only to immediately lose control as all out assault procked, the resulting five bursts of triple shots being sprayed widely across the town as she was literally floored by the unexpected recoil. Windows were smashed, awnics collapsed, and then a strey shell hit a loitering tnt barrel and there went the telegraph office up in smoke.

When it finally ended, about 3 rapidfire heartbeats after it started, Rika was laying flat on her back in a pool of rapidly evaporating water on top of the only unscared building in the town telling herself “Guuuuuuuuess I need to start counting my shots”

Blazermate couldn’t help but feel bad for the shipgirl. All that firepower but no discipline or knowhow to use it. Sort of like your standard God Emperor, ah, she was becoming more and more like one of those every moment Blazermate fought her. Still that didn’t make the shipgirl any less dangerous. Still with her being distracted by that ghost which did far, FAR more damage than Blazermate expected, both to Rika and the town (in part thanks to Rika blowing up a vast majority of the arena.) Blazermate was able to get enough charge for her projectile shield. With that charged, Blazermate started flying right at Rika to use it to zap the shipgirl and do loads of damage for once, waiting to deploy it when she got in range or Rika opened fire again.. So far it felt like Rika did more damage to herself than Blazermate did, and Blazermate kinda wanted to end the battle soon to save the shipgirl from more embarrassment.

“Oook?” Rika said, unsure as to why Blazer was coming at her without her blade out, but she expected a trap. So, while opening up with her 2 rigging turrets, she laid her own, hammering the building with her gauntlets to leave big splats of green goo, before giving 'em a spittoon and hopping back, leaving the front of the building priming to blow.

Blazermate seeing Rika leave her cover, decided to veer up and away before coming back down on her. Seeing as Rika acted just like a god emperor, although inexperienced, Blazermate wasn’t going to fall for the mine legs, not again anyway. You only make that mistake once. Although she did know of a medabot that made it many, many times, but that's besides the point. When she made her way to Rika, Rika’s little turrets started shooting at her. Now this was a smart move, well, it would’ve been, if Blazermate didn’t swoop down on her with her projectile shield, trying to zap her with it.

“Uh oh” Rika worried as Blazer simply waited out her goo bombs, which blasted apart the front of the top of her building with little gain, and then came in again now that the bomb spot was gone, deploying a shield that blocked her side turret suppressing fire, and which she was pretty clearly trying to ram her with. With the stage edge behind her there wasn't really anywhere Rika could go “Uh uh” except “Up!”

The ship girl hopped, cranking her gauntlet’s antigrav to the max to make her jump much floatier, before turning all of her guns down and blasting the building she had been on and using the recoil to launch herself up and over the shield at surprising speed with an accompanying whoop of delight from the flying boat.

Blazermate wasn’t expecting Rika to explosive jump with her guns like that, so while Blazermate had her shield deployed, Rika dodged it for the moment fairly well with the smaller scrap of the destroyed building being vaporized and forcing Blazermate to dodge the larger chunks that her shield didn’t vaporize. Although sadly for Rika, once Blazermate got back out of the wreckage Rika had caused, she was right back to trying to zap Rika with her shield, Rika noticing wherever Blazermate pointed her healing arm is where her big blue energy shield went.

Rika performed a stumble of a landing behind Blazer, turned back to face her, and was immediately presented with the same problem she had just escaped “So does that thing ever run out?” she asked, before blasting herself backwards and landing on her butt in the ruins of the telegraph office.

”At this rate you will be doing more damage to you than I do!” Blazermate said, her shield protecting her from Rika’s blastback as she used the same thing to try to escape Blazermate and her shield of ouch. A good thing too, as Rika has seen what this shield can do when it sits on something for too long. And with Rika evading it, the shield was starting to flicker. Seeing that, Blazermate still approached, but with her arm shield out seeing her energy shield starting to blink out of existence. All this while the engineer had managed to set up a fully functioning nest in the block over, sipping beer in his chair as his work was done for the moment and nothing was bothering him.

“Hey what’s that beeping sound?” Rika asked in response to this, curiosity getting the better of her as she followed the sound during a running retreat, punched open a door (guanteleted hands meant no opening them) and then being immediately blown back into the street by a hail of minigun fire.

Blazermate just wobbled in the air when she heard and saw what Rika had just done. ”OK, this girl REALLY needs a mentor. If this wasn’t practice she would’ve gotten herself probably killed.” Blazermate then zoomed above Rika as she retreated from the level 3 sentry and its gunfire and rockets and said. ”Don’t go TOWARDS beeping things! Those usually mean danger! It could’ve been a bomb you know!” Blazermate was clearly flabbergasted at the naivety of this girl.

“Why would you make a bomb beep? Or that gun beep? Doesn't that give them away?” Rika asked as she hauled herself up unsteadily of the dirt, her’retreat having beenmore of stumbling and then rolling away while the massive knockback of the sentry blew her away. Her wet clothes were a patchwork of holes and her skin a quilt of bruises, blood and oil, but she wasn’t going to lie down and give up.

“Ah this hurts” the ship girl whined

“Ok, but, hmm, how do I deal with that… oh. Its a static position, so of course all I need to do is” she squared up her guns, but rather than fire flicked to switches that caused a pair of torpedoes to drop down from beneath the gauntlets. And on to the sand. Where they just sat, uselessly whirring their propellers.


Rike looked down at the pair of bombs, very offended by their uselessness, and then just started shooting at Blazermate again with everything she had.

Blazermate could only look at Rika with a look of sadness in her eyes as the poor girl seemed to have almost no combat experience vs anything that wasn’t right in front of her and charged her head on. Something that Blazermate would need to fix at some point. But now was not that point as Rika, having dumbstruck Blazermate and herself with her torpedo shot, turned around and shot at Blazermate with all of her guns, catching the medabot off guard. Blazermate took quite a bit of damage from this attack, but used another ability of her suffering shield to let out a loud sonic screech to both escape Rika and stun her.

The shipgirl stumbled back trying and failing to protect her ears with her hands due to them being stuck in her gauntlets, which Blazermate used to get distance and cover to heal herself. Her uber was almost ready, but she also had her Medaforce beam. Although, seeing the engineer’s nest gave her an idea…. What would happen if she teleported on top of Rika? This area seemed to be safe, at least according to Mewtwo, so nothing bad should happen besides Rika flying off into the sunset, and the round being over… Yeah Blazermate figured she’d try that.

Rika meanwhile shook her head to recover. Then started to take a step forwards only for the beeping to remind her that doing so would put her in gun range again. “That really is silly” she said, and then thought about what to do about that, getting mad at her useless torpedoes again for a moment before having an idea.

She reached down, grabbed the two torpedoes with the jaws of her gauntlets, and then circled round the side of the building so it wouldn’t see her approaching. Though not exactly sneaky, Blaze was busy prepping her own plan, so the ship girl had free right to sneak up next to the door she had kicked in, and then proceeded to lay them down in the doorway and use a length of splintered wood to set them rolling over the floor and towards the sentry. After she heard the klonk of them hitting the wood she backed up a bit, and then blindfired her rapidfire gauntlet through the door, slowfield giving her just enough time to get her shots off before she got gunned/rocketed down, and setting off the torpedoes which exploded with the force of multiple grenades each, vaporizing the sentry and most of the room along with it.

Blazermate meanwhile had her full uber charge ready, and zoomed up behind Rika as she had just finished destroying the engineer’s sentry. Grabbing Rika from behind, Blazermate pushed her into the rest of the engineer’s nest. While she did manage to destroy the sentry, that wasn’t Blazermate’s goal as a pair of teleporters was not too far away. Since the engineer had no destination to set them up with, he just put them right next to each other in an attempt to get all of his buildings all built. Rika tried her best to retaliate and protest at Blazermate carrying her at the shining platforms, but Blazermate popped ubercharge the moment Rika did anything, and the shipgirl found herself helpless at the invincible medabot carrying her over to the teleporters.

Once they got there, Blazermate flew up and dropped Rika on top of one, flying down as she fell to take the other teleporter as Rika landed on the first one. The shipgirl had almost no time to react as Blazermate teleported and even if she managed to get a foot off the other teleporter, Blazermate appeared where Rika was, sending the shipgirl flying straight up through the roof into the stratosphere and ending the combat.


With that done, both parties appeared in a lobby, having a small bit of battle damage, but not nearly as much as they should’ve had going at each other like that. [color=0072bc]”OK so, we need to really get you combat ready. [”/color] was the first thing Blazermate said, healing Rika and herself up as she gestured for them both to leave for the next people.
”If I was more deceptive instead of being evasive, it wouldn’t end well for you. And trust me, there are a lot of deceptive medabots out there. Also we gotta work on your weaponry, while they worked in the sea, I don’t think we’ll be going back there at any point anytime soon so we need to get you some ground weapons. Maybe when we go to “japan” we might find a God Emperor medabot. Those parts would feel right at home to you.” Blazermate said.

“Deceptive? What do you mean by that?” Rika asked first, trying to focus on learning rather than getting dejected in response to this barrage of criticism.

”Uh, well… Like the sentry. If ya hear beeping, try to be cautious around it. Yeah sometimes it doesn’t make sense for bombs or guns to beep, but they do, and yeah.” Blazermate said. ”Also I suggest practicing with your guns and how much recoil they do. I saw you getting hurt a lot by your own thing than me. The explosive jumping was a good idea though, although did that hurt?”

“Ooook?” Rika replied, not really sure why they beeped, but filed it away for later anyway “Oh and that? Well, if I’m too close yeah, but mainly it's the stuff shooting out of the barrels that gave the lift. I guess if i could tough out the bombs too I could use those for extra hight? But, yeah, mainly it's pushing me back while I’m making myself all floaty that did it. Dunno why that happens, but it does so I thought why not use that, you know?”

”Well, make sure you figure out your recoil and all of that. Good to see you learned something though. Maybe the others will have some advice for you.” Blazermte said as she led Rika back to the main atrium.

Level 9 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (0/90) Level up!
Location: The Metro
Word Count: Less than 750

Sectonia's antilions weren't the smartest of minions to say the least. Outside of doing what their queen demanded of them, their problem solving skills weren't the best. One thing they did have though was teamwork, as they all followed their queens orders as best as they could. Their orders were to collect Pons, which when they did, materialized in Sectonia's hands as they were her magical summons. Sectonia herself staying near the Kiosk and reading whatever material she found interesting or useful, admittedly not a lot here but there were a few pamphlets and the like.

The antillions went on a bit of an adventure themselves, noting that whenever they touched the green orbs, a chime was heard and they disappeared, but not into their hands. They figured out quickly that whatever they touched was gathered by their queen, which helped a lot. Now the pons on the ground were scarce, this was soon found out by the antilions as they went around the town. Seeing as they were currency, the cats that were around the metro probably stripped the streets clean, although the antillions had no way of knowing that. Seeing as there were more pons though as they rose up in the metro. Although they couldn't fly, they did know how to stack themselves up like a tower and help each other climb up and up much like their namesakes. Their jumps weren't very high nor was their ability to move around nearly as good as the others in the metro, but their ability to spread out and collect pons when they reached a pon filled area was unmatched.

There were a few cats who, doing the same thing the antillions were doing, decided to attack what they assumed were money laiden simple bugs. Those cats soon found themselves sliding off the catwalks and rooftops when they tried attacking the antilions, most of them frozen in blocks of ice as they kept sliding across the streets of the metro. A few others just ran while on fire, not expecting a bug to have a flamethrower. The antilions took no joy or pride in warding off the bandit cats, but they did collect the pons left behind and continued their task.

Sectonia meanwhile was deciding on which line to go on. Mint sounded refreshing in its name, although she didn't know any of the destinations, she didn't know any of the others so just from the name she figured why not. And with the rate her antilions seemed to be collecting pons, she might have enough extra for anyone who didn't collect enough, or maybe to spend on other things that were around. Sectonia wondered how the others were coming along.
Bad Fur Business

starring Susie Haltmann and Miss Nadia Fortune
Word Count: 4197 (+5)

Susie listened to all that was being said and their plans. Apparently this place called the “Dead Zone” was on the way and had been destroyed by some kind of explosion, but a ‘guardian’ still existed there that the seekers had to destroy. Susie hadn’t seen any guardians herself, but she remembers something about them, but she can't remember what at the moment. They were also waiting for another team to return with information about some ‘fast travel’ network that relied on trains. Well, that sounds good overall, she wouldn’t mind a train ride.

The rest of the report offered up by… Hey! Susie knew that penguin! She made a clone of him at some point. What was his name? Triple D? Susie did know he was friends with Pinky though. And they mentioned something about… an Eggman and him escaping? And he was good at tech? Perhaps Susie should go and find this walking egg person if he was good at tech; she doubted it’d compare to Haltmann tech, but it’d be a nice change of pace.

Still, Susie just smiled as Mewtwo continued talking and suggested that while they waited for “yellow team” that they should split up and spar to warm up or learn new things. Susie figured this would happen at some point, she’d have to show these seekers what she could do after all. And she was matched up with… a cat girl? Well, considering she was a seeker and had purified the ocean from some apparently horrible abomination, she had to be strong. And at least it was sparring, although could this place handle her blaster? Time would tell she supposed.

Seeing the matchup, Nadia came up to Susie, quoting what Susie could only think of as some old western thing, although the joke fell short since they were both ladies. ”Hm. Sure. Lets hope my blaster doesn’t hurt too much~.” Susie said with her cutesy voice.

“Lucky I don’t hurt easy,” the feral shot back good-naturedly, baring her teeth in a feisty grin. While the other pairs met up to work out where and how they’d be fighting, Nadia strolled away from the Garfont Center’s round table and led her prospective opponent down the hall back outside to the spotless white metal and soft green rim lights of Alcamoth’s spacious Ark Mall. As confident as she might seem, Nadia had absolutely no clue where she was going, instead trusting that Smash City would have one of the ‘many arenas’ that Mewtwo mentioned no matter which way she went. Her eyes drifted between all the circular doorways that branched off from Ark Mall, each leading to a little dome with that both provided a view of the beautiful Eryth Sea through curved glass windows, and a teleporter to one of Alcamoth’s other floating domes. Rather than wander the halls, Nadia crossed her arms and went with eeny-meeny-miny-moe in her head to pick a random portal, bobbing her head in each direction as she did. “Okay, that one!” she announced, twisting her head almost one hundred and eighty degrees to glance down at the diminutive Susie over her shoulder. “C’mon!” Susie internally flinched at seeing Nadia’s head rotate like that, but she figured ti was just one of her powers or something.

Nadia set off at jogging pace, so full of eager energy that she bounced with each step. At that speed it took her only a few moments to reach the teleporter, and after bracing herself for the bizarre experience of being warped around, she jumped through. The next second Nadia appeared in the middle of another atrium, albeit much smaller and much more colorful than the one in the main area, although for a moment she was far too dizzy and disoriented to contemplate the scenery. “Hurk…” she groaned, trying to steady herself. “Can’t believe people get used to this.” After shaking her head, she looked around to found herself in the middle of a vibrant plaza completely covered in all sorts of patterns, the whole thing houses snugly inside the city’s futuristic dome. Everything looked garish, angular, and bright, from the decorated booths around the place to the big, very pink, and very fake tree that stood close to the central spire. In total, twelve curious archways stood in front of the walls of the dodecahedron-shaped plaza, and all featured a symbol of some kind on the wall overhead. “Yeesh, this place is like a purr-sonal assault on my eyes,” Nadia remarked, blinking a whole bunch as she tried to take everything in. Her eyes landed on Susie once the robot warped in beside her. “Guess we go through those to the arenas. Any catch your eye?”

Susie thought about it, she had to agree with Nadia, this place was a bit too bright, although unlike her she was a lot more used to brighter colors. ”How about the one with the triangles? It feels a bit more ‘sane’ compared to the others.” Susie said, rubbing her chin as she thought about the available choices. If she had to choose she’d prefer something more high tech, but this area was already showing it was some kind of hologram or holodeck like thing, so at least there was that.

“Works for me!” Nadia set off for the neon-green gate beneath the symbol that her sparring partner selected. Even on the short trip over though, she couldn’t help but be distracted by everything this arena hub contained. All throughout she caught sight of random fighters, as well as a number of miis, either going to or coming from the gateways, or crowded up in front of them. One such assembly stood around the archway right next to the one Susie chose, and over the heads of the spectators the keen-eyed feral could make out some sort of action, fast-paced and hard to follow from a distance. Intrigued, she muttered some half-hearted excuse to Susie and wandered over to see.

At first she thought she could see people fighting in some impossible space inside the arch, but after a moment she realized that she was looking at another two-dimensional screen like the Spirit Board back in the Garfont Center. It really reminded Nadia of the motion pictures that seemed to be all the rage back home, although in this case a little less electronic and a little more mystical, like seeing something in the haze of a crystal ball. In this case, the viewers got a live feed of a match between Diddy Kong and R.O.B., played out on a creepy mansion in the dead of night, and as events unfolded the spectators either cheered them on, bemoaned them, or took notes. “So, this is a fight in progress…” Nadia glanced between this arch and the empty one. “And that one’s open! Purr-fect!” She hustled back over, and with a final beckon at Susie, charged into the wall of fog. Everything went white, leaving Nadia adrift and directionless in the mist, but after a moment the haze began to clear, and with its departure came the radiance of a golden sun amidst crimson clouds.

Nadia whistled, impressed yet again by the fantastical World of Light. She stood atop a long and narrow bridge of stone, precipitously perched above a yawning gorge, and in front of her unfolded a sprawling vista of autumn-yellow hills, distant crags, and scattered pines, dominated by the silhouette a medieval castle against the imminent sunset. Somehow it seemed to be dusk, despite the morning sun that shone upon her just seconds ago. Even stranger was the fact that she seemed be wearing a tan trench coat, her hands casually slung in her pockets. It was just like the time she sacrificed a previous coat for the sake of her coolest entrance of all time, which naturally meant that she got to do it again. A sound behind her made her ear twitch, and her head swiveled around to face her opponent with a cheeky grin. Her body launched into a tornado-like spin, shredding the trench before Ms Fortune adopted her fighting stance. “Hope you’re ready to get your ro-butt kicked!” she taunted.

Susie nodded, she was interested in how the dimensional space of all of this worked, as she saw the same things Nadia did, but now wasn’t the time for that. Pulling out her blaster and giving Nadia a wink while doing a cute pinup pose with her blaster. ”Let’s not hurt each other too bad, ok?~” Saying that, Susie pulled out a remote and pushed a button, but, much to how it had been in the past, nothing appeared. With a small sigh, she readied her blaster and shot at Nadia, keeping her range. Seeing as it was a big bridge, there wasn't much space for the cat woman to really go.

Just as expected, Nadia’s opponent opened the game with a volley of ray gun fire. Though they looked and sounded pretty puny, the little pew-pews sped her way, and Nadia began to move. She darted back and forth in a zig-zag pattern, skirting along the very edges of the bridge when necessary, relying on her agility, her ability to turn on a dime, and her slender frame to avoid Susie’s shots. While easy enough to execute, that strategy didn’t allow her to gain much ground, which meant that if Susie kept moving backward she was in for quite the slog. After a few moments, however, the reason why Nadia hadn’t been jumping became clear. Suddenly she crouched down in a trackstarter stance, like a runner at the starting line, and all the water pressure built up in her legs and the base of her tail erupted in a riotous burst of vital fluid. Nadia cannoned through the air, sailing over the robot’s laser bolts in low arc, and with claws outstretched pounced at Susie at a breakneck pace.
Susie was surprised at the sudden speed of Nadia, as she hadn’t seen her fight before, but her low arc as she dashed at the robot girl was predictable in a way. Dodgeable? Not fully, as even if Susie pulled out her transport to fly away Nadia still clipped her blaster out of her hand, but the cat didn’t get any kind of grab or anything. The fact Susie didn’t have arms also helped her deal with the incoming attack. With her propeller out, Susie flew into the air out of reach of Nadia, and while high in the air, she went from holding onto her transport to strapping it on her back and charging up to do the same thing Nadia did to her.

The near miss left Nadia momentarily sprawled out on the ground, her would-be prey just barely slipped through her fingers. “Oof!” She made it sound like a bigger deal than it was, however, and the next second she rolled back onto her feet. The noise of Susie’s rotors drew her attention skyward to reveal that her opponent had taken to the air as well, spooling up some sort of turbine slam. “What’re you doin’ up there?” Nadia crouched down, smiling. “Cruisin’ for a bruisin’, looks like. Fiber Uppercut!”

As Susie dove down to strike her, the feral launched upward in her heavy Fiber Upper, a hard-hitting reversal that stretched so far that she could smash her feet right into the robot’s oversized noggin all the way from the ground. As if that wasn’t enough, Nadia immediately retracted the rest of her toward her feet, snapping her right up into Susie’s grill with a flip. “No x-scrape!” she announced, lashing out at at her opponent with a point-blank cross cut.

Susie really couldn’t dodge this one, and to be fair Susie was thinking she could suplex Nadia like she did those waddle dees, but the cat girl’s double kick slammed into her well before the robot could grab hold of the main body. After getting hit by Nadia’s follow-up, Susie sho downward a ways, taking a fair amount of damage but being alright otherwise. She pulled out her transport to stabilize herself in the air and brushed the tuft of hair out of her face. Blaster it was then, as Nadia airdashed toward her, Susie shot at her with a newly summoned blaster as she slowly descended.

The first few bolts took Nadia by surprise, since after disarming Susie earlier she did not at all expect another gun. “Me-ouch!” she yelped as they zapped her, forcing her to go on the defensive and airblock until she hit the ground again. True to her boast earlier, at least, she didn’t feel much from those shots, even the ones that struck home. Since Susie wasn’t that high off the ground any more, Nadia took off running on all fours, closing the distance between them. Knowing that she didn’t need to worry about the stray shot anymore, Nadia closed the distance fast, and once in range detached her head for a [url=i.imgur.com/KaLMErN.png]High Brow.[.url] She followed up by letting go of her head, then jumping in order to spike her head at Susie as a projectile of her own. With her hair hardened her head hurtled down like a sawblade, a grin on her face the whole time. “Heads up!”

Susie did her best to dodge Nadia, who wasn’t taking too much damage from her blaster and just started to tank the shots but while she could dodge the first move, but loosing her balance with her transporter, which left her wide open for the second attack where Nadia threw her own head at her! Susie wasn’t expecting that at all, which knocked her away again and hurt, especially when she hit the ground. She got up though and pulled out that new, larger, ‘blaster’ she had bought. Might as well test what this thing can do she figured, and she fired a few rockets to blast both Nadia’s body and head as she landed, the energy rockets having some nasty splash. Susie could only fire 4 before she had to reload the thing by cranking it, which felt weird.

“Nyuh!?” The feral bugged out as her opponent produced the Cow Mangler, staring up at the bulbous nodules of Susie’s shiny doohickey with no way to dodge at point blank ranged. “Where were you keepin’- EEYOWCH!” she choked out as a series of energy blasts blew her body and head apart from one another, leaving the latter behind Susie and the former a ways in front. Though a little scorched, her body jumped nimbly upright, its wounds already starting to heal. Her head, meanwhile, rolled across the bridge’s stone brick until it came to a stop upside-down, scratched and dirtied. Even from there, however, she could recognize Susie reloading that weapon of hers. “Nuh-uh! Here, kitty-kitty!” Her body sprinted at Susie to scratch her with El Gato, while her head stood up and, rather unnervingly, skittered toward Susie from behind. “Pinch her maneuver!”

Susie found the fact that Nadia could move her body and head together like that really weird, especially since she could move her head. While she had reloaded a single shot from the cow mangler and had to put it away to transport away again as she found herself being sandwiched between the cat girl’s body and head both rushing at her, an ear-splitting horn went off nearby. Both Susie and Nadia wondered what was going on as King Bulblin thundered across the bridge on a fearsome giant boar. Susie snapped out of her distraction a bit faster than Nadia, who had to cut short her axe kick follow-up, and transported herself back into the air as Bulblin dropped a bomb on the center of the bridge. This gave Susie enough time to finish reloading the cow mangler in the air, although she had to stop using her transporter to do this. She made sure to avoid the bomb on the bridge, not knowing how badly it’d destroy the bridge, although she’d find out she miscalculated a bit and took some chip damage from the bomb’s blast radius. At the same time Nadia had scooped her head up and cheesed it, but even her most panicked, headlong rush didn’t get her out of harm’s way in time. Bulblin’s bomb detonated with enough force not just to send the feral hurtling away to tumble painfully along the bridge, but to destroy the center of the span, dropping its bricks into the great chasm below.

“Uuuuugh,” Nadia groaned after her wild ride came to a stop. “Feline like something the cat drug in…” As the flesh torn up by the bomb blast knitted itself back together, she tried to pick herself back up. Susie also picked herself up from where she had landed. As the two girls got up from getting blasted, they found they were on opposite sides of the now destroyed bridge. Something that gave Susie quite the advantage. So much so that she figured she’d try out the ‘charge’ button on her Cow Mangler and see what it did. It took the entire clip, but when Susie pushed the button, nothing happened except power building up near the front of the launcher, Susie tapping it out of annoyance to try to get it to fire. Nadia, meanwhile, looked a little annoyed herself, but her irritation quickly turned into a smug smile, her eyebrows lowered. “Cats, outta the bag!” She lifted her hand, then swiped it to her side. Two copycats zooped out of her, formed from her blue blood, and together the three started running.

First order of business was to cross this bothersome gap where the bridge used to be, without getting blasted by whatever Susie was cooking. When the Fortunes reached the edge, the original used one of her copies as a springboard, sacrificing it in a high-pressure burst for a superjump with her other clone. At the apex of her leap Nadia hurled her other copycat like a living projectile down at Susie, flying in to deliver the axe kick that Nadis saved from earlier.

The copycat, being the thing between Susie and Nadia, took the cow mangler charged shot head on as it finally fired after building up for as long as it did. This shot caused the copycat to flash full of energy as it disintegrated mid air, the copycat catching on fire for a moment before it got vaporized. ”That will need some work…” Susie said as she put the Cow mangler away, attempting to meet Nadia head on again with another charged dash using her transporter on her back again, building up power before dash toward the cloud of vapor and energy. There she met Nadia in the middle of a blood-boosted dive, and the two clashed in an epic collision, forearm to forearm, strong enough to blow away the surrounding midst. Feral grin met cyber stare, and like cowboys at a quick-draw, both moved at once. Nadia attempted an airgrab, but Susie’s command grab blew straight through, and snatched her right out of the sky.

Having grabbed Nadia finally, Susie let out a battle cry as she zoomed around, Nadia in hand, in an adorable heart shaped flight path before crashing the two of them into the bridge below, slamming Nadia with her metal body and causing the feral to bounce a couple times on the bridge like a rock across a lake.

For a moment Ms Fortune tumbled along, stunned, but then a fire seemed to ignite inside her. The pupil of her dark eye flashed a brilliant azure as she zeroed in on Susie, a wild grin on her face. She backflipped one last time and landed, as any good cat would, on her feet, sliding backward with her claw carving through the stone to slow her momentum. “Hell yeah!” she hissed. “You’ve got some spirit after all! Let’s do this, Sooz!”

In a blast of blue blood she zoomed toward Susie once more. “River-carving rapids!” she yelled. “Cat-aract!” From her eye a torrential beam of water blasted forth, sweeping over the bridge. Though imprecisely aimed, it forced Susie to either block or evade to escape heavy damage, giving Nadia the chance she needed to close the distance. By the time the torrent died, the feral was too close for comfort, with her head held in one hand. Susie brought her Cow Mangler around to block with, but Nadia sent her head along the bridge like a bowling ball. It rolled right past the robot in order to cross her up and nail her in the back with a jet of blood from the stump of her neck. As her body closed in, the head rolled back onto her neck with a smile; a better chance she could not have asked for.

The combo began with a flying dropkick, and as her body recovered, her head flew toward it as a saw-blade to keep up the hitstun. Her head plopped back onto her shoulders as Nadia pulled off El Gato, slashing once, twice, thrice, then finishing with a hard-eared headbutt, but it wasn’t over just yet. Nadia extended her combo by blasting out a copycat in a low Cat Slide that swept Susie off her feet. Before she could hit the ground, however, Nadia knocked her opponent back up with a golf swing, only for her copycat -now behind Susie- to slam her back down with an axe kick. The stylish combo ended there, but the fight had yet to conclude. Nadia summoned another doppelganger to help the original pick Susie up and hold her in place, while she ran to the edge of the bridge and jumped off. She turned as she did, latching onto the ledge with her hands as her arms extended, swinging her under the entirety of the bridge in an enormous loop. A moment later she swung back up over the opposite side, and with the power of centripetal force, delivered the biggest dropkick the World of Light had yet seen to the robot’s back. Susie soared off the bridge and into the chasm, and the game was decided.

Everything disappeared, and both fighters got spat out of the fog back at the archway in the colorful plaza, a little banged up but not that much worse for wear. “Whew!” Nadia grinned, trying to catch her breath. “Good fight there, Sooz!” Doing her best not to look smug at all, the feral extended her hand to shake in a gesture of goodwill.

Susie picked herself off the ground and brushed off her outfit, making sure her cloths and everything looked nice and proper before extending her hand to accept Nadia’s handshake. ”You seekers earned your reputation. It's a shame I didn’t have my business suit, but that Galeem…” Susie said, glaring off to the side showing that she was a bit salty over losing, but she quickly regained her composure. ”Well, I’m sure I can fix whatever is interfering with the Access Ark MK2 and finally get that going at some point.” She gave Nadia a smile, although if the feral was perceptive enough she could tell that it was more of a facade if anything, although Susie had perfected putting on a cute happy face.

”Still, throwing your own head to attack people, that has got to be very disorienting. I don’t think any of our products do that.” Susie said, putting her hand on her chin as she thought about it. ”Is that related to the water clones?”

Nadia shook her head, her enthusiasm waning to normal levels. Even if she’d been in control for most of the fight, she’d winded herself pretty thoroughly. “Nah, the copycats are new. Splittin’ up is a Ms Fortune classic.” She crossed her arms. “Ya did pretty good for a newbie! Really liked that fancy throw. Felt like a roller coaster.” The feral chuckled. “Once you get some more weapons on ya, you’ll be a force to be reckoned with, I bet!”

”Yeah. Maybe I’ll find something new as well. That ‘Cow Mangler’ did some damage, even if it kinda looks like an older Haltmann Works device. I’ll need to spruce it up though, that charge shot took way too long!” Susie said.

Level 8 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (79/80)
Location: The Metro
Word Count: Less than 750

Sectonia found the large train pulled by the cat amusing. She had some large trains run by fat waddle dees in her home kingdom, so a large animal pulling a train isn't new to her, but it was still quaint. And the train was large enough to handle her size, so that was also quite nice. The long 3 minute wait in complete darkness outside was a bit strange, as warps should be much faster than that, but eventually they found themselves in a place Sectonia could only say as "Dystopian beauty." The bright lights and other colorful parts of the Metro really agreed to Sectonia, but the fact there was stains, garbage, and other unsavory things underneath said lights gave Sectonia a bit of a mixed feeling about the area. Still, it was about time she found a place in this whole world that was colorful at last.

And the plan overall was to figure out how to use this place as a 'dimensional nexus', something she was familiar with as that was how she took over Floralia. With one of the cats telling them that the main Kiosk was nearby that'd explain everything, Sectonia ushered all of her minions over there to figure out where everything went here.

Once they reached the main station, they found a list of all lines and where they went, which Sectonia frowning a bit that she recognized almost none of the places. Perhaps Queen Station had something related to her, but she highly doubted that. According to the cat at the Kiosk, the group needed 'pons' in order to buy tickets for the various trains here. At first Sectonia wondered what these were, but it was soon figured out they were the strange orb things that were flying around out of reach of the cats that wandered the place or were in places that were... unpleasant to sift through.

With a goal in view, Sectonia said to everyone. "Well, it looks like we require a lot of these 'pons' if we are to use this place for easy travel. They are all around this place, so lets get this over with so we can find a spot that isn't that desert." Sectonia summoned a large amount of different colored Antillions afterwords, telling them to go and find all the pons they could and bring them back to the Queen, with Sectonia refusing to actually go look for Pons herself, stating. "I'm not touching whatever those stains are.", pointing at some dubious stains that were on a wall near a Pon in an alleyway.

Level 10 Blazermate - (88/100) - 1 stored level up
Level 2 Susie - (8/20)
Peach's Castle
Words: Less than 750

Having spent the night with the koopa troop, Blazermate just having nothing better to do and Susie just going with the big boy of the group, they followed the troop back to Alcamoth. Upon getting close to the gates, Blazermate was quickly reminded of something she had forgotten about, Susie was still under Galeem's control! "Gah, I knew I forgot something!" Blazermate said as the doorman stopped Susie and got into a fight with her. Without her business suit though, and the insanely difficult fight the doorman were supposed to present, it wasn't a very long fight. Blazermate made sure Susie did survive though, which also gave Blazermate a good idea of Susie's base durability and damage. Her tech did hurt, quite a lot, even if the doorman was just far, far, far beyond her. Just being able to make the doorman's health wiggle a little was impressive, but Susie was a bit glass, like any kind of heavy weapon based Medabot. At least Susie looked way cuter and nicer than any God Emperor, although those were tankier... With Susie being subdued, Blazermate threw a Friend heart at her then helped the robot lady to her 'feet' and explained what had just happened and what was going on. Being ambushed put Susie in a really bad mood though, which followed her through her tour of Alcamoth. The tour didn't last long though as while Blazermate was at HQ, she did get a look at the updated map and a region that had her very interested, Japan. Although she figured it wasn't where she was from but some alternate world take on it. A bit of a shame, but if there was a question on where to go next, she'd ask about going there just to check it out.

Susie meanwhile decided to take a much closer look at the HQ of the seekers and much like Blazermate looked over the map. But unlike Blazermate, Susie was annoyed that there was no space that was even closely Haltmann related on the map. These guys hadn't scouted everything clearly. She figured that made some kind of sense, they were savages after all and the Access Ark MK2 was a spacefaring vessel, so they probably had no concept of that or a way to even look there. Still, that did mean that the presence of HWC wasn't really here and that meant that Susie would have to do quite a bit more work than she anticipated. And looking over everything, none of these places looked even remotely high tech short of a few areas in dystopianscape, but even then they were probably industrial level tech at most. Funny enough, Susie could understand the Koopa king's annoyance at not having his castle, although she doubted it was anywhere close to what the Access Ark had.

Susie could only shake her head at her options, but it seemed if there was a 'vote of where to go next' as she suspected she'd suggest that area. And when the two robot girls were asked where they wanted to go, both voted for the same area, although for vastly different reasons.
"Somewhere in Dystopianscape, Midgar perhaps?"
"Oh, Oh, I wanna go to Japan to see if its MY Japan!"

Susie came out of the whole thing thinking that Alcamoth was probably the most 'high tech' thing on this planet besides herself which was a bit saddening, but that just meant the devices of Hatlmann Works Company would make a fortune here, if the savages could afford them and she could get access to more tech. She could call her copter now though, so she was getting some signals to and from the Access Ark, but still no business suit.


Level 8 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (78/80)
Location: Gerudo Village
Word Count: Less than 750

Before turning in for the night, Sectonia decided to give the larger petal dragon thing a try. If she remembered right, one of the other seekers could reverse things if she didn't like how the fusion turned out.

Notable spirit consumed:

Having done the fusion, Sectonia went to sleep, waiting til the morning to take a look at the changes the spirit did. From what she could tell... Yeah this has issues. Massive ones. She'd have to figure out how to fix this 'mask' thing, but more important, she had to get rid of these vines. It just looked horrible seeing these things flop around wildly as she moved her hands. Besides those two things she looked pretty alright. At least she looked like she was wearing some beautiful flower petals... a mixed deal much like the last one. IF, IF the power and the weaknesses inferred by this spirit were worth it, she might think of a way to overcome this issue, but if they weren't, she'd have this thing taken out of her when she could.

Still, she'd have to deal with it for now. Meeting up with the rest of the group to figure out what to do next, Midna came up to ask her to use her Avarice helmet, which Sectonia obliged, but in return Midna had to crush a spirit of Sectonia's, which gave her a...

You have acquired:

Sectonia wasn't aware of any minions who could use a whip, nor was she able to use it herself. She sighed as it was a dud, so they'd just have to sell it and maybe find something better. A new, fairly well dressed humanoid much like the others approached the group, talking about 'pokemon' and 'training', pokemon being something Sectonia wasn't really familiar with. Having come back from the market, Raiden found some augmentation to his body he wanted Tora to install, as he was a mechanic, and Midna had said what her plans were before they met everyone after they all talked about some 'warp trains' pulled by cats.

"Hm... Well, personally I'd suggest we take some time to take a look at clown town. Professional fools that entertain you sound like fun after we had to deal with this horrid desert." Sectonia suggested, offering her idea.

Level 10 Blazermate - (95/100) - 1 stored level up
Level 2 Susie - (7/20) - Gained

Limsa Shopping
Words: 1090

Before going into the shop, the Koopa Troop, wanting to see Susie's business sense in action, gave her a few items they themselves had no use for. Blazermate mulled over giving her bean to Susie as well, but since no one knew what it did and no one was couragous enough to eat it, Blazermate decided to keep it because they had NO idea what it did, and if one of these shopkeeps ate it out of curiosity bad things could happen. Tora was a strange onion bird thing, so these shopkeeps could just be as odd, but maybe not as flattering.

Susie, in her element, went over to the Grand Exchange first off to sell the iron bars and buy/sell a few of the orders sitting around using about half of the money given to her. She managed to make 75 per iron bar for a total of 1125 gold which she immediately invested into more buy and sell orders to turn a profit, although it would take some time for her to see returns on her orders.

Blazermate meanwhile looked around the stalls, a few things were cool, but not really anything she was interested in for the most part. Cloths meant nothing to her, weapons were nice but if she had to hold them that could be annoying, and all the various food items were useless to her. She moved around, a bit dejected that not much here worked for her, until she came across a weird display at Shynini's Accessories. The display read "Rare and valuable Medals!" which caught a curious look from Blazermate. Did this Nipon have some medabot medals he was selling? That might be weird, but she could at least give them tinpets to move around in.

When Blazermate got there, she found that they were not Medals, but 'medals', IE the stuff people wore to denote rank or success in something. According to the shopkeeper they were magical, and had some powerful effects. And they were priced perfectly that Blazermate could spend all of her allowance and get 3 of them! But what to choose? They had one that looked like a heart, one that looked like a leaf, some that were just triple arrows pointed up, or some strange colorful ones. The Nipon put on the charm, which had a mixed reaction from Blazermate as she was already interested in what she was seeing, but would she spend all her money here?

In the end, thanks to the Nipon's prodding and Blazermate thinking about it, she figured it'd be funny for a medabot to wear medals, and decided to buy 3 of them spending her entire 2100 allowance. She bought one that reduced the effectiveness of status effects by quite a bit, one that Let her increase her and her allies defense and one that made enemies target her less often. she kept herself away from combat as much as she could usually, but more insurance on that couldn't hurt. The Nipon, happpy he could make a sale without needing to haggle at all, waved cutely at Blazermate as she waved back, but once out of eyesight of Blazermate, the merchant went right back to trying to 'sell' more of his products.

Susie meanwhile, only having about half of what she had from her initial funds and the 'allowance' she had gotten from the royal princess, a fair sum to be sure which Susie would gladly turn into more money, went shopping herself. Most of what she saw didn't seem all that great as most of what she saw on display seemed like it'd be best in a museum or on an executive's wall as a nick-nack, but Susie did find something of interest. A strange looking, but actually high tech, rocket launcher that seemed to launch blats of radioactive energy that exploded with a large amount of force. With a bit of work, she could even make it look like it came from Haltmann Works or maybe even replicate it! The Nipon, seeing Susies interest, the Nipon listed the price of the item, which was just a bit more than what Susie had on hand. And seeing as one of the rules on this market was 'no haggling', Susie really couldn't get that price just a bit lower.

It was then she remembered the weird "Gorgon's Eye" she hadn't sold. The Nipon took a bit of interest in the bauble, and with Susie doing her best at 'no haggling' haggling, she managed to get enough gold from selling this thing to come out with a new weapon and some cash left. With Susie done, having only seen a few other items that piqued her interest and her investments still going at the Grand Exchange, she decided to go back to the rest of the group, Blazermate already waiting there with the other finished shoppers.

"Hey guys, look! A medabot wearing medals!" Blazermate said, laughing as she showed off her new small pinned medals. Susie didn't know what the joke was, but gave a cheery look just the same as if she 'got' the joke. She handed over the remaining 200 gold she had gotten, saying. "I didn't find much of value there that I would be interested in, but I did take most of that money you gave me and invested it. We should see some large returns in a little while." Susie said with a nod.

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