Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (51/110)
Level 4 Susie - (15/40) - (Holding 1 level up)
Location: Midgar > Detroit
Word Count: 1436The two robot ladies, having made some basic plans, were soon told off for them as they needed some extra identification. Blazermate nodded her head at this, saying.
"Yeah yeah, makes sense. Same as in my world more or less. Did you know medabots are actually toys where I come from? Crazy right?" Susie meanwhile was angry at this, since she was running a very successful business doing things on a galactic scale. She was brought out of this anger with Blazermate's offhanded comments about herself, actually confused as to what society would have military grade robots like her as TOYS. She'd have to see if she could do business with these people, it could be very lucrative...
Still, with Tora and Poppi, the two girls were directed to the Solid Waste landfill. Tora was happy at first to see new tech, but had his enthusiasm quickly deflated as he saw what was essentially a mass grave for robots. Poppi was just as mortified, if not more so due to being a robot and the two looked very unsettled here. Blazermate herself was a bit creeped out by this place, but it was more akin to someone being creeped out at a graveyard than the dread Poppi was feeling. Susie meanwhile seemed to be disgusted at the sight, but only because this was incredibly wasteful, saying
"What a waste of resources..." Apparently the pink haired robot girl didn't think in the same was as the other two.
The two girls followed Tora and Poppi down into the wasteland of robotic bits and pieces. Susie noticed that basically almost anything of worth, or what seemed to be of worth, had been scavenged from what robots the scavengers could find. Within the wasteland there were human looking robots, things Blazermate figured were the robots they'd be fighting and... Medabots? Yes, Medabots! She knew they were around here somewhere! But they were... thrown away parts? Blazermate flew over to these two junked metabots to get a closer look at them. It was no wonder they had been thrown out, their tinpets were irreversibly damaged and the nanobots inside were gone. Doing something Tora had only seen before, Blazermate pulled these medabot corpses out of the landfill and opened a hatch on their back, a hatch she kept hidden under her schoolgirl/medic backpack. She had a look of concern on her face as the hatches opened, but let out a sigh when she saw what was inside them.
"Oh good, they didn't throw out the Medals. So these are just busted up hunks of metal." It was then a truly morbid thought came across Blazermate's mind.
"Hey guys..." She started, getting the attention of the group.
"WHY is there a robot landfill in the first place that is still being filled when things turn into spirits when they die?" With that thought, Blazermate flew above the landfill, waiting for Tora to get her an LED, clearly freaked out. Susie scratched her chin as she thought about this too. Why was that the case? In fact, she hadn't really seen anyone but things they had defeated turn into spirits... Why was that? But she shook her head, apparently the main group they were looking for had fused with spirits, so there had to be something else going on.
Thanks to Tora, the two bots had their LEDs installed. Blazermate choosing a Military LED, while Susie got a commercial one. Blazermate didn't move or anything as Tora did his work, while Susie gave him a sideways stare. She wasn't angry at Tora in particular, more the whole situation, but she couldn't help but stare daggers at the Nippon. She let out a sigh when the process was done, saying.
"I have a feeling if I did open a business here, I wouldn't be the CEO of it until this whole Ever Crisis is dealt with... Even then I wonder..."Tora and Poppi then went to go visit a store full of shiny new on display robots. Blazermate followed behind, with Susie bringing up the rear, merely curious as to what the commercial grade robots were. Tora spent his time in the store staring at the human looking androids with sexy bodies, as Poppi made a fool of herself unintentionally as the shop owners found her line of questions weird. Looking around the shop, Blazermate saw an old KBT medabot. It wasn't as shiny as the legendary heroes KBT, but its guns still packed a punch. Still, seeing a medabot on sale was nice to see.
Blazermate asked the two store clerics after Poppi left, seemingly embarrassed or insulted at the word of having an 'owner.' Susie, not that impressed with what was on sale short of the combat medabot, left with Poppi. She didn't want to even MENTION needing an owner as that was far below her if she didn't need to. Blazermate mused asking the clerics about the medabot, but figured Poppi had already made a mess and her perceived owner had just left the store... so she decided to buy a cheap medabot watch looking thing and left with the others.
Catching up to Poppi who was tugging Tora along, Blazermate said in a joking singsong voice
"Hehe, I guess your my Medafighter then Tora while we're here. Make sure to keep me all nice and repaired now~" finishing her sentience with a cute wink. Susie merely crossed her arms, clearly not happy about the situation. Blazermate then dropped the sing song voice, saying something that was on her mind.
"So, this place has medabots. And apparently just beating up their parts or tinpets don't yield spirits. Until we fight one, I wont know if ejecting the medal will yield a spirit or not as well. I've been keeping mine well hidden because of that fact. Anyway, if we run into a medafight, Tora, you'll need something that looks like a watch on one of your wings to look like a Medafighter. " Blazermate then pulled out the watch she had bought.
"I am NOT putting my medal in there for obvious reasons, but its best you look the part if this place knows anything about medabots." She then, after thinking for a few moments, remembered something which made her freeze up for a moment before snapping herself out of it.
"Oh right, uh... If you guys see any like, toy hammer looking things that have a battery attached to them and spark electricity... Please keep them far, far away from me. I don't know if they'll actually work or not with me having fused with spirits, but I really, really don't wanna try anything with a Medal Ejector. " Blazermate then thought a bit more, and explained to Tora, Poppi, and Susie that if they did run into a medabot outside of a robattle, that they should target its head and back. If they got their medal hatch open and pulled it out, it would shut off ANY medabot no matter how bulky or dangerous it was. She even explained how one time there was a medabot the size of a building, but just yanking its medal out shut the whole thing down.
"Oh right, speaking of robattles, Tora, they aren't all that complex. You just stand there and cheer me on as my medafighter. I can give up on my own, so no need for that either." She then thought, and said.
"You'll know if your involved with one or not because Mr. Referee will come out of Gods knows where to announce it. Trust me, he has announced EVERY robattle I have ever seen and he has found very, VERY creative ways to find his way to referee one. Hes an eldritch monster, that man..." Blazermate stopped for a moment, nodding her head remembering how the man had appeared out of a lamppost, came out of a 10cm filled fountain like it was as deep as the ocean, parachuted from a helicopter, or even wore a mascot costume! She then remembered something very important with him.
"Oh yeah, DO NOT attack him or threaten him if you see him. He is really, really strong. Like really strong. He has a satellite medabot that'll hit you with its rail cannon and smite you like a strike from God. He shouldn't attack us otherwise though, he only oversees robattles."Susie could only think about what this man was. Considering Blazermate said she was a toy earlier, Susie wasn't surprised that the people she would have been owned by could be something akin to monsters, they'd have to be in order to have military grade hardware as toys.