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Level 10 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (7/100)
Location: City of Tears
Word Count: 791

While not the cheapest thing, it was about time Sectonia saw some bits of high class society for once. A lot of fancier looking bugs were here, One with a fancy white tophat, a fashionable bee lady, a pair of bugs arguing over cards. and a bug watching and enjoying their arguments. among other noble or well off looking bugs. There were a few non bugs here, but they were in the vast minority. While being a bit more extravagant than the rest of them, Sectonia didn't stand out as much as she would've in a lower class theatre, well, besides her size making her much bigger than many of those here.

Having gotten to the theatre at the time she did, Sectonia had only caught the tail end of a play based on some desert adventurers trying to save a princess. She wasn't all that interested in such a play, having been in a desert not a few days ago and fought such a disgusting monster there. The arguing pair quieted down when the next show started though, a strange looking humanoid boy bandsinging various songs that had a good rhythm, but felt disingenuous. Sectonia found them tolerable, but she wasn't smitten with them like a few of the younger bugs in the theatre, she'd prefer more of an aria than whatever this was truth be told.

After finishing one of their songs, as if speaking her thoughts, one of the male bugs in the audience spoke up and started calling out this band, named 1010, out for feeling fake. A sentiment that was more or less proven true as one of the band members tripped over their instrument chord and crashed onto the ground in a mechanical heap. Some of the smitten lady bugs berated the guy who had spoken up about the band, distracting most of the theatre from the band's producer coming down and using some kind of device to summon a new band member to replace the broken one, with said broken one being nonchalantly, and briskly, brushed aside by one of the janitors. Now this Sectonia saw as enjoyable. She figured she'd need to go to the circus to see such tomfoolery, but no, it was a routine of this theatre! What made it even funnier to her was that from what she could tell, this wasn't planned from how the staff was acting, but none of the patrons seemed to notice.

After their show with the robotic boy band members having some issues getting off stage, the crowd mumbled to itself before the final showing of the evening was to be seen. Sectonia couldn't hear much at all, but did catch a little bit of someone mentioning how someone named Undyne would make sure things were kept orderly, with another bug sushing them as the stage had been cleared and the next performer was on stage. They were a single ethereal looking butterfly who began to sing a song with a tune Sectonia greatly appreciated. Now this was what she figured a high class theatre would have, not the metal boy band. Other than a beautiful song, not much else of note happened. With her act done, the songstress gave a bow before fading from sight as a few of the patrons got up and left, with a few others staying to chat with each other.

Sectonia, feeling far more relaxed than when she came, go up with the patrons leaving and decided to go take a look and see if her minions had gotten cured from their afflictions. She had plans to take them all to the amusement district, as she figured they would appreciate a bit of fun and time to unwind. Although with that in mind, she looked to see how much her little escoursion cost, and sighed. It wouldn't be a cheap venture, so she summoned what antillions she could, figuring that since it had been a few hours her antillions had gotten that 'king of evil' to a medical center. With a small group of antillions summoned, Sectonia commanded them to go look about for Geo or other currency that might just be lying about. From what she had seen, currency was found in the weirdest places in these cities so far.

With a lack of a map though, finding her minions would be quite the tall order in such a large city.

Level 10 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (5/100)
Location: City of Tears
Word Count: 828

Seeing the door that should be the 'exit' from this place, and hopefully not THAT exit, blocked irritated Nadia, Sectonia, and possibly the others. She had her rage leave her, but she would use her spells to break that door down if she needed to. Thanks to Jesse though, no effort was needed to break the door down as her no collision gun let them all pass.

Upon entering the new area, the severe atmosphere change in both aesthetics and temperature made Sectonia wretch as the others suffered their own sickness. Not because she was displeased they were out, but out of relief that she was in a much better area and ridding herself of the foul air that the giant organism they had just been was filled with. "Fresh air at least. Or at least, this is vastly superior to THAT thing." Sectonia said, scoffing at the It Lives spirit the group had taken with it. She commanded her antillions carrying Ganondorf to follow they group. When the group had made their way through the end of the tunnel they found themselves in, they found a grand gothic city with carapace architecture. Not Sectonia's style, but much like things of its style, it had a bit of a haunting beauty to it which she could appreciate.

The relaxed Sectonia greatly, the queen momentary dipping in the air and only recovering when she touched the water itself, going back to her proper flying height. The cleansing rain that showered the group as they advanced to the city center being annoying at first, but relieving after she noticed it washed both her and her minions free of the gunk that had accumulated from their journey through that awful, awful dungeon. She would rather have a proper bath, but at least things were moderately better. Although it did nothing to cure the rest of the group of their sickness.

That relief of the water did turn back to annoyance as it continued to rain down constantly, which didn't do wonders for those who were already sick as Sectonia noticed Nadia being affected by the cold. She was getting tired of being wet herself all things being said. Nadia was the first to spot a familiar face, Cornifer, someone who Sectonia had only gotten a bit of a glancing look at all things considered. Still, this was the one that Nadia had bought a map from... A map that had led them to that disgusting hell. "You, map seller. Do you have any clue the horrid, horrid things we just had to deal with thanks to YOUR map?" Sectonia said, her rage flaring up as she thought of what they had just been through.

All things being considered though, if Sectonia was in a better state of mind she would be more cordial with Cornifer. And the map maker seemed slightly concerned, offering up an explanation of what this city could offer to help the group with their sickness and perhaps relax after their ordeal. Hearing this, Sectonia turned to the rest of the group, giving her commands. "You all should get that plague off of you and take a proper bath. Then go where you will. Meet back up at the clock tower when you are all clean and proper." Hopefully they could get their sickness cleaned off, being weakened just wouldn't do.

With that being taken care of and any questions or actions cleared up, Sectonia departed for the spas herself in the royal quarters to take a soak and relax and possibly relieve her stress a bit. Being a royal herself, she wasn't going to go to anything less than the high class district to relax; although she did admit the fools at the circus could be fun to observe. Perhaps she would take the rest of her minions to see a show or something. But now wasn't the time for that.

The spa house was as opulent as the city outside. There weren't that many bugs soaking in the spas at this time of day, so Sectonia had a good amount of peace as she relaxed and cleaned herself. Probably for the best, as until she removed all her stress, she'd still be abusive. Thinking about it, Sectonia has gone to 3 different spas in a couple days. At this point she should get a little world tour card and just find all the spas in this world. She chuckled to herself thinking about that.

With her bathing done, Sectonia decided to head off to the theatre of the royal district. Hopefully it would have an interesting show on display and some good food and company to fully relax. Inside the Theatre Sectonia noticed it was full of lots of high class looking bugs much like herself. Maybe when she was relaxed she might be able to make some interesting connections here.

Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (62/110)
Level 4 Susie - (26/40) - (Holding 1 level up)

Location: Despirado Area
Word Count: Less than 750

Blazermate had little success unlike Giovanna and the others when it came to finding information about Despirado and what they did here. Civilians didn't really offer much information beyond "Armstrong is great" or "Yeah, they keep us safe." or the occasional stammered. "They do good for us.", things that really didn't offer much information besides some civilians were scared of them. Susie meanwhile explored the Despirado branded android store and soon found that it really didn't offer anything she could turn for a quick profit or use herself, as it held a bunch of those android dolls she had seen earlier, but for sale. She noticed a great deal of them were refurbished, so they probably weren't even of the quality of those outside.

A bit dejected at her probing of information, Blazermate joined everyone at the pizzeria, Susie having been there early and doing more business on her PDA. Giovanna apologized to the 3 robot ladies for wasting their time as the other team members ate, thinking that they couldn't eat. Poppi and Blazermate couldn't, but Susie said. "I prefer ice cream and sweets, but I will try a slice." Being the only robot girl who couldn't even appreciate the food made Blazermate think a bit.

Upon sitting at the table and getting orders, Blazermate took a closer look at Tora and Poppi and noticed they had gotten some new stuff. "Hey, where did you guys get that stuff? Was it on sale somewhere or something?" Blazermate asked, pointing at the new hammer Tora had. Susie took her own glance at the two but wasn't as impressed at the items she could see. It didn't take long for the group to get their food, Susie grabbing a single slice to try as Tora seemed to just shovel the food into his face. Blazermate, feeling left out, had an idea and summoned her engineer striker and offered it some pizza. She didn't know if the striker could even eat or needed it, but it was all she could think of to not feel awkward. Of course she didn't realize it could've been more awkward she did this.

After sitting down for a little bit, Benedict noticed that one of his 'former' colleges was sitting at a table a few tables away as some G men had entered the restaurant and moved to another table with another Turk. Benedict himself bringing it up that he could do something since he was an old colleague. He didn't really offer much beyond that, with Susie saying. "And how should we go about that? Wouldn't you be disowned for joining a group that you had to fight before?"

Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (61/110)
Level 4 Susie - (25/40) - (Holding 1 level up)

Location: Despirado Area
Word Count: Less than 750

Blazermate followed Khamsin being one of the faster fliers of the group and being able to mark him so that the others could follow if they got left behind. This ended up not being as big of an issue though as once he reached civillian roads with people on them, he obeyed all traffic laws and everything after having just destroyed a construction site and basically crunched a shady individual of the leadership of the city. Quite a juxtapose of actions, but Blazermate wasn't going to argue. This just showed he was a terror to his enemies but nice normally. Susie meanwhile guided the others that were a bit slower, able to see and follow Blazermate without much issue.

Eventually Khamsin made his way to the Despirado base, a big strong bunker. Considering what they probably had and what they were fighting, that made sense. The area itself being quite... different? Well Blazermate hadn't seen much of the city to be fair, but there weren't many G men around. Instead there were Despirado clad androids around, playing roughly the same role as the G men? Susie noticed this too, and she figured these weren't as gullible as the G men in their stealth form. Still, the lack of G men in the area meant that there could be something here that was normally outlawed, but without knowing the city proper, this wouldn't be something Susie would know. She'd just have to let her business acumen take hold as she entered the android store to see if they had anything worthwhile. She only got a passing glance at Armstrong's posters. He seemed like a strong guy, but Susie doubted she could make him into a bodyguard with how much he had under his thumb apparently.

Blazermate meanwhile was a bit lost on what to do. They found Despirado, were they now supposed to get in the base or was that all they needed to do was figure out where they were? Thinking these guards were more like G men, Blazermate didn't go to ask them questions, instead asking quesions of the common folk around about what they thought about despirado and all that, since they seemed to have the place safe from the hostile robots and gang members and all that. Still, she was at a loss more on how to proceed really, as it seemed Despirado wasn't taking any recruits considering how tightly guarded their bunker looked. At least this Armstrong guy Khamsin was talking about had posters of himself around the area, and boy oh boy, he looked like a super buff robot man himself. Square head, super broad, really muscular... Not Blazermate's style but she could see some people liking him.


Level 9 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (68/90)
Location: ??? > Boss
Word Count: Less than 750

Sectonia had a much easier time dispatching her foe than the others. While some might think it was her rage at the whole situation, others would notice that her brand of lingering aoe attacks were the perfect counter to her foe. Unlike the others which seemed to have their own troubles with their foes. Sectonia having been distracted with her enemy didn't catch all that had happened but she did say. "you all are stronger than this! End these horrid abominations!" With the rest of the group done with this wave of minibosses, the big boss of the area finally revealed itself.

To be honest, Sectonia wasn't entirely sure what she would be expecting, but it wasn't this. It was as if whoever designed this area, or this world itself, was some play on body horror or something. What with the blood leaking everywhere as their fight caused the room, or monster, or... whatever they were fighting in to bleed profusely and cause a river of blood that carried the platform along. Sectonia could fly to keep up with her minions, not wanting to get splashed with the oncomming torrent of horrid blood, which ended up being a good solution since the fetus monster chased them down. "Another one of these? Hey, don't break the cannon this time!" Sectonia said, even though none of this group had actually been with her when she fought Big Eyes, the big guardian of the desert.

Being far to furious to care about saving it, Sectonia used her assist trophy and out came a large leviathan, which began to fight with the other assist trophy that was summoned as well as the boss, leading to some kind of freaky 3 giant monster brawl. While not wanting to get involved in the entire brawl, Sectonia summoned her Chaos Shield upon herself and put herself between the brawling leviathans and the platform below, quite angry at the whole situation and just wanting these creatures to be gone. And there was no better way to do that then throwing rings of light and globules of darkness at the fetus monster that was their target. She wasn't as used to the new fire magic she had gotten, so she only spat tiny embers with her angered breaths.

While not being the center of attention, but still involved mostly with the fight of the giant monsters, occasionally one of them would have an attack hit Sectonia. The leviathan she had summoned did absolutely no damage, while the other one did. still, even getting smacked by that thing was better than whatever It Lives was, but getting hit also flared up her Abusive affliction, with her saying. "Don't just stand there you louts! Attack!" This was around the time one of the monsters attacks smacked the makeshift flesh raft the others were on, causing Nadia to tumble in. If she was in her right mind she would see that they had issues with footing, but as it was, she just rolled her eyes and kept up with her assault.

Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (60/110)
Level 4 Susie - (24/40) - (Holding 1 level up)

Location: Detroit Fight
Word Count:

Blazremate was happy that she managed to get this guy to fight for them. Apparently from what he said, the bad robots they had to fight didn't fly or look like medabots; Or at least didn't look like her and Susie. Floating above the man and staying out of hsi way, Blazermate participated in his destruction of well... everything, her healing and eventually kritz letting him go more berserk than normal. TAking her advice, the rest of her team vacated the area as they could at various amounts of injury as mr. wind of destruction went to town.

With the rest of the gang members having been taken out, Blazermate went over to heal her friends as Khamsin attacked the G men for getting in his way, mentioning something about Armstrong? Why did that name sound familiar to Blazermate? Either way, it was surprising to Susie in particular Despirado could go around killing G men without issue, or little issue, was really really interesting.

Poppi then suggested that they follow the man back to Despirado's main base, as they had already worked with them and were more or less at a dead end of how to progress. Susie was fine with it, as was Blazermate, with the pink haired bot picking up the dropped spirits for the party to deal with later. "I'll go ahead and chat with the guy so we're on friendly terms when coming across the base. I got a feeling they wont like us just appearing and all that." Blazermate said, flying ahead to chat with Khamsin on the way back to base. Or rather, just let the man talk about freedom, armstrong, and whatever he wanted to and just be a good listener. He wasn't hte first 'crazy' medabot Blazermate has met.

Level 9 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (67/90)
Location: ??? > Boss Rush
Word Count: 1089

It took longer than she'd like, but eventually the giant fell, exploding into blood as the walls themselves also exploded into blood, almost like the room itself was the giant. "This place is disgusting. No class, no beauty..." Sectonia said, reiterating her opinion of the whole dungeon. Upon the death of Mom, her spirit appeared in the room as all of her minions they hadn't killed perished. And with her death, two rooms opened. One with that familiar devil statue, another where there was a faceless angel statue. Both statues offering the same item, at... no cost? A trophy case looking object with a spirit inside it, or something looking like a spirit. Additionally a reward for beating Mom spawned, a red shoe. And finally, a hole Sectonia would investigate once they had some time to rest and divvy out the loot.

Even though Sectonia was stressed, she still told her minions what was going on. "IF any of you are interested, that shoe seems to increase the range of ranged attacks. But considering what it is, I doubt it'll come for free. The items inside the rooms meanwhile seem to contain spirits of some sort, but with no cost to claim. Their magic feels a bit more... raw..." As the group was given time to rest, Sectonia looked over the items she had collected so far, dumping those she deemed disgusting (Basically all the monster hunter crafting items) onto the ground from the spirits she had crushed prior. "IF any of you have a use for these items speak up, or they will be left behind." Sectonia also took it upon herself to wake up Ganondorf from his exhaustion with a few slaps. At least as the group rested he'd get some healing from Sectonia's healing aura. Sectonia, noticing the devil room spirit thing didn't have any cost at all associated with it, sent an antillion to go grab it for her.

With all of that being done and the rest going as well as it could, Sectonia grumbling to herself, she decided to investigate the same hole Nadia was. Unlike the trapdoors earlier, this one was... flesh covered. Almost like it was some kind of toothless mouth or something. The words Nadia then said didn't help, and everyone could visibly see Sectonia's eyes more or less buldging out in sheer disgust and anger. "Does this dungeon expect US to enter the bowels of a defeated giant in order to kill something inside of it? If I ever meet who made this dungeon, they will have a swift and merciless death." Sectonia's wings unfurling wide as she made that declaration. That being said, she waited until a couple other minions descended before gritting and following, with plans to teleport out if this became what Nadia had mentioned.

And yes, the descent was as disgusting as Sectonia figured, her large size making her descent a bit trickier. Even with blinks, she did have to touch the flesh walls, and this really, really wasn't improving her mood. At least as the tunnel widened, she could blink without touching as much of the wall as she was but what Nadia had said earlier, with the large fleshy room below... could prove true. And if it was, there really wasn't too much she could do to help her minions. Well, the ones she liked anyway. But either way, Sectonia could do nothing but agree with Nadia. "Whatever made this dungeon needs to perish." Sectonia reiterated. Although her rage blinded her to her own hypocracy as she saw the items on display for 'powering up' as this dungeon seemed to like to do. One was a thing of damaging lemonade, another was a symbol that made you bigger, a third was a pair of robes that really didn't match her asthetic but did increase damage dealt, and the fourth was a pepper that granted control over fire? Well it didn't look as bad as that rotten tomato and control over fire magic would be another bit of magic she had under her belt.

As each of the seekers took what powerup they wanted, Nadia taking the lemonade and Sectonia grabbing the pepper, they became affected by the boons and woes of each. Nadia hadn't had anything happen to her, while Sectonia could feel a massive burning sensation in her mouth as if it was on fire which didn't improve her temperament. After all the seekers grabbed all of the powerups, a menagerie of grotesque monsters to come out of the walls, much like what Mom did in her battle but these monstrosities were more disgusting and much larger. Yep, the entered some kind of giant alright, if the flesh walls and audible heartbeat weren't enough. Unfortunitally for the creature that Sectonia pulled her weapons out for, a Massive ball of cancerous flesh, her mood of being in a 'stomach' alongside the insane pain from the spice of the pepper she had claimed for its power over fire boiled her rage over and she took that rage out on this mass.

That came in the form of her throwing massive light ring after massive light ring, fire coming out of her mouth as not even she could contain her rage at this whole situation. She wasn't using this fire to attack, but the light rings were enough as while the first large section of the creature took a bit to go down, its slow movement speed as it bounced towards Sectonia letting her lay into it with her rings of light, with her rage (Abusive) increasing her damage output slightly but making her unwilling to dodge as she was blinded by her fury. This wasn't as big of an issue as it seemed at first as the large mass approached her, it split into three masses that bounced in other directions. Still, Sectonia didn't enjoy one of these cancer balls bouncing off of her and fired more and more rings of Light.

However the poor thing soon began to break apart more and more, falling apart much easier than its initial form. Once the medium sized chunks broke into more chunks, due to breaking apart while inside a ring of light, the new chunks also got turned into mush, becoming smaller chunks which got blended, and finally spawning for a split second as a small spider before that too got turned into a red paste. If Sectonia wasn't fuming with anger and spice pain, she'd ruminate on how this was probably one of the easier of the creatures to deal with due to her skillset. But she was far, far too angry at things to think about that.

Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (59/110)
Level 4 Susie - (23/40) - (Holding 1 level up)

Location: Detroit Fight
Word Count: 1003

Susie, being in the middle of combat like Tora and Poppi managed to pull a bit of the fire from the others. Having landed as crazy as she did, the other Misconduct gang members targeted her if they didn't target Tora and Poppi. Having gotten the attention of the transformed G Men though, when one of the gang members went to try to attack Susie in her cockpit, the G men slashed him away, although he also attacked Susie's mech itself so it was a bit of a neutral interaction there. Still, as she was getting focused now, Susie held one of her hands up to block her cockpit as she hopped her mech around, firing the occasional drill if she got the chance.

Blazermate meanwhile was a bit sad that her engineer spirit got destroyed by dynamite, but he managed to take out a fair amount of people and it took the 'leader' of the group to do so. considering it was an explosive, that made sense in a weird way. At least Geralt had overheal if he got hit.

Overall during the fight Blazermate had managed to give Geralt and Giovanna an overheal during the battle, finding healing Tora and Poppi very difficult since they were in the middle of combat, grabbing as much attention as they could. This ended up being beneficial in the end, as a large tank commanded by someone who was part of the 'winds of destruction' came about, declaring his intentions to crush anyone who would be against freedom. A weird declaration, but the name he was part of reminded Blazermate of something.

"Hey, I'm going to go and try to get that guy on our side. Hes part of Despirado if I remember right. And you said we should know those people. Best to not have another enemy either way." Blazermate said to Geralt and those around her. Having gotten enough ubercharge for an uber on herself if necessary, Blazermate used Tora and Poppi's distraction, and to a lesser extent Susie's distraction, to fly over the battlefield and intercept Khamsin, grabbing a cleaning rag out of her belt pouches and waving it like a flag of surrender.

Upon approaching the man, Blazermate said. "Hey, your with Despirado right? Some of us are on your side!" She did have an uber ready to pop if he got aggressive, since that was one nasty looking mech, but hopefully Blazermate could get this man on their side instead.

As his giant mech stomped over, Khamsin spotted the medabot on her way to meet him before he could get busy immersing himself in the blood of the villainous Misconducts. "Huh?" Her aerial approach distinguished her from the enemies he'd been expecting from the distress call, and upon first glance the cyborg could see that she looked very much like either an android, an Unmanned Gear, or maybe a fusion of the two. Since both types of weaponized automata served in the ranks of DespoRHado, and her LED marked her as military-grade android, everything about her screamed 'ally', and the makeshift white flag she flew was just icing on the cake.

"Roger," he declared with a scornful look at the G-men. "Typical government dogs, cryin' far and wide for help the minute things get interesting." Khamsin registered Blazermate as an ally. The Misconducts opened fire, so the Wind of Destruction moved in to wreak havoc. "Tell your team to stay outta of my way. Things are about to get messy!"

Blazermate was relieved that the man was quickly able to recognize her as an ally and that she could get him on her side. She then thought of something and said. "Better yet, how about we help gather them up for you and stay out of your way so you can bulldoze them over? Some of us could make that really easy for ya! I'm a support bot so I'll keep ya in top condition if you get damaged while you go to town." Blazermate said affirming what she could do to their possible new ally. Blazermate did know Raiden didn't like these people, as they were apparently from their world, but considering how confused Roxas was when they told him the organization was very different from what he knew, Raiden could be totally wrong about these guys. Either way, they were a bit crazy from what this guy looked like, but not all that much... maybe? Either way, Blazermate pointed out her friends letting him know who was on his side.

A Misconduct shotgunner who'd gotten his leg broken by one of the machine girls' gravity blasts emptied shot after shot into Khamsin's cockpit, but its armored exterior soaked it all up. When the gun clicked empty, the terrified gang member hid behind one of the structure's supports. Khamsin took one more lumbering step forward, revved up his chainsaw axe, and with a single rocket-powered swing carved through both support and shotgunner alike. The entire structure shook from the impact, and Misconducts began to descend even further into panic, but by now Galeem's influence meant they could not run away.

"Hmph," Khamsin grunted. "Sounds like this'll be over before I even get to enjoy myself. Run whatever support you got, but don't blame me if you get caught in the crossfire!"

Blazermate, getting her affirmation gave the man a bit of healing before leaving. Calling out to her friends, saying. "This guy is ready to help us out! Just stay out of his way guys. He says this is routine for him!" Blazermate then flew over the field informing the other seekers that the Winds of Destruction guy was on their side, but even he admits that his mech is prone to friendly fire if they got close. Susie, having been covering her cockpit with her mech fists understood this and made her way out of the middle of the fray, using her mech's durability to let her wander out of the middle of combat.


Level 9 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (65/90)
Location: Necropolis > Mom Fight
Word Count: less than 750

Sectonia and the others were able to keep up with the waves of minions more or less, Sectonia's chaos causing spells hitting the occasional minion that she wasn't even targeting often helping out her allies in the process as she herself managed to take out a few herself as well. However Mom managed to get a few hits on her allies, most notably Ganondorf who had taken a stomp from mom and a few other allies getting clipped by her massive disgusting feet.

Sectonia was surprised at how idle Ganondorf had been this whole fight for the length that he was, considering the amount of bluster he had been putting out about being such powerful being. This was eventually rectified as he finally did what he was trying to do, transforming into some large pig monster and started to rampage about, going after Mom when the opportunity presented itself. However due to how he seemed to care little about what was around him, many of Sectonia's antillions were taken down by his dark laser, poofing into a cloud of stars.

A bit worried for her minions as Ganon rampaged about, Sectonia swapped her Chaos Shield to whoever was in his way and decided that it was best that she swap from attacking the minions to getting Mom over and done with and possibly deal with whatever Ganondorf was doing. Getting well out of the way of his rampage, Sectonia began to charge her Special rend as the next wave of minions came in. Seeing as Sectonia could only lazily drift as she charged this ability, the priests that spawned next ot her began to attack her. Their moves didn't do much of anything in terms of damage to her, but... something... was welling up inside her as they hit her? Its like she was thinking that her minions could do way better than they were doing and that this fight should've been over sooner than it was.

Having taken so many stress hits, this eventually boiled over as Sectonia let loose her Spacial shatter as Mom attempted to attack one of her allies. The space in that area shattering like glass as a vortex of pure darkness hit the area before leaving a white void behind that slowly regained its color and doing damage to Mom and not her allies. this stress boil over gave Sectonia the Abusive break however as those stress hits finally got to her. This came with her saying. "You are all stronger than this. Finish this atrocious fight!" sounding like an angry disappointed mother in tone. She herself not just saying disappointment as she took out her frustration at the nearby cultist, rapidly stabbing it with her swords.

Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (57/110)
Level 4 Susie - (21/40) - (Holding 1 level up)

Location: Midgar > Detroit
Word Count: 874

Raiden and Poppi offered Susie their own elements. Having never actually tried a 'dark' element before, Susie chose that soon finding it was essentially a gravity manipulation type element. Very useful for fighting, but not for the proposed 'stealth' that was suggested they partake in. While Susie could fly over on her own and find a place to watch the battlefield, she wasn't much one for stealth. Infiltration? For sure. But outright stealth? She knew her limits and she wasn't going to even bother trying something like that. Once things kicked off, she could just jump onto the battlefield inside her Business suit, causing quite the bit of chaos. With this in mind, Susie waited at the top of a tall crane in the construction site in her business suit, waiting to drop down onto the battlefield when the fighting began.

Blazermate meanwhile wanted to try her hand at stealth. She wasn't a stealth based medabot, but it sounded fun! She was nimble in the air, so finding a place to stealth from wasn't an issue. However due to how spread out everyone was, there really wasn't too much she could do unless she worked on the outskirts of the group or placed a distraction...

And a distraction she thought of! While staying high around the top of the buldings, she found a side observation platform area and summoned her Engineer spirit who began making his buildings. The "Clank, clank, clank" of his wrench could be heard echoing through the nearby complex, catching the attention of some of the TNT crew. As Blazermate waited above for some to come investigate, a couple of the TNT group decided to investigate the strange, rhythmic clanking sound. Giggling silently to herself, Blazermate got into position to do what that one western anime hero did, getting ready to grab one of them and take them to the sky.

And as she thought, two of the fringe TNT crew came to investigate, climbing up the scaffolding stairs to investigate the sound. With one motioning for the other to investigate, one of them gingerly turned the corner to see a red dispenser standing between him, a level 2 sentry gun, and the engineer crouching whacking the gun himself. Around this time a loud explosion could be heard, which Blazermate took as her signal. While this guy was confused at what he was seeing, Blazermate swooped down and grabbed his buddy who had been alerted by the loud explosion, chomping his head in her suffering arm shield as she swooped down and back up into the sky. The other member, hearing the muffled screams of his ally and the explosion behind him, came back out to investigate.

And acting out her little reenactment of what she saw on TV, Blazermate dropped the body of the crew member she had bitten at the feet of the other member from her position above as she swooped over. The panicking crew member now on guard with his shotgun all ready, stammering that there was something back here to those around as he looked into the sky for whatever had dropped his buddy. It was around this time that the body of his ally animated into the zombie it had become and leaped at him smelling tasty brains. Blazermate using this distraction to finish that guy off as he was forced to stop searching for her and deal with his now zombified partner.

With two zombies under her command, she told her engineer to move his sentry gun to fire more into the open as more gang members advanced on their location, going back to maneuvering through what she could as she told her zombies to make as much noise as possible to lure more over there into sentry gun fire as she made her way towards where the others were and to cover her approach to the frontlines with everyone else.

Susie meanwhile just at in her mech bored, spending a bit more time buying and selling much like she did when idle. This was thankfully put to an end as the battle below between two transformed G men and the gang members who made the place a bloodbath began. Seeing her chance, Susie got ready and jumped with her business suit, landing onto the battlefield below with her business suit drill whirring and crushing an unfortunate member who had just fired their gun at the transformed G Men. She then made an excuse to potentially get those transformed G men on her side, since her battle helmet was white and all. "How dare you mess with my construction site you hooligans! Take this!" and Susie fired her new gravity enhanced dark missiles, causing singularities that dragged in anything that got close grouping them for followup. And guarding her cockpit when fired upon, as she had learned.

Blazermate meanwhile had taken cover nearby, looking for opportunities to heal that wouldn't get her shot at, at least until she managed to get her projectile shield and could reposition better. At least her zombies and engineer placed sentry near the back of the battlefield would cause some chaos. Although the only ones in a good position for her to heal were Geralt and Giovanna.

Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (55/110)
Level 4 Susie - (19/40) - (Holding 1 level up)

Location: Midgar > Detroit
Word Count: Less than 750

Blazermate saw Poppi trying to understand what she meant. Yeah, from the way Poppi was acting, in her world machines couldn't do as much as humans or something. Maybe it was harder for them to do magic? This must've been some culture shock for her then. Susie noticed this too, but didn't really have any grip on who Poppi was unlike Blazermate. This ruminating was cut short when someone who wore the same outfit as a G-man, but was completely robotic... Or Susie saw being completely cybernetic, stepped on the bus. Poppi and Tora looked at the stranger with unease, Poppi pulling out her blade stealthily in case things went south.

Much to Tora's relief, the man simply patted the fluff ball on the head and sat down. Blazermate got a good look at the Claw, noting that if they were to fight it, it would be one sturdy fellow almost on par with the big koopa king himself. The weak points, the canisters on its body, in clear view of everyone and not even being hidden at all. It was as if it was begging something to fight it in a way, quite strange. Susie meanwhile looked at the cyberntics and while not on par with what she could do, it was interesting. A bit too rough, but at least it looked durable.

The rest of the bus ride wasn't all that eventful, with the group having made it to the train station ahead of all the others. Tora and Poppi chatted to themselves as Susie did more exchanges remotely on the grand exchange, having made quite a tidy sum at this time playing that market and Blazermate pulled out a rag to clean herself. It took about 10 minutes before the rest of the team dropped in and the group was given the ability to follow Giovanna. They discussed what they'd do next with Blazermate asking "The red shift corruption isn't curable? How can that be? Everything has a cure." Well, she'd stay out of those corruption clouds either way, but yeah, something incurable that affected robots as well? Not fun.

Figuring they'd have to find some kind of detector, the group made their way to a construction site through some bizarre rooftop geometry where the workers below worked their jobs in relative peace. At least until some gang member looking fellows appeared and started causing chaos, the invaders slaughtering all they could get their hands on. "Savages such as those should be taught some manners." Susie said, calling her business suit. She then said. "If one of you could be so kind as to charge my suit with some elemental energy?" Blazermate meanwhile did what she could to identify the weak points of these things as she overhealed everyone and got ready to fight, building up what charge she could.

Level 9 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (64/90)
Location: Necropolis
Word Count: less than 750

Much like her, some of the others decided to focus on the minions. Nadia and Theron focusing on the minions as well as Sectonia. Nadia seeming to have issues trying out a new combat style she wasn't used to trying to keep distance from these horrific monsters and Theron going into them like a melee fighter does. Sectonia meanwhile decided instead to hold her swords out as she summoned her large rings of light and threw them about the arena, noticing that the arena wasn't all that large at the end of the day. At this point Sectonia was getting a bit annoyed at the random properties of her projectile attacks that weren't her lightning, but at least the size of this room made it so it didn't matter that much with her light rings as they were fired in triplicate thanks to her item, and their massive size made them incredibly difficult to dodge in such a confined area, even if Sectonia herself could only aim them generally.

This added to the chaos of the fight as her antillions did what they could to the brawlers and cultists that appeared, blasting electricity or ice at them. Thanks to the item the queen had gotten earlier, they weren't the walking minor damage distraction they were before, instead they were doing some sensible damage. That item didn't make them all that much more durable though, but before they were destroyed by the brawlers and their allies they could put down a fair bit of hurt or freeze a couple of them totally solid.

Causing chaos on the battlefield (Which her allies were immune to), also caught the attention of enemies that weren't actively engaged. Notably a group of cultists who had just been summoned by a couple bits of flesh coming out of doors that Sectonia's light rings had nearly hit, but before hitting them the rings had boomeranged back at the Queen, doing her no harm, but missing those cultists and getting their attention. And with this attention came the tentacles summoned by the cultists, lashing at and pulling the queen from her little spot at the edge of the room towards the center. This also grabbed her attention, as the tentacles ripping into her and causing a bit of bleeding was hard to miss.

Unfortunately for those cultists, having her undivided attention instead of having her cause random chaos meant she blinked over to them and rapidly slashed at them with her swords, dealing with their squishy selves in due order, but not before they got another hit off. With them being dispatched, Sectonia noted that they didn't hurt as much as some other things, but they left behind some residual thing... It made her angrier at the whole situation she was in here. Like she was getting overly frustrated at this whole fight. But she was already disgusted and filled with righteous rage at dealing with these abominations... It was nothing... probably... maybe...

"This fight wont end if we all focus on the minions." Sectonia said, giving the hint that some others should deal with the giant above. Yes, Sectonia's light rings often clipped Mom just due to their sheer size but that was a residual thing. If nothing else, that would eventually cut her down if she was taking damage, but the faster this giant was defeated, the faster this could all be over.
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