Level 11 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (64/110)
Level 4 Susie - (28/40) - (Holding 1 level up)
Location: Despirado Area
Word Count: Less than 750
Blazermate didn't think this weird mish mash of metal was going to be as big of a threat as it looked. But then she wasn't as good of a medic as she looked so... Well this wasn't the time to think about that as Blazeramte dodged the massively damaging cannon shots aimed at her, this creature very aware of what she was doing to the others. At least it wasn't all that fast... But its shots hurt really bad when it landed one on her shield arm, causing enough damage to cause it to almost shut down entirely. And if it did that to a defensive part on a deflection hit, well... best not to think about that, especially since it had debuff powers on top of that which slowed everyone down, reduced their damage, and even put Poppi to sleep. While Benedict got into position to defend and try to awaken Poppi, Blazermate could use the drone around her to hit her with a revive, cleaning the sleep debuff from her. At least that debuffing attack wouldn't do anything with Blazermate on the job. But even with the thing's weak point glowing for all to see thanks to Blazermate's scan, it seemed it would be a tough nut to crack in general.
Susie wasn't having as much luck either. While her business suit could out muscle Loup, his speed made it annoying to do much other that block his hits. And she could tell the demon was more or less toying with her, waiting for her to make a swing before launching at her in the cockpit which was a bit annoying. But that plan of attack could also be predicted, and since her mech's hands were large enough to obscure her for the most part, Susie had a bit of a plan since from the sound of things, that other G man was giving everyone else trouble.
Blazermate meanwhile thanks to all the rapid damage and debuffs going out from this monstrosity, was gaining her uber and shield relatively fast. That was a huge upside to heavy hitting foes at least, it got her stronger abilities up and running very quickly. And seeing as Geralt had at least more or less won his fight from the looks of things, with his opponent rambling on while he ignored him, all that was left was these G men. And if Susie could deal with hers, it would just be the big metal one left. Using her fully charged projectile shield, Blazermate used Tora distracting it, swapping her drone to him as she moved to aid Susie as she did her trick.
Susie, having enough of this Loup-Garou's jumping around, pulled out the cow mangler she had bought. Calculating his movements, she loaded it up and began to overcharge it, making a sweep with her mech's hands and exposing her cockpit, but in a way that when Loup did his coutnerattack, he'd be jumping right into a charged rocket shot. What Susie didn't expect was Blazemate to be there, her projectile shield clipping into Loup and slowing him down as he leaped at Susie, allowing a much easier and safer rocket hit and sending the demon straight down into the ground at insane force, allowing Blazermate to follow up with a few hits from her ubersaw and a bite from her suffering shield as he got back onto his feet.
The damage to her business suit had started to take its toll though, and thanks to absorbing the splash of that rocket, Susie had to send it away as it being a damaged state like that wouldn't aid them against what was to come. But she still had her blaster and knew how to fight outside her business suit, even if she preferred not to. With a full uber and Susie's opponent being weakened, Blazermate gave her a bit of overheal before flying back to Tora and Poppi, ready to give them that all fun invincibility. Susie having her blaster out to deal with Loup if he still wanted to fight.

Level 10 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (8/100)
Location: City of Tears
Word Count: Less than 750
Sectonia, getting quite tired of the rain of this city after a little while, stopped by an open store to buy an umbrella and unload her 'spoils' from the dungeon they had just been through. She wasn't surprised the masks she found wouldn't sell for much, but she figured that a city full of masked bugs might offer a bit more than another place. Overall after buying her parasol to shield herself from the rain and selling her masks, she gained 50 geo from the transaction. She could've gotten more, but she wasn't going to go around with any old parasol, grabbing a fancy one to befit her status.
It seemed it would take longer than she thought for her allies to get their effects in order from that fight, as it had gotten fairly late all things considered. She had hoped that, while her stress had melted away, that they would enjoy a bit of fun at the amusement park. However all she could find was the Knight, the little bug walking about the city with that blank stare of curiosity it always wore. It seemed the others were predisposed with whatever they were doing, probably resting if she had to guess, so while she'd take any others that she found, she decided to head to the amusement district with the Knight in toe. On the way there, Sectonia, remembering she had taken an item that gave her control over fire, began to play with that power. It became quite clear it was only a fire breath, no conjuring fire form her staffs or anything, but unlike that large bumbling king koopa, she would control something like this with more elegance and grace, soon making fancy fire spirals from her fire breath in small artistic patterns as practice. If this had any power in combat had to be tested however.
A bit of a shame that many of her allies were indisposed all things considered. While she wasn't much one for the cheap thrills of amusement rides; many things paling in comparison to the power of flight and teleportation, nor the scams that were the games, at least she could find enjoyment in the foolishness of clowns and the other carnies that engaged in acts of slapstick. At least unlike the royal district, things here weren't nearly as expensive, including admission, so it didn't cost much at all for Sectonia to pay for herself to view the comedy of the big tent, while the others got a bit of money to do whatever they wanted to do to unwind. There was still the matter of the It Lives spirit that had to be dealt with, but considering what everyone had just gone through, that could wait for the next day.
Sectonia's antillions, having been given an order by their queen, went out through the city to look for the scattered currency they had once looked for at the metro. However unlike the metro with its flowing pons, here, there wasn't much in the way of currency. A few loose bits of geo here or there, but that only totaled up to 15 which Sectonia would find in her wallet upon collection. Meanwhile the rest of the city saw these ant soldier looking creatures moving around almost like mindless bugs, ignoring others staring at them as they looked in in whatever areas they could look in with their larger frames thanks to the item Sectonia had gotten earlier. They seemed weird, but weren't hurting anyone or anything, so besides a few curious looks they were mostly ignored. Some might think they were guards looking for something? Although the actual guards might have an issue with a notion like that.