Grift of the NecroDancer
Level 12 Nadia (76/120)
The Koopa Troop’s @DracoLunaris, Primrose and Therion’s @Yankee, Sectonia’s @Archmage MC
Group Word Count: 1820 (+3)
Bit by bit, the Seekers scattered throughout the Crypt amassed the requisite points and made their way to their final destination. Finding it wasn’t exactly difficult to begin with, but by now the heroes found no shortage of undead denizens only too happy to point them in the right direction. Even in the short time they’d been here so far, the newcomers were attracting a lot of attention. Fresh meat was a hot commodity in this bizarre sepulcher, and from the outset the some of the new contractors’ hungriest and most hopeful predecessors were out for blood, gunning for the Seekers in order to win a new lease of life. Rather than fall prey to the horde, however, the newcomers danced their way through a handful of high-profile victories, not only squashing a couple rival contractors but even knocking a couple Floorbosses down a peg. Frankensteinway, the Dead Ringer, and Coral Riff were no pushovers, after all. Though some undead were jealous, many were now rooting for the Seekers, especially the three who outmaneuvered Floorbosses: Bowser, Primrose, and Ms. Fortune. Hyped up by the newcomers’ meteoric rise, the dead knew just what was in store and couldn’t wait to see it; even if salvation might be beyond their reach, they could live vicariously through the Seekers as they went on to contest, trounce, and regain their souls from the NecroDancer.
Nadia and the others scarcely needed to ask directions; the tide of bones, ectoplasm, and rotting flesh practically swept them all the way to the lich’s lair. Before long, she came to a stop in a grand, vaulted throne room of dark stone brick, evil black spikes, crimson banners, and infernal flame. A steady beat filled the place that dictated the flutter of firelight and tapestry alike, just audible enough to build anticipation for now, as the undead spread out to create a perimeter around the dance floor. On the far side of the room, watching the horde filter in with a deep scowl upon his face, was the NecroDancer himself. He was bald, gray-bearded, noseless, and vividly red-eyed, with only the thinnest veneer of shrunken blue skin stretched over his bones. His black robes and fancy shoulder pads were complimented by a magnificent mantle of rich ruby red, though, with a collar of suitably impressive height. Somehow, he looked exactly how Nadia pictured him.

Next to the NecroDancer floated an opulent golden lute, awash in the purple aura of sorcery, and to either side of his throne lay huge shelves full of parchment scrolls, no doubt all his ill-gotten contracts. Quite the track record, Nadia thought, crossing her arms as she met the NecroDancer’s eyes. Too bad we’re gonna smash it today. As they sized one another up, she put on a confident smirk, as if to say ‘I thought you’d be bigger’. With both her wins and her friends at her back, she could afford to be a little cocky. She, Primrose, Bowser, and Sectonia had all danced their way here to the finish line, while Junior, Kamek, Rika and Therion waited in the wings. Somehow, the thief had managed to repossess his soul all on his own, which both surprised and made perfect sense to Nadia at the same time. If there was some clever loophole or workaround, of course that clever conniver would find it. Only Artorias abstained, which also made sense. No matter how hard she tried, the feral couldn’t picture that edgy, angsty antihero tearing up the dance floor. For now, everyone had a few moments to speak before they posed their official challenge to the NecroDancer.
In that lull, one other familiar face put in an appearance. “Room for one more?” a bright, high voice chirped from behind the Seekers. When they turned, they found the tall ears, fluffy tail, and winning smile of a certain foxian beauty: the Crypt’s Amicassador, Tingyun. She winked at them. “I knew I had a good feeling about you, benefactors! After seeing you for myself, I couldn’t help but want to tag along.” When she snapped her fingers, ghostly wisps gave rise to the realization that since Therion saw her last, the fan-dancer had earned herself another 1100 points, putting her at ten thousand exactly.
Nadia grinned. After Reva it was nice to see a friendly foxgirl for a change. “The more the merrier!”
Therion hadn't expected to see her here, especially not as a competitor, figuring that she might as well have been part of the "staff." But, no, seeing as she'd lost her soul just like the rest of the unlucky people who'd been trying to pass through, it made sense that she'd take the best opportunity given to her to win it back. With that train of thought he was surprised more random contractors didn't throw their lots in with the Seekers.
"It can't hurt anyway. Join the conga line."
Sectonia looked over the area, not really enjoying the massive amount of undead. “Well, I suppose the fact that this one relies on trickery instead of raw power is shown evidently with the company he keeps. But speaking of trickery, I have a feeling we haven’t seen the last of it.” Sectonia said, musing at the past couple hours.
”Can’t fault the guy’s style though, this is a great final boss chamber” Bowser commented, before adding that ”and yeah, I’d almost be disappointed if he doesn't one up his floor boss” apparently in full badguy critic mode.
”Well or the style of someone else Galeem gave him” Kamek replied inorder to kick their foe down a few pegs, before suggesting ”Speaking of trickery, perhaps it would help if we held back on our intervention unless things looked dire? You know, keep the exact numbers of our forces obscured till the final moment”
“This is a good ‘final boss’ chamber? It's just a crypt with some drapes. Where are the neon lights, or the dramatic moon backdrop, or the opulent crystals. It's a ‘mid boss’ at best.” Sectonia said, giving her own criticisms.
Nadia stared at the two blankly. “The heck’re you guys talkin’ about? Shouldn’t we be…I dunno, strategizin’?” She glanced over at Tingyun. “You oughta know somethin’, right? Anyone ever fight… uh, I mean, dance against this skele-bum before?”
Tingyun tapped a slender finger against her cheek thoughtfully. “Why certainly, my noble benefactor. However, the NecroDancer is a most daunting opponent. In addition to possessing destructive sorceries, he can leverage those unfortunate contractors whose souls have been devoured to support him.” She narrowed her eyes at the ghoulish lich. “Of course, having lost everything once already, I have no intention of tasting such bitterness again. If we’re able to win our souls back and escape with our lives, it’ll be a first for the Crypt. Better late than never~”
“So it’s just like the Floorbosses?” Nadia received a nod from the Amicassador, then smiled glumly. “And here I was thinkin’ we’d actually have to out-dance him. Figures.”
Primrose looked from Tingyun to the NecroDancer. After seeing the bosses that she and Nadia went up against she'd had a feeling that the NecroDancer might be more of the same, but to have it confirmed left her feeling disappointed.
"I hope I'm not the only one let down by all this," she said. Nadia nodded her agreement.
“Hm? Were the floor bosses not just a more complex dance fight?” Sectonia said, catching a hint of what Nadia had just said. Unlike the others, she took the slow safer path of dealing with other contractors than going straight for a floor boss like the others.
Nadia chuckled wryly. “Nah, they just try and kill ya. Can’t dance on ‘em if you’re dead I guess.”
”And I suppose much like the other dancers, you can’t fight back. Wonderful….” Sectonia said, rolling her eyes in a sarcastic tone.
”I would not be surprised if he would be as bad at that as the other undead seem to be. Quite the hypocrite really, creating a dance based dungeon when he is incapable of doing so. Perhaps he is sour about that, which is why he has built this place to strip the talent from others” Kamek psychoanalysised rather loudly.
"You think so?" A man yearning to express himself but being unable to might have cut a tragic figure, if not for the whole stealing souls thing. She appraised the lich sitting on his throne, a subtle smirk forming on her face. "Then I suppose he really won't like being shown up."
"The motive doesn't matter," Therion pointed out. "Just beating him at his own game."
”Strategy wise, I dunno. Maybe if Sec goes first she can use her speed up power on people once she’s got her soul back?” Jr, who was the tactical stratgist of the troop’s sub group depite his being a wreckless kid, suggested ”It’d make playing keep away way easier for everyone, that is for sure”
“Well if you insist…” Sectonia said, taking the bite of flattery and offering to go first. Even so, she knew herself that Primrose at least was better than her at this, so at least the group had that in their back pockets. She did mention softly to Jr.s plan, almost inaudibly for the others. “Although I am not sure you all will even need my assistance in that manner…”
As the Seekers approached with Sectonia in the lead, the clattering and groaning dead grew quiet as the grave. All eyes (or eye sockets, as it were) lay on the NecroDancer, and after a moment, the lich stood up from his throne. “So. These are the intrepid newcomers garnering fame in my Crypt, come to die,” he rasped, his voice a bone-dry, papery growl full of menace. His red eyes narrowed at Tingyun. “And I had such high hopes for you, my Amicassador. Was one undeath not enough?”
Tingyun stared back at him coolly. “Aw, let’s not fight~”
“Hmph.” The NecroDancer turned his attention to Sectonia. “You’re the first, then? Let’s get this over with.” He raised a bony hand and snapped his fingers to start the music.
"Good luck," Primrose bid the queen.
"I'd say break a leg but, you know."
Sectonia nodded, acknowledging the gesture. To be frank, she was nervous, but she wasn’t going to show that to anyone here and steeled her resolve for this ‘dance fight’.
Starting with a slower song it seemed, at least this ‘NecroDancer’ had taste. The other club music she had been dancing to was… fine she supposed, but this was more something she preferred. Perhaps he knew what his opponents would like, but as to why she didn’t know. Maybe a way to drop their guard?
Out of everyone in the group, Sectonia was the weakest of their dancers. Still, she wasn’t going to let some ugly creature beat her grace. Although unlike the others, she didn’t actually fight a floor boss, so she wasn’t aware of their unique mechanics of being able to attack while they dance. Her opponents had passively done their attacks while they danced, but this was more deliberate.
Unfortunately for her, the slow start to the song made it difficult to actually dodge the attacks of the NecroDancer and still keep herself on beat. While he didn’t start with any minions, only himself, that didn’t really matter too much. In fact, he seemed to not even care too much about dancing, only giving minimal effort. This let him concentrate his attacks on the queen. Getting hit by chain lightning and icicle rain wasn’t the best feeling, but she at least had a great amount of magic resistance so she only took half damage from them. She could at least teleport away from the occasional slower spell as the NecroDancer took advantage of Sectonia’s inability to really dance away from his spells. Still though, she had to enact her magical barrier from her pipe of insight to not take too much damage from an oncoming large fireball as the song finally went to the chorus.
And as if on cue, the Necrodancer summoned two minions with a showmanship flourish, a Golden Bat and a dancing mummy to join in as the song went from a slow organ waltz to something far more energetic. If she wasn’t dancing for her ‘soul’ as it were, Sectonia would actually applaud this undead fiend’s choice in music as the rock guitar paired with the organ was something she liked and for a moment she kept up with the accelerated beat of the song once the guitar dropped unaided, using her wings to flutter to the faster instrument of the guitar while still doing her waltz movement to the organ.
She found herself flying a bit higher over the battlefield than she was before with her ‘excitement’. This faster pace also allowed her far more opportunities to teleport in order to dodge attacks. The NecroDancer meanwhile, had stopped with his vague dancing and was just attempting to strike down this giant bee with more rapid spell casting as his minions attempted to approach Sectonia, but only the bat could get any damage in as she was too high for the mummy and its backup dancer, another mummy, to hit with their attacks.
The NecroDancer, meanwhile, used her height advantage to hit her with harder to dodge icicle rains or lightning strikes. While Sectonia had more opportunities to dodge with her teleport, the increased stress plus her lack of dance experience put her off-beat, which really messed with her teleport timings and made her get hit roughly every other attack. Upon noticing this after getting hit twice, she summoned her Chaos Shield, which absorbed a large amount of damage for her for its duration.
And then the song sped up, again. Considering how difficult she was finding it to dance on beat already, and how the Necrodancer didn’t even need to follow the beat to do anything, Sectonia needed to use what she had been using previously to out-dance the other contractors, her Hsate. While still fast, the song had slowed down a bit to roughly when it started to enter the chorus, even if it sounded really distorted now. But now wasn’t the time to enjoy the music, but to keep herself on beat so she stopped taking so much damage from the various fireballs, icicles, thunder, and the occasional rock thrown her way. Sure her Chaos Shield was durable, but it did have a limit and she really didn’t want to have it expire too soon as she really didn’t know when the song was going to end, it just seemed to keep on going and going.
The necrodancer noticed Sectonia’s use of haste, although probably a bit too late. This intruder had gone from being very off beat, to keeping up with the song now? He was frustrated with her defensive magic and now something to speed her up? He was tired of this nonsense, and unlike Sectonia, he knew the end of the song was coming up. He wasn’t going to lose to some… Amateur that cheated to win. And with the song on its slower end where it started to finish, the NecroDancer channeled a big spell and having gotten used to how she blinked on certain beats, hit her with a massive necro blast before the song finished.
Sectonia meanwhile had only gotten a small boost from her Haste, and it wore off at an inappropriate time, the blast connecting and shattering the remains of her shield and dealing some nasty damage. She was still flying as it were as the smoke cleared and the song ended, with Sectonia barely, barely beating the NecroDancer as a lot of her off beat moves were during the part of the song worth massive points. But with the lich playing with his food as it were and hoping he could finish her off before the song ended to claim another soul, he underestimated the Queen's hardiness however.
Still, Sectonia was showing signs of damage after tanking so many attacks, having difficulty toughing out the damage she had taken. She would heal in time, using a combination of her Pipe of Inisght’s passive regeneration and her new barkskin ability that increased her health regeneration, but it was a close one in both regards.
“Whoooooooo! Hell yeah!” Nadia cheered along with the koopa troop and a whole crowd of undead as everyone went nuts. Sectonia might be feeling angry and sore, but she’d managed to achieve something remarkable: defeating the NecroDancer in his once-sided dance-off, despite all the cards stacked in his favor.
Understandably, the NecroDancer did not share the Seekers’ nor the audience’s enthusiasm. With a deep scowl, he addressed the bug that beat him. “...I will return your soul after this.”
Individual Count: 1071 (+2)