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Queen Sectonia

Level 12 Sectonia (holding 6 level up) - (0/120)
Location: Carnival Town > Minigame 1
Word Count: Less than 750

Sectonia wasn't doing so well much like a lot of the group. There were clear forerunners and losers in something like this, but for Sectonia, she did what she could but it really wasn't going to be anything that let her catch up. Having to heave around a rock was both annoying, and also difficult to do platforming with when she herself was new to platforming in general. And the addition of moving platforms and eventually crumbling platforms made things even more difficult for her. If it wasn't for a few of the others being even less mobile than her, she would probably be doing much, much worse than she was. She wasn't anywhere near the front though.

The crumbling platforms were going to give Sectonia even more trouble than she bargained for, much more as she started them, Bowser had managed to grow big and started to cause a massive wind tunnel in the fishy mines. Something that would affect Sectonia pretty badly as her thrown boulder she used to swing under the platform shifted in the wind tunnel, causing the platform to disintegrate and Sectonia to be in free fall heading towards the source of the wind tunnel, Bowser himself. Of course Bowser would be behind this oddity, but something he'd come to regret pretty quickly as a giant bee the size of his head zoomed at him with her stinger out, being pulled by his vacuum breath. Being quite big and Bowser not paying attention, he'd suck up Sectonia, having his mouth literally full of her bottom half and making him unable to breath. An awkward situation for the both of them, with Sectonia glaring at the koopa king who had to hack and cough to breath again, freeing Sectonia and causing her to drop down with everyone else. If damage had been on, her stinger would've done some serious damage thats for sure.

"You'd better not do that again!" Sectonia said in pure annoyance and a bit of embarrassment. She'd find that at this point trying again would be pointless, and just waited for it to be over with the rest of the people at the bottom of the mines. At least soon afterwards, she had some enjoyment watching Ganondorf and Bowser brawl it out after Bowser tried his inhale trick a second time. Ganondorf was doing her job, so she just let him at it.
The Captain & The Fixer II

Word Count: 1182
EXP: +2
Rapport: Roland / Captain Falcon

They’d been making pretty decent progress, all things considered. Even with his goggles debilitating his vision, Captain Falcon was for the most part able to correct himself. And then it happened. They were nearing what Cap was convinced had to be the end of these mines. He’d even managed to salvage a near-failed jump. Well… almost. His boot slipped on something liquid that was splattered on the platform’s surface. A random fish, yes a fish, which had fallen from a nearby bucket, was on the platform and made the Captain slip.

Either way, he slipped and tumbled right over the edge of the moving platform. And the slickness meant that Roland was unable to properly anchor himself to catch Falcon with the rope they were tethered by. As a result, he was yanked over the edge along with the Captain and they both went tumbling down. Down, down, and down. Pretty much all the way back to the bottom of the mines. All that time and progress, gone.

"Seriously?" Captain Falcon grunted as he pushed himself back to his feet, He then looked around the mines a bit before saying "Fish? The mine is for fish? How does that even work?"

Roland stood up, rubbing his head. ”Ugh. I don’t know. I just hope we don't run into anymore weird fish in strange spots.” Roland said, a bit confused and embarrassed at the whole fish tripping situation, although he had work to do so he wasn't going to show that... and probably forget about it later.

"Well," The Captain said as he cracked his knuckles and neck. "nothing for it, now, I guess. We’re just gonna have to start over." He looked toward the initial platform moving back and forth along its horizontal path. The bright side was that they’d completed many of the jumps before so they at least knew what was coming now. And who knows, maybe they would stumble across a shortcut or some other faster route that they’d missed on the first climb?

Roland nodded since just sitting here wasn’t doing them much good. With the whole blood puddle thing now something to watch out for, the two went to continue their scaling through the mines. As they did, they saw some of the Bowser troop having made it to the mines at last. Although much like Roland and Falcon, they fell trying to do a tricky jump, the girl with large hands trying to do some kind of explosive jump but missing entirely and falling back down.

”Hm… I guess you can do self damage if there isn’t any ‘damage’ going out, however they’re doing that.” Roland said, watching Rika and Kamek tumble back down to where Roland and Falcon were beforehand.

Cap supposed the how’s and why’s of the fish didn’t really matter much in the end. It just meant this was going to be more hazardous than it already was. They were at least better prepared for what was ahead due to this being their second attempt at it. But that also meant they’d fallen behind the leaders and would have really hustle if they wanted any hope of getting back ahead of the pack again. Of course, Falcon’s goggles in the darkness weren’t exactly helping matters. He was having to correct himself more and more often because of it.

"What I wouldn’t give for some sunlight." Cap mused. "I’m guessing these mines have to end at some point. Question is, when?" Then he sniffed the air and waved a hand in front of his nose. "And I could seriously do without the fishy smell in here, too."

Roland only glanced at Falcon before saying. ”You could lift up your goggles and you’d see better.” Roland said, a lot more used to dark environments than Capt. As for the smell, Roland was used to weird smells at this point so he didn’t really think much of it except that maybe they were near an ocean or something, how else would the mine get its fish? ”I can lead the way if you still have trouble seeing in the dark. I think we’re close to the exit, the block cheaters are just ahead of us.”

"And show my face?" Cap asked with genuine confusion, "No no no. I can’t show my face unless I’ve been beaten on the racetracks. That’s always been my rule. Fans love a good mystery after all, and rivals get that much more incensed at being beaten by an unknown stranger!" He added, talking as if it was obvious. "But go on ahead and take the reins, if you like. Let’s see those moves of yours!"

Roland nodded and began his climb, directing the Captain to do loops and whatnot as he saw them, Roland using his own clawed gauntlets to grip onto walls when needed. Still, he wondered how the bigger people would deal with this as he went through, noticing the big bee and turtle down below, the bee just using a rock to swing around and the turtle talking with his family. His name was… Bowser, right. Well, as Cap and Roland moved through the obstacle course ahead, behind and below them Bowser grew large. Roland was very confused as to what he was doing, since while he was large, the platforms kept him in place as he seemingly couldn’t destroy them. But then he began sucking in massive volumes of air…

”Gah, what's this giant monster doing? Is he a sore loser?” Roland said, using his gauntlets to grab onto the platform he was on to hold on while the Giant Bowser was using his vacuum inhale.

"I guess he must be." Cap said with a shrug. If he weren’t currently under Galeem’s influence, then he would have already known about Bowser and his penchant for not playing fair. "I imagine he’ll run out of breath sooner or later, but I don’t think we wanna lose any more time than we already have." Falcon looked around and then said, "We’ll just have to work around it. Keep some kind of barrier in between us and Mr. Vacuum Breath down there."

Roland agreed, but they’d have to wait until he stopped, holding on while he was sucking. At least Roland had some of his weapons he could use to hold himself and Cap on the platform. In a way they were also cheating, but it was a lot, lot more fair than the pair that was making their own platforms.

When Bowser had to stop to take a breath, that's when Roland and the Cap moved, getting something done and getting into a good position before Bowser started again. They moved through the mines doing this at least until something stopped the suction entirely. He wasn’t sure what caused that, but it let them progress out of the mines near the lead as many of the others couldn’t handle the suction.

Queen Sectonia

Level 11 Sectonia (holding 5 level up) - (109/110)
Location: Carnival Town > Minigame 1
Word Count: Less than 750

Sectonia wasn't sure what to expect from the first minigame. She also ended up at the end of the day being the odd one out for this one that involved moving through platforms in some obstacle course. She figured that since she could fly, someone would be interested but it seemed that wasn't the case. And with that, unlike the others being tied to each other, Sectonia was tied to a rock. She also found that... perhaps she wasn't chosen because the others understood this game and its limitations better than she did as she found that she couldn't really fly, just lazily glide with Blazermate having the same problem, although she ended up having her own problem needing to carry the weight of Bowser which Sectonia wondered if she could even do if it wasn't for the special magic of this area.

Never needing to 'platform' before, especially with this 'handicap' on her, Sectonia didn't get a very good start. A lot of the more humanoid allies meanwhile made their way through the course at various methods of progression with a few of them actually even cheating using some abiltiies. That was annoying, since she found that she couldn't use any of hers. She did find though, that, after learning to 'jump' by flapping her wings for a down burst, she could platform like the others. But by the time she figured that out, she was pretty much left in the dust besides a few others that were as slow as she was at the moment. Even her fellow heavyweight Bowser had managed to make a fair amount of progress!

What was worse, once she got to the platform area itself she saw a few people struggle with, the use of her rock eventually became apparent. She had to throw it and use it as an anchor to flip herself to the other platform. The good news with this, this was all part of her own skill. The downside, she had never done any of this stuff before while others were speeding through this. So she made a bit of a fool of herself falling off the platform a couple times before she figured it out, with the swing on her side being a bit strange since she couldn't really fly. At least her wings let her descend gracefully when she failed unlike a few of the others...

At least once she learned how to do something, she continued onward getting back to the spot where she fell. Her next point of contention after the platforms was the rock swing. Sectonia was pretty far in the back at this point getting used to everything, and this underhook swing really didn't do her any favors. It took her a bit hanging onto the wall before she got her makeshift grappling hook to latch onto the next platform and she could continue, Sectonia getting more embarrassed at all the vigorous swinging she had to do with this stupid rock. At least the others were more focused on their own progress instead of observing her but that didn't make things less akward. At least with the slow moving platforms, she didn't have as many qualms about them as a few of the others, although once she got into the caves, she saw just how far back she was as she saw the red light of Roxas's cubes momentarily illuminating the mines far, far above where she was. She was at least further along than Goldweis and Sandalphon, who were still far behind. But she had only managed to catch up to Bowser, Blazermate, Kamek, and Rika, whom also hadn't managed to continue that far ahead.

Well... there was nothing to do but push past them while they were talking amongst themselves, Sectonia able to see in the darkness of the caves fairly well all things considered. That didn't help her though when the next jump messed her up and she had to redo the whole section over again...
Here are my redone character sheets.





Level 5 Roland - (36/50)
Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 5 level up) - (14/130)
Location: Carnival Town
Word Count: Less than 750

Hearing about the minigames, Blazermate was super happy to participate. It was about time they had some competitions that weren't fights! Well, competition was fighting, but... not like punching people or anything! Well ok there was boxing but... While Blazermate was struggling with her excitement, Roland watched the bot fidget a bit and raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything else about it. Out of everyone, he was one of the ones that was the most apprehensive about this whole 'mini game' thing. He didn't feel like he had much of a choice though, with the rest of this group all going in to deal with these things, so he decided to join with a sigh. Unlike Sectonia, Ganondorf, or to a lesser extent Blazermate, the coins weren't on his mind. He still hadn't adopted to a world that was... frankly way better than what he came from and it'd take him a very long time to adjust.

Looking at Captain Falcon, Blazermate only asked "So, is he from a sentai anime or something? Something about him seems familiar." She then scratched her chin for a bit before shaking her head. "Nope, don't recognize him. I like his enthusiasm though!" with Roland saying. "Well... He lives here it seems so I guess this is how he relaxes? Good for us though. Maybe we can have some fun after all!"

Robot Girls

Level 5 Roland - (35/50)
Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 5 level up) - (13/130)
Level 7 Susie - (21/70) - (Holding 3 level up) (on hold)
Location: The Avenger
Word Count: 978

With everyone having done their little exploration of the Avenger, everyone eventually met up to learn how they would reach the ground. A prospect that Roland was not happy with. "I'm with coffin keeper here. This looks really unsafe." Roland said, his world not needing stuff like this anymore. Thankfully Roland wasn't the first person to try this insanity, and upon seeing, or rather hearing, that Sandalphon was ok, cursed his fortunes and decided to get in a pod with some prodding from Blazermate, the medic bot reassuring him this looked fun and she'd 'fix any problems' if they occurred.

Susie meanwhile decided she'd stay on the Avenger, not out of fear of the drop pods, but because she noticed this place if it was going to be their new HQ, was woefully underdeveloped. "There is a lot of work to be done here. No business office, and a lot of things could be improved. If this is going to be the new HQ for awhile, I'd best get started on fixing it up." Susie before leaving did say though. "Although I'll come and drop in if there is a singing contest, hehe."

With that, everyone got into their respected pods and took the drop. Blazermate going "Wheee!!!" as the pods dropped, while Roland held on for dear life.

Level 11 Sectonia (holding 5 level up) - (105/110)
Location: Carnival Town
Word Count: 973

While Sectonia didn't really have much input getting to Carnival town, it took her a bit to understand what was going on. She did see this town on a map of this place a long time ago she realized. Or long it felt with all the stuff she'd been doing. It seemed Bowser and Ganondorf found a person they both recognized, being familiar to different degrees. Sectonia wasn't going to say no to a new minion, as long as they weren't another royal, but from the looks of it this guy was just a guy. A strong one, but a guy non the less.

Soon after though, a rain of objects came from the sky, a sky with... an interesting disposition. Sectonia would need to investigate that later as changing the very sky is quite a strong power. But first was dealing with the incoming objects. While at first these might be something from a Consul, the appearance of some familiar faces alleviated that fear. While Sectonia didn't recognize many of them, the few she did, and so did Nadia, did put everyone at ease. And these others must've been recruited from wherever the other group had been, it seemed. Although she'd learn that one of these strangers was just an incredibly changed Geralt.


Well, Blazermate didn't lie. When Roland saw these 'others' he had been told about, he saw a lot of what he'd call Distortions among them. But they were just things from other worlds where apparently humanity wasn't the only thing around. This whole alternate worlds thing was weird to wrap his head around. Yeah there were occasional dimensional tears in his world showing parallel but slightly altered realities, but nothing to this extent.

Blazermate, hopping out of her pod being one of the few that wasn't changed all that much, hovered over and gave Bowser a hug on his knee before flying up and onto her sitting spot on his shell. "Man, you missed a crazy adventure in the giant city. We found some new people! And uh... Well, we'll discuss the whole time travel guardian thing Susie got after we're relaxed." Blazermate said, blabbering on about what had been going on in midgar, or at least the good stuff.

Sectonia wasn't too impressed with most of the newcommers. They all looked like different versions of the same guy and it'd take her a bit to get used to how these city goers looked. At least a few of them weren't unassuming like Roland and Zenkichi so she'd have an easier time remembering them. She'd still need to stylize a few of these newcomers though, but at least a few of them had some nice looking suits on.

Roland watched Blazermate not only hug, but perch herself up on the giant turtle. He also saw a giant glamorous bee in some basic gaudy armor, and a literal cat girl. And around the giant turtle was a smaller one, a robed person, and a girl with... a lot of weaponry on her. Ok, as Roland looked at this group more and more, he noticed very quickly why none of them went to Midgar.

Welp, if these were his new coweorkers, that was that. Roland decided to walk up to the group and introduce himself. Hopefully he wouldn't get into an altercation right away... "Well, considering that girl and her friends just up and abducted me, I guess I better get to know my new coworkers. My names Roland, formally washed up fixer, now washed up turk. And who are all of you?" Blazermate piped up for Bowser, saying and almost cutting off Roland. "Oh Bowser, this is Roland. He might look dull but hes got some crazy, crazy fighting style." Blazermate said, her excitement being with the rest of the group clear to be seen.

Sectonia, disliking the fact she wasn't the first one to get introduced, wasn't so impolite to at least see where this went. But once Bowser and his family was done giving introductions, she gave her own. "I'm Queen Sectonia, ruler of Florlaia. I expect to see good things from a newcomer." Unlike many of the others, Sectonia's bit of royal haughtiness didn't rub Roland the wrong way, not yet anyway. He knew those with higher power acted this way, and he couldn't make an accurate decision on if he liked them or not until he saw them in action. Still, he'd still keep himself guarded as he always does, saying curtly. "Pleasure to meet you ma'am.". Well, for Sectonia, that was enough for now and she accepted the greeting before going back to observe the others, waiting for the other newcomers to make their introductions so she could make hers.

Robot Girls

Level 5 Roland - (33/50)
Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 5 level up) - (11/130)
Level 7 Susie - (21/70) - (Holding 3 level up)

Location: The Avenger
Word Count: less than 750 per character.

Given the ability to explore this ship, Roland, Susie, and Blazermate split up much like the rest of the group to explore the ship as they saw fit. Seeing as the ship was so large, each person had their own ideas of what they did and didn't want to do, and went off to do so.


Though the Avenger offered a whole lot of places to go and interesting people to meet, only one place sounded good right now to Roland: the bar mentioned by the younger of the two Lockheart siblings. Though it couldn't be later than one or two right now, it was never too early to start drinking, especially when one hailed from a world as bleak as Roland's. In the mood for something to take the edge off, Roland tailed Cirrus through the ship's interior. Why bother with the signposting when someone was already headed straight there, after all? If Cirrus noticed, he didn't seem to care, either. It wasn't long before he reached his destination at the end of what would be a nondescript-looking hallway if not for the neon sign bolted onto the the wall. Stolen Moments.

Inside lay a small bar, styled to resemble an establishment from older, lower-tech era, with middling success. Without much in the way of wood or decor beyond a three-layer quarter-circle shelf with various memorabilia, it relied on the contours of its bar counter and the festival lights that hung from it to seem more rustic and homely. Across from the more warmly-lit bar, however, lay a wall of plaques beneath a cool blue glow. Each one bore dozens of names, lined up in neat stacks with military efficiency. This, Roland realized, must be a memorial as well as a bar. Its presence here deepened the sense of stark melancholy hear, and made the doleful look on Cirrus' face as he stepped behind the bar a little more understandable.

"Didn't waste any time, huh?" he remarked, his tone a little derisive. Behind him stood shelves of various liquors and mixers, and even a mini fridge with fresh fruits. His bottle of bright yellow Electric Reserva, however, remained seperate. "What's your poison?"

Roland looked at the newcomer, before saying. "I'll take whatever you have. Surprise me." Roland didn't turn down a drink if offered, not usually.

Cirrus snorted, thought for a moment, then got to work. He selected a bottle of golden whiskey from the shelf, then used a silver jigger to pour add two parts to a wide Old Fashioned glass with a single round rock of ice. He eyeballed the perfect amount of syrup and aromatic bitters, then stirred the mixture with a thin, corkscrew-handled spoon. Next, he cracked open a fresh can of tangy ginger beer with a satisfying pop, then poured it over the booze before pushing it Roland's way. "The Doomsday Clock," he declared, with the air of a bitter joke about him. "To make whiling away your seconds a little easier."

"Thanks." Roland said as he took the drink. He was used to drinking beer out of a can, not actual good liquor, so he savored his first sip. Noting the name of the drink, Roland looked at the wall before turning to give Cirrus a half glance saying. "Isn't that the truth brother... isn't that the truth." Roland said, continuing to work on his drink and relax.

Cirrus huffed. "Incidentally, that booze is gonna set you back one thousand zenny, 'brother'. Ingredients like these don't come cheap, after all." Cirrus said. Roland almost spit out his sip in surprise, having it go down roughly as he sputtered. Well, he wasn't sure what he expected. They weren't friends yet, barely even comrades. Guess he'd have to handle this with the mindset of the city, not the library, no free beer from Netzach. "Whoa, is that how you get all your money?" Roland said, digging through his pockets. He then remembered that Midgar tended to have all money be digital, which went away when the city went down. Well... that just sucked.

"Can't pay huh? Well, I'll just keep a tab." Cirrus said. Roland could only sigh at his rotten luck.


Susie, being given the opportunity to look through the ship, decided to go take a look at what tech they had. Or barring that, perhaps find a workshop she could tinker herself. Considering Tora was here, there was probably one, and there was some things she had to look up and check on with her whole Tycoon fusion. It wasn't every day that someone fuses with a Guardian, and while she saw it could stop time, it could also apparently rewind time; something that not even Haltman Works figured out. Whatever engineering was involved in it was next level.

Susie wasn't too surprised when she found an engineering workshop that was empty. Considering Tora was here, he was probably their only engineer. Having a bit of time to herself in a workshop with proper tools, Susie went ahead and began to tinker around with her new business suit, empowered by a guardian. It didn't take long for her to confirm her suspicions that this thing had some control over time, but what she didn't know is that it had some power over space as well. Although unlike its powers over time, it seemed that outside of its ability to cause a massive gravity well, its powers over space were... mostly non combative. Something to think about for later though, perhaps.

What Susie did manage to do though, was tinker around with it a bit to unlock a new power it seemed to possess. Susie also learned that she got a bit of the benefit of whatever she got from her business suit, what with the spirit changing her appearance as well. Now if only she wasn't so... heavy feeling...


Blazermate decided to go take a look at the infirmary, but there wasn't all that much there. Unlike other places, this looked pretty high tech. Since they apparently hadn't been in combat anytime recently, there wasn't anyone in this place. Even so, the place looked pretty good at healing people, so while her healing gun was better, this wasn't a bad place at all.

A few moments after Blazermate entered, one of the Lost Numbers who'd emerged to check out the newcomers followed her inside. He was a young man, eighteen or nineteen, with short, well-kept hair of a very light orange-brown shade, with horn-rimmed glasses that didn't seem to have any lenses over eyes kept closed, his neutral expression one of polite confidence. He possessed a wiry build beneath a long white coat, buttoned in front, which made him give off the air of both a doctor and a priest. A crisp tie, shaped like a red cross, and black slacks completed his officious look. On his belt he carried a trio of distinctive red med kits, confirming his role here at as a healer, but at the same time the young man looked ready for war, with a dangerous-looking instrument handing from his other hip, and a crossbow slung across his back. Something about his face seemed familiar. Where had Blazermate seen those features before...?

"If you chose to come here of all places, I'm guessing you're a medic as well," the man said. His voice sounded gentle, but that struck Blazermate as an affectation, rather than his natural tone of voice. "I hope our medical accommodations are up to snuff. It's nothing fancy, of course, but we're good at what we do. Have to be, in a world like this." He clasped his hands. "My name is Eleison. Right now, I'm the main healer aboard the Avenger. I may not have a medical license, but neither did my mentor, hehe. It's the results that matter, wouldn't you say, miss...?"

"Oh, I don't have one either. Medabots don't have to worry about that stuff. And yeah, any battle you keep all your parts in is a good one!" Blazermate said. Granted she caught is tone of voice, and something about him seemed... odd? But she couldn't put her finger on it. "I'm Blazermate, looks like I'll be helping heal people here too! But other than that, I'm kinda up for.... almost anything?" She said, scratching her chin trying to figure out what was off about this situation.

Eleison gave her a polite smile. "Good. You never know what tomorrow will bring, after all, and we must be ready when the time comes. The enemy is relentless, and if our side losers its lifelines, it's only a matter of time until the cause is lost, as well." He gestured at the room. "If you need anything, let me know." He seemed interested in the Medabot's medigun. "Though, I get the impression that you do most of your healing in the field, rather than the operating table. I'm the same way. Only the toughest cases, like corruption and disease, typically end up here." For a moment longer he held her gaze, as if expecting some sort of question. Then he turned to go. "See you around."

"Bye! Hope to work with ya soon!" Blazermate said, waiting patiently for Eleison to head out before she moved out herself.

Curious, Blazermate also checked out the crew quarters, but didn't see anyone but Dawn and Sandalphon on the way there. Apparently the other lost numbers were elsewhere through the ship, or were off somewhere else. Well, Blazermate wasn't sure what she expected from what looked like a military ship, although it took her a bit to figure that part out. After all it was an alien ship. Still, she saw the ships medic, and that was nice. Why did it feel like he was part robot though?

Robot Girls

Level 5 Roland - (32/50)
Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 5 level up) - (9/130)
Level 7 Susie - (20/70) - (Holding 4 level up)
Location: Outside Midgar
Word Count: Less than 750

Well, safe to say none of the trio was expecting to be saved by a giant invisible ship. A ship with some actual tech from the looks of it which got Susie excited. And on top of that... "Tora! And you got Poppi back! I knew you would! And some survived from Alcamoth! Thats good to see! It was a tough city so... well yeah." Blazermate said, glad to see some familiar faces. Susie meanwhile took a look over Poppi as well, seeing exactly what Tora did. "Hm... I see that you remade Poppi using the androids under our 'guardian angel's command. Well, it seems to have worked so alls well."

Roland hadn't met any of these people, being a late arrival in the group, nor did he show any of Blazermate's familairity or shock. He did gather a bit from the exchanges going on though, and introduced himself to the rest at the very least. "Hello, names Roland. Previously a turk, once was a fixer, now... I guess I'm a washed up rebel now? Man, why has my life been such a whirlwind recently..." Roland said, rather gloomily. He then pipped up and said. "Well, I'll let you all get reacquainted and just take a breather from dealing with... whatever that thing was."

For the trio's questions, Midna asked most of them. Roland would wait for everyone to ask theirs before he asked his, as they might ask things better than he could in this situation. Roxas then asked the question Blazermate had, so Blazermate had no real questions. Susie meanwhile asked the question on her mind. "So where did this ship come from? And are you sure the tech is strong enough to deal with these Consuls? They have some... strange powers."

"Where did it...?" Cirrus looked confused, and a little derisive. "What does that matter?"

Dawn shook her head. "We're not planning to use it to fight Moebius. At least, not directly. It's our home after all. We'll use it to fly you guys around and keep the war effort supplied."

So, this was something they found is what Susie got from that reply. She should take a look over it and see what she could do to make it better then perhaps.

Roland's question was a simple one meanwhile. "So you were all born of this world, people age, all that stuff happens. My question, how are you all free of that light ball's power?"

"That's just it," Dawn replied to Roland. "We were born the natural way. The right way."

Cirrus quickly added on to that. "You all show up fully formed and under Galeem's control 'cause it makes you that way."

That lead to a lot more questions than answers for Roland, but he'd let it rest for now until he had more information. Although Roxas being sure that things would 'go to being normal' after all of this was something Roland didn't think would happen.

Level 11 Sectonia (holding 5 level up) - (103/110)
Location: Gerudo Town - Bathhouse
Word Count: Less than 750

Sectonia kept herself as clean as she could, but the bathhouse she was in was more for relaxing than anything. Still, she had some work to do with not only herself, but the others. And those others needed a lot more work than she did. Granted, with this being a place for only women, and that rule not being able to be overridden by Ganondorf, the bathhouse was only full of herself, Primrose, and Nadia. A relaxing change of pace, as these two kept themselves proper, or at least attempted to, or asked for her help when they couldn't manage it on their own.

Speaking of her companions, after the three got all settled in the relaxing bathhouse, Sectonia decided to try a little gossip. After all, it would work with her plans later on anyway, so why not? "So, I suppose Ganondorf at least knows how nobility works, although I'm surprised things went so smoothly. Do you girls think that he has a soft spot for his tribe? It seems that those in charge here only knew of him in fairy tales, besides one of them that knew him personally. And the way the others spoke of him, its as if he hasn't been around for centuries. No doubt a consequence of Galeem's interference, but also interesting knowing that he seems to have taken from both time and space."

Waiting for the other girls to give their opinions, Sectonia listened to their replies and after that, had an idea for a change of subject when the other two had discussed the situation as well. "On a more pressing matter, the boys are going to need a bit of sprucing up. While I don't have to worry about the two of you, I do think we'll need to give the guys a makeover. Do the two of you have any interesting fashion ideas for the boys?" Sectonia said, trying a bit of gossip and small talk. "While I doubt we can do anything to Ganondorf and having it stick, we do need to clean up Therion's hair and the koopa families... Everything. But I have a feeling short of volcanic flowers, frills and crystals wont match their styles."

"I have a few hairstyle ideas for Bowser and Therion, and a nice haircut for Rika, but other than that, figuring out what to give to the others... well lets hear what you two have."

Level 11 Sectonia (holding 5 level up) - (102/110)
Location: Gerudo Town
Word Count: Less than 750

Well, Sectonia wasn't fully expecting this line of events, but it made things easier. She'd have to clean and pretty up the guys if they were going to be here and in her company, although a few of them might need some weird fashion. Still, before she did that, Sectonia had to make herself presentable. Sure she was... ok, but there were just things you can't do out in the wild. She had to get her hair all cleaned up form all the fusions, and decide what armor pieces of this gem thing she wanted to keep and if she needed to change a bit of her accessories to match up with her new look.

With that, Sectonia made her way to the service portion of the town. Good thing about a town of all women, or was all woman, it wasn't difficult finding a place to beautify herself nor products to do this on the road. She had an extravagant camping set, might as well get a set of tools to keep up her appearance that'll change from time to time. Although styling herself would take some time, at least she had the space for it.

With that in mind, Sectonia spent her time getting her fluff all fixed, getting that 'tatoo' she hid under her crown covered up with something more permanent, and just overall getting herself prettied up. Granted it took some time for all of this, as she was still a tad smaller than she normally was, she was still quite large compared to their average clientele, and her more... exact and demanding requests didn't make life easy for the stylists.

After what seemed like an hour, Sectonia was all fixed up. She decided to discard and sell a couple pieces of the armor her fusion with the knight woman she found in the prison. Mostly pieces that interfered with people seeing her face or her spellcasting. She still kept the breastplate and shoulderpads though, having a much more fancy breastplate than she had before. Granted that money went right back into her stylists, but hey, thats just how it went.

While getting herself sorted material wise, she heard Ganondorf report on the placement of the flame clock. Interesting, she'd have to go give that a look, since at this moment she had yet to see such an item. But that was after everyone got a bath.
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