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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Double
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Lugubrious
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@Lugubrious Done.

Yeah, that's pretty much good to go then. We discussed an entry point, but the fact of the matter is that currently, it could easily be two weeks or three weeks before we reach Carnival Town. You could wait to start as Falcon until then, or maybe warm yourself up with some solo stuff if you're so inclined, and I could help naturally.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by BlueFireVulpix


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hi there!

I've been watching/hearing tales of this RPG from Multi, a friend of mine from another RPG, and was curious if you were open to any new members? It sounds like an interesting game and I would be honored to join this one! I've been missing doing some good roleplays again, and playing as a game character would be fun.
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Hi there!

I've been watching/hearing tales of this RPG from Multi, a friend of mine from another RPG, and was curious if you were open to any new members? It sounds like an interesting game and I would be honored to join this one! I've been missing doing some good roleplays again, and playing as a game character would be fun.

Hey there, I'm so glad our friend Multi has put in a good word, and that we've managed to get your interest. We're always open to new players, and if you're down for one post a week, we'd be very happy to have you!
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by BlueFireVulpix


Member Seen 1 mo ago

<Snipped quote by BlueFireVulpix>

Hey there, I'm so glad our friend Multi has put in a good word, and that we've managed to get your interest. We're always open to new players, and if you're down for one post a week, we'd be very happy to have you!

Yes, that works perfectly well for me!
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Lugubrious>

Yes, that works perfectly well for me!

Awesome, in that case I'll look forward to your application. In fact, there's something of a special deal going on right now. We're planning a relaunch of the RP sometime this summer probably, and in order to not leave anyone behind, fresh applications can start at level 5 instead of level 1, allowing you to spend your five points between Powers and Strengths as you please. I hope this'll help you ease into things.
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by BlueFireVulpix


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name: Nazeebo

Game Origin: Diablo 3 (Not from Doubtwalker comics, and not using any of those as references, just the name Nazeebo cause I like it)

Appearance: Nazeebo Imgur

Personality: Nazeebo can seem a bit aloof, due to her communing with what she calls “the spirits”. A bit unintentionally sassy with a knack for saying exactly what’s on her mind, she spends most of her time following wherever the spirits guide her.

Background: Nazeebo travelled the world, following the spirit’s guidance wherever she went. She learned everything she could about the world and the ways of being a witch doctor, how to commune with the spirits in a state called the “Ghost Trance”. During her years spent and rituals performed, she can see and hear the spirits nearly all the time, though it takes focus to do so. Keeping the balance between the spirits and the Unformed Land is the sacred duty of the witch doctor, and a duty Nazeebo has spent her entire life trying to fulfil.

The spirits have told Nazeebo that the Great Sky Fire is the beginning of the end, and this must not be. That a great calamity has befallen the lands, and seeking out the Great Sky Fire is the only way to stop it from spreading further.

Specialty: Nazeebo, as a witch doctor, is best at ranged attacks. While she can survive a few melee hits, she won’t survive long at all if kept within melee range. She uses her connection to the Unformed Land, calling on the spirits beyond, to help her in battle, whether it's to summon plagues of locusts, bats, frogs, or an unending supply of spiders. She can also provide supporting skills, such as area of effect slows and poison, and at higher levels, burning and freezing enemies.

Level: 5
Experience: 0/50

Witch Doctor (Even the most inexperienced witch doctors have extensive knowledge in combat, a prerequisite for becoming one, and are taught two main skills, "Jar of Spirits" and "Grasping Hands". At level 1, 50 Focus is available to be used and regenerates over time)
Jar of Spirits: Nazeebo can call on the spirits to conjure a jar to throw at her enemies. The contents of this jar, when broken on an enemy or within 3 feet of one, spill out, containing several large spiders (think huntsman sized) that attack.
Grasping Hands(5 Focus): Nazeebo calls on the spirits for aid, and a large AoE summoning circle appears, the hands of spirits grasping upwards from it, slowing all enemies that pass over it.

Summon Zombie Dogs(25 Focus per cast): Nazeebo can spend a permanent amount of Focus to summon a spirit-bound Zombie Dog. She will not get that Focus back until the zombie dog dies, at which time she only immediately gains half that Focus back and the rest regenerates over time. Their health is 1/3 of Nazeebo.

Acid cloud: Rains down acid across the 12 yard radius circle in the targeted area, dealing Poison damage to all enemies within the area, and leaves a pool of acid that deals additional Poison damage over time as long as enemies remain in the area. This slowly dissipates over a short period of time.

Horrify: Nazeebo dons a spectral mask that horrifies all enemies within 18 yards, causing them to tremor in Fear and be Immobilised for a short period of time.

Ghost Trance:
Nazeebo can listen to the spirits at any time, given a moment of focusing, and hear what guidance they have to give. Sometimes they can speak to her directly and just give general information or side comments not directly tied to any given situation (ex. - telling her that someone is kind, has lived a long time, or that a particular place used to exist)

Jungle Fortitude:
Nazeebo’s time wandering jungles and far-lands gave her an innate understanding of combat and how best to avoid taking unnecessary damage, and reduces all damage taken by both her and her minions by 15%

Swampland Attunement:
For every enemy within 20 yards, Nazeebo and her zombie dogs get 2% Physical, Fire, Cold and Poison resistance per character level.

Zombie Handler
After many times of handling and summoning her Zombie Dogs, Nazeebo has learned how to most efficiently go about summoning them. This increases the number of Zombie dogs summoned on cast by 1 and their health is increased to 1/2 of Nazeebo’s.

Burning spirits
The spirits and Nazeebo’s own anger and battle fury now have merged and give her spirit attacks a lasting burn damage. Anything hit by Zombie Dogs, Jar of Spirits, or Grasping hands is burned.

Weaknesses: Nazeebo, often aided by the spirits telling her if something is a lie, will never bother with lies, including when someone lies to her or someone near her, she ALWAYS calls them out, even if the truth hurts someone in grave ways. Because of her lonely ways and years travelling alone with only the spirits, she does not rely on others or ask for help, even if she needs it. Some think it a matter of pride, but often it is only because of her independence and years of being self-sustaining. Unlike many other witch doctors from her original tribe, Nazeebo cannot fight in melee range. The closer her target, the more she struggles to hit them at all, even while she can fluidly dodge and weave their attacks.


Guest List:

Armour: Arachne tribal helmet, tribal snakeskin clothing, shoulder, wrist and shin guards
Weapons: Shamanic ritual dagger, shrunken demon head (spiritual talisman)
Misc: 5,000 gold, 4 health potions
Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

A create-a-character, I see. Always an interesting proposition. They typically have to be given strong personalities from the player since they often have very little in canon, and it looks like you've done so. An engaging character that's enjoyable and interesting to play typically leads to the best results when it comes to character and world interaction, after all.

For a moment I thought the Great Sky Fire referred to Galeem, but I see that's not the case. After all, all characters start with their memories and perception tampered with and are ignorant of both what happened and whatever's wrong with where they are.

I think I may have miscommunicated the amount of bonus level upgrades. Do Horrify and Acid Cloud not take focus?

Regarding the weaknesses, it might be better to go with a list format that includes practical weaknesses. 'Painfully honest' and 'independent' could just as easily go under the Personality section. Being weak at melee range is definitely a proper Weakness, but it also mentions that she's a skilled dodger, which is something that could be a Strength.

Edit: Sorry about the earlier amounts, being in the process of switching between the old and new sheet systems led to me confusing myself. I think the 3 free strengths, the free power at level one, and the four extra upgrades from levels 2-5 should be 8 overall, so you're just one over with 9.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@BlueFireVulpix I forgot to mention you for the feedback for your sheet. Overall it's good, just some small changes/adjustments and we can start thinking about where to include your Witch Doctor.
Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Alright everyone, with the relaunch of the RP coming up within a few months, as well as the reveal of the Lost Numbers, it's time to show you guys something important: the new character sheet!

Why's this important? Other than porting your own sheets to suit the new format at your leisure and cleaning them up in the process if so inclined (you may want to wait though until after the Respec Machine is online) we have the matter of the Lost Numbers themselves. Now that we know about the cycle, and that they're the children and grandchildren of game characters' previous lives within the cycle, I wanted to give you all an opportunity, whether it's to flex your creativity, indulge yourselves, or both. You can use the sheets (minus the Spirit and Rapport sections) to make NPCs that fit the mold and fill out the roster of Lost Numbers. Any game characters are game for your non-playable characters' lineage, and whoever you make will serve as the background supporting characters as the RP enters its next stage. You can even make up pockets of the World of Light's history to provide these NPCs backstory, and go to as much or as little effort as you want. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

I'll be making example sheets for both Dawn and Cirrus, but for now, here are two for Tora and Poppi QT PA2T.

And here is the new Rapport system, explained:

A special, optional way of further developing your character, not to mention bonds with other characters. Whenever two PCs are involved in a non-combat, non-progression collab together (both characters in a back-and-forth post) the EXP from that collab can also go into Rapport if both players are willing. Leveling up Rapport offers additional bonuses:
  • D Rank (<5 REXP): Just shows you’ve built up some REXP, but not enough to reach C Rank
  • C Rank (5-9 REXP): Tag Team (a powerful, special team-up attack unique to these two)
  • B Rank (10-19 REXP): Skill Share (both characters can copy a free Skill from the other)
  • A Rank (20-29 REXP): Crossover (both characters can now switch to the other’s Job. Doing this switches your base powerset and base weapon out for theirs, as well as replacing an element of your outfit with one of theirs)
  • S Rank (30+ REXP): Interlink (will be explained later)
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Hidden 5 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

It did take a bit to retrofit everything, but without further ado here is Nadia's sheet redone and organized to fit the new format. Hopefully it proves helpful and instructive. I definitely went into a lot of detail on things, even going as far as to spell out her rapport, but you can decide how deep you want to go for yourselves. Take not of both the 'interplay' abilities and the usage of the various jobs for clarity purposes. Switching formats is your chance to rework, consolidate, and trim down things as well, so feel free.

Name: Ms Fortune (Nadia)
Origin: Skullgirls
Originally a Feral latina, with catlike ears and tail, Nadia has undergone some changes due to fusion, but remains relatively true to the core of who she is. Nadia stands at 5’8”, but boasts a fuller figure. Her hair is a fluffy and voluminous bob cut, and has a distinctive calico pattern, primarily cream-white but with splotches of black and orange. This includes her tail, of which she has only one. Her skin is slightly darker, and her eyes are as electric blue as a TV screen. Her current outfit is tailor-made by Yuria of Gerudo Town. She wears a dark blue, fur-lined, leather bolero jacket with a lighter blue inside and fishbone badges over a small white shirt with buttons undone, with shorts that match her jacket and a leather belt with lots of pouches. The bell on her heavy collar, like her fishbone badges, is silver, and she wears stylized black Mantread boots. Slung over the jacket is a somewhat hefty metal case, which is the storage form of her shipgirl rigging blended with her Kagari Rokushikisouken blade case
Personality: A sunny-spirited extrovert who likes making puns almost as much as making friends, Nadia is a kind-hearted but not afraid to stand up for herself or what she believes in, nor to take those who misuse their privilege or power down a peg. Though a dedicated jokester, she's also brutally creative fighter, able to come up with ideas as harebrained as they are cunning, even if she’s not the sharpest tool in the shed. Good food, sports, and small dogs headline as some of her favorite things, and she can be as generous as she is greedy, but more than anything she wants people to like her. To that end she doesn’t mind being a caricature of herself, making herself the never-say-die life of the party if it means lifting the spirits of others. Her catlike behaviors are true enough, however, and in addition to being able to fall asleep anywhere, she can be temperamental–able to change in a moment between gentle and sisterly to violently competitive

In the Now:

Job: Bloody Hellion
Specialty: Nadia is a highly sustainable, agile dexterity fighter with a focus on single-target rushdown, able to split into pieces and launch high-speed attacks to overwhelm her opponents, then destroy them with combos–be those combos long chains of attacks, or elemental reactions

Lv: 14
EXP: 41/140 (1 level upgrades stocked)

  • Massachusetts - Fusion, gave the Battleship job
  • Cat-5 - Fusion, gave the Lightning Beast job
  • Kanna - Fusion, gave the Super Anthromorph job
  • Ángel - Fusion, gave the Unchained Luchadora job
  • Rosetta - Fusion, gave the Deadeye Huntress job
  • Rhodeia of Loch - Spiritbound as a Striker. The Oceanid can spend 10 seconds to create 1-3 Hydro Mimics when summoned, the number depending on the size of the copied entity. Hydro Mimics outlast this Striker and attack independently, inflicting the Wet status. Mimics have their own health pools and explode when killed. The Oceanid has a 3-minute cooldown, and new mimics replace old ones
  • Harbor Water Demon - Spiritbound as a Striker. This huge Abyssal has a 1-minute cooldown, and can be called in to provide burst damage or minions. She can lunge forward and deliver a massive double claw swipe, fire her anti-air Abyssal Aviation Battleship’s 20-inch Twin Gun Mounts, deploy 3 airborne CAT fighters, or deploy 3 Hell Dive bombers

If I remember any more rapport conversations I will be sure to add them!
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I'm back with another pair of sheets, these ones for the siblings Dawn and Cirrus who are NPCs aboard the Avenger who'll help you guys out in a support role (please excuse the one placeholder...)

Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

lost number app: possible pilot, mainly there because I like ship AIs

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Definitely a neat twist on the idea, and that would make for a good pilot considering there isn't any dedicated cockpit on the Avenger I'm aware of. The only qualms I'd have would be about giving a previous iteration of the rebel force a whole fleet that logically must have been dismantled by a stronger Moebius fleet, and if our enemies have that lying around we'd probably be screwed. Maybe finding a way to downsize the previous operation would be a good move. I'm curious about what parts of Hope relate back to the four component AIs that combined elements of their source code to make Hope.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

when i say fleet i was mostly just thinking of it being not much larger than the 4 ships belonging to the AIs listed. Probably a better word for it. Flotilla maybe? Either way, most of the guardians are on the ground, so my own assumption was it would be more likely that ground mission failures followed by consul boarding actions would be what did them in

interesting question that on the specifics of who contributed what to the child Ai, hmmmm.

Karan S'jet, technically being a brain in a jar plugged into a ship more than an Ai, provided a base human mind upload to work as a baseline template, Adam much of it's encouraging demeanor, ROB it's ability to act in sync with other's commands, and EDI the em warfare and ability to control no ship things.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I see, that does make more sense.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Hope has been updated to match the requested and suggested changes

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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

No objections here! Looks like the Lost Numbers have their pilot.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I have two more Lost Numbers, leaving me about 2/3 done with the NPCs I mean to make.

Hidden 5 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 4 days ago

Here are my redone character sheets.



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