Avatar of ArenaSnow
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    1. ArenaSnow 9 yrs ago


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Current Seeya next week, Guild. Signing off.
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6 yrs ago
Merry Christmas
6 yrs ago
Elder Scrolls RP, now with the Creation Club!
6 yrs ago
It's happening again. I have been visited by a soviet mad scientist, a king, a penguin prince of darkness, a house plant god thing, a mystical ancient member, a tired reaper (thank god) + a greeting.
6 yrs ago
For the same reason Rome 2 was attacked by thousands of players who don't know what they're talking about. lleeeeeeemmmmings


Whattr' you stairin' at.

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this is still quite useful.
thanks for answering my question.
cuz i don't want to deal with any mary/gary sue's.

Gm's around here are typically pretty good about shutting them down.

And honestly;

<Snipped quote by Blue Demon>


This guide's a little more inclusive, up to date and offers a Q&A.
Welcome :)
Welcome :)
@ArenaSnowI'm surprised that he didn't attack when her guard was lowered tbh he would have worsened the war and got the materials he needed. Kinda hypocritical of him to criticize yet do nothing when he had the chance xD

He speaks big, but honestly - he's a bit of a coward. Attack a fairy, an angel and a human mage? Way too much for him.

And yes, hypocrisy... was in mind when I was making the char :P

He'll probably stick to doing a sneak raid across the border, mess a few things up, where he won't actually be in major danger (so he thinks). If he does anything.
Caez is going to go to bed a really, really unhappy camper. :P
Caezel had finally managed to disengage himself from the situation entirely, and felt reasonably sure he was out of prying eyes even as he watched the would-be confrontation.

Except there was no confrontation.

He was far away from them, yet he could make out the words distinctly. They shocked him. A demon general, passing up the greatest opportunity on the spot. Although that wasn't what surprised him - in fact, taking that opportunity could have the effect of cutting the war short - but it was that they were so nice to each other. Demons with angels. Caezel felt sick. He was an early advocate before... things happened of eliminating the Light. Demons used to have the guts to do what needed to be done, and he had sufficient material to create potions on the rare side and conduct his experiments. Not anymore. An angel crossed the border freely and would get away without more than a slap on the wrist. And he would have nothing. A damn fairy, a human, and an angel would all walk away after trespassing on territory they didn't even have close to a right to, all because demons were getting soft and lazy and incapable of doing what was necessary. And without any fresh angelic material, his latest experiment would fail. A very costly failure, given his age.

He would have stormed out and dealt with them himself had he been younger. But the kicker was there was nothing he could do against those numbers, not to mention a demon who he doubted would take the correct side of any such conflict.

Growling, he turned and walked back in the direction of his home, taking the long way. There was nothing he could do. He would go home without anything to show for it. And he didn't spot a single mushroom that he had come out for in the first place.

He could only hope that town would keep some semblence of sanity.

@ace of flames01@Lord Zee@DeyeDreamer@Cuccoruler
<Snipped quote by ArenaSnow>

awww I was gonna have Rida do that!
It will be a battle to see who can stirr up the most trouble!

Hey *shrug* as long as both sides are against each other Caezel's happy.

But if they find peace, that might not work out so well for him.
Collaboration between sides, eh?

Looks like Caezel needs to stir up some trouble.
I'm personally waiting for Cucco, otherwise I would have something up relative to the situation. Or not, depending on what he does.
Oooh... demon letting an angel princess go?

>.> No opportunities here at all. Er. Carry on.
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