Avatar of Arista


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Cataract surgery happening today...send good vibes/well wishes, please? I'll be back soon~
5 yrs ago
Officially 27...getting closer to 30 xD happy birthday self!
5 yrs ago
"In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength." Uncle Iroh
6 yrs ago
That moment when you plan an RP and get the first post up and then your partner deletes the OOC PM thread and doesn't answer... ~_~
9 yrs ago
The moment when you're having a Disney movie marathon and you regret nothing. Not even caring that your parents are looking at you funny because your singing along ^^


Enter at your own risk~

Hello, hello!

I'm Ari~ An adult who loves video games and my pup equally, I'm a dork who loves watching the shows I adore and then ranting about them until I get all my Feelings under control.

I'm a veteran when it comes to roleplay, I've been doing this long enought to know I'm better suited for 1x1's then Group Rps. My level is at the high causal to low advanced, once I get really into an RP its on my mind in a way that I don't mind. Feel free to send a PM with plot ideas or pairings, the most I can say is no thanks, which is rare and unlikely to happen~

Thanks for dropping by!

Discord: Aristacratt

Most Recent Posts

"Your not in any condition to fight. I'll draw them away, though I need you to do me a favor. A timer will start any minute now, we'll be in here for three minutes unless I can defeat them before that. I need you to watch the time and avoid looking forward at all costs." The words were tersly spoken, pale fingers flexing as the sound of the door closing behind them filled the silence. His head turned to face Patient L6841, he managed to open his eyes slightly andoffer a weak smile.

The sudden feel of the ground shaking had his eyes closing as the sound of an intercom coming on filled the air.

"Exam number 145 in room 4 will now begin. " Were the words that had Emmitt shifting from one foot to the next. His shoulders rolled as he heard the harsh breathing from their opponents rise, his face set into a mask of nothingness. The sound of soffly screeching hinges signaled the lowering of the clock monitor, Emmitt took a deep breath and flexed his fingers once more

"Don't look in the center. Whatever you do...don't." Were his final words before a buzzer went off and he lunged forward. He let the shift of air on his left and ducked, his right leg shooting out, the hiss he earns has him rolling away as another shift in air current coke from his right. They had the advantage in this, his eyes were aching and he couldn't pinpoint where they were until they were right in front of him. His teeth grit in frustration as he rolls away once more and snarls when a foot lands on his back. The lights dimmed further and Emmitt forced his eyes to open, only for him to raise his arms to defend his head against an elbow aimed at it.

Gray eyes flashing in anger, Emmitt arches up and grips the leg that has him pinned. He squeezes and when he feels the bine grinding against another, he slams his elbow up and rolls away. He kicks his left foot out and catches the same leg he'd just escaped from, the wound of bone snapping drowned out by the scream of agony. He shoots to his feet and doesn't look at the girl that now lay on the flpot, his gaze instead on the tall male intently watching him. They lock gazes before lunging forward, fists raised and hearts hammering with adrenaline. @Briza
"Unfortunately you can't leave this place, the suicidal attempt you almost succeed in doing is the main reason. Let him go and L1453 will explain-" Cassandra'a voice faded as a beeping sound began to come from her lap coat pocket. Adrien tugged her lips down as she fished it out and glanced at the screen, her posture tensing at what her gaze read. Emmitt watched as he effortlessly tugged his hand away from L6841's hold, his head tilting as she straightened and gestured into the room.

"Good luck..." One of the guards cheerfully stated, gray eyes focused on him as Emmitt moved towards the door. A sigh escaped his lips as L6841's words echoed in his mind, his expression melting into a blank mask.

"I'M SUPPOSED TO BE FUCKING DEAD!" "You might get your wish." He muttered as he half-turned to face the boy that was to be his partner during their stay. He really did look like a kitten, hackles raised and ears pinned against his skull, a soft snort escaped his lips. "You can very well die during this match and some will want you to. Others expect you to live so the next process can begin...I'll have your back."

He had turned back towards the open doorway and after a few moments he could spot the figures as they swayed from side to side. His arms rose and touched the collar around his neck, a deep breath spilling from his lungs as he half-turns to offer one last piece of advice. "I suggest you come in on your own, these bastards aren't too kind and will shove you in." Focusing forward, he steps into the room and pauses when the room fills the light. His eyes begin to burn and a hiss escapes his lips, he closes them and feels the ache fade until it's just an itch he can't scratch.

His fingers twtih at his side as he tries to gain a semblance of direction, each exam room having a different set up then the other next to it. He could hear harsh breathing, his head tilting to the side as he mentally pinpoints the location of the two opponents they'd be facing. His hands lift and flex as they form fists, the lights dim but don't lose their unnatural brightness. Emmitt relaxed his tense muscles and focused on listening, he couldn't use his eyes so his other senses would have to do. He just hoped he'd habe help. @Briza
Sylvia nodded and began typing away, taking notes as the other spoke. She noted the excited way Aleksandr spoke about Nikola Tesla, a faint smile spread across her lips before fading. She pulled up Google and scanned the links provided, a thought occurred to her and she voiced it after a moment of hesitation.

"It appears it wrote a book that we can use as source material but we need three more I believe and I'm not seeing much of anything else..." Her word trailed off as she focused on what was before her, her braided hair swaying as she tilts her head. @Briza
"Get. Off." This time the large guard let him up, Emmitt watched Cassand warily as he slowly made his way over to L6841. The metal collar felt like ice against his heated skin, reaching the other, Emmitt placed hesitated. Placing his palm against the center of L6841's chest, he begins to rub slow circles against the quivering muscles.

"Take a deep breath as best you can, count in your mind to ten and take another. He can't go in like this-" Wmmitt began only to stiffen when a small hand falls on his arm. His other hand hasn't stopped rubbing and he gives half f his attention to Cassandra as she holds something out to him.

"We can't give him any medication until he's been assessed but we can give him painkillers that should help. He can't miss this, you've seen what happens to those who enter without a partner." Emmitt winced and averted his eyes from the chocolate brown ones that were staring intently at him. He'd seen alright, the opponent had been tour with until he was killed to end his misery. Gray eyes narrowed before softening when they fell upon L6841, he accepted the small plastic cup and the bottle of water offered a moment later.

"I know this must be hard but take this and I'll try to explain before we go inside." He offered the cup to the struggling boy and didn't seem to notice Cassandra watching him with a look of curiosity on her face. @Briza
"Ah, I've heard of him and had his name on the list but I must of accidentally erased it. We could do him, that's fine." She began to type across her keyboard and soon the page was labeled 'Nikola Tesla'. A soft huff escaped her lips as she tried to think of subject material they could use. "Would you happen to know any of his works? I remember reading a book that mentioned him quiet a bit I just can't think of a name..." Sylvia glanced down and typed the name into Google, her shoulders absently rolling as a faint tingle of discomfort worked its way up her spine.

Her eyes scanned the results and a half smile filtered across her lips before fading as she nods and glances up. This was starting to feel like pulling teeth from a bear cub, she just figure out why it felt so strained between them. @Briza
"I guess I can tell you that much, little kitten. We're in the Darcy Insitute for the Mentally Insane, though to me you don't look insane." Emmitt noted as he glanced back and after a moment, reached out his hand to help the other rise to his feet. A pang of something fluttered in his chest as he did it, like he'd done this before, he shook the thoughts away.

"Patients K1453 and L6841 are present." The words had Emmitt crochung down and shifting closer to L6841. His arms were free and he enjoyed the cool breeze that washed over his heated skin. He heard the sound of the door opening followed by soft footfalls had the raven-haired boy tilting his head. A woman paused just before the threshold of the door, a clipboard under one arm and metal tray in her ebony-skinned hands.

"Now we can begin. I'd like to welcome you to your first Exam, my name is Cassandra and I will be your examiner. I'll fasten these monitor-collars onto your neck and make sure everything is set before we allow you inside. May I" Emmitt noticed that she had an accent underlying her tone, he blinked and wondered where she came from. She moved forward and armed to inhale a breath, Emmitt watched as she crouched down and raised a metal collar. Gray eyes hardened as he felt movement from behind, he shifted on his bare feet as if to turn, only to drop when he heard a click. "Now, Dr patient L6841-" Emmitt lunged forward and hissed when a large hand gripped his shoulder and yanked.

"He's become quite protective hasn't he?" The guard that had him pinned to the floor grunted out, Emmitt struggled for a moment beforestilling when he felt a hard object press into his side.

"Get. Off." He snarled as he lifted his head a fraction from the floor, his eyes widening when he felt a jolt spread through his body. His narrowed gaze focused on the woman that had seemed non-threatening a moment ago. She arched a dark brow and raised her left hand, Emmitt's gaze narrowed to slits as he noted the remote she held.

"I won't hurt him, K1453. However these are meant to make sure you don't attack us, these will monitor you while your inside but out here they act as a control-mechanism. I won't shock you again if you calm down, your Partners now and anything that happens to one happens to the other." With that Cassandra focused on the boy before her and offered a practiced smile. Her right hand holding out the second collar, Emmitt allowed the guard tohelp him sit up.

His gaze focused on the open doorway and he noted that two other figures stood in the center of the large room. He rose to his knees and watched warily as Cassandra held the collar out further towards L6841. He didn't like her, not at all. @Briza
"No worries. I have some ideas that might work if you'd like to hear? James is fine with whichever we pick so long as he knows who. I have Adolf Hitler, Thomas Edison, Issac Newton and Thomas Jefferson from now" She listed them off with each of her fingers, her gaze settled on the white screen before her with single-minded concentration.

Her good leg shifted and bent as she rose further and began typing the title across the blank sheet. The rain was coming down by the bucket-fulls and Sylvia felt a small amount of calmness settle I'm her chest as she listened. She reached up and collected all her hair before absently beginning to braid it. Her good leg acting as a makeshift desk for her computer as she waited for Aleksandr to offer something against her listed names or to it. She wasn't in any mood to tiptoe around the topic they needed to complete. @Briza
"I'm warning you-" The threat was ignored as Emmitt leaned forward and peered down at his new partner. He looked small and fragile in the hold of the two guards on either side of him. A hiss escaped him when large fingers gripped his arm and tugged.

"Let go." His voice flattened as anger filled his chest, the fingers released and Emmitt relaxed as he returned to observing his partner. "He's likea little kitten, did you give him anything?" His question was directed at the two holding the boy before him, Emmitt noted the way he seemed to wince and his gingerly slow movements.

"Patient K1453-" The guard that was bringing to annoy him started, Emmitt whipped around and stalked forward. It didn't matter to him that the male was twice his size or that he was carrying a taser. The man jerked back and raised his hand to his belt, Emmitt turned once more to face his partner and offered a smile. He paid no heed to the guard that straightened and moved towards the door.

"I hope not, with what's about to happen he needs to have his shit together. I'd explain what we're doing in front of this door but we're short on time. Just remember two things, little kitten, stay close to me and don't let them get behind you." His tone was soft and held a teasing note but his eyes had darkened with seriousness. He could hear the current exam ending and with it, his arms began to sqirum within the warmth of his jacket.

The sudden tug against his spine had Emmitt's attention as he felt the bindings loosing around his arms. His shoulder flexed as he felt the tightness that was like a second skin falling away and leaving him feeling vulnerable. His gaze focused again on pale features before the sound of the door opening had gray eyes focusing on it instead. The smell of copper filling his nose as a shiver ran along his body, his fingers flexing at his sides. He glanced down at the standard gray t-shirt and jeans and wondered briefly if he had a clean pair, he shrugged and dimissed the thought.

They'd be called in any minute now. @Briza
Kayla snorted and waved the others 'censored' words away. "I'll sleep in the sleeping bag or futon, I'm not too picky. And as for your next question, I'll cooperate as best I can." As the other rose to her feet and muttered under her breath for her to rise as well. Kayla moved away from her chair and absently gripped the strap of her bag, her eyes blinking as if to focus on something in particular.

"Where to?" She asked afree a few moments, her gaze slipping towards the window where she inwardly panicked when she noticed the faint frost coating the glass. She flicked her fingers and relaxed when it vanished and a cool breeze settled around her before fading. @Grey
"I can hear you just fine. No need to shout." Were the words that left her lips as she finished typing the last sentence of her impromptu project turned story. She glanced up and noted distantly how pale the other looked compared to earlier, a sigh escaped her lips as she tugged her headphones put of her ears. "Right...sorry about that. Did you have someone in mind?" She asked politely, her hand scoring to fold above her stomach, a bemused smile pulling her lips up. She really should of elected to stay at her own home, she was asking for trouble and she hasn't seen that until she had been wheeled into this house.

If only I could fucking walk out...or better yet slip out the window... Her eyes closed from a moment before opening to focus on Aleksandr. She sat up straighter and after a moment, situated her laptop across her knees instead of her stomach where'd she'd had it. Her fingers touched the mouse pad and opened a blank new document, before stilling and waiting. @Briza
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