Name: Wynn Vyvanse
Race: Atikone shifter
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Current location: Minor city, though she mainly keeps to the woodland area.
Appearance: When human, Wynn is a rather short girl with waist-length silver hair and bright golden eyes. Her skin is pale but not sickly-looking, no markings decorate her skin, her attire changes with her mood. She can normally be found wearing a maroon traveling cloak with white dress, her hair free or tied back.
Skin color: Pale despite the usual tan the shifters are known for having.
Skills: Good with a bow and arrow, as well as silently moving through the trees.
Profession: Hunter for food
Powers/Mastery: Able to fully shift into her other form, though she still need to shift back without taking too long.
Personality: A quiet girl that keeps mostly to herself. Children flock to her and whenever she has time, Wynn can be found teaching them how to shoot an arrow. She's loyal as well as smart and easy to anger when sleep is eluding her.
History/Other relevant information: Added later