Avatar of Arista


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2 yrs ago
Cataract surgery happening today...send good vibes/well wishes, please? I'll be back soon~
5 yrs ago
Officially 27...getting closer to 30 xD happy birthday self!
5 yrs ago
"In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength." Uncle Iroh
6 yrs ago
That moment when you plan an RP and get the first post up and then your partner deletes the OOC PM thread and doesn't answer... ~_~
9 yrs ago
The moment when you're having a Disney movie marathon and you regret nothing. Not even caring that your parents are looking at you funny because your singing along ^^


Enter at your own risk~

Hello, hello!

I'm Ari~ An adult who loves video games and my pup equally, I'm a dork who loves watching the shows I adore and then ranting about them until I get all my Feelings under control.

I'm a veteran when it comes to roleplay, I've been doing this long enought to know I'm better suited for 1x1's then Group Rps. My level is at the high causal to low advanced, once I get really into an RP its on my mind in a way that I don't mind. Feel free to send a PM with plot ideas or pairings, the most I can say is no thanks, which is rare and unlikely to happen~

Thanks for dropping by!

Discord: Aristacratt

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The angry hiss from behind him snapped him from the gaze his mind had slipped into. He didn't turn but merely rolled his shoulders and watched as his reflection mirrored the movement. His mind flashed to a memory of a child Kieran watching his grinning reflection in a pond, his mother seated on a bench behind him.

He pushed the past away and opened his mouth to respond. He was tired and wanted to go and sleep, this was a way to see how his fledgling would respond. “Have at it. Hit me until you deem it fit for my negligence of you for the years that have passed. I won't stop you.” His voice was blank though he noted his reflection flashed to the smaller version of himself. Was he going mad? He blinked and the smiling round face was gone, in its place was a tall and pale man with sharp features and long hair.

He meant it to, he wouldn't stop her until she was satisfied. He wasn't a stranger to pain, his father had never been the doting-type unlike his mother. He wondered even now how they married each other, how they could love one another when one was never home and when he was harsh words were said. He sometimes heard the whispered fights, hissing that reminded his young mind as angry cats. Kieran turned and faded his first fledgling, his arms limp at his sides.

He was either losing his mind or he was just tired and needed to sleep.


Isabela blinked down at the book she held in her hands, Wolff who had joined her huffed softly and wrote something out on the parchment he'd brought with him. She didn't like the way Kieran and Ryanair had come down that morning, her mind flashing back to the image had her lips tugging down into a frown.

The blonde had looked awake but uneasy and worried, Kieran had looked blank and listless. Rising from the cushioned chair the elder vampire moved to the nearest bookshelf, placing the book back she decided to break the silence. “No one was hurt but the town was destroyed, a few homes and shops are left. My Guards told me no one was bitten and that all the fallen wolves were cleared away. No one else has neared the town and I'm not sure what we should do. This is Kieran’s house after all and the wolves can't really go back.” Wolff paused in his writing and straightened in his seat, a pale hand rising to card through short raven-black hair.

“Everything is going to shit, the kids have to be told soon if they haven't begun piecing it together. Their growing and will soon begin to notice what their young minds aren't capable of understanding just yet, that falls on Kieran to explain.” Isabela was glad she's put the kids into a room with coloring books and a roaring fire to kept them warm. They'd been quiet but none the less excited as they'd followed her around, she'd showed them the others room so as to keep them away from the adults. With a sigh Isabela turned to face her long-time friend and rested her head against the shelf, their eyes met and both turned to the door.

Best to keep the human children company and distracted before they found out something.

“Worrying won't do you any good.” The smooth voice had Ryanair glancing away from the trees he'd been watching, emerald eyes blinked when Esther sat at his side. The wolves were play-fighting, their snarls and huffs filling the silence. The blonde didn't feel like talking, since he'd awoken something had felt off and he couldn't figure out why.

Esther hummed softly and settled her hands on the grey trousers she wore, her blonde hair was in a braid and Ryanair noted she also wore white blouse. He glanced down at what he wore and shrugged his shoulders, a pair of black trousers and a grey dress shirt. “I can't really help that. He's quiet and I don't know why, it's...frustrating.” He whispered softly and jumped when a hand fell on his cheek, Ryanair blinked and turned his head to face the other blonde.

“Sometimes things can't be helped, come let's go for a walk around the grounds. The woods are part of the land so we should be fine.”The blonde's rose and moved down the stairs until they reach the snow-covered ground. They pause when several barks fill the air, the blonde's glanced up and found six pairs of eyes on them. Ynez shakes out her body and then jerks her chin in the direction of the trees, Ryanair snorted softly as Esther giggled at his side.

It seemed like they'd have company. Both moved forward and felt the wolves move to circle them as they neared the trees.


Kieran hadn't moved from the chair, his eyes remained closed as his mind whirled. His bond with Ryanair pulsed with a wave of acceptance and admiration. His fledgling seemed to be moving away from the mansion though not too far away, the raven-haired male sighed and shifted to the first time. He hadn't slept since he'd returned to their room, the kids had gone with Isabela and he hadn't protested. Ryanair hadn't pry but Kieran could tell that his fledgling could feel his mood, he felt tired and raw on the inside. Ryanair had only pressed a kiss to his lips before exiting their room, he'd relaxed and made his way downstairs.

Now he pulled on the thread he shared with Clara, he had to talk to his first fledgling. Maybe she'd tale him up on his offer, it was the least he deserved. Hopefully he'd be fine enough to feed afterwards, he didn't much like the idea of being in pain but maybe it would help. He rose and moved to the edge of the pool, his gaze focusing on the still water.

“Why do I feel like shit hit the fan?” Ynez questioned as she ate her plate of food, her packmates continued eating but filled their bond with curiosity and confusion. The Alpha watched as her friend drank his coffee, how quiet Ryanair was at his side.

Something had happened and she damn well wanted to know what. Shifting a strand of brunette hair from her face, she kicked the vampire's knee and continued eating. Kieran winced but didn't seemed inclined to look up, he'd been quiet since he'd come down and Ynez didn't like it. Ryanair’s gaze focused on hers and she noticed how worried he was, he didn't want to interfere but Ynez could.

“I heard whispering the night before” Evian stated from the other side of the room, Ynez arched a questioning brow at her Beta. She hasn't really been paying attention, she'd taken a shower and had passed out. Apparently she missed some Juicy details, damn exhaustion she was curious now. Evian grinned and raised her hand to card through orange locks, her brown eyes narrowed. “It was quiet and even I had trouble listening, Orionwouldn't shut up either so blame him.” Evian stated with a flick of her wrist, Ynez watched as her male Beta bristled and showed his teeth. It was playful banter so she saw no means to intervene, though her question hadn't been answered yet.

“Nothing happened last night, now if you'll excuse.” Kieran bit out and rose to his feet, Ynez watched as he placed his cup in the sink and exited the room. Ynez blinked and allowed a pensive frown to draw her lips downwards, she didn't miss thr look Evian and Orion shared.

The wolves rose and moved out and into the snow-covered backyard, their forms already shifting. They'd practice for a bit and catch a few bits of conversation as they ran around.


Kieran walked with quiet and heavy footsteps. His destination wasn't clear but his feet guided him forward. The smell of poolwater and a familiar set of doors met him a fee moments later, he pushed them open and walked inside. It was quiet in the room and for that he was grateful for, he took a seat in one of the furthest seats and began to ponder.

Ryanair had migrated somewhere but kept their bond quiet, it was blocked but the silence in his mind relaxed him. He didn't deserve the blonde who he'd turned, he really didn't deserve the friends he had not if be was being honest. With a sigh he closed his eyes and allowed his head to fall against the chairs cushioned back.

“I have a remedy that she might take up. I can never hope to fix it, but I hope to. Abandonment is something...Tomorrow morning we'll see what happens, I hope something will change. I've lived too long and don't wish to hurt anyone else. I know what it feels like to be alone.” Kieran stated with a monotone voice, his head tilted to side. He'd dodged the mention of his childhood, No one needed to know how been treated as a child.

Those memories were starting to creep into his mind now, his eyes blinking slowly as if to clear them. The nights he'd spent waiting for the father he'd admired, the moments he wished for his mother's warm embrace. He could remember the feel of long strands of hair between his fingers, the tinkling laugh that filled his ears.

He didn't stop the memories from taking over his mind.

A young Kieran walked beside his mother with a smile on his lips. Raven-black hair swayed in the breeze around them as they continued down the street, the townspeople waving as they passed. A squeeze of his hand had Kieran turning to face his beautiful mother, his head tilted to the side in question.

“What shall we do today, love?” Her voice was soft and smooth, Kieran blinked and turned his head to the streets they walked. His free hand lifting to fiddle with a necklace he'd been given by his friend Esther a week ago. The emerald was warm from the sun's rays, he hummed softly and shifted closer to his mother.

“The Shallows?” He questioned with a blink of his eyes, his mother's musical laughter filling the air in answer. His father hadn't been home for a few days and Kieran noted how his mother rarely allowed them to spend time at home. They were always out and about, Kieran’s mission to keep his mother happy.

Those days ended on the night of a moonless sky. Kieran awoke to a scream that had him lurching from his bed, his footsteps leading him to his parents room. A iron grip encircled his neck the moment he entered the darkened room, the smell of blood thick in the air.

“Mommy…?” Kieran asked hesitantly as the hand tightened it's grip, blazing silver eyes met his wide sky-blue ones. He'd grown and with the time that passed he noticed his mother was acting strange. His father hissed and pinned him harder into the wall behind him, Kieran didn't put up a fight.

“She's dead and it's your fault.” Were the words that filled his young ears, Kieran’s eyes widened as his head shook in denial. He could smell the blood on his father's hands, his eyes frantically searching the darkness for his mother. She was on her bed with the covers thrown away in disarray. Her mouth was open and her eyes were blank, her hair fanning out around her almost as if representing a halo.

His young mind snapped. Before he knew what he was doing, his father was across the room and clutching his missing arm. Kieran snarled a feral-souding noise and lurched himself forward, only to lurch away with a pained cry. A silver dagger was embedded in his arm, he glanced up and found the room empty aside from his mother.

He didn't move from where he collapsed against the wall. When morning came he began to dig a grave and settled his still mother within the wooden box he'd created. Kieran had cleaned her as best he could, his movements mechanical and stiff. She was in her best dress and her hair tied into a low ponytail, Kieran placed a bouquet in her arms and settled the top on the casket. He buried her with a silent goodbye, before turning to his childhood home and returning inside. He'd packed a bag and grabbed a lit torch from the wall, he lit the house ablaze.

He never looked back. Though the ache took a long time to disappear.

Kieran rose to his feet and with a stiff nod towards Christian, he made his way upstairs. His chest ached and when he entered his room, he felt his control slip away like water. He'd just manged to close the door before his legs gave and his body curled into a tight ball.

“That's right.” He stated without glancing but from the book in his hands, his posture didn't change aside from his eyes blinking. Kieran released a on sigh and decided to elaborate, he had a suspension of what was going to come. “I'm her sire, and I take responsibility for my lack of actions towards her. At the time of her creation I wasn't myself and in a way I'm to blame for what happened the night. It's a blur but what I can remember is agony, exhaustion and a hunger I hadn't felt since I was a child.” Kieran closed the book I'm his hands and glanced up to meet the eye of eye man before him.

He could feel it again, the heaviness of memories that refused to focus. His gaze remained unwavering as he pieced out the hazy pictures that filtered across his mind. He felt like a child one more, waiting with bated breath as his father stared down at him. His mouth opened and he began to speak once more, his fingers tightening against his arms of his chair. “I was being hunted by a family of vampires, I don't remember how long but I was drained and struggling. They'd shit me so many times with silver-laced weapons I didn't even know my own name anymore. The town I came to was quiet and still had warmth filling it from the people that had walked it's streets. I was so damn tired I just wanted to rest... I stumbled upon a beach after warily walking through the silence. A lone figure stood watching the waves as they crashed against the shoreline, her heartbeat strong and alive.

The words were tumbling out now, unchained and free as if he weren't sorting through his mind. Kieran was still but his eyes were blank, he wasn't there but in the past. “I walked towards her with my hand outstretched and lips parted as if to speak, though the air left my lungs when she turned around. She was beautiful but her expression was one of pain, without knowing it we met each other in the middle. I wasn't aware that I'd bitten her until I smelled blood, and that only had my control shattering. I left a necklace with her that I know she still has, I was weak and felt raw and vulnerable. I didn't wish to hurt her and so I checked to make sure she was fine before taking off. I wanted to keep her safe and in hindsight I didn't realize I'd changed her until I felt the bond that night at the beach. I...I've failed as both an elder vampire and a sire.” He finished with a shudder that seemed to shake his very core. His mind was finally clear and with it, his shoulders felt lighter as well as heavier. He'd left Clara alone that night, unaware that he'd changed her and that she would die when the sun rose.

He'd ruined a life by unconciously leaving that person alone. He'd found Ryanair and had taken the blonde in with little thought, why was it that he hadn't felt the bond before that? Why hadn't it flared when he'd taken the blonde?

Those were the questions now that filled his head. His eyes closing as a deep-rooted exhaustion sweeped through his body.

He'd only risen to deposit his plate in the sink, his gaze locking with Christian before he turned away. A shower and time to cool off would do them both good, he paused however and approached the male. “I'll meet you after I've settled the kids down and have showered, if you'd like we can meet in the library. It's under the stairs.” He whispered softly, his tone blank and tired-sounding. His shoulders felt heavy as he left the kitchen, he could feel three pairs of eyes on his back but he couldn't be bothered.

His mind wouldn't stop churning with half-formed memories and sensations.

Dinner had passed and with it, Kieran ushered the kids and Ryanair up to the second floor. A female wolf by the name of Evian had taken to caring for the kids, Kieran remained silent and allowed it. It was helpful having another set of hands, and the kids seemed to have taken a shining to not just her but everyone. As he entered their room he motioned for them to go to the bathroom, Evian following after them with clothes in her arms. Ryanair’s arms around his shoulders had Kieran tensing before melting into the embrace, he felt so damn hollow.

“You okay?” Was whispered into his ear, Kieran’s teeth grit as the answer sprung to his lips. Sudden anger filled him and he spun to face the other, it felt primal and had his heart hammering in his chest. He wasn't aware when he pinned his fledgling to the wall, less so when he'd buried his face in the juncture between his collarbone and shoulder. His fingers spasmed in the clothe he gripped, Ryanair’s arms engulfing him and tightening. “This talk seems to be bringing back memorise you can't seem to understand. Will you still do it?” These words were whisperer into his hair, Kieran shaking his head in a sharp gesture.

The sound of the shower turning on filled the silence as he tried to regain control. He swallowed and pressed himself closer to the other, his nose nuzzling against the blonde's mark. Terror, hunger and exhaustion were waring inside of him. The sensation of flame tracing over his body had him shivering, his eyes squeezing tightly closed. Why was the simple fact that the mention of the conversation had him reacting like this?

Was he going insane? His eyes snapped open when warmth settled itself against his temple. Kieran pulled back and before he could think, his fangs had pierced his mark. Their bond flared and Ryanair melted into his arms, Kieran gathering him closer and he willed his mind to settle. He wasn't a child and scared of his father anymore, he was a man and he needed to try and make sense of the only part of his existence that refused to make sense. After a moment more, Kieran pulled away and licked the blood trailing down Ryanair’s neck. His fledgling shuddered and made a low sound, Kieran helped him stand and moved them to the door.

Pausing before the door he knew Ryanair had claimed as his own, he dismissed it with a shake if his head. He'd taken what little energy his Ryanair had and he felt horrible about it. He led them to his own room, opening the door and guiding them to the bathroom. Twenty minutes later both emerged, Ryanair more asleep then awake. Kieran led him to his king-sized bed and settled him down amongst the sheets, he smoothed the others wet locks away from his face. Emerald eyes opened and blinked sleepily up at him, their bond flared with affection and trust. Ryanair was silently telling him that he wasn't mad, that he understood and accepted what Kieran needed of him. The elder vampire leaned forward and pressed his forehead against the blonde's, his mind was calmer but his heart ached.

He pressed a kiss to Ryanair’s forehead before he moved away, his lips lingering over the others. He sent an answering wave of affection and regret, before pressing a chaste kiss upon the warm lips of his fledgling. “Sleep now, pet. Tomorrow is another day and we still have to plan, I'll be back shortly.” The blonde nodded and Kieran straightened to exit the room, he had the children to put to bed. Ten minutes later and a story read, Kieran sat in the library with a book opened in his lap.

It was time to make sense of the mess in his head.

“Right then, speed and power and to be kept at normal levels. There are human kids inside, now then shall the ass kicking begin?” Ynez spoke with a grin on her features, Kieran and both his fellow vampires tensed and answered the grin with one of their own.

The fight began immediately, Kieran facing off against Ynez. He lurched forward just as she did and for a moment it seemed their lips had collided, only for Kieran to duck away from a punch. Ryanair smirked and faced off against a female that playfully snapped her jaws at him. Her black hair was tied into a bun and her feet were bare, Ryanair blocked a kick and tossed her away.

It went on like this until the sun began lowered in the sky. In that time the kids has joined them, the sparing match for gotten as they took turns reaching the kids. Stances and moves were demonstrated and the kids mimicked them with giggles and determination. The sound of a knuckle knocking on glass had everyone's attention, Kieran blinked and straightened. Ryanair was breathing deeply and Kieran hid a smile, he knew the fight against Clara had drained him. Isabela was standing on the other side with an apron around her waist and crimson hair falling loosely down her back.

Everyone moved inside and made a beeline for the kitchen, the smell of food drawing them there. Kieran slowed when he felt Ryanair tug on his hand, his brows were drawn and he looked tired. Exhaustion mixed with irritation mixed in their bond and he wanted nothing more then to allow him to go and shower, food however was important. His fledgling thankfully didn't fight him but followed him, plates in hand everyone spread out and settled down. The kids providing everyone with enough topics to discuss that weren't the destruction and immediate war.

Kieran ate slowly and pondered on the conversation he needed to have with Clara and Christian. Ryanair would be with them and after what he'd said about Isaac awaking in the middle of the battle, the kids needed to know as well. He shook his head and smoothly entered the story Tyre was saying, the solves around them entirely immersed in the little blonde's words.

He'd say it was a good day, nothing horrible had happened yet. Though the might change when everyone was showered and tucked into bed, the conversation seeming to hang over his shoulders. He still had no answers and the memories were no clearly then before. He'd jump over thar hurtle when he needed to, for now he would enjoy the children's excitement and block out the world for a bit.

“That's something I feel needs to be addressed but not right now. Now, souks you like to swim?” He directed the first part to Christian but the last to the kids, wide eyes met his and he knew the answer.

“Swim!” They chirped happily, Kieran chuckled softly and held open the double doors that led into the large room. The wolves dispersed and he saw two open the doors leading into the backyard, he turned to the three bouncing kids. He crouched down and smiled when they faced him, he had a bit of a dilemma on his hands.

“I can watch them if you'd like, my name is Dyson.” The voice pulled his mind to the present, the vampire turned to the owner. The male that stood before him was tanned and had wavy black hair, his posture was relaxed and his eyes were warm. Kieran blinked and turned to face the kids, they wee waiting for his say-so. He hummed softly and rose to his feet, his gaze locked on the werewolf’s.

“Behave. And if you need anything I'm right out here.” He stated after a moment, Ryanair having moved to join the others outside. The wolves seemed surprised by the fact that the grass as lush, Ynez’s raised brow had him elaborating with a smile on his lips. “It's something that came with the house when I bought it, the ground here and at another few places around the house are heated. We don't need it but it adds something of a relaxed feel, now then how should we do this?”

At the question, everyone tensed in preparation. There were an uneven amount of people, then again Kieran wasn't sure if Christian would like to participate. He glanced up when he spotted a male wolf beginning his shift, his mouth opened to warn him but Ynez beat him to it. Her fist slapped the back of his head and he stilled, Esther huffed and lifted her hair so she could tie it into a bun. Isabela was inside and seemed content to stay there, Ryanair was observing everyone present with a smile on his lips. Kieran removed his jacket and tossed it on the chair, his fingers rolling his sleeves up to his elbows. Ynez was rolling her shoulders, the dress she wore seeming not to matter.

He found everyone was getting really into the sparing match. Kieran reached for the pull at the back of his mind and gave it a little tug, he didn't try to hide his excitement at the upcoming match-ups. Clara might benefit from this as well, Kieran noted he could feel her exhaustion and it sent a pang if guilt down his spine. Taking a slow with her would either end up good or bad, the older vampire was hoping for the latter.

No one batted an eyelash as Christian enter the room, Esther blinked her eyes and a smile slipped on her lips he was older than her should could tell, but he was kind. It was a bit strange really, placing her cup on the table beside the couch she rose and offered him her hand. “Esther Astana, a pleasure to meet you as well.” She stated after a moment of pondering. Kieran noted that she was slightly tense and the smile on her lips was forced somewhat, he rose and offered his own hand to Christian as well.

It was best to defuse a situation before it could get out of hand. The sound of an annoyed huff distracted him from answering the male, it seemed Ynez was awake. The Alpha blinked her glassy eyes and sat upright, her brunette hair falling in waves at her side. “I guess I should introduce all of us, my name is Ynez Hallowell. We're known as the Hallow pack, it's a pleasure to meet you.” With those words, Ynez rose to her bare feet and bowed. The other five of her pack did the same before the female straightened and a grin split her face. “Hey Kieran I noticed you have a new one as well as kids. Hm….would you be up for a spare?”

The male blinked and he only noticed then that Ryanair was standing beside him. It was a distraction and he had to think about it for a moment. The sound of feet thundering from above and then down the stairs pulled his head up and to the noise. Three smiling faces met him and he allowed them to crash into his legs, patting their heads he finally answers Christian. “It's fine, hopefully his won't last too long. As for Clara well...best to leave her be I'd say. How about it Ry, you up for it?” The flare of giddiness was answer enough, though Ryanair answered with a laugh underlying his voice.

“Sure, let's see who's better.” He said as Ynez and her pack moved forward, the kids only then noticed the others in the room. Three pairs of curious eyes found the wolves and before questions could be asked, Ryanair hoisted Tyre up and jogged out of the room. Kieran snorted softly and turned as well, his eyes meeting green-blue eyes as the flash crimson. He takes off with Wythe and Isaac at his heels, the children laughing when they noticed the others flowing them.

Maybe it was time to come clean. They'd probably notice when they sparred, these kids were much to perceptive for their ages. As they headed for the indoor pool/training space Kieran didn't much mind the conversation.

Ynez awake to her mouth tasting of cotton, and the sickly-sweet smell of bacon and pancakes filling her nose. The Alpha gingerly shifted on the king-sized bed Kieran had laid her on, she paused when a soft whine reached her ears. Her packmates were awake and watching her with worried eyes and fattened ears.

They expected punishment. With a huff, she lowers herself back amongst the sheets and allows a whimper to escape her lips. She'd healed during the night but her strength wasn't one-hundred percent yet, her Pack were on her immediately. Cool noses pressed against the now healed wounds, warm-rough tongues licked at her cheeks and fingers. Ynez allowed herself a few moments more of rest, before sitting up and slipping off the bed. She paused when she spotted a bag before the bathrooms door, her head tilting when a note caught her eye.

This should be enough clothes for you all, if you need more let me know. ML~ It read and the Alpha couldn't help but smile, it was hard to believe she had vampires has friends. Turning to her pack, she gestured to the bag and then the bathroom. “Pick a set of clothes and then all of you are to shower, we'll join them down for breakfast and not cause trouble.” Her words were pitched low but the command was clear, she received five nods and with a smile she turned and entered the bathroom.

An hour later found the Pack dispersed in both the dining room and the sitting room with plates of food in hand. Ynez was dozing with a empty coffee cup in her hands, her head resting against the arm of the couch.


Kieran noted that clothed had been provided for the Pack as he made his way into the sitting room. Ryanair had stayed in the kitchen to talk with Isabela, Kieran didn't say anything aside from offering the elder female with a kiss on the cheek. He paused when he found Ynez dozing on a couch, a male was gently pulling a mug from her hands.

Usually such an action would have any wolf awake, it just showed how exhausted the Alpha really was. Kieran nodded to the male and took a seat with a plate in hand, the others wolves offered him waves or nods before returning to their own food.

“Trouble seems to find you doesn't it?” The question had the vampire turning his head, Esther was seated beside him with a frown on her lips. Kieran sighed and returned to eating his pancakes, his movements stiff with anger. He didn't like having to leave him his, he had an inkling Ryanair was questioning Isabela on the state of the town. The kids thankfully had opted to stay with Wolff, a request that made Kieran smile as well as deflate a bit. They were fine and had given him their vows that they would behave and not run around the house, though he couldn't blame them if they did.

“I've made friends and alias, I've made it a point to keep out of other people's hair. So why is it that this happening now?” He asks the noble beside him, his meal no longer holding his interest. Esther sighed softly from beside him and ruffled her skirts before answering.

“I don't think it's you. Our world's aren't as stable they used to be and others are panicking. If humans found out any of us existed, a war would break out and even if we'd be likely to win the humans are vital to our survival. It's a game of chance and with this move, the balance we've had for centuries is tediously close to breaking.” Her words were right and he knew it, Kieran just wanted some peace for more than a week. He'd lied too long a life to want constant moving or fighting.

So the question now was, what was the next best move?

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