Avatar of Arista


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1 yr ago
Current Cataract surgery happening today...send good vibes/well wishes, please? I'll be back soon~
4 yrs ago
Officially 27...getting closer to 30 xD happy birthday self!
5 yrs ago
"In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength." Uncle Iroh
6 yrs ago
That moment when you plan an RP and get the first post up and then your partner deletes the OOC PM thread and doesn't answer... ~_~
9 yrs ago
The moment when you're having a Disney movie marathon and you regret nothing. Not even caring that your parents are looking at you funny because your singing along ^^


Enter at your own risk~

Hello, hello!

I'm Ari~ An adult who loves video games and my pup equally, I'm a dork who loves watching the shows I adore and then ranting about them until I get all my Feelings under control.

I'm a veteran when it comes to roleplay, I've been doing this long enought to know I'm better suited for 1x1's then Group Rps. My level is at the high causal to low advanced, once I get really into an RP its on my mind in a way that I don't mind. Feel free to send a PM with plot ideas or pairings, the most I can say is no thanks, which is rare and unlikely to happen~

Thanks for dropping by!

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@Dio Thanks for letting me know! No worries on posting if you're busy, I don't mind waiting~ I hope everything goes well and that you have a good time! ;)

Location: Route 101

Yuu wstched as Soren moved off to set up their lunch, his lips twitching up into a smile. His own pack was heavier than what he assumed his friend carried, mostly due to the extra supplies he had within in case of emergencies. His gaze focused on Micah and his Tailow, easily recognizing the nerves felt by every new trainer as he'd been like that once upon a time. "Have you already visited Professor Birch?" Yuu curiously asked the younger boy, shoulders rolling as he removed his bag to set it by his feet.

"A-ah, yes I have!" The boy replied with a stutter that Yuu found oddly endearing, Ace flew up into the air with a shake of his head as if he were bored with them. "He seemed... a bit strange? B-but not in a b-bad way! He offered me a starter but I h-have Low-Low so I declined. I'm guessing y-you two did as well?

"We did, he seemed surprised by that but he didn't get upset." Yuu replied with a shrug, before reaching for his belt for Haru's Pokeball. Once his newest teammate was stretching out its small form, Yuu watched as Micah settled into practice with his Low-Low again. He watched intently for a few moments before rising from the rock he'd sat on, opening his bag to pull out a medium-sized skillet. While sandwiches were a good meal he had a feeling it wouldn't keep them full for long, add to that that he was used to cooking his own meals and it was an old habit by now. "I'll make us some stew to add with your sandwiches if that's okay Soren, we'll need a lot of energy for the trek ahead." He lightly teased his friend, hands making a fire-pit with practiced ease from the rocks beneath their shoes. Ace was perched on his abandoned rock watching Low-Low destroy rocks with white-cloaked wings, Haru he noticed had been watching too but had migrated towards his curiously. "Want to help me with our lunch? I need some twigs for the fire, can you find some?" He asks gently as he added the last rock, gaze locked with yellow-black eyes. As a child he hadn't believed that Pokémon could understand human speech, but he'd watched his parents both with the own Pokémon and with the babies born from eggs that they did understand. Haru wiggled and softly cried out before turning to head into the woods around them, her -he was pretty sure the small worm was female- pace slow but determined. Moving until be stood beside Soren, Yuu lightly jabbed him in the side with his playfully with a grin on his lips. "You'll surpass me soon by catching more Pokémon." He murmured quietly, having seen the pinched expression on the other males face. Reassuring his new friend came easily to him, he'd always been attuned to others feelings since he was young.

Once Dash was let out to join their growing group, Yuu crouched by his skillet with a small box of matches in hand. Haru came and went with twigs until he had a small pile by his feet, once a flame was lit and the skillet was heating did Yuu begin to prepare their stew. His attention divided between meal prep and watching as Ace copied Low-Low's movements.
@Dio Understood! Can't wait to see how these boys will grow and learn as this progresses :D

Location: Route 101

The pond is a sight for sore eyes really, it looks even more beautiful then before somehow. Yuu's distracted for a few moments by the glistening water and lush grass, before he catches a voice shouting out commands as well as praise. He glances up and finds a boy and a bird Pokémon flying above him, he watches intently when the boys shouts out Steel Wing.

The rock is split evenly in half and Yuu is amazed, so much power for such a small Pokémon to have. "Steel Wing, hm? That is a rather powerful attack, just like Iron Tail." He muses before moving forward, Ace's Pokeball already in hand. "Excuse me? I hope we're not intruding but would you mind if my Ace watches your Low-Low practice Steel Wing?" He asks the boy with a smile, before turning back to Soren and gesturing for his friend to join them. "And maybe we can all have some lunch as well, how about it Soren? We've been walking since morning."

And then he's tossing the ball up into the air, Ace appearing with a flap of his wings and a sharp cry. He knew that Steel Wing wasn't an easy move to learn but it would be a very good one tof know, and making new friends wasn't a bad idea either.

Location: Route 101

For several seconds Yuu didn't move, even as his eyes locked on the Pokeball that was no longer wiggling. It wasn't until he heard the clapping that he managed to unfreeze, a wide grin on his face as he moved forward to collect the ball. At Soren's clear excitement Yuu couldn't help but beam happily at him, before his attention was stolen by Ace flying at him. "Hey easy, your beak is sharp!" He stated around a laugh, Ace was nudging him yes but it wasn't angry by any sense.

"Star! Starly!" His partner chirped out, his wings continuously flapping as he finally pulled back. Yuu huffed at the small birds excitement, turning back to Soren to catch his question about if he'd picked out a name.

"A name hm?" He mourned in thought, glancing down at the ball still held in his hand. His knowledge of this region's Pokemon was abysmal considering just how many Pokemon he'd met in Sinnoh, but that just made him more eager to meet them. "How about...Haru?" He added with a blink, before tossing the Pokeball up with a flick of his wrist. Wurmple appeared from within and for a moment it simply reminded still, until Ace chirped before landing beside it.

"Wur? Wurmple..." It softly called out, swaying a bit before focusing on Yuu when he bent down to be closer.

"How would you like to join us? I'd like to give you a name if I can..." He trailed off softly, holding out an arm for the small worm to climb if it wanted. For several long moments no sound could be heard, until Wurmple began slowly inching forward. The young trainer didn't dare move in case it would startle his potential new teammate. When he felt a muzzle against his cheek did he finally relax, a hand reaching up to soothe along a small head. "I'll take that as a yes? Welcome to the team Haru." He murmured with a grin towards Soren, Ace chirps and jumps up to no doubt introduce himself to their new friend.
@Dio You know I never did look that up, and I have the game/Google access...whoops lol! :P

I'll edit my post so that it'll say 101?

Location: Route 101

They'd left the Pokémon center after breakfast, and their current path had led them to where they were walking now. Route 101 hasn't changed but it seemed livelier somehow, and it made Yuu wonder if every new route would be the same. His bag felt heavier than it had been before, no doubt he'd might've bought too much food supplies but they'd need it.

Coversation was oddly easy between them, the sun above bright and warm. Ace was still in his pokeball no doubt asleep, Soren's company was welcoming and fun. His eyes were always scanning the trees and bushes around then curiously, excitement flowing in his veins and the possibility of meeting another Pokémon. They're adventure would no doubt be a long and tough one, but Yuu was optimistic that they'd make it through just fine.

A rustling within the bushes before them drew Yuu to a stop, his eyes locked on the figure slowly inching it's way out. He's grabbing for his Pokedex and Pokeball before he even can even think about it, instinct guiding him.

Wurmple the worm Pokemon a bug type. Using the spikes on its rear end, Wurmple peels the bark off trees and feeds on the sap that oozes out. This Pokémon's feet are tipped with suction pads that allow it to cling to glass without slipping The device tells him helpfully, a grin spreads across Yuu's lips.

"Ace, I choose you! Quick Attack!" He commands even as he tthrows his partners Pokeball up into the air, Ace emerges with a sharp cry and flap of his wings. With a flap and burst of speed the Wurmple is sent backward with a startled cry, Yuu grabs another Pokeball and throws it. It wiggles three times before going still and the young boy can't help but laugh in happiness, stepping forward to retrieve his new teammate.
@Dio Will do! :D

Location: Littleroot Town — Inside of Pokemon Center

"You would've found a way out eventually." He replied after a beat, attention mostly on the Dex in his hands. He's amazed at how different it is and it makes him happy, it'll be a challenge he knows but he's ready.

The mention of a gym has him leaning closer to his new friend curiously, forgetting that he could look on his own. He doesn't immediately answer because he's not fully certain, sure he'd taken on the Sinnoh Gym Challenge but this would no doubt be harder. But he wanted to try, to test his limits and then break past them. "I'll follow you if that's okay. I want to see his these gyms compare to Sinnoh." He finally answers, grinning excitedly before moving away to stretch his arms above his head.

Location: Littleroot Town — Inside of Professor Birch's Lab

Yuu was fascinated by these three new Pokémon, so much so that he dropped down to their level without a word. His hands easily found his sketchbook from his bag, and soon he was drawing the three starters before him. Each one was so vastly different then the other, and not just in their typing. Torchic approached him easily with its head titled, before chirping once and immediately taking off. Treeko hadn't moved from its spot but it did seem curious, its tail waved once before it jumped up to try and get Ace. Mudkip had settled back on its haunches, watching them but seeming content not to move.

Yuu drew each Pokémon when they stopped for a few moments, filling an entire page with varying poses of these unique creatures. Only when he was done did he remember he was here for a reason, a slight flush colored his cheeks as he closed his sketchbook. "Actually sir, I won't be getting a starter. Ace is my partner, could I get a Pokedex?" The truth was he had already known he wasn't going to pick either starter, while he didn't have a full team in mind he did know that he wanted to catch Pokémon he could bond with.

The Professor laughed heartedly but it didn't seem mean or forced, before he waved another younger male closer to them. "A rather strange request but not a bad one. My name's Joshua and this is your Pokedex." The male states with a smile, before handing the device over. It was differentthen his old one from Sinnoh, but that wasn't a bad thing. Turning to Soren he offered the other a grin, before placing the device along his beltloop. He wondered what the other boy would do, his sketchbook still held in other his hand.

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