Avatar of Arista


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Cataract surgery happening today...send good vibes/well wishes, please? I'll be back soon~
4 yrs ago
Officially 27...getting closer to 30 xD happy birthday self!
5 yrs ago
"In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength." Uncle Iroh
6 yrs ago
That moment when you plan an RP and get the first post up and then your partner deletes the OOC PM thread and doesn't answer... ~_~
9 yrs ago
The moment when you're having a Disney movie marathon and you regret nothing. Not even caring that your parents are looking at you funny because your singing along ^^


Enter at your own risk~

Hello, hello!

I'm Ari~ An adult who loves video games and my pup equally, I'm a dork who loves watching the shows I adore and then ranting about them until I get all my Feelings under control.

I'm a veteran when it comes to roleplay, I've been doing this long enought to know I'm better suited for 1x1's then Group Rps. My level is at the high causal to low advanced, once I get really into an RP its on my mind in a way that I don't mind. Feel free to send a PM with plot ideas or pairings, the most I can say is no thanks, which is rare and unlikely to happen~

Thanks for dropping by!

Most Recent Posts

Double post, sorry!
Let me know if my post is okay or not, not 100% feeling Vik yet and I haven't been sleeping well but I wanted to get this to you~

There's a small, purring body curled in his hands. Tired eyes blink slowly as his mind slowly takes in the features before him, strained muscles releasing their tension as the purring continues. Its tiny with sleek charcoal-white fur and a pink nose. Another smaller body he notices with another blink of his golden eyes, is curling around his ankles.

"They seem to like you." Comes a musically-lilting voice from his left, his heavy head leans against back against the cushion he'd been pushed into to peer at the speaker. Meriel has a tray in hand and a cat along her shoulders, brunette hair tied high and a dark blue almost navy-blue dress on. Her skin is pale in a way that reminds him of porcelain, and yet she's anything but a dainty, weak Noble.

"You called me here to socialize your kittens?" He asks with a wrinkle of his nose, but he remains where he's seated despite being half on the floor. He should be sleeping, curled under silk-soft sheets and recuperating after being awake the last two nights straight.

And yet here he is. Kitten-socializing.

"Like this isn't normal by now." Meriel quips as she sets the tray down on a wooden table, dress fluttering as she moves. He shrugs and let's his eyes close for a moment, the room is warm from the sun in a way that could easily drag him into sleep.

"I'm not naming them." He grumbles out quietly, fingers absently petting both kittens to keep them purring and near him. He's grown up with Meriel and has gotten used to being summoned when any of her Houses cats have kittens, they will become future Shadows who help maintain the balance after all. Early socialization helps them retain their humanity, not doing so means the kittens will loose control and will need to be put down.

"Have some tea, you grouch." Meriel mutters seconds before something soft slams into his face, his magic flares outward and a gust of Wind bursts into the room with enough force that it has his clothes rustling. A yowl is followed by two smaller but still heard hisses, clicking his tongue he reins his magic in and opens his eyes. Two-fluffy rounded ears poke up from neatly maintained hair, his eyes catch a glimpse of a tail before he lifts his eyes.

"If anyone saw how you acted behind closed doors..." A new voice sighs out as Vik slowly stands, two kittens held in his hands. He shrugs and he moves towards the table, pausing only to set both down with their mother who's settled on a pillow in front of a large window.

"Did you hear?" He asks as he takes a seat, long legs crossing at the ankle despite the person before him, her elbows rest on the table in an action neither of them would dare do in public. But here nestled away in a cabin where pregnant cat mothers are kept to birth their young, they can relax.

"About the string of thefts? Oh yes I have." Her tone is dry and sarcastic, vermillion-blue eyes narrowed.

"And this meeting?" He inquires with an arched brow as he lifts his steaming cup, a familiar weight settling along his shoulders moments later.

"A social call." Is said with a shrug, he shakes his head and settles in to drink his tea.

He can feel his magic withering just beneath his skin like a trapped animal wanting to be freed, having Saoirse close helps. His usual iron-clad grip is frayed at the seems, too much time out and not enough time to rest and settle like he needs.

"The Enforcers are a joke." He mutters after he's snacked on a few sweets on a platter he hadn't noticed before, his jaw ticks seconds later and the cup in his hand begins to crack along the edges.

Nothing is said aside from Saoirse shifting so that she's sitting in his lap, her tail slowly swaying behind her.

He wakes to several warm bodies splayed over his body, skin vibrating with their purring. Meriel has a book in hand and says nothing as he untangles himself from soon-to-be mother cats, until he's on his feet and blinking at her.

His magic still withers beneath his skin but it's not as prominent now, though he doubts he's been asleep long enough to count as more then a nap. Exhaling a breath he runs a hand through his hair, a slight throbbing along his temple indicating an oncoming headache.

Tea and snacks have never filled him for long, his belly rumbles softly and it draws a sigh from his lips. Moving forward with careful steps, he passed Meriel where's she's seated in a rocking chair. He presses a kiss to her cheek before he continues towards the door, the air smells of flowers and is warm with the spring sun.

His magic envelopes him in a whirlwind of air, a trick he's mastered for quicker travel. He keeps to the backroads until he's nearing a familiar pub, boots touching the ground as his magic fades to nothing. A warm tail circles his neck as he rolls his shoulders, he can feel how his expression and demeanor change. How he looses that almost gentleness and turns serious, cold.

With another grumble of his stomach, he exhales a quiet huff and moves forward. Meriel's note still in his coat pocket, the sun above bright and warm on his skin.
Sweet! I'll go read it now ^^

I'll try to~ haha

I'm doing much better thanks! I've also started my reply. It started out differently than I had intended but so far I like it so let's see haha. You're fine, I do hope you feel better soon and not off~

I'm going to change Zephyr's name, just wanted to let you know ^^
Yay! A post! Sleep won last night, sorry for the late reply. I'm also getting sick again so this is a perfect distraction~ And of course, feel free to add Nyx's part whenever ^&^

Thanks very much for it :) You have skills~

Edit: I kinda have an idea for Vik, let's see how this goes lol

Edit 2: Can I be added as a GM?
I have dark mode on my phone so your struggle makes sense a little lol, I'm glad you were able to figure it out!

x3 c3


(I turned dark mode off) and it looks perfect! I never had a solid pallete aside from blue-purple. I could've said specific colors but I didn't wanna come off as demanding, ya know? I do love it!
It has been, so no rush or anything! I'm excited for this!

I don't mind~ But wait if it looked different on two of your devices....that's odd. I kinda wanna see the different one now lol

Bad, Rin. Bad.

Oh, no I totally get that. I sometimes type while I talk and will most likely not catch it. So sorry in advance lol

I'd rather follow your lead if that's okay, I have a semi coherent post in mind but I'd love to see what you have in mind. If not I can start I'd just need to brainstorm lol

Ooh, let me go try! :)

Edit: Yay!! It worked~
I added that in, a flashback? Sorry was talking on the phone and must've typed that out without checking. Sorry! No we're good for our starting post~

Yay! Thanks ^^

Aw, thanks~

<3 <3

Edit: I copied the link to add to his sheet, and it doesn't show up??

Edit 2: Finding a song for Vik, wish me luck!
I like antagonizing them...sometimes. But with this one? I'll play nice as long as he does haha

Sure! I don't mind!

I feel like they're may need to be a flashback maybe to kinda explain just how they met up, doubt it'd make sense if it just happened ya know? But Sure!

Sorry, sorry.

It's beautiful! And it actually isn't so big!

I'll keep that in mind for his photo, for now I like it as is~ He looks equal parts classy-elegant-killer to me if that makes sense lol

Thanks so much!
This is why I like you 🙂🙂

Door number 3 it is :)

Vik: *snorts*
Me: Don't you start.
Vik: *glances over with a smirk*
Me: okay. I'm gonna go now

I like that! As for them being able to sense each other I'd feel like that isn't impossible. Magical beings I feel like can do that ^^

I feel like them meeting up would be a good starting point, having them tracking down someone could be next? So many options~

I'd take you up on that, I have the image and for text, something simple and blue-purple in color? Or whatever you want to have ^<^

Ooooh! New song! I'm down for a soundtrack ^^
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