Avatar of Arista


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Cataract surgery happening today...send good vibes/well wishes, please? I'll be back soon~
4 yrs ago
Officially 27...getting closer to 30 xD happy birthday self!
5 yrs ago
"In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength." Uncle Iroh
6 yrs ago
That moment when you plan an RP and get the first post up and then your partner deletes the OOC PM thread and doesn't answer... ~_~
9 yrs ago
The moment when you're having a Disney movie marathon and you regret nothing. Not even caring that your parents are looking at you funny because your singing along ^^


Enter at your own risk~

Hello, hello!

I'm Ari~ An adult who loves video games and my pup equally, I'm a dork who loves watching the shows I adore and then ranting about them until I get all my Feelings under control.

I'm a veteran when it comes to roleplay, I've been doing this long enought to know I'm better suited for 1x1's then Group Rps. My level is at the high causal to low advanced, once I get really into an RP its on my mind in a way that I don't mind. Feel free to send a PM with plot ideas or pairings, the most I can say is no thanks, which is rare and unlikely to happen~

Thanks for dropping by!

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The impact of her body against the first few guards sends them back, her new form dwarfing them in size and strength. The metal rod that's slammed into her head has her lips pulling back, snarl vibrating up from her chest as pain radishes from the area.

The world narrows down to the bodies in front of her, pointed ears twitching atop her head. Pain doesn't register even as she pushes forward, not even when tasers touch her or guns fire rounds before she pushes them away. She's not kind as she let's her canines sink into skin, as she uses her larger body to send one flying into a wall.

Distantly she's aware that someone else joins them, that this person feels familiar even if she doesn't really know who it is. The new heartbeat remains steady despite the entire ordeal, while Aneira's own heart pounds in her ears. There's blood in her mouth and on her, but she still keeps fighting. There's no sympathy as she attacks, only a single-minded focus to get out and to defend herself.

She only paused when the newcomer took the last guard, flanks quivering as she meets crystal-blue eyes. The wolf in her head is silent and yet she can hear sounds coming from somewhere, the words that are spoken to her don't fully register. There's still a heartbeat echoing out that means threat, until it's silenced and for the moment it's just them.

Clarity returns within one blink and the next, eyes focusing on Lucian who looks different then he usually does. But so does she, she realizes with a glance down to where her feet should be. While they aren't close by any means, they are two of the few who have so far made it to this final stage. His words slowly trickle through her brain, ears twitching as she shifts on her paws. She feels clumsy and too large, senses extended outward so much so that she can hear the next group of guards running down the hall.

Shaking herself once, she glances at the man before her for a second before nodding as best she can. She still feels the need to run and fight, but it's tampered down by Lucian's presence somehow. She eyes the wings along his back as she moves forward the door, movements stiff and disjointed. Grumbling out a low sound she doesn't hesitate to take off, tail rigid as she moves down the hall.

Her eyes are closed and her head is tipped upward, limbs sprawled along the floor. There's an itch beneath her skin, an ache along her gums that's slowly driving her mad and yet no one seems to care.


There's a low grumbling sound that tumbles from her lips, fingers pressing against the hard stone beneath her. She wonders if madness has a physical form, or if it's only a mental state of mind one achieves when pushed over the edge. Another low sound fills the silence of her cell, fingers pressing even harder agaisnt the stone.

"Aneira." Comes a flat voice from a speaker above the door, a tiny thing she's destroyed more times then they've fixed it. She doesn't reply verbally but the creature inside her head does, snarling and snapping at the voice. She supposes she should be grateful they even considered her for this program at all, a workaholic with a drinking problem and nothing to her name. She wonders distantly if anyone looked for her, is still looking for her despite the years she thinks have passed.

She's a success they'd told her, and yet she's still here and locked in a cell.


"Aneira, we'll sedate you again." Comes that same voice again, a drawl of words with no intonation at all. It's a threat as much as a promise, she's learned that they don't care if they harm anyone so long as they have control. And yet she's rising to her feet and half turning to aim a fist at the metalic wall they'd encased her cell with after a loss of temper a few weeks ago, the metal and plaster foundation giving way like wet paper. She doesn't even remember how they'd gotten her, whether it had been after that last fist fight or stumbling home at whatever time it had been.

Footsteps immediately pound from down the hall, several heartbeats drawing closer with the acidic smell of gun powder encircling them. Pulling her hand free and inspecting it with heavy eyes, she's not at all surprised or startled to find no damage at all. She turns to the door as her ears catch several guns of some sort being loaded, tasers being turned on and nervously shuffling feet.

This time the growl that echos in her head is one she mirrors, body crouching and lips pulling back. Her heart beats like drum in her chest, adrenaline surging through her veins like fire. She's not fully sure what she's been turned into, but she wants out. Now.


The metal door slams open with several voices shouting out at once, weapons aimed and stances low. Aneira feels the beast within her head that never seems to stop pacing freeze almost immediately, and then it's lunging forward with canines visible. She's lunging forward with a howl, form extending and expanding in a series of snapping bones and twisting tendons.

She slams into the first line of guards with a slash of claws, and a larger form that has them shouting even louder.
Aneira Hart

Gender: Female
Species(human/???): Werewolf
History: WIP

"What do you do, when you're locked in a cage?"
"You Fight."
Ellie awoke to a heavy weight settled along her body, another lighter weight rested along her ankles. Eyes blinking open as sleep fades away, she's met with muted sunlight filtering into the room and a hand resting inches from her nose. Somehow during the night both Bryce and Cammie had shifted, and somehow Ellie had ended up as a human pillow.

Snorting softly into the silence, Ellie shifts beneath Bryce's weight to reach for her phone. Just as she's unlocked the screen a distant sound draws her attention away, head lifting and eyes landing on a figure nestled in blankets. Blue eyes blink at her slowly in a way that Ellie can't help but mirror, Lydia shifts and stands on silent feet.

Wiggling out from beneath a pair that cling like koala's, Ellie quietly follows Lydia as she moves down to the main floor. It's early and with it comes a slight chill, they pass Delta and Poppy who are fast asleep to enter the kitchen.

"I'm surprised you didn't leap out of bed and try to attack me." Lydia murmurs with an arched brow, Ellie snorts and sits down on a barstool with a wave of her hand.

"Funny, now why aren't you sleeping?" She asks instead of responding to the tease, eyes roaming over the woman before her as she shrugs and huffs out a breath.

"Believe me, I want to be asleep for the next two days." Lydia begins and a lightly-tanned hand lifts up to run fingers through brown strands, Ellie tilts her head and stays quiet. "But the last four hours or so involved a major multiple car pileup that...well frankly I'm surprised they let me leave." Her lips are pursed and her brows are furrowed, Ellie can't help but grimace in sympathy for her friend but also the victims.

"Adrenaline crash." She replies as she stands, moving towards the stove and shoving Lydia towards the chair she'd just vacated. "Right then, sit and I'll make us some tea, then you'll take a nap while I wrangle your husband and daughter and then head home." She hadn't forgotten the surprise Sofia had mentioned, but she also didn't want to leave her friends without at least helping them first.

So she sets to boiling water and telling Lydia how their day went yesterday, letting the dogs out when they join them not too long after.

She does wrangle both onto the couch with their own blanket each, after ensuring Lydia was settled into bed after a shower and two cups of tea. Before she leaves she makes them food for later, sending off texts as she waits for the food to finish cooking.

Absently she takes a picture of Delta who's been watching her move around, fingers moving across her screen. Her eyes are large and almost pleading, her ears are slightly lowered in an expression clearly meant to tug at the heartstrings.

You owe her a treat. She attaches to the picture she sends him, eyes flicking king up to the first text. She doesn't reply to it until she's seated in an Uber, leaving behind three sleeping people with warm food and a locked front door.

Maybe I'll surprise you with a visit sometime. Or maybe you can visit me. She sends the message without even checking, only to wince and almost immediately delete it when she catches a glimpse of what she'd said. Really now? She couldn't or rather shouldn't be encouraging encounters with Calvin, her stomach twists as she locks her phone and rests it facedown along her thigh. She needed to focus on her job, on her family and those she kept close. No doubt Monday will bring with it chaos and running around, but with it comes relief because she can focus on something that isn't the occasional thought of a rich and rather bold businessman and his cute puppy.
Gently wiping sweat from Cammie's cheeks and forehead, Ellie glanced at the light sheets she'd changed not to long ago. Passing the thermometer over flushed skin, she set it aside and pulled Cammie in close. She had a mask on to protect her from getting sick, the numbers that met her gaze weren't promising at all. Earlier it had read 100.01 and now it showed 103.2, running a hand along a damp shirt covered back she bit her lips indecisivly.

Standing with Cammie in her arms, she moved towards the master bedroom. Bryce's light snores echoed in the silence, nudging him awake with a free hand. The light that flooded the room had Bryce wincing and scrunching up his nose, Ellie nudged him again and exhaled a breath. "Her fever is higher now." She murmurs with a glance at the head resting on her shoulder, Bryce grunts and shifts to slowly sit up.

By how much?" He asks as he reaches for Cammie, handing her over Ellie lifts a hand to let her fingers comb through her hair. Out of the two of them Bryce has more medical experience, she hates not being able to help more then what she's already done.

"Three degrees, I gave her cough syrup and she had a bath. Should I-" She's cut off when Bryce shifts to stand, taking a step back to give him room as he leaves his bed. When he falters she reaches out to steady him, frowning when he slowly exhales and blinks his eyes rapidly.

"Headrush, I'm good. Okay here's what we're going to do..." The list he recites is impressive to say the least, but it gives her something to focus on and do. Cammie is taken back into the second bathroom for another bath, Bryce collects her bedsheets and swaps them out for a new clean pair. Her sweat-soaked pajamas are replaced with dry ones once she's finished, nose running and cheeks still flushed.

They make their way downstairs where both dogs are sleeping on the couch, the light from the kitchen a guide in the dark. Ellie serves them their food with she and Bryce gently coax her into taking seven spoonfuls, before letting her be. The sheets and pajamas are put to wash, the already dried and folded clothes rest on the counter to be put away later.

The dishes are placed in the dishwasher, Lydia's portion is left out with a plastic container atop it that's meant to help keep it warm. The kitchen light is turned off and a quick check is done to make sure all the doors are locked. She guides them upstairs with itchy eyes, both of them say good night to Cammie as she curls up under her new sheets with a purple bunny tucked in close. A moist towel is left over her forehead to hopefully lower her fever some, then the only light in the whole house comes from the master bedroom.

"Do I have clothes here?" She asks as Bryce sits at the edge of his bed, hands coming through his hair. He hadn't eaten much himself but had promised he'd eat more later, half slumped where he sits she can see his exhaustion.

"Think so, yeah. Lydia somehow picked out what was yours and gave you a drawer. I think she said it would be the third on the right." His voice doesn't sound like he's speaking through gravel anymore, he sounds tired if anything. Ellie moves to the designated drawer and pulls it open, blinking at the amount of clothes inside. She stays here when she's off shift and cammie needs a babysitter sure, but she doubts she'd been over enough to have left this much clothes.

"Since when did I leave so many clothes here?" She asks in confusion, picking a crimson tank top and black gym shorts from their folded piles. They smell like the detergent they use, soft and well locked after.

"You do know you spend a fair amount of time here right?" Bryce huffs out at her, laying down with a soft groan. With the evidence staring back at her, she silently agrees with him that she must because the neatly folded piles don't lie. Slipping into the bathroom to change, she pulls her phone free from her pants as she slips them off. Once she's dressed and washed her face, she's just started searching for a spare toothbrush when the door opens to show a large hand holding one out to her.

"Here. Forgot to leave one out, when your done do you mind sharing with me? Lydia texted she won't be off until five and there's no way you're sleeping on the couch. Bryce murmurs before closing the door, Ellie snorts and shakes her head at him. They've been friends long enough that anyone who knows them only see two best friends, though there was a time that rumors had started that they were having an affair. But if anyone saw the way Bryce looked at Lydia and doubted his love for her, then they were stupid.

It's happened several times by now that they'll end up sleeping beside each other on the couch after long shifts or too many drinks, that Lydia simply laughs and posts the pictures to her Instagram with heart emojis and no one bats an eye. Spitting out foam and washing out her mouth, Ellie shakes her head and stifles a yawn as best she can into her elbow.

The room is dark when she closes the bathtoom door behind her, steps light as she moves to the other side of the King-sized bed. There is a guest bedroom she can sneak off to once everyone else is asleep, her phone is set down and left alone, body curling up as a slow breath leaves her lungs.

"I hope you don't mind being cuddled." Comes a muffled voice moments later, ellie snorts and presses her cheek harder into her pillow. Bryce and Cammie share a habit of cuddling anyone who will accept it, limbs curling and locking like octopus arms.

"Go to sleep." She mutters with a foot kicking backward, she's met with air and a low chuckle.

She doesn't hear her phone vibrate later in the night.

Cammie joins them with the dogs following behind, Ellie's plan to slip into the guest bedroom is thwarted by little arms curling around her waist. Sleep claims them all with little resistance, the moon luminous and large outside.
Slipping away from a child curled around her like a koala, had been a challenge in and of itself. Once certain that Cammie was tucked in without the blanket being too tight, she moved down the hall to check on Bryce. He was sprawled on his side with his limbs stretched out, mouth open and snoring quietly. Humming softly she descended down to the main floor, checking the front door before moving through the living room and into the kitchen.

The space was large compared to her own, with a round table on one side, as island stood in the center with the actual cooking area taking up the rest of the space. Glancing down at Delta who had followed her down, Ellie rolls her shoulders before reaching down to unclasp her collar. Something white fluttered to the ground, a confused frown pulled her lips down as she lifted the oddity from the floor.

If you’re not sick of my face yet, give me a call sometime. I’d love to see more of yours. 555-1234.

Her mind flashed back to the lunch she had with Calvin, fingers tightening fractionally along the edges of the napkin before relaxing. "Who'd think he'd use you to pass a message along." Ellie dryly replies, shaking her head once before setting the napkin down on the marble countertop. The sky outside had slowly shifted to evening, orange-crimson sunlight filtered in from the window as she pondered what to cook.

Exhaling a breath she moves first to the pantry where she selects ingredients, setting them beside the stove before returning to grab a set of steel dog bowls Lydia had bought for Delta on the rare occasion she stayed over during the night. Once both were filled with food and water respectively, she sets them on a mat on the opposite side of the island, heading back to the sink to wash her hands thoroughly before focusing on the meal prep. She looses herself in the rhythm of chopping and measuring, pausing to pull out a rice cooker and pot to add to the mix.

Once the rice has been set to cook, the pot full and slowly heating with ingredients for a hearty broth Ellie let's her elbows land on the counter. A glance at her screen shows a text from Lydia and Dimitri, her social media messages are swiped away. Her eyes shift to the napkin before flicking away, nose scrunching up as she let's herself ponder.

Though he came on strong, he'd seemed genuine when they'd spoken earlier. She knows better then to let herself be swayed by anyone, the fact that she's even contemplating anything is slightly out of character for her. Locking her phone she sets it facedown on the island, turning on her heel and heading out to the living room where she'd left her bag earlier. A small journal is pulled from inside, leather bound and brown in color where she keeps her recipes safe and stored.

Lowering the heat to the pot when she re-enters the kitchen, Ellie checks on thr rice cooker before moving to peek into the laundry room. A modest sized room with space for an island to fold the clothes on the opposite wall, Ellie finds two baskets mostly filled in front of the machines. It's easy to get lost in sorting the items out into separate piles, the evening lightly slowly fading into darkness. Closing the door to the washing machine once it's filled with clothes and adding detergent, she closes the door behind her as the machine chimes.

The pot she's cooking homemade Ramen in is boiling away, she adds in the last ingredients before lowering the heat and checking on the rice. Okayu is made with rice and water, something easy to eat when one isn't feeling well. Checking her recipe notebook Ellie turns off the cooker and removes the lid, before doing the same to the pot of Ramen as well. Flicking on lights as she opens a cupboard to pull down bowls, she tugs a wooden spoon from another cupboard and beings filling each bowl. One is left uncovered to cool while the others are covered with plates to keep them warm, air rich with the smell of food.

Her fingers itch at her sides as she collects her phone, teeth digging into her lip as she moves towards the stairs. Pausing halfway up she unlocks her screen, blank message thread filling her screen in an almost tantalizing way. Stomach swooping oddly as she let's her fingers settle along the keyboard, Ellie exhales before letting herself type.

Me: I wanted to thank you for lunch. And to apologize for running out on you.

She hits send before she can consciously convince herself why this is the craziest thing she's recently done. Her message pops up in a gray bubble and mockingly glares back at her, clicking her tongue she exits the Message app and locks her phone. Shaking her head and shoving her phone her in back pocket, she continues up the stairs after flicking on the light.

Resolutely ignoring why her heart is hammering slightly in her chest.

Mentally and adamantly telling herself she won't make a habit of texting a random rich guy she'd met while undercover.
How is it harder to dress a soon-to-be eight year old, then to make sure her dad doesn't suffocate in a too warm shower Ellie has no idea. Finally getting Cammie dressed is almost immediately followed by a sharp yip from the open doorway, a glance over her shoulder shows Delta setting Poppy carefully on the ground. The Gremlin as Ellie has taken to naming him, is young and spunky with the most dramatic personality she's ever seen. Brown eyes watch her in a way that makes her narrow her eyes, though her attention shifts away when a series of coughs fill the air.

Lifting a small cup filled with strawberry flavored children cough syrup she'd found in the master bathroom, she presses it to slightly chapped lips. Cammie makes a face but drinks it with a wince, cheeks flushed in a way that has Ellie reaching for a forehead thermometer next. "Well, dorogoy. You have a pretty high fever." She murmurs softly as she sets the thermometer down on a small wooden bedside table, free hand lifting to cover her little frame. Her ears catch the sound if running water still coming from down the hall, Delta whines as she rests her head atop the sheets.

"Can I have a story?" Comes Cammie's voice after a few moments, Ellie's hand soothing through her hair. Her voice sounds like her dads had, low and gravely only there's congestion mixed in as well.

"Of course, why don't you think of one while I go check on your dad." She gets a nod in response, when she stands from her kneeled position her knees creak slightly at the movement. Delta doesn't move and with a careful glance at The Gremlin, Ellie exits the room and moves towards the master bedroom not too far away.

The bathroom door opens just as she raises a hand to knock, head tipping back on her shoulders to find hazel eyes blinking down at her. Strawberry-blonde hair now rests freely and damp atop his head, face and neck bare of the soot that had decorated them. Lifting a hand towards the doorway she arches a brow at him, he snorts and gently shoves her to the side so he can pass. He walks slowly as if sore as he moves towards the bed, clicking her tongue she closes the bathtoom door before following him. She hands him Ibuprofen and a glass of water, his nose scrunches up when he realizes it isn't ice cold like he usually drinks it.

"Do I get a story? I know you're going to tell one to Cammie." Bryce quips as be sets the glass down, mohagony wooden bedside table a slight mess with a digital clock, a book and a framed photo of a family beach trip from years ago. The master bedroom is painted light gray with a tall black bookshelf and dresser along one wall, the other wall holds a artfully decorated and comfy looking reading nook and a plush rocking chair settled in the corner. Cammie's room is painted sky-blue with her own reading nook taking up one wall, the other holds a dresser and a play area where her toys are kept as well as a bookshelf.

"Answer your phone in two minutes." Is all she replies with, tugging on his hair just as he settles comfortably beneath his sheets. She's up and moving before Bryce can do more then grunt, steps silent on the wooden floor as she moves back down the hall. Delta lifts her head from the white carpeted floor where she's laid down, a white fluffball watches from the bed. "Dorogoy..." She chides as she moves further into the room, hands lifting to tighten the ponytail she'd used to tie her hair with.

"He jumped up here I swear." Cammie squeaks out with her hands holding a book out to her, Ellie hums and accepts the book without really taking in the cover. She settles in atop the sheet and is immediately being hugged tight, a too warm little body curling in close.

"You know...I've never read this in English." Ellie comments as let's her eyes roam the cover, free hand petting through silk-soft strawberry-blonde hair. It's the first Harry Potter book The Sorcerers Stone, cartoon-based image printed colorfully across the front. She knows the basics of the world and who Harry is, but Dimitri had been into the series more then she and Sofia had ever been. A little hand pats her thigh and she glances over to find blue eyes Watchung her, cheeks still red and little nose running.

"Really? Is it different in Russian?" Cammie asks with a sniffle, Ellie reaches for a tissue and hands it over before humming softly. The cover feels smooth under her fingers, back pressing into the pillow she'd placed behind her for comfort.

"My brother read the books, I never really stayed still enough to read anything." Ellie replied softly, lips lifting into a grin that Cammie can't see. Her phone buzzing has her shifting slightly to pull it free from her pants, she answers the call and presses Speaker before setting the device down. "Alright, shall we?" She chirps with a slight wiggle of excitement, fingers opening the cover and flipping to the first page. "Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly
normal, thank you very much. They were the last people you’d expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious, because they just didn’t hold with such nonsense..."

"Oh, yes." Ellie heard Bryce whisper through the speaker, Cammie giggled and and settled in even closer.

"Mr. Dursley was the director of a firm called Grunnings, which made drills. He was a big, beefy man with hardly any neck, although he did have a very large mustache. Mrs. Dursley was thin and blonde and had nearly twice the usual amount of neck, which came in very useful as she spent so much of her time craning over garden fences, spying on the neighbors. The Dursleys had a small son called Dudley and in their opinion there was no finer boy anywhere..."

Her eyes were focused on the page, voice quiet and words flowing easily. No doubt both would be drifting off to sleep soon, which would give her time to prepare a meal and do whatever chores Lydia hadn't managed to get to if any at all.

For now she'll settle in to learn just what had Dimitri to fascinated back when they were children, nose buried in pages with his chin resting on his knees.
Bryce helped as best as he could as Ellie helped him up the front stairs, body heavy in a way she knew meant exhaustion. The drive to his modest home hadn't taken too long, Bryce had drifted off and hadn't woken until she'd shaken him awake.

The door opens with a jingle of keys, Ellie shuffles inside with Bryce propped on her shoulder. Delta shuts the door behind them as she moves forward, letting Bryce go when they're near the couch. "Do I need to call Lydia?" She asks with an arched brow, hands settling on her hips as she peers down at her best friend.

"Smoke inhalation." He answers with a wrinkle of his nose, hand lifting to rub his right eye. "Captian Morgan said I'm off until I feel better, Lydia was with a paitent so I was seen by Nurse Salvatore which means she should be calling-" He's interrupted by a phone going off, nose scrunching up as a sigh leaves his lips.

"Hey, Lyds." Ellie replies once she's answered the call, Bryce is sitting up and unlacing his boots. She's met with muffled voices and what sounds like the beeping of a heart monitor, head tilting she waits for her friend to answer.

"Where the hell is he?" Her tone is sharp and angry, Ellie winces and exhales a breath. "If he went back to work after Nurse Salvatore checked him over-" Ellie clicks her tongue once, Lydia falls silent and for a moment no one speaks.

Until Bryce begins to cough, body hunching over his knees with a hand covering his mouth. "I brought him home, he was out looking for medicine for Cammie." There's a hiss down the line, Ellie rubs her hand along Bryce's back sympathetically. "Focus on your shift, Delta and I have these two taken care of." There's movement and a loud sigh, and then Lydia's voice is filling her ear once more.

"I'll text you the treatment for smoke inhalation, you're the best." The words bring a smile to her lips, Bryce slowly quieting as his coughing fit ends. "Don't be afraid to bully them into listening either, I gotta go." There's frustration in her tone, no doubt from experience dealing with two stubborn people.

"Bye bye." Ellie chirps before ending the call, stepping away and surveying the living room with narrowed eyes. Her phone buzzes in her hand, a detailed message of what Bryce can and can't do for the next few days. Humming softly she moves towards the thermostat and changes it, glancing at her friend who's tilting to one side where he's sitting. "Right, you should shower. I'll set it for you and you won't change it. And Cammie?" The front door opens just as she speaks, a familiar figure holding another smaller body in her arms meets her.

"Oh, Ellie thank god." Mckenzie sighs out as she steps inside, strawberry-blonde hair tied messily atop her head. A little head lifts up and she's met with blue eyes and small hands reaching towards her. "I hate to do this but Lindsay called and said we're so packed that she's about ready to start tossing pastries over the display to settle the crowd." Ellie takes Cammie and Mckenzie glances at her then Bryce and a worried frown settles on her lips. "I can help if you need an extra set of hands-" She beings while her eyes glance over her brother with concern, Ellie hoists Cammie higher on her hip and offers a shake of her head.

"You're fine, not the first time. If I need help I'll call." She says and she's met with hazel eyes focusing on her, Mckenzie glances at them all and pets Delta atop her head once before turning to the door.

"You better! Cammie has a cough and fever, an upset stomach and I was told she's already vomited. Behave you two! I'm sorry, Ellie!" And she's off with a wince and dip of her head, cheek dusted in flour Ellie doubts she's even noticed.

"Alright, Bryce shower. Cammie to bed and Delta...can you find Poppy, I'd rather not get bitten today." Delta takes off with a yip, Bryce stands shakily to his feet and Cammie sniffles and clings tighter to her.

Not what she expected her Saturday to turn into, but she doesn't mind so much.
His response to her question had a brow arching up, though she didn't immediately reply. Ellie wasn't one to play easy for anyone, much less for someone who oozed a playboy persona like Calvin didn't. He didn't take it back though like one would think, which had her stomach squirming just slightly.

The mention of desserts had her expression smoothing out, back straightening in silent anticipation. She had a sweet tooth a mile wide, her eyes already scanning for the smaller menu the waiter had left behind earlier.

Her phone ringing has her blinking in surprise, because she has it set to vibrate for everyone except for a select few people.

Pulling it from her bag she's met with Bryce flashing across her screen, glancing up at Calvin she offers a sharp shrug and swipes the green button.

"Either I've been awake too long and I'm imaging things." His voice sounds like gravel, exhaustion clear as day even down the line. Brows furrowing she glances up and peers out the window, head tilting when she spots him not too far away.

"Hello to you to." She replies with confusion coloring her tone, she remembers him texting that he'd be on shift for the next twenty-four hours. His laugh sounds rough as it comes through the tiny speakers, the cough that follows has her brows pulling down further and a frown tugging her lips down.

"I was sent home early, large apartment fire that ended up with me going to the ER. Cammie needs meds, she's come down with-" Ellie inhales sharply and clicks her tongue, her free hand setting her spoon down.

"You should have started with that." She murmurs with a shake of her head, eyes lifting to Calvin and her lips lifting into a small sympathetic smile. She doesn't reply but ends the call, standing with an apologetic grimace settling on her face. Bryce was a friend of Sofia's who worked as a firefighter, a man she'd met more times then not on scenes or rarely when they made plans to go drink.

His wife Lydia worked as nurse with Sofia, she'd been the one to introduce them when they'd so happened to be in the ER waiting for a suspect to be treated after fleeing a scene. Cameron is a bundle of joy and a joy to have stay with her when her parents are both at work and she's off, its made her question if she really wants kids or not in her future.

"I'll have to ask for a rain check, my best friends daughter has come down with something and he needs to grab medicine for her." She's quietly explaining as she stands, Delta raises and shakes herself with a soft sigh. Finishing the last of her drink, she slings her bag over her shoulder and pauses for half a second.

She's pressing a kiss to his cheek within the next second, aware that a pair of hazel eyes are watching from not too far away. "Dasvidania." Ellie whispers against his skin, pulling away and turning to move towards the door. She pauses and bites her lip, half turning to glance at him and Stella who Delta had said goodbye to as well. "Thanks for lunch, we should do this again." Is out of her mouth before she can reel the words in, manners ingrained in her taking over for this moment.

Then she's pausing to leave some cash for her meal, then exiting out into the rain with Delta right beside her. Bryce hasn't moved from his spot, umbrella keeping him dry in the rain. He's wearing a beanie which hides his strawberry-blonde hair, cheeks dusted black with soot and eyes red at the edges. He's as tall as ever and his pale skin looks red, the hug she's folded into isn't unexpected at all. What is however is how she can feel heat radiating from him, squeezing carefully she holds him for a few seconds before pulling away. holding out a hand she's met with a blink of hazel eyes. "Keys." She demands with a wiggle of her fingers, Delta's rail wags happily as she leans into the large hand patting her head.

"I can drive." Bryce sasses back with a knuckle rubbing his nose, Ellie huffs out a sigh and shakes her head in fond exasperation at him.

"Keys." She repeats with a glare up at him, he holds her eyes for a second before sighing almost too carefully and shifting the umbrella so she's covered as well. He turns and gestures to his parked gray Honda Pilot, which is when she notices the bags in one hand.

"I wasn't walking around in scrubs, Jones was with me until I dropped him off at a Thai place and I quickly ducked into this store to change. And buy a toy for Cammie." His voice has dropped to a low whisper, broad shoulders hunching as if speaking causes him pain.

"Which is how you spotted me. Right, keys." Delta doesn't jump up immediately when the back door opens, Ellie dries her paws and body with a small towel she finds and Bryce confirms is clean, and then she's settling into the driver's seat once the door is closed. She can smell smoke from him as she turns to engine on, eyes glancing out to the restaurant where she can just make out Calvin's back and Stella's head.

She's not sure if she's just run away, or gracefully left with a legitimate excuse. She's not sure how to feel, glancing at Bryce who looks like he's dozing and then to the sky and its thick clouds. Sighing she shifts into Drive and shakes her head, silently debating on which pharmacy they should stop by.

If she sees him again she'll apologize.
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