Avatar of Aristocles


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Still alive. Sorry for the delays. Still have that new job, but I'm (gradually) getting another one. Current one is too slow.
2 yrs ago
Starting a new job in June. Wish me luck!
2 yrs ago
I truly wish I didn't have to type this, but RIP Jason David Frank.
2 yrs ago
Still a little sick. Some sort of cold. Hopefully not the flu. Getting better but it's slowed me down.
1 like
2 yrs ago
That's a good point. Classics like The Little Mermaid were basically perfect the first time around and any remakes can only be worse. Remakes of the bad Disney movies are a second chance for them.
1 like


Hi there! I've been roleplaying for years, mostly in fantasy-type RPs. I don't like giving out too much about myself, but I am a man living in New York City (that's in the Eastern time zone, if you don't already know), over 18. Recently, I have been busy working, although I graduated from college and grad school a while back.

Most Recent Posts


If you want to set up an RP, we can do so either in another thread or in a private message thread. We call those PMs.
I'm Nya, I haven't roleplayed in years but I'm really excited to start again :) I'm 20, in school and I love DnD and fantasy genre stuff. I also love making new friends so don't be shy! and if you have any tips for the site please let me know!

Welcome to the guild! Always nice to see a new face!

As for some tips, keep in mind that interest checks and RPs are in their own threads. Content which is visible on the forum itself has to be kept to no more than PG-13 content, too.
@Gauze N Lace

Welcome to the guild! If you're up for an RP, I'd be down for it too, especially fantasy. Should I send you a PM?

Always nice to see a new face, in any event.
@Marmalised Junk

Welcome to the guild!

We can do an RP if you like. Without it being an ERP, as you said. Should I PM you?

Welcome to the guild!
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