*Contacts Lucas, and my voice comes across the line distorted*
There seems to be a breakthrough in the case.
Do you need a hand?
*Contacts Lucas, and my voice comes across the line distorted*
There seems to be a breakthrough in the case.
<Snipped quote by Armed Forces>
Our numbers are greater than you realize. You're not the only one in command of an army, Sarso. Plus, you're on a timer.
<Snipped quote by Melodious>
The first wave of their final struggle is already here.
*Points to the source and fires a single beam in its direction*
<Snipped quote by Armed Forces>
*Looks toward the ships, which have somehow managed to avoid most of the decaying force*
Someone else is present defending the armada from this attack. You should return there, for the moment.
<Snipped quote by Armed Forces>
... Stay close to me.
*Pulls the blade from the ground and slowly floats toward Graveny, the safe zone moving with me as I go*
<Snipped quote by Inimical>
*Grips my sword's handle incredibly tightly and redirects the blasts to the side as much as I can*
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>
*Catches it with one hand*
<Snipped quote by Extra>
*Holds out another hand to put up a quick barrier to block the metal*
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>
I wish it was over!...
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>
<Snipped quote by Extra>
*Lets him go, and catches myself before I fly backwards to far*
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>
*Stomps the ground and a black geyser of decaying energy erupts from the earth where you stood, enveloping the entire area including Avis*
<Snipped quote by Inimical>
*Meets your fist with my own and injects electricity into your body*