Avatar of Arty Fox


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hello there friends I like ice cream
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not gonna be around from the 12th to the 17th of august 2017
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dying under exams so please pardon the lack of posting
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Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 03
HP: 22 / 24 Armor Class: 15 Conditions: N/A
Location: Public house
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A
Ki: 1/3


Giving a shrug, BlackBerry supposed he may as well indulge in some of the less urgent discussions taking place whilst they all rested. He had to agree with Victoria’s thoughts on Avonshire, and it sounded like she had really grown attached to the place despite being here only a short time. It really spoke of her character. But a sense of unease did grow as she continued, and explained her own magic with words of ‘death’, ‘the fallen’, ‘necromancy’.

The polite half smile slipped to the floor, along with his stomach. Suddenly he felt very cold despite the fire crackling nearby.

“Ah.” He said. “Oh.” He continued. “I see.”

His eyes snapped over to Morty, wrapped in bandages and standing happily to attention seemingly without a care in the world, or thought in his head. A moment of dawning, horrible realisation struck BlackBerry like a frying pan to the face. His eyes grew wide as they hovered over the mummified pig.

He was glad that Victoria took a moment to talk to Lea, and head into the kitchen to lend a hand as it gave him enough time to pull his thoughts together. He had been several tall tales told of Necromancer from ages past, and none of them good between taking over the world or causing general misery. But Victoria didn’t strike him as either of those things, in fact she seemed overall a nice person and clearly had all her faculties together. BlackBerry pinned a smile back into place.

“Necromancy? Well. Waste not, want not I suppose.” He snapped his mouth shut but failed to catch the words. A small cough and apologetic grimace followed, hurriedly he continued. “I must admit I haven’t ran across any other bards with magical skills like that…but first time for everything.”

Kosara, thankfully provided an avenue of discussion for him to hide behind and let the others other talk over. He didn’t like the idea that the were-rats could only be damaged by magic given that it made him damn-near useless in such a fight. He furrowed his brows hard at the thought. Holy water might be a plausible idea for attacking but again, unless a whole barrel full of the stuff were to suddenly land in his lap he was damn-near useless. BlackBerry’s Ruminations were broken by the arrival of food and the smell of it wafting up from the bowls and trays Victoria and Lea brought out to the party. He thanked them both, stepping momentarily backwards out of the way, before he plucked a particularly tasty looking apple from the pile of fruit.

“My apologies, Victoria, I realise I have yet to answer your question; but no, ummm, it’s not really a common skill; only two of my Brothers know the same skill as I, shared to us by a group of Adventures passing through. They were even kind enough to lend a hand with a ravenous bunch of giant spiders.” A momentary pause for a violent shiver at the memory of them. “However, some others back home have garnered similar skills through their own training.”

He finished with a small sigh and a smile thinking back on his home; the tidy courtyards with pathways winding through lovingly cared for beds of herbs and fruit, the carved stones holding up the vaulted ceilings of the church, and the smell of the shelves upon shelves of books within the cold library.

“I would not describe it as a spell as such. More of a…” He paused, eyes flashing upwards and skittering across the ceiling trying to see if the words were there. A moment to bit into the apple with a satisfying crunch and he nodded with approval, and continued talking around the apple. “…more of another part of myself. Yes, that’s it; ‘another part of myself’. The physical body is simply one aspect of a person and the rest being an energy that, with training and meditation, one can tap into and give form.”

His eyes roved as he spoke before resting on the sight of Lea sitting alone nearby staring intently at a note in her hand. His heart went out to her, supposing it couldn’t be easy right now stuck here with unfamiliar people while such nightmares prowled the streets of her home. He wondered if she had any family or friends she would be thinking about. He thought about going up to her and lending some support but the look from the woman in the town square earlier popped into his mind, and held him back.

Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 03
HP: 22 / 24 Armor Class: 15 Conditions: N/A
Location: Public house
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A
Ki: 1/3


Now knowing Robert was under some sort of enchantment the signs of it were now obvious; the stilted movements and short, sharp, sentences he spoke. The poor man was likely fighting every part of the spell laced throughout his mind to give them all at least a few morsels of information, and BlackBerry catalogued them as best he could.

The obvious being the first sentence hinting that maybe Robert was a were-rat as well which could explain the shackles if he were trying to protect, or maybe he could use magic also? But no…he said he couldn’t do magic so then why was he saying as if he did? Unless he wasn’t talking about himself and he was referring to someone else instead; perhaps Cavendish? BlackBerry’s eyebrows hopped and jumped as he tried to follow Roberts lines of speech, trying to examine every word and sentence for a hidden meaning. He had never been very good at riddles

“You could wrap the bacon around the cheese?.” His eyes roved toward Lady Kathryn and Kosara as he latched onto their conversation. “I suppose that might count as a sandwich.” He then frowned at himself for getting easily distracted at such a time.

BlackBerry then, after declining the offer of food from Lea with a polite shake of his head, waited until the barmaid had left the party to tend to their requests. Despite how calm and patient a face he put on, the constant shifting from side to side betrayed his anxious impatience.

“Well I suggest that in the meantime you may as well share some information, Marita.” Despite motioning to the table nearby, he remained standing. “You and Victoria were in there with Mr. Mallard for a little while, and you did mention he had shared some information with you.”

His face turned somewhat grim and he tried to figure out the best way to word his next sentence. It took him a few seconds with his fingers tap, tap, tapping against his thumb before he spoke.

“Despite us only having relatively few injuries from the skirmish earlier.” His hand drifted to wear the arrow had been earlier, and a quick glance over to Kosara. “I worry that next time we may not be so lucky. As it was I fear we were at a disadvantage. Anything we can learn about the enemy will help us at least even then odds.”

If they were to be resting here for a little while he might as well get his questions answered now.

Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 03
HP: 22 / 24 Armor Class: 15 Conditions: N/A
Location: Public house
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A
Ki: 1/3


“Glad to hear you all are still in high spirits.” He couldn’t keep the sarcastic edge from his voice.

BlackBerry could still feel his heart threatening, still not quite recovered from the falling boxes moments before had had him jumping out of his scales. Even the follow up bellows from Mr. Mallard had done little to reassure him. He followed after the party as they all scurried hastily through the cold, spartan streets of Avonshire with its squat buildings looming over them all and boxing them in through tight corners and streets.

The distinct feeling of playing Cat and Mouse came to him often and it made him through suspicious glances over his shoulders and down the streets they passed but there wasn’t enough time to stop and investigate, or leap, at every shadow.

He impatiently waited, bouncing his foot frantically, for Lady Kathryn to deal with the Guard as she felt fit. He was somewhat surprised that she had actually taken his suggestion, a raise of the eye brows when she had dashed off with a hushed tone, as he had made it half in jest. Only half in jest though.

It wasn’t until he had stepped back into the Tavern and the door had shut soundly behind the last customer that he let out a sigh.

“By the Gods, what a day.” Another exaggerate sigh and a slouch. “I would seriously consider whether this place may have a rodent infestation."

He moved past the group and returned back to the fire once again, happy to see that it hadn’t diminished in either brightness or the warmth it gave off. It gave him a chance to (yet again) dry off somewhat from the downpour outside as Lady Kathryn gave Roberts a quick explanation. He watched the dancing flames flickering past his outstretched hand with a quick flex to try and encourage some warmth back into it. At this rate he was going to catch a cold, he was certain of it. The moment though did give him some time to mull over what he knew…

… There were were-rats running amock in Avonshire and at the same time the Harvest Moon festival. The ring leader, most likely suspect Cavendish had an enchanted hammer that had a secondary, unknown enchantment on it. Was the timing important? If so, why?

He scratched his brow in thought, there was some important detail there but he couldn’t quite see them all or the common thread between them. Maybe he was still missing some pieces ot the puzzle? The Hammer could be a key piece though but for what?

“At the very least we sent them packing.” He piped up, turning to the others. “Granted, not quite with their tails between their legs, unfortunately. But never the less they’ll think twice before ambushing us again.”

He had more questions he wanted to ask of the others, but refrained for now. He wanted to ask Victoria and Marita about what had happened whilst they were in the Silversmiths; they had been in there for a while before the battle and perhaps had managed to get some information from Mr. Mallard. His eyes darted between the two of them wondering what they knew but rest assured that they were looking to spread their knowledge.

“My arms?” He raised his stump in Victorias direction with a puzzled frown at her question for a moment, before realisation dawned. “Oh yes, my arms, of course. Yes, I would be delighted to. I must admit I am curious about your own magic, if I may?”

Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 03
HP: 22 / 24 Armor Class: 15 Conditions: N/A
Location: Rear Silversmiths exterior
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A
Ki: 1/3


BlackBerry winced upon hearing the dull crunch of the guards skull beneath Maritas hammer. He didn’t want to see the guard hurt or killed per say but being shot in the stomach did colour ones opinions slightly. Plus, he had tried to warn the Guard about just this. It wasn’t exactly the most elegant way to resolve the situation but it at least would make things easier without the Guard raising hell everywhere they went, and if he was dead well…
BlackBerry then shrugged a little at the thought. What was one more dead, corrupted guard to the world? Frankly it could could do with far less.

“I imagine that will still leave a mark in the morning.” He commented as Marita did what he could only assume was some magic on the guard. Possibly to keep him alive. “But, thank you Marita, it does make one less thing for us to worry about.”

Standing just outside the door, left hand bracing it open, he turned back to scowl up at the drizzle past the safety of the awing. His eyes slid around the alley as he took a moment to look around trying to spot where they should go next.

The window opposite caught his attention for a moment, certainly the sneakiest way out but also the least attractive option with at least one of them, or simply Lady Kathryn, having to carry the unconscious Guard. He chewed his lip as his stomach churned frantically. He wasn’t used to this hiding and running away business, he much preferred to tackle problems head on and preferably with some nice sweet pastries of some kind afterwards. No. Best idea would be to try and go down one of the streets and hope none of the voices he could hear bouncing around from out front would think to come looking.

“Come on, come on.” He stretched his head back into the Silversmiths and hissed frantically. “We need to get a move on!”

He let Lady Kathryn slip by, holding the guard like a sack of potatoes. He followed the sight with a slight grimace. Granted BlackBerry himself didn’t blend into a crowd by any means in these parts but he was certain a knocked out guard being carried about would raise even more questions.

“One moment, Lady Kathryn.” Still holding the door open he spoke. “Do we have anything to cover him up at all? I imagine seeing a Guard being carried about wouldn’t go unnoticed.”

He began hunting with his eyes for something, or anything they could use to at least cover the mans clothing, not that BlackBerry knew for certain but he could be wearing something that would mark the man out as a guard.

“Failing that…we could just leave him somewhere. I’m sure his fellows will find him eventually in any case.” He shook his head, and the idea away. “But moving on, there the alleyway to the right should lead us back into the main street and will take us away from here quickly. Hopefully.”

No sooner had the words left his mouth that Victoria came striding out of the Silversmiths and, bold as brass, set towards the southern street. After checking everyone had left the silversmith he closed the door and fully expected to hear the sounds of movement, and of the wooden bar being put back into place by Mr.Mallard inside.

To the South it was then. He followed after the group.

Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 03
HP: 22 / 24 Armor Class: 15 Conditions: N/A
Location: Silversmith
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A
Ki: 1/3


BlackBerry let his attention settle back towards the others, occasionally flitting back to the counter where Mr. Mallard continued his work and Victoria had seemingly finished hers. He made a little note to ask her about her magic; to be able to find out the properties of an item seemed like a very impressive skill to have, even if the visual look of it was disconcerting.

A moontouched-hammer, owned by a more than likely were-rat leader of some kind with an extra enchantment hidden away. As Victoria had said there was something else going on with that hammer. BlackBerry frowned at the thought. Perhaps it relied on something The Constable could do but they couldn’t. He nodded slightly while Lady Kathryn looked to be thinking along the same lines.

Whatever idea or question BlackBerry was about to ask was stopped by his heart lurching into his throat. He could only stare in shock, in sheer flabbergasted horror at Kosara brashly banging on the door right back whomever it was on the other side and shattering whatever ideas the party may have had of stealth.

Whatever warmth he had felt was quickly robbed from BlackBerry and replaced by the icy chill of horror as the situation quickly spiralled with the Guard only urging on the chaos.

No one had thought to gag the man!
BlackBerry himself had been staring straight at the man and yet at no point did he figure that that was an issue. He gritted his teeth with a frustrated snarl, mentally chastising both himself and Kosara, more-so Kosara than anything.

He pulled himself back up, giving the guard a good shove as he did.

“I suggest we leave.” BlackBerry added, already striding over to the door (south of the building). “And Quickly.”

"Do you mind if I?"He gestured to the large beam across the door to Mr.Mallard.

But without waiting for a response he lifted up the heavy wooden beam barring their way off of its hooks. It wasn't the easiest thing to handle with one arm, he puffed out his cheeks trying to keep it steady against his chest and across the length of his forearm.
He winced when the beam landed with a dull thud, standing upright against the wall between the table. Whoever was outside would undoubtedly be going frantic at this point.

"If it makes anyone feel better, I think they may just be concerned for Mr.Mallard here. And not out to kill us." He threw the man an apologetic smile, along with a silent prayer skyward. "But still, let's move. Shall we?"

He opened the door back into the outside world and took a few steps out so he could hold it open for the rest of the party, and their not so friendly hostage.


Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 03
HP: 22 / 24 Armor Class: 15 Conditions: N/A
Location: Silversmith
Action: Intimidation on Guard (14)
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A
Ki: 1/3


The fire did its job to breathe some warmth back into BlackBerry now sheltering inside from the rain, for the moment.

BlackBerry pushed away his concerns over Victoria's work for the moment, there would be time later to ask. He’d seen enough travelling adventurers to accept some strangeness. It seemed that whatever she was doing to the Hammer was nearly finished. He opened his mouth about to ask, but snapped it shut noticing her intense concentration and let her continue with her work.

The next pressing issue was the guard who had apparently now come to his senses at exactly the wrong time.

“I imagine he won’t be wanting to cooperate with us just yet, and less so if you continue making threats.” BlackBerry snapped at Kosara. “You can avenge your coat later, if you really must, once we get what we need from the ruffian.”

BlackBerry couldn’t help a surprised gasp at the knocking, followed by a voice, coming from the front door.

“This isn’t the time or place to question him.” He whispered in a hushed but hurried tone. “Let us move somewhere else and return later.”

BlackBerry quickly, and quietly, tried to make his way over towards the guard, skirting around Lady Kathryn as she.

Even if they weren’t going to move anywhere else just yet, if Mr. Mallard opened the door it would be best to not have the bound and gagged guard in view, or worse try and alert whoever was outside.

They didn't have time to debate for hours over their next move. He threw a glance at the souring air between Kosara and Kathryn

Squat down by the guard on the side opposite to Kathryn, he leant towards the guard's ear.

"Now listen here." He whispered, hushed and low, hoping to drive some sense into the man. "At least one of us would like to repay you, tenfold, for that little stunt earlier. But lucky you for most of us are of a respectable sort."

He cast a nod up towards Lady Kathryn, even though the motion was lost on the blindfolded Guard.

"But don't think any of us are fools with time to spare, so behave and be quiet. And you might just survive long enough to get your arm seen to by a proper healer. Otherwise…"

He let the threat hang in the air for a moment. Hoping to leave the man to fill in the blanks; between Kosaras fury and Lady Kathryns vow at pragmatism, he figured it would be enough. Hopefully.

Next step. Get the Guard someplace else. But that hinged on Mr. Mallards next move.

Still on his haunches he twisted around to look at the door behind him, directly opposite the one they had come in from. Turning back towards Kathryn, who he had noted had managed to carry the guard in single handedly earlier, he waved his hand to silently grab her attention.

"Let's move him out of sight at least." He whispered as he stood back up and pointed at the other door.

Whether it led outside or to another room he had no idea, but it was the best bet he had.

Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 03
HP: 22 / 24 Armor Class: 15 Conditions: N/A
Location: Silversmith
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A
Ki: 1/3


BlackBerry gave a pained grunt when he pulled out the arrow but was relieved to feel the effects of Kosaras magic quickly take its place, and when he looked back down at the wound it had neatly sealed itself. It was still a bit tender, as he found when running a thumb over it, but a darn sight better than before.

"Thank you kindly." He nodded to Kosara to assure her that her work was done.

He didn't know what to do with the arrow so kept hold of it for now, keeping an eye out for somewhere appropriate to put it. In the meantime he stayed in his spot, content to let his gaze continue to wander around the shop. It was nice despite the mess, and it was thankfully a lot warmer and drier in here than outside.

Mr.Malards explanation of the offer had left BlackBerry feeling pleasantly surprised, though he did wonder if the offer actually included him at this point having only met the group a few hours ago at most.

Best not for the moment He thought. Besides, there’s too much else to consider right now.

"May I ask, but did anyone else have much luck with their own battles at all?" He looked to the others in turn with an eyebrow raised.

He spun the arrow in his hand as he thought.

It would be useful to know if there was any way to fight back against the ruffians. His eyes slid down to the prone guard, tied and blindfolded on the floor, a clear sign that at least one other person had had better luck than him. Kosara, if he remembered correctly, looked to have caused some damage with her magic, but even his fiery limbs hadn’t appeared to do much other than leave them somewhat winded…some what had done the damage?

“It might be a tad ambitious to try and get everyone out of the town just yet.” He gave Lady Kathryn a sympathetic look, impressed by her concern for others but weary about the group's own situation. “Our best bet would be to tackle the issue head on. Once we find a way to hurt them, of course.”

“But then again…” The arrow paused in his hand, and then began to spin the other direction. “We do need to get the parcel back as well. Are the L’Rose’s somewhere along th-”

Movement from the otherside of the shop caught his attention, around the bulk of Marita and Lady Kathryn he spotted their guest starting to move where he had been dumped near the door (with as much care as the ruffian deserved).

“Ah, one moment everyone…” He spoke loudly to get everyone's attention. “It appears our Guest is beginning to waken. Let’s discuss our work later, shall we?.”

He stepped up to the counter, putting down the arrow and instead raising a finger up to his lips in Mr. Mallard's direction, hoping the man would get the message.

Stay quiet.

Odds were that the Guard could probably make an informed guess as to where he might be, but still it would be unwise to just give out that information freely

“Would this be a good place to start or should we find somewhere a bit more…appropriate?” He raised the question to the others.

Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 03
HP: 14 / 24 Armor Class: 15 Conditions: N/A
Location: Silversmith
Bonus Action: Dismiss Arms
Reaction: N/A
Ki: 1/3


BlackBerry dismissed his fiery limbs as he passed over the threshold into the Silversmith shop. He rolled his shoulders as he did so, trying to work out the tension that was always left behind after summoning the limbs.

He took an extra moment to grimace slightly at Kosaras suggested methid to persuade their captive…or at least he hoped that was what it was and not just for revenge.

In response to Mr.Mallards comment about the guard he replied,"May I also suggest we blindfold him in the case that he does wake up?"

Upon entering, his eyes danced around the place, taking in the boarded windows and the few silver wares displayed nearby, along with the evidence of someone having lived within one room for sometime. He moved further towards the other end of the shop to make room for the others and their captive guard, stepping as gingerly as he could to prevent leaving a bloody puddle anywhere.

Making a mess of their hosts shop would NOT be a good move.

He was already looking over the other wears the Silversmith had on the counter; daggers, a spear, and a crossbow as well! All well made and in much better shape than his own weapon. He took note of the pot forge burning happily away as Mr. Mallard worked his craft. It burned with a low hiss, the noise he had heard earlier from outside; another mystery solved.

"These are some fine pieces of work, Mr. Mallard." His eyes settled upon one of the daggers for a moment. "I might look to buy one a bit later if you are still around later."

Blackberrys eyes had gone wide with surprise at Mr.Mallards offer. A silvered item was certainly a handsome reward, in BlackBerrys mind at least. But did they really have such time to waste on a frivolous reward? His look became somewhat grim as Marita predicted another attack.

"While the offer is appreciated, I'm not entirely sure if it would really be of much use right now, would it?." He turned his gaze towards the working man, and then to the rest of the party as he explained. "I landed a blow with my sword earlier, one that would have any other foe with a mortal wound. Yet, when I withdrew from the man there was not a trace of blood or even a wound to speak of."

"Kosara. Could I ask about that offer you made earlier. Please?"

He motioned with his eyes to her, to the arrow still lodged in his stomach. At her word he would try his best to pull it out and let her magic do the rest. Hopefully with very little pain and blood.

Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 03
HP: 14 / 24 Armor Class: 15 Conditions: N/A
Location: L5 -> K15
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A
Ki: 1/3


BlackBerry’s frown deepened after still hearing some laughter peeling away from the unseen streets away from them. The whole group had taken a beaten both to themselves and, possibly more importantly, their pride. He managed a stronger smile at Lady Kathryn’s kind words, they weren’t much against the knot of annoyance at his own performance but it was still kind in its own way, and he appreciated it.

BlackBerry glanced over the others as he walked closer giving each a quick visual check for any substantial injuries, but thankfully couldn’t see any other than the small gash or mark where a bruise would probably arise later.

“If I may take you up on that kind offer once we’re all inside, please?” He replied to Kosaras offer of healing. Again, he felt somewhat cheeky having not been able to do much during the fight itself. “Despite how many times this happens I am not a fan of being a pin-cushion.”

He had heard Kosara’s offer but the desire to be inside somewhere dry, and at least somewhat safer than the expose street they had just been attacked in was stronger than the pain of his wounds. The Silversmiths offer of somewhere dry to hide was simply too inviting to turn down.

Lady Kathryn's cry caught his attention, his gaze snapping over to her as he dropped back into a fighting stance before he heard what had made her cry; the fallen guard was alive! BlackBerry relaxed again, relieved to see that they weren't being attacked again so soon.

“What luck!” He cried with a barking laugh, and then a quiet gasp of pain. “One of the ruffians has survived then.”

He tried to offer at least a hand to Kathryn but from the looks of things she had everything under control tying up the ruffian, and even looking to brace his injured arm.

A wise choice. BlackBerry mentally complimented her with a slight nod.

“Best tie those ropes as tight as you can. The ruffian may try the same trick as the young lad earlier and change his shape to slip away.” He explained, going to kneel down before a warning twinge from the arrow stopped him. “I could think of a few ways to get information from him, once awake.”

Shame quickly wiped away the vengeful smile from his face, his heart was still racing from the skirmish, and he hastily added, “Not that we should cause the poor fellow any more injury or distress, of course.”

“Are you sure you will be quite alright if we leave you out here?” BlackBerry asked, looking to the others quickly.“Would it not be wiser to bring him inside where more of us can keep an eye on him? And, I feel keeping the fellow out in the rain will do him more harm than good.”

Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 03
HP: 14 / 24 Armor Class: 15 Conditions: N/A
Location: Q5 ->L5
Action: Perception (17)
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A
Ki: 1/3


Blackberry let the air pass gently from his lungs and out into the world. Behind him he heard Kathryn shout to him to leave things be.

He took a moment to weigh things up in his mind; the attack of his sword had done nothing, and he couldn’t be certain even his astral self had done much either. Needless to say he was feeling, BlackBerry ground his teeth, somewhat useless. Even trying to grab hold of the fleeing Guard hadn’t worked as he’d hoped as at least then they could have gotten some information out of the man.

He glared daggers at the retreating guard hoping maybe something would strike the man down, but sadly no such luck, and the man merrily ducked out of sight. That horrid twist of annoyance and shame returned in his stomach right beside the arrow. Pulling himself up and out of his stance he turned around to face Kathryn.

“Apologies.” He tried to smile, but it came as more a grimace. “This is most certain not my finest hour, If you would take my word for it.”

His eyes never quite met hers hidden beneath her helmet as he jogged briskly over to her, his arm reaching down to hold the arrow steady while his fiery limbs kept close for defence from any further surprise attacks. He kept his focus on the windows, rooftops, and shadows between buildings, his head moving slightly but eyes flying wildly over them all trying to spot where another ambush may come from. nowhere in particular struck him as hiding any more of those ruffians, in fact he was feeling fairly confident that they wasn’t even anyone else around.

“As much as I hate to admit it, you are right, Lady Kathryn. I do fear any further attacks I could make would do very little. It does appear, however, that there’s no one else about to give us any more trouble.” He then asked, already next to Kathryn. “How are you and others? Was anyone else harmed at all?”

The scene he looked on filled him with some relief and the let himself relax just a bit seeing that they weren’t being attacks anymore, a quick glance at the attic windows across the street showed them to be empty as well. While all gathered were battered and bruised, thankfully none had actually taken any sever injuries, as far as he could tell anyway.

Interestingly, one of the Guards had been brought down by one the others. If the Guard was still alive he could prove to be a good source of information.

@Dragoknighte With Guard 3 gone, it's up to you!
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