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    1. AsheTheReborn 5 yrs ago


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@BigPapaBelial If you're looking for players in the RP you are making, I'll have a look at it 😅
@Aristocles@BigPapaBelial@Searat Just waiting for Breden to reply and I'll post a reply 😃

Ashe smiled at Breden's apparent foolishness, he didn't know how humans work at all. A fertile terrain is good but means nothing if you cannot defend it against invaders which are better equipped and better trained than any goblin ever.
" The shaman is wise, but, he never lived between humans. He doesn't know that greed is everything and anything that motives most of them.
A fertile terrain is useless if no one knows how to tend it properly or if a orc war party finds it.
Gold would make the humans protect us against whatever we cannot. Not due to our combat skills, but, due to our nature.
" her voice was low and dark, soon she closed her mouth and looked for a minute into the horizon.

A few minutes later the vial was in flames and thrown towards the middle of the clearing, Ashe was watching with interest. Every leaf, every blade of grass and every sound that her goblin ears could pick up.

Midway through the throw, the vial exploded. Launching tiny spikes in every direction and an area of around 5 meter was covered spikes, all smoking from one end and each of them still burning slightly.
The problem was, some of them were pointed towards where Breden and Ashe were standing. As soon as the explosion triggered, Ashe jumped on Breden pushing him to the ground in a tumble.

Soon after the smoke was gone and Ashe realized that she was still on top of Breden. Quickly standing up, she brushed whatever dirt and ashes were on her clothes. A small trickle of blood could be seen on her hand but she simply ignored it.
Her face was nothing as what one would expect, she was excited.

' By all the great alchemists! That was great! A bit too much powder and the fuse was clearly too short.
Griz! Tell me, how far? How long was the flight? Tell me everything you could see!

Ashe chuckled at Breden's attempt of saying "calculate" and smiled. He was cute goblin but knowing how goblin romance worked, she wouldn't make the first move. She was too busy at it is, science comes first.

" Leave the calculation parts to me, but, I'm willing to teach you and anyone else in the village for that matter. Smart goblins make terrible opponents in war from what I've heard. " said Ashe in a kind tone before turning over to Griz.

Griz was clearly uncomfortable with her experiment but still agreed to come. A useful goblin is a goblin that lives long and goes up in Ashe's books.
Nodding to him, as to acknowledge his help, she said :

" Griz, I don't need more than that. Your eyes and ears are all I need. Everything else I can do on my own. It's just faster to get your help, than doing it on my own.
After the test I'll have to sleep, if I remember to do that, then continue on some elixirs.
", after a small pause, with a face that showed how deep in thought she was, she continued :

" Who knows, maybe one of these days, I'll be able to make gold out of stone. If I only managed to do that, maybe, just maybe, we'd be able to unite the other goblin tribes and finally, have a place of our own, where we don't need to fear that humans, orcs or whatever else is out there can attack us at will. " her tone was dark as she remembered the first time she visited with her human parents the goblin village where she was born. Only ashes remained and some bones but it was enough to teach Ashe what was the fate of goblins that were too aggressive.

As she talked, they reached the clearing in the woods where the experiment would take place. A small place, hidden from view but where a lot of plants would grow and a place which Ashe found by mistake when she first went to explore the surroundings of the village.

When they reached the place, the sun was slowly going down already and they had to move faster otherwise the whole experiment would fail as she wouldn't be able to see anything.
From the bag she carried, she produced a small vial, round made of leather. Opening the lid on it, a wrenched smell came out and with a quick practiced hand she put a fuse inside it, completely drenching it before removing half of it from the vial.

" Griz, I need you to take some distance and watch. Breden, I want you to take the vial, put a small flame at the top of the fuse. Hold the vial for 2 seconds, as if you'd tap your foot twice on the ground then throw it as fast as you can in the middle of the clearing there. " her voice was all business now, no longer her voice was easy going and kind and her eyes were fiery as this was all she lived for.
@Aristocles I can send them over to you through a PM. That way you can approve them or ask me to change stuff straight away 😃
My post will be up in an hour or so 😃

Edit : I'll create a bunch of characters to populate the village or just a second character for me. Don't know yet.
@Silver Carrot

I know it's full but I'll make a character just in case someone drops out or you will make an exception for me 😅

Ashe smiled at Griz quite apparent fear, it would make sense. He was afraid of her genius or maybe because, as he said, of the explosion. Not that it mattered for her, she needed both for her experiment and wouldn't take no for an answer.
She put a hand on the goblin's shoulder and with a calming voice, similar to how her human mother would sooth her when she had a nightmare said :

" I understand that you might be afraid. I am too, for not being afraid of the unknown or something that can cause you death, would mean you were stupid and you ain't. I've heard quite a few stories about you, brave hunter and warrior of the tribe. You won't need to do anything more than watch. I need your expert eyes and ears. "

When hearing Breden's words, she scoffed. "Directly hit by it". Not very smart. Why would she try to do that? She could've tested the potion directly in the village if it was like that and with a tone as if to teach a child, she said :

" Breden, Breden. I could've done that in the village if I wanted, wouldn't have I?
No, what I need you to do is to simply light the fuse at the end of it and use your young muscles to throw it as far as you can in a clearing of trees. After that I will calculate, using Griz's expertise how far the splinters flew, what direction and other similar stuff. It's just a test.
Also, I need some ingredients. Plants. I used a lot in making that test sample and if I works as intended, I will need to make a new one to show the chief.

She didn't mention the fact that the plants would be bothersome for her to carry alone and the help of two goblins would make the task easier and safer.
@Aristocles Yeah, she is. Like all goblins. She still has her footwear but not wearing them unless it's needed.
@BigPapaBelial Once we finish with the potion testing scene, do you think your character and mine would try to work on something together?
Would make sense for me that the village alchemist and the Smith could work on something together. Like, an exploding arrow thingy or something like that, a project that would help the village.
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