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Current At the end of the day, God is everyone's bull.
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me the poopy you the pants.
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i relate.


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Jiyū Students & Faculty


Tidbits of worldbuilding to be added as we progress.


Nobody in the world holds such esteem as those lucky, or bold enough, to call themselves Heroes. With the advent of the Quirk — special, superhuman abilities inherited by nearly every man, woman, and child — the services rendered by these individuals proves critical in curbing illicit activity. Fighting fire, often times literally, with fire, professional heroes are the only individuals sanctioned to utilize their quirks in any meaningful capacity, leveraging their gifts in the name of order, justice, and morality. They are the first and often, the best defense against the scum and villainy who would seek to destroy the very fabric of society.

But not all those who would break from such rigid rules are scum. For every anarchist, there is a simple thief looking to feed himself. For every murderer, there is a thrill-seeking youth. The laws which created pro-heroism and the resulting classification of villainy were created in a time where order was in dire need. There was no room for shades of grey. Hero or villain, good or bad, two sides of one coin with no in between. Yet people are not so simplistic. Even the most heinous of villains, at one point, had the opportunity to become someone truly good. Often the difference lay in just that; opportunity. Where you live, who you're surrounded with, who is willing to give you a chance. In the stratified society of heroes and villains opportunity is often denied to those with the potential for true greatest.

Sato Kazuhiko, or as the public better knew him, the pro-hero Assimilord, understood this more than most. A professional hero for some thirty-six years, Kazuhiko did all he could to advocate for the downtrodden and belligerent individuals he was often tasked with detaining. Having very nearly joined a gang of such troublemakers himself when he was young, the hero had always kept an open mind towards those he came to blows with. When he retired from pro-heroism, the fifty-two-year-old decided he would continue on this philosophy even as a civilian. As was so common for decorated veterans of the field, Kazuhiko took up a position at one of Japan's many hero training facilities, the prestigious Jiyū Academy. It was here he would carry on his legacy.

Eight individuals, each chosen for their less than stellar behavior, criminal background, and destructive potential. They would form his first class, his first wave of hoodlum heroes in training. He would have one year with them, to teach them the strong morals and personal control required to represent both heroism, the school, and themselves, with dignity. If he could reform these dregs and turn them into respectable students, the headmaster would greenlight future endeavors in reformation and open the school to more young offenders who might seek to turn their lives around before it's too late. Fail, and the eight of them would be expelled, returned to whatever sorry state Kazuhiko found them in, with his ambitions quashed by reality.

You are among those whom he approached. Whatever your backstory, whatever your history, Sato-sensei has taken a chance on you and invited you to the prestigious Osaka based academy. This is your story. The story of your Hero Delinquent Academia.

Osaka has been the jewel of the Kansai region for as long as anyone can remember, and for just as long has been the problem child of Japan's otherwise Utopian urban communities. Even before Quirks became the law of the land and superpowers began gracing every Tomoko, Daisuke, and Hari, the bustling cityscape was home to some of the country's largest slums, with crime rates far higher than its surrounding metropolises. With the arrival of such fantastic abilities, the state of the city grew ever worse. Now the lowest of the low had the power to fight back against systems which had kept them begging for scraps in long forgotten ghettos for generations.

It became a hotbed of the earliest Quirk based conflict throughout the dawn of the Age of Heroes, giving birth to some of the most infamous villains of the era. Brutal Bloodstone, heinous High Tide and the Suminoe Slasher were among the most feared names of their time, terrorizing Osaka's residents and laying waste to a newly minted Hero Association still struggling with the panicked bureaucracy of their superiors. This baptism by fire would christen some of the finest heroes of the era in response, with iconic paragons of justice rising to face the deadly threat. Legends like Kamagasaki King and Mantra Ray made themselves into household names taming the wild west that was Osaka and returning it to a state of relative peace.

But the damage had been done. The city reduced in prestige and much of it left in ruins, it would be years before it could recover to the state prosperity it once stood in. Many who could took flight to the richer, safer suburbs or to Tokyo in the north, leaving fewer opportunities for those who could not afford to follow. Today Osaka exists in a state of flux, between the urban decay brought on by the great crime wave so many decades ago, and a tenously rebuilt peace maintained by the Hero Association, many of whoms members see the city as a place to 'make it big' thanks to the subtle, but ever present organized crime which rooted itself in place of the bolder villains of an era begone.

Jiyū Academy is reasonably well removed from the hustle and bustle of the city. It sits on the eastern outskirts of Osaka, a large campus in terms of space occupied, but fairly small in terms of students serviced. This is by design; it has long since been the premier academy of the region, having been among the first schools to earn its charter in Japan. It has produced many great heroes, and holds a certain old world prestige that sees many blue-blooded aspiring heroes in attendance. To make it through the rigid examination processes of Jiyū and be awarded a hero license is analogous to achieving a degree at an Ivy league university — riches are almost assured to follow.

As the introduction might suggest, this roleplay will focus on a group of students and their journey through the hero academy system found within the aptly named My Hero Academia universe. Unlike the characters of the main franchise, however, our student body is not the creme of the crop competing at the highest level of academic success. Misfits, rejects, hooligans and young offenders on the fast track to a life behind bars make up our cast.

Whether they took this offer to enroll at Jiyū in earnest with the hopes of turning things around, or they simply saw it as an opportunity to avoid the law for however much longer, characters should reflect this; no goodie two shoes or pure-hearted Midoriyas should be filling the roster. That's not to say characters must be truly bad, of course, as nuance is the e purpose of the the roleplay both in and out of character. Every delinquent has a reason for their behaviors, for few in the world are truly rotten within and act without cause. Think of why your character has been cast in the role they find themselves; why did they break into those ATMs? Why did they end up using their quirk in a street fight?

On the flip side, don't go too grimdark on us. This isn't the League of Villains. Characters should be redeemable in the eyes of their benefactor, elsewise they wouldn't be invited to attend the academy. Steer clear of truly drastic crimes that would condemn them straight to a life in prison. We're talking muggings at worst, no murders, please.

  • Don't break the guild rules. I don't want to be paddled by the moderators.
  • I don't expect you to give me a novel every post, but this RP is in advanced for a reason. Give us something substantial and descriptive. At the same time, don't feel pressured to pump a post full of filler. Use your best judgement.
  • Let me know if you're gonna be busy for an extended period of time. I'm pretty understanding about long pauses between posts, on account of being lazy, but a heads up is always nice.
  • Put the phrase "Excellent Girl Gamer" somewhere in your character sheet. No sheet will be approved without this phrase incorporated into it.

[hider=character name]
[color=#FFFF66][h1]Character Name Here[/h1][/color]

[i]gm note: i implore you to find a unique color code of your own to use to make your character the special snowflake they've always meant to be.[/i]

How old they are. As you're essentially a freshman in highschool, you should know your range, but the odd nature of the program does give you leeway by a few years if you wish to be a tad older or younger.

If you put "yes please" you're banned.

Explain how the character looks, including how their quirk impacts their appearance, any discrepancies from the provided image, ect.

Split into at least three positive aspects, and three negative aspects. Provide a few sentences to a paragraph after each explaining those traits in more depth.

Give their quirk a fun name and describe its effects, strengths, drawbacks, how well they can control it, ect here.

Things not related to their quirk. Being a powerful swimmer, knowing how to box, being a good cook, things of that nature.

Explain your character's life and the circumstances which led to them being offered a place within Sato-sensei's delinquent program.

All heroes are driven by something, and even less than cooperative hooligan heroes have something they want to achieve in life. Money, fame, their daddy's acceptance. Put their most cherished ambition here.


Nobody in the world holds such esteem as those lucky, or bold enough, to call themselves Heroes. With the advent of the Quirk — special, superhuman abilities inherited by nearly every man, woman, and child — the services rendered by these individuals proves critical in curbing illicit activity. Fighting fire, often times literally, with fire, professional heroes are the only individuals sanctioned to utilize their quirks in any meaningful capacity, leveraging their gifts in the name of order, justice, and morality. They are the first and often, the best defense against the scum and villainy who would seek to destroy the very fabric of society.

But not all those who would break from such rigid rules are scum. For every anarchist, there is a simple thief looking to feed himself. For every murderer, there is a thrill-seeking youth. The laws which created pro-heroism and the resulting classification of villainy were created in a time where order was in dire need. There was no room for shades of grey. Hero or villain, good or bad, two sides of one coin with no in between. Yet people are not so simplistic. Even the most heinous of villains, at one point, had the opportunity to become someone truly good. Often the difference lay in just that; opportunity. Where you live, who you're surrounded with, who is willing to give you a chance. In the stratified society of heroes and villains opportunity is often denied to those with the potential for true greatest.

Sato Kazuhiko understood this more than most. A professional hero for some thirty-six years, Kazuhiko did all he could to advocate for the downtrodden and belligerent individuals he was often tasked with detaining. Having very nearly joined a gang of such troublemakers himself when he was young, the hero had always kept an open mind towards those he came to blows with. When he retired from pro-heroism, the fifty-two-year-old decided he would continue on this philosophy even as a civilian. As was so common for decorated veterans of the field, Kazuhiko took up a position at one of the many hero academies, a prestigious if small facility on the outskirts of Osaka, his hometown and the hotbed of criminal activity in Japan. It was here he would carry on his legacy.

Eight individuals, each chosen for their less than stellar behavior, criminal background, and destructive potential. They would form his first class, his first wave of hoodlum heroes in training. He would have one year with them, to teach them the strong morals and personal control required to represent both heroism, the school, and themselves, with dignity. If he could reform these dregs and turn them into respectable students, the headmaster would greenlight future endeavors in reformation and open the school to more young offenders who might seek to turn their lives around before it's too late. Fail, and the eight of them would be expelled, returned to whatever sorry state Kazuhiko found them in, with his ambitions quashed by practicality.

This is your story. The story of your hero delinquent academia.
A work in progress.

She had been next in line. The heir apparent, set to assume her mother's throne once the old bat had finally succumb to the millennia. It had all gone according to plan; one by one, tragedy by tragedy, her siblings had fallen until she, a mere fifth born daughter, was next to be Archoness of a grand kingdom of proud elven conquerors. Now what was she? The illustrious Aurelia Yllithian, an exile left to drift these damnable seas with what loyal retainers she could gather while hellfire consumed the great black spires of her beloved homeland. What horrors befell mighty Faelron she could not know; some among the ship's inhabitants claimed the Dark One herself had grown unsatisfied with them, the contentedness of her mother's rule, the decadence of success. Spiteful as she was mercurial, they said the great goddess plunged the entire city into ruin as punishment.

Perhaps it would have been more merciful to have accepted that fate, and perished with the city state she called home. It would've saved her from this fate; sailing blindly in the hold of a great cog in the hopes of finding land again, the horrible winds caused by the inferno having sent them farther into the ocean than the navigator had any means of knowing. Provisions were beginning to run low, so long had they sailed, and the withering of the poor fools who had followed Aurelia was apparent to the noble whenever she ceased brooding long enough to leave the captain's cabin. Men, women and children would soon starve within this wooden prison, and nary a thing was there she could do to stop it.

Perhaps it was best to end things now. Before rations were so low that she needed sip common liquor instead of the fine casks of wine she had insisted be loaded up. A few drops of poison and a final cup, a fitting fate for one who had condemned so many of her kin to a similar fate. She was sure Drazhar would understand her decision, perhaps even join her in death. He was always so sentimental like that...

Ruminations of suicide soon turned to surprise, as chaos consumed the deck outside. Shouting, clattering, had they mutineed against her already? Rising from the finery of her chair, Aurelia had scarce the time to reach for a makeshift club in the form of a candle holder before the door flung open, and she flung it at the dark figure within the frame, though expert reflexes saw the attack swatted aside with very little effort. She was thankful regardless, for it was none other than her 'beloved', Drazhar who had so thoughtfully charged in, a warrior among warriors who one day was meant to sit beside her as Archon of Faelron. It would've been bad to injure that pretty face.

"They've spotted land, far on the horizon. The men have already begun navigating its way, come, you must see." If he was annoyed by the candle holder, the highborn elf showed little of it as he disappeared once again, leaving the cacophony on deck to drift through an open door. Land... Land! They'd found something, hope at last, a chance of survival at last!

A chance at once again becoming an Archoness, at last...

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