Avatar of Asura


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2 yrs ago
Current At the end of the day, God is everyone's bull.
2 yrs ago
me the poopy you the pants.
2 yrs ago
i relate.


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Is it okay to use Mythweavers? I've never actually filled out a google docs sheet.
Out of curiosity, is all of UA open for business?
I'd rather do point buy, myself.
I'll put some interest in a Bladesinger.
Will you be rolling or doing point buy for stats?
I'll throw my captain's hat in with this.
Vadania Siannodel

The elf couldn't help but roll her eyes at the state of her human companions. How it was somebody from an ascetic background became inebriated to the point of slurring was beyond her, but she had a foreboding feeling that it would not aid them very much in finding a peaceful solution. Repulsive as he was, the other human in their party proved to, if nothing else, present himself as an asset in his declaration of a plan. His asking for supplies also played into Vadania's interests, the thing which swung her opinion most heavily.

"On the subject of supplies, I wouldn't mind a few more bundles of arrows for my troubles this evening. Call me a cynic, but I don't have confidence this will be resolved without violence, and if I need to plant a shaft in somebody tonight, I'd like to ensure I don't run dry."
Vadania Siannodel

Humanity was often times quite foreign in its mannerisms to Vadania, but if she could relate to them on nothing else, it would be their ability to find solace and kinship over a good meal. The thick, porridge like dish deposited before her was certainly not her favorite; humans had such a strange fascination with grain and its many uses, of which she was not especially accustomed to. She made sure to take a few polite spoonfuls of the heavily spiced goop, but it did not capture her gaze half so well as the haunch of venison which presented itself as the main course. She could not speak for the animal's size or heritage, but feasting upon game always served as a comforting reminder of Nimtaure and its verdant forests, for which she yearned. The elf took several healthy slices from the roast and carved large mouthfuls from each piece, washing the decadent mineral flavor of meat the down with a goblet wine, something she could admit her round-eared fellows did make quite well. The sweet crimson liquid was always a favorite for her, and perhaps a few cups would assist in melting her less than personable demeanor. The... energetic nature of her companions certainly wouldn't, she was positive of that much, quirking a brow at the fighter's bone scraping.

The chamberlain's gaze did not escape her notice as he waxed on for a time, making tiresome conversation to try and soften the gravity of his request no doubt. The way "high-society" tended to be so indirect was a source of irritation for one of a rustic upbringing, and Vadania was relieved when the Tabaxi finally cut to the chase in bringing up the reason for their arrival. It was also interesting to learn the cat-like creature had also overhead what she had, a sign that her race was perhaps more reliable with the accuracy of its senses than many who she had previously come upon. A second goblet full of fruity wine took its spot in the ranger's hand as she listened intently to the happenings outside Fort Rock's gates.

"Gypsies," She was quick to pipe up, no sooner than the chamberlain had finished his declaration. "You want us to clear out the gypsies so that the General, in his majesty, doesn't string them up on the battlements when he gets back." There was some amount of scorn in her tone, but she hid it well under the same mask of stoicism she usually kept towards when making her voice heard in social situations.

It was a source of contention for the young elf, as she had little patience for the way most folk the humans considered "proper" would deal with these wandering caravans of traders and entertainers. Yet she also had little patience for the caravans themselves, having had her good nature exploited on more than one occasion while weathering with their ilk on the trail. The beloved beverage in her hand had little in the way of answers for her as she peered into its dark, mirror-like surface. Another gulp went down the hatch, perhaps to spurn her into a decision. That gulp turned into several, as she downed the entire goblet and placed it upon the tablet, mournfully refusing a refill from a dutiful serving girl, lest the drink for which she had such fondness dull her senses and aim.

"They're not gonna listen to us if they wouldn't listen to the guardsmen, especially if they've got those versed in the arcane among them. But, I'll lend my bow to dislodging them." Spellcasters, at least those who tapped into the more aethereal planes of magic to do their work, were always looked at with suspicious among Vadania's people, and the thought of actual, tangible curses being placed upon simple militia men doing their duty did invoke some anger in her.

"What sort of bewitchment befell these men, do you know? I like to be prepared for any happenstance, and I'd rather not be on the receiving end of an unknown charm."

Vadania Siannodel

It went without saying that, as a wood elf, Vadania was not exactly comfortable within the confines of Fort Rock. The atmosphere of the encampment, though calm as it was with the majority of its garrison off on peacekeeping endeavors, was suffocating to the young ranger. She was at her most relaxed away from the trappings of civilization, where she could keep to her element and remain relatively solitary in the freedom of nature, able to roam where she pleased and do as she pleased. Unfortunately, the woodlands could be a dangerous place, and a run in with an overly aggressive dire weasel left the ranger wounded and in need of a more secure place to rest than a simple cave or tree shelter. She had found solace in the town surrounding the fort's sturdy walls, and when she was able to travel free once more, she found herself drawn to the denizens of the hamlet and their plight for security when the company manning the walls took to their duties. It was her good nature which had landed her in this position, and being made to wait in a dank, dark chamber for a meal with rather mixed company only fouled her mood more than the stuffy nature of quasi-military life it entailed had.

"If they mean to give us titles, you can have mine. I'm not a fan of nobility." The elf piped up in a matter-of-factly manner.

She had seated herself, purposefully, away from the others who had seemingly clustered together out of some need for social contact. They seemed an alright enough company, barring the exception of the strange human male, but her isolated upbringing had always made her slow to trust those she considered outsiders. In this case, those without points tipping their ears and a millennia of life experience under their belts. Yet their very presence here, in a meeting room awaiting the chamberlain left a foreboding within the archer. If they had been isolated from the other rabble hired on to help around Fort Rock, chances were they were going to be sent off together on some form of assignment or another. That, or they were being let go from their duties entirely—a thought that excited the stir crazy Vadania—but so rarely did the human folk give generous dinners to those they intended to kick to the curb. At least, whatever it was that awaited them, it would like as not give her an opportunity to stretch her legs for more than night patrols.
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