Avatar of Asura


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Current At the end of the day, God is everyone's bull.
2 yrs ago
me the poopy you the pants.
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i relate.


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Out of curiosity, where are we drawing the line on sword variants? Would a naginata qualify? I'd assume so since one of the Pillars uses an axe, but still wanted to check.

I posted this in the char tab the first time, and there's no way to delete posts without getting a mod, so rip.
Right now I'm looking at Breath of Thunder for the sighted lad, and Breath of Mist for the touch one.
I'll take [視力] enhanced sense of sight (light) & [接触] enhanced sense of touch (dark) for 500, alex.
Akizawa Nadeshiko


UA Highschool - Staging Grounds


From her place in the back of the pack, Nadeshiko found her worry rising once more at the sudden announcement that they would be expected to demonstrate their abilities. It was to be expected, considering the description of the Heroics course, but to have to stand on a what turned out to be a massive stage and display her shame for near enough two dozen people? It was the type of thing she had hoped to have time to warm up to. To be expected march bravely before their peers not ten minutes after arrival and "show their stuff" without reservation was absurd. Thankfully, class 1-A was comprised of individuals bolder than she in its majority, and so while she toyed with the hem of her skirt, someone stepped up to plate.

Cowardly as she was, the mutant did manage the small kindness of leveling her eyes to watch the display. She recognized the boy who took the spotlight first, a student who had attended middle school with her. Ryūjin-san hadn't shared a homeroom with her, but he was not the type of person that was hard to notice in spite of distance. In the sea of her more normal peers, seeing the occasional flash of flame on campus served as a beacon of solidarity back then. That she was not alone in her hardship, though the blazing boy on stage never seemed to buckle under the weight his own abilities as she did. She would have admired that quality, when she was a more hopeful person, but now she could only see it as misguided. He fought a losing battle out of pride, or fear, or the hurt that surrender would bring on perhaps. Accepting reality was painful at first, but there was comfort in its finality.

It was not particularly comfortable watching the resulting fire show. She had a particular aversion to fire, and watching him loose wispy waves of blazing gas left her to ponder how she would fair against someone with such a Quirk if she were to become a "Hero". Demonstrations came and went, blasts of energy and explosives cracking in the sky, water that moved free of external control and a Quirk that nearly singed the audience with its violent nature. Could she truly compete with people whose abilities were so destructive? She did not have the ability to lift a truck with ease, or launch lightning from her palms, or any number of more useful abilities. She was just slime. Malleable, bereft of structure, weak. A melancholy fell upon her more strongly than before. How was she of all people going to keep up?

Pensiveness gave way to a sharp realization as Nadeshiko peered from beneath gooey bangs to her fellows, watching another boy descend from the stage after a scolding. There were not so many individuals left in line for demonstration. She would be expected to go soon, lest she have to endure the embarrassment of being last. Perhaps it did not matter, as all eyes would be on her anyway. A sigh broke free from between her lips. Part of her hoped that the others would be merciful in their judgement. Now was the time to grow a spine.

She pulled free the mask she had worn across her face and tucked it into the pocket of her jacket, which too was shed and placed in a neat bundle on the ground. Her blazer joined it as well, and the goo girl rolled up the sleeve of her blouse as she forced one leg to move after the other, making way for the arena. They all had Quirks too, she tried to remind herself, though it was of little comfort as she tangled with the reflexive anxiety of exposing the glossy pink "skin" of her arm to the world.

Had she the lungs to accomplish it, she would have likely taken several deep breaths to steady herself as she padded towards center stage. For all Nadeshiko was privy to, the other students could've been absorbed in their own worlds, for she found some badly needed comfort in directing her eyes to the smooth marble tiling below her feet. If nothing else it certainly helped in stepping around the smoldering remains of magma that lay scattered about the platform. Once she arrived, she did not do the crowd the honor of establishing the long denied eye contact expected of a presenter. Instead, she held up her exposed arm to draw attention to it. Now would be the time to test her earlier hypothesis.

"My name is Akizawa Nadeshiko," she managed, her voice somehow retaining an edge of unease despite its softness. Speaking truly wasn't her strength. "My Quirk is called Gelatinany. It is a Heteromorphic Quirk. My entire body is comprised of a smooth, pink goo rather than flesh or bone."

Flinching at the awkwardness of her own disjointed explanation, she decided to move onto the demonstration portion, in the hopes that the effort would distract her from the sinking sensation in her stomach. Knitting her brow, she willed her body to conform to the image in her head. The long, ropey bands of "hair" around her head began to shorten themselves as they retracted into her head. Where they once reached the top of her lower back, the tips just barely dangled about her temples as she styled them into a fairly simple bob-cut, a style she had practiced in the past. Unimpressive as hair styling was, though, it was not where her demonstration ended.

Those with particularly able eyes would see the mass lost from her hair traveling down her neck and across her shoulders in a small bulge. It slide down the bicep of her exposed arm, creeping downwards until it reached her wrist. The mass of goo then flooded forth, swelling the petite form of her right hand. Churning and stretching, it took a shape identical to that of a large foam finger.

"Since my body's composition is quite malleable, I can change its shape to fit my whims." As if to further illustrate the point and dispel any belief she was a sports fan, the mass of goo shifted once more. This time, it flooded back upwards into her arm, where the slender limb filled outwards and shaped itself into a muscular, powerful looking appendage distinctly out of place on such an averagely proportioned girl.

After a moment it once again shifted, the arm losing its bulk in favor of length as it transformed into a long, flexible tentacle of pink sludge that wiggled about for a moment before Nadeshiko willed it to return to shape, hesitant to strain herself further with such advanced manipulations. As it shrunk, the goo slowly made its way northwards once more until the hair that draped Nadeshiko's shoulders was once again full length.

"I... hope that was sufficient."

Mori-sensei looked absolutely fascinated with Nadeshiko's demonstration, it was almost as if she was barely stopping herself from running up onto the platform to get a literal feel for her body's properties. The woman instead watched carefully as Nadeshiko's body changed shape and wondered what that would feel like if she could do the same. She did a wave motion with her arms and imagined them instead as boneless goop.

"That's soooooooooo cool!" Mori-sensei cooed, clearly a new fan of Nadeshiko's. "I have so many questions for you, but they'll have to wait until everybody has gotten a turn! Your Quirk is certainly unique and I hope we learn a lot from each other!"

Nadeshiko gave a small bow in response to the cheer. The acknowledgment felt nice, though the complimentary nature of sensei's words was significantly dulled by the way she enthusiastically praised each and every student. It was her job, after all, to make them confident and bold. Just another part of her job. At least nobody in the crowd had recoiled... she hoped. Nadeshiko once more made a hasty retreat, eyes locked towards the ground, and went about fixing her uniform while the next student inevitably took her place.

gonna post a wip so i remember to finish this.

The year is two-hundred and thirty-eight after Aegon's Conquest, Robert Baratheon is dead.

hol up.
Akizawa Nadeshiko


UA Highschool - Side Gate

@everybody and nobody

The gentle, rhythmic clacking of the railway cart as it dutifully sped along well-worn tracks towards Musutafu provided a welcome distraction to Nadeshiko. It was steady, even, easily predicted. A monotonous sound followed by an equally easy to foresee bump every few seconds. Nothing like what awaited her at the station, or more pressingly, beyond the station. Apprehension was a kind way to describe the feeling that balled itself within her gut, one more aligned with the typical experience of a freshly minted high school student crossing the country to attend a new, strange school. How many tens of thousands of school girls felt that nagging worry, the unease that comes with the unknown this very morning all across Japan?

But apprehension was just that, a kinder way to phrase what she felt. What she felt wasn't the disquiet they felt in the face of new friends, new challenges and fleeting youth, but fear. Genuine fear for the future, though behind the surgical mask she had cloaked her face in for the trip none would see it. Not that she wanted anybody to see it, or her. The baggy hooded jacket was testament to that, hastily dawned atop her school uniform to try and give her a shield to shrink behind. It did well enough, though she was sure it made her look half a hoodlum, hands tucked in her pockets and eyes locked onto the cabin's floor. Better to look a delinquent than a someone with a Quirk. Nobody cared half so much about common punks when balls of sapient slop existed to turn their ire towards.

The crackle of an intercom roused her back to the reality at hand. Five minutes, then they'd arrived at the terminal, and a quick walk to campus that she had rehearsed a thousand times in her head would follow. UA high school, though she couldn't remember for the life of her what the acronym in the name stood for, if it stood for anything at all. None of the pamphlets or forms that she'd poured over with her mother's help had anything to say on the matter. She hadn't wanted to look at them, at first, but her mother had insisted. In hindsight, Nadeshiko appreciated that, that one of them had the spine to take the initiative. The gentle, encouraging smiles had tried to cloak a painful truth that became more apparent the longer they discussed it. UA was a solid option, a school where she could fit in and get a good education, and prepare for a career. A future to strive for.

The only future to strive for.

She'd had no goals. No direction. No future until it came along. Nadeshiko had long ago given up hope on that, but fate had seen fit to send her a life raft when she'd finally had made peace with slipping under the tides. What else could she do? The tides were too strong. Nobody wanted a mutant. Her apathy was justified. Her hopelessness, justified. Now UA wanted her. Now she couldn't make peace with drowning. Now she had to try and swim against those currents she had contented herself with. The cynic in her told her that it was all for naught. That the raft would hold just long enough for her to see the shore, the hope of making it back to land, before fate took it away again and plunged her back down into the seas.

That was the source of her apprehension, Nadeshiko came to understand as she disembarked the train and began to carefully navigate crowds of salarymen and students alike, making herself small among the crowds until she could break away from them. It hurt enough to accept that her peers didn't want her the first time. She didn't want to face it again. What if her one future fell through? When you had no options, failure was inevitable, like the clacking of those railway cars. Comforting. But with a choice, with a chance at success, the sting of not making it was all the worse. Why did she have to risk it? She wanted to go home. But Ōtsu was a world away, and already she could hear the chaos up ahead.

Turning down residential street, she briefly caught a glimpse of the mob assembled outside the gate. If there was any relief to be had today, it was that the school had the foresight to have the new arrivals enter through the side to avoid the worst of it. Still, she couldn't help but crack a sad smile as she listened to the chants fade away, the impressive exterior wall she rounded helping block the cries out.

“Freaks go home! Freaks go home!”

Was that not where they were now? A new home for all the freaks?

As Nadeshiko approached the gate, she found herself under some deal of scrutiny, considering her dress. Perhaps she could've done away with the little disguise once the campus was in sight. Sheepish as was her way, slender pink fingers freed themselves from the pockets of her jacket, and she peeled back the hood with a learned terseness. Ropey strands of gelatinous, pink goo fell haphazardly around her masked face, a rough approximation of hair, and it seemed to dispel any of the doubt among the foursome of daunting men. She fished her lanyard from within the hoodie, showing the faculty present who she was.

"Akizawa. 1-A-16." As if they couldn't read it for themselves. Regardless, they parted ways for her, and she beat a hasty retreat through the gate and into, to her chagrin, what appeared to be a fairly impressive array of students. Perhaps if she didn't say anything, they wouldn't notice her. She never was very good at introductions.

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