Avatar of Asura


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Current At the end of the day, God is everyone's bull.
2 yrs ago
me the poopy you the pants.
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i relate.


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Interested in making a Guard.
"oh no what happened to the creature is it dead"
Uchiha Shinatobe


Konohagakure Outskirts: Training Grounds

@Sloth @Xiro Zean @Inkarnate

It had taken longer to arrive at the training grounds than Shinatobe intended when she set out from the academy, but the newly minted Jonin-sensei managed to arrive none the less. Two of her precious students had decided to trail off from their harmonious convoy, and by the time she had turned around to retrieve them, the third had already taken her opportunity to dash off. Indeed, it was something of a surprise to see the lavender-haired Genin when she pressed through the light foliage that circled the training area. For all she knew, the little brat could have decided to run home to mother, unsatisfied with her team mates as she seemed. What's more, she hadn't even disclosed which training ground they were meant to arrive at. At least someone on her team had a modicum of luck that day.

The Uchiha did not break her leisurely stride as she worked her way from the perimeter of their exercise area to its very middle. Three large oak pillars had been planted there, a few paces apart, worn along the sides by years of Taijutsu training and shuriken practice. With the center most one to her back, she faced towards the assembled students and let out a soft sigh beneath her breath. How in the world was she supposed to do this? It wasn't as if they had given her guidelines on how to raise these novices into respectable shinobi. Instead she was left to devise her own regimen to build upon whatever drivel the Hatake had poured into their minds as a foundation. Perhaps that was where the answer lay; it was always wise to check the foundations of a house before you began an addition.

"Today will be something of an additional examination to the ones you've passed at the academy. It is my job to instruct you from today, until the day you either promote into the rank of Chunin, or die trying. If I'm meant to instruct you to the level of excellence that is required—that I require," she paused, correcting herself. "Then I must see, first hand, how advanced or unsophisticated your skills are. To that end, your first mission as a squad is simple; try to kill me."

There was little enough pageantry that followed her order. She stood just as she had since arriving, an easy, unimpressed expression hanging languid on her fine features and arms tightly crossed along her chest. It occurred to her a few seconds after she spoke that they might have had some reservations about attempting to murder their superior, so she spoke again shortly thereafter.

"In case it isn't obvious, you won't succeed in doing so, no matter how much time your mothers have spent drilling you after school. But it is imperative that you give your everything, so I can critique all your skills and find which deficiencies are most prevalent."

And then she waited.

Eldrid Isfjellbarn

The trip to Bludmach had been about as much of a pain in the ass as signing up for the damned guild had been; a comparison that meant something, considering the location of the guild's seal she had chosen once the paperwork was done. She had only been with them for a day before signing up for this job, and before she knew it she was here, in the back of a wagon, in some godforsaken swamp, with two weirdos she barely knew, and a mosquito-like irritant up front. Sprawling across the wagon's floor with her arms crossed behind her head for comfort, the young mage cast a turquoise eye towards Malon as he prattled on about the woes of his situation. The promise of good pay might've been enough to sway her into volunteering to take up this assignment, but the Guild master hadn't said anything about listening to some swamp-rat's bellyaching.

Lifting up one of her legs, the fiery lass drove the heel of her boot into front side of their vehicle not once, but twice. Two good, solid kicks right beneath the driver's seat to remind him he wasn't making the trip by his lonesome.

"We didn't hire you to whinge about your poor decisions along the way, we hired you to get us to Bludmach. So why don't you make yourself useful and tell us how close we are?" She remarked irately, hoisting herself up onto her elbows so she could lean forward and peak up at their surroundings.
Hyūga Mitsuko


Ichiraku Ramen


For the length of the journey between the academy and the minor clan quarter, Mitsuko remained as she usually was—silent. It was for the best, as she had little to say in response to Shunpei's absentminded inquiry as to her apple like complexion's origin. She was already ashamed enough to break her composure in such an uncontrollable way in front of their sensei, and the teasing that followed from Tsume did little to abate that feeling. Devoid of meaningful contribution, she cast her gaze towards the ground and opted to follow closely behind her nascent squad, led by the intrepid Hatake into parts that, for someone of her relatively high station, were totally unknown. She had never enjoyed much freedom to explore the village, remaining within the confines of the Hyūga compound when she was not at the academy.

It went without saying the new surroundings did not do much to help the anxiety of the day, but it provided a somewhat welcome distraction from her embarrassment. It was easy to surmise that this portion of the village was where the less well-to-do members of the population lived; the buildings were not so large or well-crafted, the streets were left to standards of cleanliness far below what she was accustomed to, and the people themselves fell marginally beneath the high aesthetic standards of her clansmen. It made her nervous, in truth. She felt like more of an outsider here than she normally did, and that feeling did not leave her even as they approached their apparent destination. For the first time since they passed through the gates of the academy, Mitsuko rose her head to steal more than a passing glance, and looked upon the dingy restaurant Shunpei had decided on.

"It's, uhm... quaint." She murmured to no one in particular, uncertain how to politely phrase her trepidation. She didn't have the opportunity to indulge in restaurants back home, though mother occasionally allowed her to buy snacks from the push-carts that set up within their quarter during festivals and celebrations. While Shunpei expressed his shock at their sensei's presence—something Mitsuko had oddly not paid much mind to, in spite of her hyper vigilance during the journey—the young Hyūga looked worriedly at that run-down ramen stand, then back to her team mates.

Would the food be safe? Surely the sanitation standards in this part of town couldn't be that high... Shunpei was familiar with it though, so surely the food couldn't have been too dangerous. How would she pay for it? She hadn't received an allowance in all her years, and they hadn't yet begun to take missions. Was Shunpei going to pay for them? How could he afford such extravagance if he lived in this part of the village? Ramen had meat in it, didn't it? Did they serve any food without meat in it? Meat was a luxury, and as such was rarely featured in her home. She didn't much like the idea of eating animals anyway, and the thought of a cute little pig having to die to sate her opulence made her almost as anxious as the food vendor in front of her did. When she noticed her team mates making to take a seat, she steeled herself against the cacophony of thoughts swirling in her mind and swallowed hard.

"Gambaro, Mitsuko." She whispered to herself, and pushed past the curtains separating the street from the counter, taking a seat on one of the many stools next to Shunpei.

Don't be a coward. Kill those dragons.
It's fuckin' magic NORWAY.
I've finished most of Astrid's sheet on page 2 and if you complain about it she will bite you.
When the whole guild be using swords.

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