Avatar of Asura


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2 yrs ago
Current At the end of the day, God is everyone's bull.
2 yrs ago
me the poopy you the pants.
2 yrs ago
i relate.


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Full Name: Prince Meowthew McFluffster
Titles: Prince of Caeldeira
Nicknames: Knight of the Lion
Legacy: Successor of Yvain
Age: 16-18
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Caerdeira

like really hot


This replaces backstory. Explain not only where your character is coming from, but also where they'd be going on the normal routes of the game, as well as considering some of the questions I listed earlier in the Introduction. Basically, this is here to give the Reincarnators some foreknowledge or awareness of your characters' immediate futures and the decisions you're likely to make. As such, I expect this part to be pretty detailed, even if it's alright for most of the rest to be somewhat barebones.
Akizawa Nadeshiko

Ishin Academy | Sapporo

Interacting with:

The gentle, rhythmic clacking of the railway cart as it dutifully sped along well-worn tracks towards Sapporo provided a welcome distraction to Nadeshiko. It was steady, even, easily predicted. A monotonous sound followed by an equally easy to foresee bump every few seconds. Nothing like what awaited her at the station, or more pressingly, beyond the station. Apprehension was a kind way to describe the feeling that balled itself within her gut, one more aligned with the typical experience of a freshly minted high school student crossing the country to attend a new, strange school. How many tens of thousands of school girls felt that nagging worry, the unease that comes with the unknown this very morning all across Japan?

But apprehension was just that—a kinder way to phrase what she was feeling. What she felt wasn't the disquiet that others felt in the face of new friends, new challenges and fleeting youth, but fear. Genuine fear for the future, though behind the lengthy strands of pink goo that covered her face none would see it. Not that she wanted anybody to see it, or her. Even sequestered away behind her bangs the anxiety that filled her made her feel exposed. Five freshly laundered sailor fukus had arrived at her home some months prior, one of which she had dawned before leaving her hotel room in Hakodate earlier in the morning for the last leg of her long journey. She had liked them at first, used to regimentation to the point that the total lack of customization hadn't bothered her. But now? She would do anything for the chance to have taken along hoodie. Something baggy atop her school uniform to try and give her a shield to shrink behind.

Such regrets were for naught. Mother would not have allowed her to take one in the first place.

The crackle of an intercom roused her back to the reality at hand. Five minutes, then they would arrive at the terminal in Sapporo, and a quick walk to campus that she—in her restlessness—had rehearsed a thousand times in her head would follow. Ishin Academy was one of the best schools in the country, only narrowly beat out by UA. It was about as good an education that any aspiring hero could get, the place that would prepare her for the rigors of a bright and lucrative future. A future truly worth striving for.

The only future worth striving for.

For as long as she could remember, Ishin Academy was it. No other direction. No other paths. Nadeshiko had come into a preordained destiny that would lead her to the steps of the grandiose academy one way or another. Failure had not been an option, not during the years of schooling to ensure her grades remained exemplary, nor the exams she had taken to qualify, the interviews and the tests to apply. She could not fail because there was nothing for her but acceptance at Ishin. Acceptance that she had managed to achieve, or she would not be on a humble train pulling into a chilly, northern station.

That was the source of her apprehension, Nadeshiko came to understand as she disembarked the train and began to carefully navigate crowds of salarymen and students alike, making herself small among the crowds until she could break away from them. She had finally reached the payoff for all her hard work. The light at the end of the tunnel; only to be met with another tunnel, one darker and longer than the one before it. She had no overbearing parent to push her unflinchingly towards excellence here. She had no companions—here or in general, truthfully—to help her along the path.

She had lived by the mold of outside ambitions for so long that she had no idea how to conduct herself now that she was a thousand miles from home and by herself. Yet even without the comfort of its constraining walls, she still bore the shackles of that ambition that had seen her arrive in Hokkaido; succeed, for there was nothing else but success.

It all made her feel like throwing up. An odd thing, considering she lacked the capacity to do so, but a sensation none the less. So caught in the maelstrom of her own anxiety and trepidation, she was robbed of any of the awe or glee that could be felt as she approached Ishin's campus after her lengthy walk. As if she could feel such things at the sight. She hadn't wanted this. It was a bitter fact that she had known for a long time, but often swallowed down without complaint. Ascending the stairs of this academy, surrounded by the fresh faces of so many peers and seniors alike, so excited to begin or resume their academic careers... it made the taste almost too much to bear.

Her eyes remained locked down and forward, avoiding the gazes of all those around her as she navigated by memory through the halls of her new home. She was never very good at introductions at the best of times, and the morning had frazzled any want for socialization right out of her. Nadeshiko spoke not a peep all the way to the auditorium, and only spared a fleeting glance through her ropey bangs at the ensemble of classmates who had begun gathering in her section.

Steeling herself against this reality she so desperately wished to shirk away from, the goo girl made a straight line towards the back of the seating arrangements, and planted herself down in a chair. The suitcase she had been dragging along behind her settled in front of her, and she absentmindedly toyed with the handle to distract her erratic mind. Now the waiting would begin.
N a d e s h i k o

Personal Dossier


Akizawa Nadeshiko
昭沢 撫子




Ōtsu, Shiga Prefecture, Japan

Physical Description

Nadeshiko is quite average for somebody of her age and ethnicity, standing at five foot four inches in height. Her body is comprised entirely of a semitransparent pink gel that forms itself into the shape of an averagely proportioned female of her age, not particularly muscular in appearance nor overly skinny. As such, her 'skin' is an entirely unblemished membrane of glossy goo that remains soft and supple to the touch unless she wills it otherwise. Her 'hair', styled largely on whim, hangs neatly around shoulder level in strands of ropey goo that mimic whatever cut is particularly popular at the time, so long as it does not interfere with her work. Large, lighter than normal eyes peer shyly from beneath these tendrils of slime, often avoiding the gazes of others. Her hair frames a face that, either by her own machinations or simple luck, remains explicitly ‘cute’, with soft, delicate lines, a small button like nose and pouty lips.



Personal History

Born in Ōtsu to an⁠—at least in older eras⁠—anomalous familial situation, Nadeshiko was raised by her mother alone for as long as she can recall. Her father and mothered had divorced while she was still a toddler, and as she grew, she could only wonder whether or not her birth had acted as the catalyst for their split, or if it had been an attempt to keep their tenuous relationship as one. Her mother, an inspector with the city's police force, was a domineering woman, and one who held the highest expectations for her only daughter. Having been denied the chance of Pro-Heroism in her youth, her mother had every intention of seeing that her own child would not make the same mistakes that had befallen her. Without the influence of a secondary parental figure to soften those expectations, and given Nadeshiko's own innately gentle nature, there was little to stop those ambitions from forming the mold that would be the girl's home life from the time she entered school on-wards.

A wallflower from inception, and forced to take her academic life with the utmost seriousness, Nadeshiko grew in relative isolation from her peers. She had few friends, and little inclination to make any, instead taking solace in the world of literature whenever she had the free time to dally. While her fellows idolized the Heroes who formed the pillars which held their society up, dreaming of the day that they may too join their hallowed ranks, the young goo-girl did not. For her, going Pro was not a lofty goal—it was an inevitability from which she would not escape. If she had any other hopes for how she would live her life, any other passions or dreams, she did not voice them. If she resented the inability to choose her own path, she lacked the courage to ever voice it.

For much of Nadeshiko's life, she remained sheltered, docile, a dutiful daughter who would do as she was bid and nothing more. She had scant ever left Otsu, let alone Shiga until the acceptance forms arrived at their humble home, announcing that the first, most important step towards an ambition two generations in the making.

Now, she embarks for Hokkaido, a mummer's farce of independence upon her, and a wider world to mold her in ways she had never accounted for.

Character Development & Conceptualization

Nadeshiko is much like her quirk would lead one to believe⁠—malleable. The child of a would-be hero scorned in the days of academia and consigned to the 'shameful' fate of mundane police work, she has been groomed from early on as a vicarious second chance at life. Given little autonomy or say in how her life has gone, Nadeshiko is a reluctant character who is merely pursuing heroism at the behest of an overbearing parent. It is there that her primary arc focus lay⁠—becoming her own person and evolving from a silent wallflower to somebody with more backbone... Despite actually lacking a literal spine.

Sub-developments include earning a newfound respect for the idea of heroics. Rather than merely chasing the glory of a big bust, or being a renown hero of great wealth as she has been shepherded to crave, her more kindly side seeks to take joy in merely helping those in need. Her character archetype is more supportive than anything else, leading her to focus more upon rescuing the victims of a burning building over combating the villain who started it.

That supportive nature should ideally extend to her peers. Achieving friendships with students willing to break her from her shell and give her the shove out of her complacent ways is another goal, with her providing emotional support for their endeavors in return due to her empathetic and non judgemental traits.

Abilities & Talents

Quirk Type


Quirk Description

Nadeshiko’s quirk, aptly named Gelatinany is a Mutation that has converted her entire body into a malleable, semi-elastic gel. Though she retains human characteristics in her normal everyday life, she is capable of manipulating the shape of her body at will to conform to whatever task she needs. For instance, she may sink down into a puddle to slide under a door, or stretch herself into a large circular sheet to act as a safety net. Though still amateurish at it, she is also capable of manipulating the properties of her jelly like form, making herself more or less solid, increasing or decreasing her elasticity, causing herself to become sticky or very slick, or other yet explored effects.

Her goo is a very insulating substance, especially effective at deadening electricity. This gives her an advantage against quirks utilizing it. Conversely, this also weakens her against quirks involving high quantities of heat, as her body traps the energy in and it, for lack of a better term, causes her to “melt” and have difficulty keeping herself solidified. As she lacks any traditional organs, she is highly resistant to conventional damage. Indeed, the only way to truly ‘injure’ her as far as she knows, is to either remove portions of her gel like body or otherwise destroy them, causing her to shrink down in size and strength more and more until she is incapacitated or otherwise entirely dispersed. Traditional medicine is ineffective in treating her, as only reintroducing separated sections, or introducing her to fluids to absorb allow her to regenerate her body. Orange juice is her preferred choice.

Other Talents & Attributes

As an introverted individual, Nadeshiko is an avid reader with a strong memory. She is a veritable encyclopedia of trivial knowledge and mundane facts on a variety of topics, including an uncomfortable number of romance novella.

She is a very strong swimmer, both because of her physiology and from many a summer spent at Lake Biwa. She was the best member of the swim team at her Junior High and takes great joy in it.
yeah sure
How do y'all feel about Discord? I feel like it would, at the very least, make these collabs speed up a little if we could ping each other when it's someone's turn.


"It smell like broke in here." - Upon arriving in the Earth Kingdom

Character Age:
Character Gender:
Character Race:
Fire Nation
By admission of her father—who she had been learning from since the age of six—Zara is "pretty good" at Firebending. It's a mark of pride for her.
Having grown up on a rugged, volcanically active island, Zara is rather athletic for a girl her age. Between the rigors of every day life and the exercises that accompanied her bending training, she has built quite the pool of physical stamina, especially in regards to aerobic tasks. The remoteness of her home has also instilled her with fairly sharp survivalist skills; she is capable of finding shelter and forage for herself and others in most non-extreme climates, though her talents are most at home in tropical regions.
To put it plainly, Zara isn't a very good people person. It's certainly not for lack of trying—she genuinely enjoys social interaction—but simply a result of poor social skills. She's awkward, lacks for manners at times, and is prone to letting her excitement get the better of her. Combine this with the naivety born from her tribal upbringing and it's rather easy to manipulate her good-nature with simple placation and faux kindness.
A remaining few pieces of golden jewelry & a wicker backpack containing a large, black egg.
Where did they come from? What made them who they are?
Supporting Cast:
Are there any NPCs of note in their story? If so fill out their details here!
Asuras did mention a waitlist, though.
It was becoming something of a theme for Feral to remain mostly silent as her fellows discussed plans and exchanged pleasantries, and that had not changed since entering the simulation. Having gone from a metal box hurdling through the sky at hundreds of miles per hour, to a much larger metal box doing the same, to a much smaller metal box that somehow projected her mind to a virtual world... It was a lot to digest all at once. The urban landscape surrounding them on all sides, fake as it was, provided some level of comfortable familiarity, though she could not shake the 'off' feeling born of such an artificially aligned landscape. While her team members discussed their plan of action, she kept a wary eye on the windows and rooftops of the buildings around them, not entirely convinced by Diver's initial explanation that there would be no immediate hostiles around.

"I can escort her." The Lupo piped, finding a moment to finally, faintly, chime in. Trying to get the high ground was probably the better idea, considering their total lack of intelligence in regards to the lay of the land. If her sneaking suspicion was correct, and the buildings of this simulation did, in fact, play host to the enemy... then she could finally put her mind at ease by pushing aside all the thoughts of crazy technology and focus on the steel in her hand.

"Swords are smaller than spears. Better for tight corridors." She said, as if that would somehow reassure the group she was the more suitable candidate.
Turn 3

A Fox's Journey pt. 2

With every step the Fox took, life followed. The grass became thick and soft, the foliage dense and verdant, the air itself roaring to life with the song of cicada and bird alike. It was hard work, to span the world with nothing but one's four paws and determination, but when the Fox looked back upon her handiwork, she couldn't bring herself to stop. Not when so much more of the world needed her touch.

So she walked, walked and walked some more.

Action - Shape Climate; Subtropical (2 points per use)

On the following squares:


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