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The Blue Beetle


#1: First Contact

Lower Manhattan, New York City. 12:14 AM

Having some kind of murderous, robot bug fused with your body came with a lot of downsides. It was always scanning the people around you, always looking for a reason to bring out the big guns, always whispering in the back of your head about the many creative ways it could neutralize potential threats—whether that was a shady looking guy on the curb or Mrs. Martínez' mean ass Rottweiler down the block. It was like having Jiminy Cricket welded to your spine, with none of the conscience and all of the bad attitude the world could muster. But, it also had its upsides. Like being able to fly you all the way downtown in the middle of the night, so you could settle in the skyline and watch New York bring in the New Year with a bang.

It had taken a little finessing, a little white lie about heading to bed early to keep the folks from catching on, but it was worth it. Up here, there were no threats to neutralize and nothing to worry about. It was pretty relaxing, all things considered—a welcome change from the discomfort that usually accompanied being encased in... whatever it was that made up the armor. All Jaime Reyes had to do was kick back, watch the fire works, and try not to let any particularly daring gusts of wind knock him off his perch.

<<Unknown object entering atmosphere.>>

And ignore the buzzing in the back of his head.

<<Atmospheric reentry speed maintained; uncontrolled descent detected.>>

It was probably just the fireworks setting off its sensors.

<<Estimated point of impact: Newark Bay, 40.677320174169694, -74.12057787059817. Time until impact: 24.2 seconds.>>

That sounded specific. That sounded worryingly specific. Deciding to humor the machine inhabiting his body, Jaime pivoted on the ledge of the building he had made his home for the night. Under ordinary circumstances, he doubted he'd be able to make out something that far away. But with the suit enhancing his vision, he could just barely see it—a tiny, blazing dot shooting across the sky.

"That... Okay, that's not good. You're sure it's not a meteor or something?"

<<Negative. Energy signatures in line with technology beyond Earth capabilities; probability of extraterrestrial origin 98.2%. 10.4 seconds.>>

"So... Aliens. An alien is about to crash land on Earth. In Newark of all places?"

<<Affirmative. 2.6 seconds.>>

If the ship hit hard enough to cause a splash, Jaime didn't see it through the urban sprawl of Manhattan. Maybe he wasn't supposed to see anything to begin with. A month ago, the idea of aliens arriving on Earth would have been something he relegated to passing fantasies and old, cheesy sci-fi flicks. But a month ago, he didn't have a suit of magical battle armor like the stuff out of old, cheesy sci-fi flicks either. It was hard to pass off the impossible when you were the impossible.

Plus, aliens were friggin' cool! How could he pass up being the first to meet a Martian? He sure as heck wasn't going to let the poor bastards make first contact with New Jersey; they'd never want to come back if that's what they thought all of Earth was like.

"Can you get us to where it landed? I wanna, uh... Investigate the intruder. From afar."

<<Organic Host: Disingenuous. Advise against approaching object; capabilities unknown, risk to host unaccounted. Prioritize the mission.>>

Always with the mission. As if Jaime had any idea what that meant. Heck, he wasn't sure he wanted to know what it meant, with how the little thing suggested overcoming potential obstacles.

"We'll never know its capabilities unless we go looking. C'mon, we're headed out."

Getting the bug to do what he wanted when it disagreed with their course of action—which it did often—was usually like pulling teeth. Trying to practice flying around the neighborhood at night took more than a few failed nights to achieve before it acquiesced and did what he wanted. That struggle must have come in handy now, because all it took was a little bit of focus before the back portion of the carapace opened with a click, and four translucent wings manifested along thin, metallic ribs. A little hop later and Jaime was sailing through the skies above Manhattan, and across the bay towards Newark, the faintest trail of exhaust behind him as the scarab propelled him through the air.

For all its backtalk, Jaime couldn't doubt his involuntary partner's competence. It had only taken a minute or two to jet his way across the city towards the landing site, weaving here and there to avoid the occasional overachieving bottle rocket as he crossed the more populated portions. He did not, however, get to see an alien spaceship for all his trouble; no sooner than he zoomed his way towards the shore facing the bay did the scarab suddenly buzz to life again.

<<Non-standard lifeform detected, coordinates 40.67226910969731, -74.12317516952908. Preliminary scans confirm extraterrestrial origin. Subject: Tamaranean. Inhabitant of Sector 2828, Vega System. Combat potential: far beyond humankind. Approach with caution.>>

It was hard not to notice them. Even from far above, the scarab had locked in on the lone soul as it made its way towards a nearby building and started... wailing on it?!

"Why in the world is it trying to box with a building? We need to get down there and stop it before it catches the wrong kind of attention."

<<Affirmative. Tamaranean physiology resistant to specific wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. Suggested course of action: Judicious application of thermal energy.>>

"We are not setting it on fire!"

With some effort and just a mite bit of fledgling skill, Jaime circled his way back around and began to descend towards the ground below. He hadn't quite mastered landings yet, and he certainly didn't know how to hover, but at least he had gotten down the 'don't puke in the bug suit' part. That would've made the upcoming introduction much more awkward than it already would be.

A stumbled landing a little ways down the block later, and the youth was just a short jog away from the alien and its incessant thumping. Of course, a bird's eye thermal view and far too many hours watching William Shatner wail on men in rubber suits didn't quite prepare him for what he saw when he rounded the corner to confront this alien threat.

"Visitor to Earth, I request you... Cease... Your... Actions?," he blinked, half in confusion and half to ensure the scarab wasn't playing some kind of trick on him. "Is this the alien? Why is it a girl?"

<<Tamaraneans exhibit similar sexual dimorphism to humanity. Subject appears to be a juvenile. Confirmation: It is a girl.>>

"Yeah, I noticed!"

Remembering he was, in fact, not alone with the scarab and therefore looked just a tad crazy yelling into the blank void beside him, the armor-clad teen composed himself and focused on the task at hand; welcoming this being to Earth. Or, at least, getting her to stop assaulting the side of a warehouse.


Nailed it.

| 𝐆 𝐑 𝐄 𝐘 𝐖 𝐀 𝐑 𝐃 𝐄 𝐍 𝐀 𝐑 𝐂 𝐇 𝐈 𝐕 𝐄 |

"Cursed? You have me mistaken. The only one here who bears a curse is you—the curse of my ire."

| 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐑 𝐀 𝐂 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑 𝐈 𝐍 𝐅 𝐎 𝐑 𝐌 𝐀 𝐓 𝐈 𝐎 𝐍 |

Aldwin Howe
Male (He/Him)

| 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐑 𝐀 𝐂 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑 𝐀 𝐏 𝐏 𝐄 𝐀 𝐑 𝐀 𝐍 𝐂 𝐄 |

Five foot ten inches, with a lean musculature.
Fair of skin, with chestnut brown hair kept short and deep cerulean eyes.
His eyes are a deeper, darker shade of blue than most, akin to looking into the sea rather then the sky.
Aldwin typically bedecks himself in the styles of Ferelden; tunics and trousers of blacks and browns, with leather boots and gloves to keep his appendages safe. Atop it he wears an olive green surcoat, with the symbol of the Wardens having been recently stitched in. A strap of cracked brown leather is used to secure his staff to his back when it isn't in use, and a similar belt around his waist holds the hilt that marks him as a Knight-Enchanter, ready to be drawn and channeled at a moment's notice. Though his clothing flows and breathes like the robes so many mages wear, they are not robes, and he has a great disdain for the garb of his brethren.
Despite having spent more time a mage than a nobleman, Aldwin holds himself with a posture of pride and authority. He carries a certain unfitting severity on his otherwise gentle features, as if to command respect from those he interacts with. His eyes are expressive, and he tends to wear his emotions on his sleeve in spite of his best attempts to remain stoic and aloof. He has a bad habit of fiddling with his hands when nervous.

| 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐑 𝐀 𝐂 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑 𝐈 𝐍 𝐍 𝐄 𝐑 𝐖 𝐎 𝐑 𝐊 𝐈 𝐍 𝐆 𝐒 |

The Grey Wardens are a means to an end for Aldwin—he is a scion of the Vigil, and his place was not to remain in a Circle for the rest of his days, rotting under the disdainful gaze of the Templars. He seeks glory and honor, something the Wardens in their prestige can provide him, and in return offers the boons of magic he has carefully cultivated over the years of his imprisonment.
  • Honorable: Aldwin conducts himself with honesty and integrity—he is not the kind to lie or act underhandedly.
  • Courageous: It cannot be said Aldwin is a craven. He will risk life and limb to do what he must.
  • Empathetic: It is perhaps because of his captivity that Aldwin is a man sensitive to the feelings and desires or others, and tries not to trample upon those.
  • Impulsive: Aldwin is a man who is quick to act and this often bites him when patience would serve better.
  • Stubborn: Once he's dug his heels in on a position, you'll have an easier time coaxing a mule than you will convincing him otherwise.
  • Temperamental: Aldwin is quick to anger and prone to let is show.
  • Pretty girls with pointy ears.
Righteousness. Aldwin wants to be remembered like the heroes in the story books, who dispensed justice and remained true to themselves and their creed even against the worst of adversities. He will always try to do what he thinks is right, no matter the consequences, to live up to this self-inflicted expectation.

| 𝐌 𝐀 𝐆 𝐄 |

☐ 𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖚𝖓𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 | -1

☐ 𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖙𝖚𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 | 0

☒ 𝕮𝖚𝖓𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 | 0
Arcane Lore

☐ 𝕯𝖊𝖝𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖞 | +2

☒ 𝕸𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖈 | +4

☐ 𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 | -2

☐ 𝕾𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖙𝖍 | 0

☒ 𝖂𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖕𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗 | +1

For Aldwin, the way of the Knight-Enchanter is more than just a simple specialization of his skills as a mage. It was his salvation from the maddening doldrums of the Circle. It was an outlet for his energy, something he could dedicate his body to in favor of the bookish learning so many of his fellows engaged in. It was a way for him to remember where he came from, to fight in the front like his father's knights. It was the way he could turn his curse into a boon, a boon worth being wielded by the man he wanted to be. To be a Knight-Enchanter was to be more than a simple mage to be tolerated, but a warrior to be respected.

Aldwin's usage of his powers follow this trend; he summons forth his razor thin blade of magical energy and wades into battle with the others, conjuring walls of force and barriers to keep him safe where plate could not. With his magic he bolsters himself and his comrades, endowing them with vigor unnatural and imbuing their blades with fire and ice and lightning all. He is a protector as much as he is a killer, a healer as much as he is a bane, using his abilities for the good of his allies just as often as he uses them to cut down his foes.

Novice Journeyman

  • Arcane Lance: A bolt of arcane energy flung from the mage's hands or staff. All mages have this ability.
  • Arcane Shield: The mage conjures a protective aura that deflects incoming attacks for as long as this mode is active.
  • Barrier: The mage or an ally is enveloped in a telekinetic field that repels significant damage.
  • Elemental Weapon: While this spell is active, the caster's staff channels its base elemental power across the entire party, enchanting the weapons of allies to give them additional elemental damage.
  • Heal: The mage imbues an ally with restorative energy, knitting flesh and mending bone.
  • Heroic Aura: The mage enhances the party's aptitude in battle for as long as this mode is active.
  • Haste: The mage imbues the party with speed for a short time.
  • Spirit Blade: The mage creates a blade of solid magic to make melee attacks against nearby enemies.

| 𝐄 𝐐 𝐔 𝐈 𝐏 𝐌 𝐄 𝐍 𝐓 & 𝐁 𝐄 𝐋 𝐎 𝐍 𝐆 𝐈 𝐍 𝐆 𝐒 |

  • Acolyte Staff (Fire)
  • Spirit Blade Hilt
  • Lyrium-infused Silver Ring
  • Traveler's Clothes
  • Riding Horse?
  • Dagger
  • Health Poultices
  • Backpack, water skin, flint & steel, sleeping roll
  • Medical supplies
  • Miscellaneous herbs and plant matter
  • A signet ring, bearing the symbol of the Howe family
  • A suspicious book titled Dalish Darlings

| 𝐑 𝐄 𝐋 𝐀 𝐓 𝐈 𝐎 𝐍 𝐒 𝐇 𝐈 𝐏 𝐒 |

Your character's opinion. Copy & Paste as many times as needed.

Jaime Reyes, 16 (b. 1952)
Based in New York City, New York
Active since approximately December 1967

Character Concept

Jaime Reyes wasn't an especially unique kid. Firstborn son a pair of hard working immigrant parents, trying their best to live out the American Dream and give their family a better life. A good egg, who kept his nose in the books and feet off the streets so he could pay back all that hard work by making something of himself. The type of kid whose greatest act of rebellion was staying up a little later than usual on Thursday nights to catch the latest episode of 'Trek. Jaime Reyes wasn't all that much different from any goodie-two shoes teenager across the good, god-fearing US of A.

Until he got his hands on that damn scarab, that is. Or rather, the scarab got it's hands on him. Or mandibles. Whatever.

Times were tough for the Reyes, just like they were for most of the inhabitants of East Harlem. They didn't have much, but what little they did have cost a hell of a lot more than it was worth. Both his parents worked themselves ragged trying to keep a roof over the heads of their children, Jaime among them. Good son that he was, Jaime decided he would help out. He had taken up a summer job waiting at a hotel in the better bits of Manhattan, where the skin tones got lighter and the pocket books, heavier. He had to fight for it, assure them it wouldn't interfere with his studies when classes resumed, that he could crack a book during his breaks and get home in time for lights out no problem. It took him a couple weeks, but eventually they relented, and like most all of his bargains, Jaime made good on his end.

Of course, Manhattan was a big place, and getting from the haves-nots to the haves took one through a number of bad areas. Jaime—for all his squeaky cleanliness—had grown up in Spanish Harlem his whole life. He knew how to keep his head down, to not go looking for trouble. But sooner or later, regardless of whether or not you go looking for it, in those kinds of places, it finds you. Jaime Reyes found himself on the mean end of a .38 on his way to a shift one dreary October evening. It was a typical shake-down, money or your life, and as much as he needed the money, Jaime needed his neck more. The muggers ended up getting a hell of a lot more than they bargained for when a passerby blew them halfway to Hell's Kitchen—with a BB gun of all things.

Turned out, damsels in distress weren't the only types of people who had a caped hero come to their rescue. Although, at the time, the Blue Beetle hadn't been in a cape. Nor did he own a cape, really. But there he was, in the right place at the right time to save the kid's hide. The youth was thankful to say the least, and spent the rest of the walk to the hotel blabbering ol' Blue's ear off. Turned out, Ted Kord was staying at the very hotel Jaime spent his afternoons and evenings toiling at.

In hindsight, being shot that night might have been the better of the two options.

For whatever reason, Ted must have taken a shine to him. Whenever he finished a shift and the old man was in, Jaime would head up to his room and they'd chat. About anything, the news, old war stories, sci-fi—realistically who else was Jaime gonna talk about Fantastic Voyage with?—and even the occasional new gizmo Kord was working on. It was good, having someone outside the family to look up to. But all good things came to an end. Without so much as a goodbye, Ted Kord checked out of the hotel one night and never came back. Jaime hadn't found out until the day after, as he was finishing up his shift. It was a sad thing, to lose a friend just as soon as you'd made one, but the old man had at least left him a parting gift; a box, full of little gadgets and souvenirs. A box which also held the very scarab that spawned the Blue Beetle mantle.

A scarab that ended burrowing its way into poor Jaime's spine.

Inner conflict is one of the most important vectors for which character development occurs. Some of the most iconic of comic book heroes have long histories of wrestling with their inner demons. Jaime wrestles with an
actual demon. Or something close enough to one. The struggle between good-hearted Jaime and the destructive urges of the Scarab, and their eventual synchronization and collaboration is a central draw for me when it comes to writing the character. I want to explore how the two of them come to terms with—and befriend—one another through their initially rocky partnership.

It's no secret that collaboration is a theme I'm gunning for in this roleplay in general, and once Jaime has gotten his body's favorite hitchhiker under control, I'd like to have him rub elbows with some like-minded individuals. Young folk with some Justice on their minds, and the power to change Society.

Key Notes

Characters of Note

References / Sample Post

bzz bzz motherfucker.

Sheet is done.

Me looking for the rights to play Venom.
The Blue Beetle


#1: First Contact

Lower Manhattan, New York City. 12:14 am

For the length of the journey between the academy and the minor clan quarter, Mitsuko remained as she usually was—silent. It was for the best, as she had little to say in response to Shunpei's absentminded inquiry as to her apple like complexion's origin. She was already ashamed enough to break her composure in such an uncontrollable way in front of their sensei, and the teasing that followed from Tsume did little to abate that feeling. Devoid of meaningful contribution, she cast her gaze towards the ground and opted to follow closely behind her nascent squad, led by the intrepid Hatake into parts that, for someone of her relatively high station, were totally unknown. She had never enjoyed much freedom to explore the village, remaining within the confines of the Hyūga compound when she was not at the academy.

It went without saying the new surroundings did not do much to help the anxiety of the day, but it provided a somewhat welcome distraction from her embarrassment. It was easy to surmise that this portion of the village was where the less well-to-do members of the population lived; the buildings were not so large or well-crafted, the streets were left to standards of cleanliness far below what she was accustomed to, and the people themselves fell marginally beneath the high aesthetic standards of her clansmen. It made her nervous, in truth. She felt like more of an outsider here than she normally did, and that feeling did not leave her even as they approached their apparent destination. For the first time since they passed through the gates of the academy, Mitsuko rose her head to steal more than a passing glance, and looked upon the dingy restaurant Shunpei had decided on.

"It's, uhm... quaint." She murmured to no one in particular, uncertain how to politely phrase her trepidation. She didn't have the opportunity to indulge in restaurants back home, though mother occasionally allowed her to buy snacks from the push-carts that set up within their quarter during festivals and celebrations. While Shunpei expressed his shock at their sensei's presence—something Mitsuko had oddly not paid much mind to, in spite of her hyper vigilance during the journey—the young Hyūga looked worriedly at that run-down ramen stand, then back to her team mates.

Would the food be safe? Surely the sanitation standards in this part of town couldn't be that high... Shunpei was familiar with it though, so surely the food couldn't have been too dangerous. How would she pay for it? She hadn't received an allowance in all her years, and they hadn't yet begun to take missions. Was Shunpei going to pay for them? How could he afford such extravagance if he lived in this part of the village? Ramen had meat in it, didn't it? Did they serve any food without meat in it? Meat was a luxury, and as such was rarely featured in her home. She didn't much like the idea of eating animals anyway, and the thought of a cute little pig having to die to sate her opulence made her almost as anxious as the food vendor in front of her did. When she noticed her team mates making to take a seat, she steeled herself against the cacophony of thoughts swirling in her mind and swallowed hard.

"Gambaro, Mitsuko." She whispered to herself, and pushed past the curtains separating the street from the counter, taking a seat on one of the many stools next to Shunpei.

House Stark

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yes @ discord.
me @ the starks.
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