Avatar of Asura


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2 yrs ago
Current At the end of the day, God is everyone's bull.
2 yrs ago
me the poopy you the pants.
2 yrs ago
i relate.


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Can't relate.

6' 0" | 178 lb. | 17 | 2nd Year | Male

Noriaki has always been someone ruled by his emotions; he is a passionate person by nature, with all the advantages and pitfalls that comes with. He is courageous, audacious, and possesses a strong sense of personal justice. His hotblooded temperament leads him to be in equal parts reckless, tempestuous and prone to outburst. Following his expulsion from his previous highschool and the stain it left on him, he finds himself ever more struggling to contain his fiery temper, and increasingly disillusioned with his peers, leading him to lash out in stubborn defiance—another strong trait of his.




Noriaki's transformation isn't especially dazzling. His eyes lose their natural, bright blue hue in return for a vibrant, slit-eyed violet coloration. Complete with devilish fangs and a dark, black and purple jacket like something out of a JRPG, he looks more like an anti-hero than the righteous rabbelrouser he might like to pretend he is.


The circumstances of Noriaki's birth are, mercifully, uncommon enough. Born to a single mother just old enough to have graduated highschool, his early years were nothing to be envious of. His mother worked hard to provide a meager life for them, often leaving him with friends during work nights until he was old enough to fend for himself in their tiny Osaka apartment. It wasn't a bad life—he never went hungry, nor unloved—but it wasn't a fair one either. He hated seeing his sole parent work so hard just to scrape by, seeing the scorn society seemed to feel for her just because his dad wasn't in the picture. These early experiences shaped who he was. He learned to fight through struggle by example, and learned that the world wasn't a perfectly just place despite what his grade school teachers said. Perhaps most importantly, he learned that he didn't like that.

It was a recipe for disaster, to say the least. Full of piss and vinegar and with a dire lack of guidance at home, young Noriaki found himself scuffling with other youths more often than not. He had no outlet for his temper, or the indignation he felt when they pitied him for his home life. He wouldn't find one until he enrolled into junior highschool. Just like his temper, he was big for his age, and when his homeroom teacher suggested he join the school's baseball team, he took to it like a duck took to water. He had the talent to be good, and the drive to turn that talent into something meaningful. It also didn't hurt that being on the team provided incentive to keep the worst of his impulses in check.

Baseball was the driving force that kept the youth on the straight and narrow, away from the worse crowds that his circumstances might have driven others into. He made it into a fairly prestigious highschool in the Osaka area by way of recommendation from his coaches, and found his stride on the team during his first year. By all accounts, he had a bright future in the sport—a year or two on the team, and a Koshien was almost assured. From there, maybe even a pro career, if his advisers were telling the truth. The potential to rise so far made his inevitable fall so much more tragic.

Towards the end of his first year, he snapped. To hear it told, he stormed into the locker room after practice and assaulted the club's captain with a bat, leaving him on crutches for the rest of the year after that bat broke not one, but both of his knees before the coach could get to them. The reasons were certainly the subject of rumor—jealousy at his position, mistreatment gone too far, a girl—but he wasn't privy to most of it, on account of the subsequent expulsion and introduction to the juvenile justice system. The whole affair robbed him of his last few months of freshmen year, his prospects, and his passion.

It was only by his markedly good behavior up until that point, and perhaps the oh so hated pity he was subjected to due to his familial situation, that he got off relatively light. They wanted to make sure his punishment didn't interfere with his education. So, he was allowed to attend school in the following spring after a stint in juvenile detention, albeit in another city after his mother insisted on getting a new start—the rumors hadn't just stopped filled school, but the neighborhood as well.

So his arrival in Kyoto was foretold.

Works part-time at a convenience store on weekends. Really likes cats.
Sirius Elhart Leverant

“You're either with me or against me. Pick one.”
Sirius, to his partner

Personal Dossier

Sirius Elhart Leverant




Standing at 6' 1", Sirius strikes an imposing figure and damned if he'll let anybody ever forget that. It goes without saying, therefore, that he possesses a carefully cultivated physique to match his stature—his build is lean and sinewy, like that of a finely tuned predator. But his frame is far from the only thing to be intimidated by. Everything about Sirius, by design, is meant to be striking. The sharp, well-defined profile of his face. The pale alabaster of his skin. The wild locks of jet black hair that contrast it so well, messily styled this way and that. His eyes are perhaps among the most prominent of his characteristics; two piercing silver spheres that stare intensely upon the world, reflecting the many hues of his many emotional highs and lows.

Child of privilege that he is, Sirius takes great pains to dress well when outside of his school uniform. His wardrobe is almost exclusively monochromatic in color, consistency of far too many shades of black and grey, just like his own features. Buttons ups, fine trousers, vests and jackets, hats and scarves. One could certainly poke fun at the effort he puts into looking good, in spite of his own macho tendencies. Such mockery matters not to him. All that matters is achieving his goal: never be forgotten.

Many words can be used to describe the tempest that is Sirius. Fiery, domineering, tumultuous, possessive, driven. He is incredibly competitive, aggressive in his pursuit of his goals, voracious for the praise and admiration of those around him, and more than willing to crush any and all who he deems obstacles. Wildly independent, he bucks under authority, desperate for the ability to control his own destiny yet shackled by his deep-seated need to be validated for all his fight. His world exists starkly in blacks and whites: there are those who are beneath him, and those he has yet to place beneath him, with little room in the middle for equals who hold neither sway over him, or who he holds no sway over. The need to conform to this unhealthy, superiority driven world view leads him to acts of cruelty and excess, but also forms the backbone of his implacable willpower, one of the few positive traits he exhibits with any regularity.

Background Information
Sirius is the most recent scion of the Leverant family, whose name may yet remain middling to the greater Confederacy, but looms tall in the history of his clannish home-world, Ares. Descended from the first jingoistic leadership of their nascent world, the House of Leverant rules among six other aristocratic families on the aptly named Council of Seven, the hereditary government which has led its populace to prosperity and strength across its nearly four hundred year history. Established by exiled officers after a failed coup on their homeworld of Mars, Ares held fast to a hawkish military tradition long before its first colonists realized the mineral wealth its surface possessed, and the potential for manufacturing such vast resources enabled.

It was these things—the staunch militarism of its populace, and its capacity to arm that populace—that made Ares an essential bulwark against the Ascendancy during the war some forty years ago. The men of Ares held an ever-shrinking line against the swarms of Ascendancy ICWs until the Valkyrie Program brought an armistice to the wartorn Confederacy. Men like Sirius' grandfather, now among the Confederacy's Admiralty for his hard-fought contributions to the war effort. Men whose legacies have molded Sirius since the day he was born.

As the youngest son of the current head, expectations of greatness and the dutiful acceptance of those expectations were to be second nature for him. Just as they were for his brothers, father, uncles and grandfathers before him. From his earliest years he was expected to thrive in all which he applied himself to, to struggle and fight and win for the sake of the family name and the world they represented. It worked, to a point. He learned the dogged resolve necessary to clinch victory from the jaws of defeat, even in the most trivial of competitions or tasks. He learned to assert himself against those he considered adversaries, to make it known his will was the one to be bowed to. He learned a lot of things, but perhaps chief among them, he learned resentment.

Sirius became something of a black sheep among his family as he grew from boy to teen to man. He came to hate the regimentation of his life, the expectation of deference to the greater good of the line. He lashed out, battled against his father and brothers, alienated himself from them even as he worked himself so hard to match—even exceed—their expectations and deeds. If he wished simultaneously freedom and their approval, he would earn only one upon coming of age: a spot at the prestigious Taiyōtawa Interstellar Piloting Academy set him free of familial machinations on Ares. A thinly veiled exile, ostensibly to pursue his talent as an ICW pilot.

Attributes & Other Information

Coordinator Type

Coordination Profile
Awareness | ■■■□□
Composure | ■□□□□
Endurance | ■■■■■
Instinct | ■■■■■
Intellect | ■□□□□

“Our best course of action might be what's called a 'tactical withdraw'.”
True Self
Charles Gaillard




Weapon of Choice

Earth, Metal; Divination, Enhancement, Protection

Playstyle & Attitude
Battlefield Controller; Pragmatist

C H A R L E S G A I L L A R D : A L L T H A T G L I T T E R S
C H A R L E S G A I L L A R D : A L L T H A T G L I T T E R S
Affluence. Privilege. Prestige. These words describe much of the life Charles Gaillard has led. While he was not born into the ultra-wealthy, Charles' parents skirted the margins just enough to ensure their son would never want for anything, be it material things or, as he grew from boy to man, opportunities to climb ever higher on the social ladder and secure a position even higher than their own. A natural extrovert and keen study, it was all but assured that Charles' schooling was an easy affair. He passed through his secondary schooling at the top of his class. When it came time for higher education, familial connections assured him a place in the Ivy League. As connections spawned connections and his magnetic personality won him fast friends during his raucous college years, a degree in business and finance transitioned him to a cushy position at a prestigious New York firm.

And so life turned and turned. Financially secure and content in the business of making money off of other's money, Charles' life played out like so many others. He tomcatted around for a while, met that special someone, tied the knot, and bought a house out in Queens. Their marriage proved fruitful, and three beautiful children followed. It was familiar. Comfortable.

It was boring.

For those so deprived, a lifestyle of conspicuous consumption seemed luxurious beyond measure. But for Charles, a lifetime of so easily achieving one's desires did little to quell his desires. So he found a thrill in other things. Alcohol, women, and the occasional illicit substance. Evermore he found himself at home less and less, focusing more on his career than his family. His excuses grew lamer and lamer. Eventually, his wife stopped asking what was on his breath, or where that glitter came from. Eventually, he stopped bothering to make up the stories. It was familiar. Comfortable.

Until it wasn't.

Three days after his youngest set off for Upstate, she served him in the papers. It hurt, at first. Then it hurt even more when he realized how much it hurt. It was easy to become bored with routine. With the constants in life. To take them for granted and push them from one's mind in search of something new and exciting. But all too often, only after it is too late, does one realize just how necessary they are. That was a lesson even Columbia failed to teach him.

The divorce went as smoothly as could be expected, after twenty years of marriage. And in the absence of his wife and children, Charles fell back into bad habits. But substance abuse, he knew, was a young man's game. So in place of the bottle, he searched for other frontiers to occupy his mind. Virtual reality was a strange one, especially for an old hound like himself, but it was cheaper than pills. Pariah Online swiftly became a refuge to escape a reality that, for the first time in a long time, ceased to readily welcome him.

A N D E R S : T H E W A L L W H I C H S T I N G S
A N D E R S : T H E W A L L W H I C H S T I N G S
Anders has been playing Pariah Online since day one of its launch—as he pre-ordered it a few days after the lawyers finalized his divorce—and so considers himself something of an old hand, even if the game is relatively new. A smooth-talking wisecracker, he proves to be an amiable and entertaining partner, though popular as he may be with random party members, he's made only a few concrete bonds in the game. Instead, he fancies himself a wanderer, moving from place to place and helping out wherever newer players need it. His experience in dealing with more difficult raids and tendency to enable more reckless DPS players assures that he has little difficulty sliding in and out of parties.

The game serves as an outlet for Anders' less appealing qualities. It allows him to seek the thrills that keep him titillated in a risk-averse way, carefully weighing the pros and cons of every engagement with the assurance even a mistake ultimately costs little more than a few minutes of wasted time. His focus on crowd-controlling and directing the flow of fights allows him to maintain a sense of control over the situations he finds himself in. An appealing prospect, given what awaits him when the headset is set aside. Perhaps most importantly, though he would be hard-pressed to admit it, it gives him a chance to prove he can be what he was not for his family. A positive influence. A protector. To prove he can be there when he is needed.

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