Avatar of Asura


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2 yrs ago
Current At the end of the day, God is everyone's bull.
2 yrs ago
me the poopy you the pants.
2 yrs ago
i relate.


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April 9th 2018

Commercial Kyoto

@Hero@Scribe of Thoth@WXer@psych0pomp
Noriaki stood stoic as his would-be boss looked him over. It wasn't a very long appraisal, in truth, and that was something the teen took in stride. As the older gentleman listed off the benefits of the job, he mowed them over in his head. It didn't exactly pay much, but it was also a part time job ringing up drinks and stocking shelves, so he wasn't going to be making a fortune any time soon. The flexibility of the schedule was nice, though he didn't foresee himself doing much after school to begin with.

Especially not to a godforsaken Lawson's with the shitty chicken apologists that had been accompanying him.

"Yeah, I did," Noriaki answered nonchalantly when questioned on his recent arrival, "I just got here this week."

He briefly cast a gaze over towards Asakura, glaring at the teen who had the nerve to both imply his employment was ruse to get them away from crap food and throw away a perfectly fine sandwich in his presence. He was starting to understand why the man spent his lunch on the roof sucking on eggs alone. But his irrational irritation aside, the former athlete had more pressing matters at hand. Namely, locking down this job.

"When do you want me to start? Or is there like, paperwork I gotta fill out first?"


April 9th 2018

Commercial Kyoto

@Hero@Scribe of Thoth@WXer@psych0pomp
It was a great relief that for all her disinterest, the clerk seemed to ring the group up with a sense of expediency. It was probably just so she could go back to flicking through some trashy rag or another, but it didn't matter to Noriaki. All that mattered to him was the greasy slab of boneless meat inside the wrapping he held, and the bread with which to sandwich it. He tore through plastic and paper alike with his teeth, and hastily assembled his mid-afternoon delight before the group even had a chance to leave the store.

The payoff was heavenly, and as he bit through soft dough and crunchy chicken, he was privy to perhaps the one time he had been truly relieved since leaving home earlier that morning. The humble famichiki sandwich had been his reprieve after way too many long, arduous practices. A reward for a day of hardworking, shared with friends now lost to him, where he could sate his hunger and laugh away whatever woes the coaches and upperclassmen had caused among like minded individuals. It had been months since he could relish in the familiar comfort of its taste, and it seemed that the fellows that had accompanied him had also tucked in during his reverie.

But they did not share his bliss. Like Senators to Caesar, they drove their dissenting opinions into his brief moment of happiness until it all bled away from him like an Emperor betrayed. Gripping his precious sandwich in one hand, he placed his other on the edge of the counter, leaning towards the duo with animosity in his eyes entirely unwarranted by the critique of a simple piece of convenience store chicken.

"You're both disgraces to your uniforms." Noriaki told them as if it was plainly obvious fact, and he was its arbiter. It was all he could do not to launch into a tirade against these Lawson's apologists, and their preference for overpriced, over-breaded garbage. It was warranted, absolutely, but it was inevitable that Noriaki would become a regular at this location, and he didn't want to start a scene here. Especially not in front of the manager, who had apparently materialized while he was enjoying his brief walk down memory lane.

The presence of the older man gave him an excuse to redirect his anger to something more productive. Leaning on the counter as he was, he couldn't help but notice the help wanted sign that had just been smoothed out before him. He scanned it with icy eyes, pondering for a few seconds. He certainly could do with the money; the Hoshino family was not an especially wealthy one, and the pet store trip had burnt into what meager savings from birthdays and holidays he called his own. Usually, a part-time job would have cut into his baseball practice, but that wouldn't be a problem any longer, as bitter as that thought was to him. It would be good to have something to spend his afternoons doing. Might even impress that pin-headed parole officer.

"I'll do it," He suddenly piped, straightening up so he could look the manager in the face, "I'll take the job."

Hopefully the cashier wouldn't make good on her promise of an impromptu throat surgery.


April 9th 2018

Commercial Kyoto

@Scribe of Thoth@WXer@psych0pomp
Noriaki resisted the urge to bristle at Daigo's quietly muttered statement. Of all the places for people to claim he had an accent, fucking Kyoto? If he wanted to take shit for the way he talked, he would have moved to Tokyo and dealt with all those urbanites up in Kanto. An ironic thing to internally fuss over, considering his current preoccupation in crowd navigation. It seemed as though the ginger youth—for all his lack of height—managed to follow along just fine, even going as far as to introduce himself more properly.

"Hoshino Noriaki. Nice to meet you."

The teen responded succinctly as he passed the so-called Dog-a-Corn, pausing in front of the pet shop doors as his companion posed a question. In all honesty, he didn't have any further plans aside from this, and it certainly didn't seem like Asakura had anywhere impressive to show him back when they discussed plans in class. He thought on it for a second or two, before an avian display inside the store proper caught his eye and became his muse.

"You guys like chicken?"

The shopping Noriaki had to do was mercifully quick, impatient as he tended to be. A litter box and accompanying scoop, some actual liter, a food bowl, a couple of cans of some godforsaken fish concoction and a collar. He had also splurged on a couple of cat bow-ties, but he tried to keep those out of sight of his companions—he didn't need Asakura lecturing him on being up-sold on accessories. A cat deserved to be dapper and he wasn't going to let somebody who shared a hair color with blueberries scold him on that.

But thoughts of fancy cats were far from his mind as the group approached their destination: FamilyMart. It was a bit like the blind leading the sighted, the new kid dragging the natives to an eatery, but Noriaki had always liked the chicken they sold. Besides, he didn't have much to snack on back at the house anyway, so it was an investment in both his present and future hunger. The typical ring greeted the group as Noriaki forged ahead, and the clerk piped up with more forced enthusiasm than expected for someone of her posture. Not like he cared.

"Yo," He greeted out of equally expected politeness, before peering over his shoulder towards his fellow classmates, "I'm telling you guys, you buy some curry bread and smack a hunk famichiki right in the middle of it. Best chicken sandwich you're gonna get from a konbini."

He spoke with all the authority that years of being a ravenous, semi-broke student athlete could lend one in regards to cheap convenience store fare. Whether or not they believed him mattered little—he had bread to procure, and chicken to inspect. He didn't want to end up with one of the dry pieces from the front, and the counter-faced cashier certainly didn't instill him with confidence when it came to choosing a juicy one.


April 9th 2018

Commercial Kyoto

@Scribe of Thoth@WXer
Noriaki scratched at his chin as the bubbly ginger pointed out the sampling of stock one could glance through the door. He supposed it was a dumb question in hindsight, what with the storefront itself not too far away, but it didn't seem to bother the redhead. He watched with mild interest as the boy—whose surname was Hinari, as Kazuyoshi had just reminded him—stood on the tips of his toes and decided to question his guide instead. It was hard to tell whether or not that was just one of the animated lad's eccentricities, or if it was to compensate for the height difference between the two. Regardless of the reasoning, his prompting seemed to drag the azure-haired youth out of his daydreaming.

Something Noriaki quickly came to curse. Why the hell was it that whenever Asakura opened his mouth, something dumb had to come out along with the rest?

"The fuck are we, in the Meiji era? It's a pet store, not a bazaar. I'll be in and out in five minutes," he interjected, although the salesmen and their nefarious ways weren't what poked at his nerve, "And I do not have an accent—Osaka is literally a twenty minute train ride south."

Content that he had defended himself and his home, Noriaki stuffed his hands into his pockets and began to trudge his way through the assembled shoppers, towards his destination and its bizarre mascot. In spite of his protests, he fully expected his overly forward guide to follow along, and with how pleased to help he seemed, Hinari would probably be on their heels as well. That might have been something of a blessing, in truth. Maybe one of them could explain what the hell no-clumping litter was and why he wouldn't want it to clump up in the first place. Wasn't that the whole point?


April 9th 2018

Commercial Kyoto

@Scribe of Thoth@WXer
"I hear ya, but I'm telling you now that sleep ain't gonna be changing me much by tomorrow."

Noriaki resisted the urge to roll his eyes at Asakura's statement. The bags beneath his eyes seemed to tell a much different story. But he wasn't going to push the issue—it seemed as though his usually chipper classmate had something more damning than a lack of sleep weighing on his mind, and he didn't care to go digging through other people's personal affairs. Especially not after his little run in with the council's president. Finally getting a move on was a welcome change in to the lingering quiet that had accompanied the tonal change, and the follow-up that Asakura had for him did finally earn an eye roll. The kid from Kyoto was going to tell him about urban charm?

Their journey through the streets of the city certainly made him question his companion's city slicking. He half expected the route to be so convoluted on purpose, as some kind of dumb joke to pull on the new kid. Maybe Kyoto was just old, and lacking the intuitive design of modernity in its layout. Maybe Kazu just didn't know where the hell they were going. He was poking away at his phone curiously before they set off. For the sake of politeness, Noriaki kept his thoughts to himself; hopping a few fences and ducking through an alleyway or two wasn't an issue for someone like him. If nothing else, his host kept the small talk flowing, although the lighthearted bantering took at least one turn towards the more serious.

"Experience, I guess," Noriaki answered vaguely, "Besides, she wasn't just there to greet a new student. She was there to throw something in my face. Some kinda power play. I hate that kinda backhanded shit. Pisses me the fuck off."

If his expletives didn't key off his irritation, then the venom in his voice would have. Maybe it would ward off any follow up questions. He certainly didn't want to talk about his record or the queen bitch waving it over his head anymore than he already had to. Their arrival in the shopping district proper gave him a convenient excuse to gloss over the topic regardless. It was no Tennoji, but the bustling commercial plaza seemed like it would get the job done.

"Man, do I look like I'm familiar with what the hell a dog-a-corn sells? Could be corndogs for all I know. You're the native, can't you—" His griping was cut off shortly thereafter, as they were approached by a member of the ever shifting crowd. He had half a mind to tell whatever street hawker had interrupted him off until he caught sight of just who it was; a fellow Hinotori student, based off the uniform, and one he remembered at that. It was hard to miss the kid's shock of messy ginger hair, especially when you shared a homeroom.

Even if you could miss his hair, it sure as hell seemed hard to miss his mouth. The excitable youth talked on and on, the majority of it directed at Noriaki himself. Not a surprise, of course. He had spent a sizable portion of lunch answering the questions of curious peers, some of which weren't even in his class. There was a short pause after some mention of crab, and Noriaki seized the initiative before his classmate went rambling any further.

"Uh, thanks, I guess? It's been pretty alright, so far." He didn't exactly want to be rude to someone welcoming him to the city, but he had pressing matters to attend. Matters that this particular fellow might have been able to help him with, if his knowledge of local dry cleaners was anything to go by.

"You happen to know what the hell that thing sells?" He asked, hiking a thumb over his shoulder to gesture towards the seed-shaped dog costume, "'Cause I need cat food and a litter box, as appealing as deep fried hotdogs might sound right now."
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