Avatar of Asura


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Current At the end of the day, God is everyone's bull.
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me the poopy you the pants.
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i relate.


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April 10th 2018

The Hall of Mirrors

@Hero@Scribe of Thoth@Lord Orgasmo@RiverMaiden
Like most things in life, a show of overwhelming force seemed to settle the issue. Noriaki watched as the torrent of flame and lightning and energy besides peeled away at the layers of the beast until it was forced to retreat into itself. Something rose from within its depths, and the athlete certainly didn't need a catgirl shouting out him to realize what it was—something solid had finally manifested, which meant something that could be properly struck.

Wrapping both his hands around the hilt of his sword and leveling it towards the beast, he burst out into a mad dash towards the creature, keen on seizing this opportunity while it was still present. He crouched low as he approached, aiming the tip of his blade upwards as he coiled down like a spring. Then, when he was finally close enough, he launched himself forward.

A sickening crunch followed as he rammed the length of the blade up through the bottom of the mask. There was no way of knowing whether or not it would be lethal, these shadows being what they were, but he was certain it would at least hurt. Wrenching the blade to try and do as much damage as possible, he turned his head over his shoulder, calling out to the others and their assembled Personas through the cherubic wings of his own.

"Don't just stand there! Get over here and stab it!"


April 10th 2018

The Hall of Mirrors

@Hero@Scribe of Thoth@Lord Orgasmo@RiverMaiden
It seemed as though Noriaki didn't need to make good on his threat—no sooner than Daigo's newly formed Persona yanked the creature up from its well did the cat girl go throwing herself down it. Not a minute beforehand she had been pulling him away from it, warning him of the danger. He had to bite his tongue to keep from chewing her out for her hypocrisy. While she had been spared from his verbal assault the shadow certainly seemed intent on assaulting her itself. The teen watched as their opponent came pouring out of the structure it had hid within, Mira apparently having been lodged in its body thanks to her foolhardy antics. A flick of his weapon sent the ashy remains one of its many appendages, and he leveled the sword to prepare for another assault.

Being unable to simply hack into it—lest he himself become snared by its gelatinous body—he was left with only one other option. Any misgivings about possibly striking the girl he had saved from a similar fate just nights before faded as a bolt of light shot from behind him towards the beast. It seemed as though Daigo was intent of pouring attacks into it regardless, although the direction of the assault almost made it seem like he was purposefully trying to hit their trapped 'ally'. If the scrawny ginger had been more prone of malice, he might have assumed that was a purposeful act. Perhaps it was an attempt to free her? It didn't matter. Even as more brilliant lights exploded onto the scene behind him and lightning came raining down from the sky, his goal remained the same.


His sword pointed directly towards the center mass of the monster, aiming the resulting blast of flame so that it would begin in the middle of the creature and begin to burn its way outwards. His pinning and subsequent roast of the monster's arm had proven that it was not impervious to fire, and that with enough heat, the substance it was comprised of began to break down a carbonize. Either this thing was all goo, or it had some kind of core. Either way, violet flames would reveal all.


Another burst followed the first, fanning the inferno of hellish fire that localized itself on the blob's center. The question of just how many blasts it took to cook the little bastard out would come to reveal itself in time.

Any devious scheme to get Tsubasa to pay for her meals would have to be put on pause—no sooner did the words leave her mouth did she spot someone approaching the forge. Someone Keiko was not especially happy to see. True, she wasn't happy to see most people, but to be face-to-face with the Master's niece this early in the morning was a quick way to bitter her mood worse than it already had been. Her family practically was Heiseina, the privileged few who oversaw all and kept things running smoothly. A representation of their sleepy little village, and in more ways than one. It didn't take an especially sharp eye to see the iciness in Fumiko's eyes the second they drifted from Tsubasa to herself. An immediate rejection, even through the facade of pleasantries that poured out of her mouth in the moments that followed. A perfect metaphor for how the town had treated her.

She hated it. The look, the village, the Takamori and Fumiko all. It took all her composure not to let the animosity that had building in the back of her mind all morning boil to the surface. She wanted to do something to wipe that sweet, fake little smile off the girl's face. To do something to make her feel some pain for once in her perfect little life. She wouldn't need to think for long. That cold gaze that had spurred on Keiko's spiteful side was the answer to her plea. She could see the way the girl's eyes lit up when she looked at Tsubasa. The little smiles. The sugary tone. There was an easy way to make her squirm.

"Hmm, I don't know. Tsu-kun and I were just about to head off to see the festival together," Keiko replied, her tone just as manufactured in its cheer. She took advantage of their proximity, reaching over to loop her arm through his own and lean into him a little. An intimate thing, but she was sure he wouldn't care, oblivious lug that he was. She imagined Fumiko, on the other hand, would care quite a lot—especially when she caught sight of the slightest hint of the smug little grin tugging across her feature.

"I suppose we could postpone our little date if it's super important. What do you think?" She inquired, casting a decidedly more innocent gaze up at Tsubasa.
tags - @Hero

A pout found its way onto Keiko's lips, and she had half a mind to begin guilt tripping him for his declaration that he did not, in fact, intend to ask her to the festival. She decided to be merciful in the end, seeing as though he quickly pivoted his answer—as much as she wanted to see him squirm, there would be many more opportunities to do so if she actually spent more than just a few passing moments with him that day. The short girl dropped back onto her heels after a moment, her pout morphing into a face of contemplation.

Of course, he hadn't just stopped there. The heartfelt words that followed almost made her give up her mischievous little act. There was an urge—a very strong urge—to break her facade of consideration when he mentioned her being part of the village, to meet him with disdain. As if he knew what it felt like to be ostracized. Half the village youths swooned over him, and the other half wanted to be him. But she steeled herself against the worst of those actions, and decided to respond in her usual teasing.

"Well, I suppose I don't mind going with you. Even if you are sweating through your shirt," She said, resplendent in her mercy, "You'll be paying for the food though, right? I treated you to breakfast, you know. It impolite to remain indebted to a lady."


April 10th 2018

The Hall of Mirrors

@Hero@Scribe of Thoth@Lord Orgasmo@RiverMaiden
Noriaki's forward advance was cut short of its goal, as he found someone tugging on the back of his jacket. He scarcely needed to turn his head to figure out the source of the interruption, and he growled in irritation as he spun around, giving the cat-girl who had been trying his patience for the better part of an afternoon a good shove for her trouble.

"You're on thin fuckin' ice as it is. The next time you grab me, I'm throwing you down that well!"

The inhabitant of the aforementioned well must have taken a level of offense to that, for it rose out of the depths and branched itself into four separate halves shortly after his comment, each shaped like the damnable hands that had gotten him—and everyone else, for that matter—into this mess in the first place. If there was anything worthy of taking the brunt of his ire, it would be this thing and all its god damned hands. He dragged his hefty blade up off the ground as the appendages swayed back and forth, perhaps looking for targets, before they suddenly fired forward at the group.

It didn't take an athlete's eye coordination to realize one of them directed itself towards him, and so Noriaki threw his weight backwards, avoiding the clutching digits as they snapped to grab him. His immediate instinct was to simply slash it while it was overextended, but he recalled how it had proved resistant enough to the ice shards Mira had rained on it before. It would likely just shrug off a single cut and retreat back to strike again. He wasn't about to let it get off that easily. Lunging forward, the teen held his sword high above his head and switched it around so the tip faced downwards. With all his weight, he thrust it downwards.

There was a sickening crunch as he drove the blackened blade through the shadow's flesh and further beyond, embedding his weapon into the ground to pin the hand and block its retreat. A move which likely bought him more time, but took away his main avenue of attack. But a simple sword was not his only avenue of attack, he remembered. He was not alone in this fight.


As he called the name, the blue flames which had been the crucible of his rebirth exploded forth from his shoulder blades. The fire branched out like so many petals of a flower, forming six pairs of luminous wings that stretched wide behind him. The fires coalesced, as they had before when he summoned his blade, only rather than form another weapon, the wisps gave way to a cherubic figure, the azure wings replaced with radiant white feathers that enclosed Noriaki. The angelic being placed its small hands atop the devil's head, leaning over him as if to view the prize he had trapped with vague interest.


Then there was more fire. Only, instead of the cerulean that had summoned the angel, the fire that burst around the hand was a deep, hellish violet, and brought with it not only light but horrible heat. Heat which did not bother Noriaki in the slightest. He merely continued holding the creature's limb down with his sword, hoping to burn it away with the power his Persona had given him.
Sirius Leverant

If there was any satisfaction to be had on this day, it was the small sliver Sirius managed to gain as he watched the cogs in Miss Realis-Donati's head turn. She had done well enough to hide her offense, something that gave him an inkling as to her social strata, but the sharpness of his words seemed to catch her just off guard enough that it shone through. It was unfortunate that she had so much composure, as verbally sparring with someone would have been a worthwhile distraction from pitiful sports scores. Instead, it seemed his unwanted guest insisted on remaining, brushing off his comment like so much water off a duck's back.

"I wouldn't know," Sirius fired back in retort, flicking the retort pouch that held the remainder of his lunch. He wasn't about to let her totally sidestep his attempts to inflame her, after all. But he didn't entirely intend on hinging the whole of their conversation on her bovine like endowments—she had come to him for some reason or another, and it was at least worth inquiring as to why.

"Most people can't help themselves when it comes to irritating me. But, you've come all this way, so you might as well tell me—just why do you think you'd like to get to know me?"
tags - @Hero

"Of course there's always work to be done—the only other smith in the village is a lush." Keiko responded in her usual matter-of-factly manner, regardless of how uncouth it was to insult a man while dallying on his property. It wasn't like the old man was around to defend himself, if he could even manage it at such an early, hangover laden hour. As she greedily deposited the last few wedges of her orange into her mouth, the girl dismounted from the workbench she had claimed as a seat, making her way over to the table Tsubasa had apparently just finished before her unexpected arrival. She poked at it with a toe, as if to test the strength of the structure with such a minimal use of force.

"Wonder what the old man is doing that requires such a sturdy table. Or who, I guess. Never know with old lechers," She mused conspiratorially as she chewed, although she couldn't quite follow that train of thought too far, as her musings were interrupted by Tsubasa inflicting a wound of his own upon her pride. An unknowing redress for her teasing, perhaps. She swallowed down the remnants of her carefully cultivated treat before peering up at the taller male.

"Nope. I never do. I never have anyone to go with, so I usually spend most of the festival back at the tower, waiting for it to end so everything goes back to normal," Despite the sorrowful tale she told, she remained indifferent as ever in tone and expression, "I'm not even sure what people get up to for most of it, if I'm honest. I guess it must be pretty enjoyable—but I wouldn't know."

She made just a few steps forward, pushing herself up onto her very tiptoes in order to get more on level with Tsubasa. Only then did the slightest glimpse of mischief start to shine through her big brown eyes.

"Unless that was your way of asking whether or not I'd be interested in going to the festival with you. Is that why you ask? Did you want to take me? Huh? Did you? Did you really?"


April 10th 2018

The Hall of Mirrors

@Hero@Scribe of Thoth@Lord Orgasmo@RiverMaiden
There was something absurdly satisfying about the feeling of a blade biting into the flesh of the bizarre monstrosities assailing them. The satisfaction it provided might have been something to worry about, if not for the adrenaline that pumped its way through Noriaki's veins. But his body wouldn't not allow him to doddle on idle thoughts, the shadowy creatures swarming upon him in greater number, ignoring the redheaded classmate in his peripheral vision in favor of the one attacking them. That much he was glad for—as much as he snarled and griped, he didn't want Daigo getting hurt. The entire reason Noriaki had been dragged to this horrible place was to keep him out of harm's way, and it would be all for naught if he and the others ended up devouring by these things. Confident his initial charge had drawn enough of their ire, the teen narrowed his attention on those which came snapping at him with slavering jaws, returning the favor with a series of powerful swings and daring thrusts.

Consumed in the newfound battle as he was, his mind drifted away from thoughts of Daigo. Perhaps that had been folly. As he chopped and hacked, his classmate was forced to confront something more dire than a few errant shadows. A confrontation he too had suffered through in the days prior, and one which resolved in a manner that seemed to pull the spotlight away from him and right back onto the ginger. Noriaki cast a glance over his shoulder as the brightness reached a radiant peak, witnessing the golden figure that had come to the aid of their cowardly food snob. Whatever reverence he could have had for the birth of a new Persona and its show of force against a stray shadow was quickly quashed by Mira's squealing, and he rolled his eyes at their irritant of a guide.

"If you've got time to shriek and bark orders, you've got time to fight. Focus on... whatever the fuck these things are," He grumbled sourly, before returning to what he had been doing before; slaying the creatures that wanted them all dead.

Thankfully, his efforts and those of his fellow 'awakened' had been enough to get the group through the door at the end of the hall. It was almost like they had escaped, but as usual when the cat-girl he had grown to disdain got involved, things were not so simple. A look to the sky and its endless void robbed Noriaki of any sense of relief, and Mira's orders only earned a groan from him. Of course 'he' wasn't going to just come out and fight them. There just had to be more bullshit to go through. The devil-boy affixed the well before them with sharp eyes.

"I didn't even like InuYasha," He grumbled to no one in particular, proceeding to march forward, his blade dragging through the grass behind him.

"You grab me and drag me into this fucking well and I'll ram this sword so far up your ass you'll be tasting iron for a week, you hear me?!"
I might wait until the discord is up properly before I commit to anything. Pretty out of my depth in the finer points of the lore, and being able to ask questions and get answers that don't take me 30 minutes of wiki diving to answer would be helpful.
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