Avatar of Asura


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Current At the end of the day, God is everyone's bull.
2 yrs ago
me the poopy you the pants.
2 yrs ago
i relate.


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April 13th 2018

Hinotori Highschool

@Hero@Scribe of Thoth@Lord Orgasmo@Obscene Symphony
No sooner than the words had left his mouth did the little nuisance make herself known—even in the dark of the powerless locker room, he could make out the silhouette of the cat that had been the source of such misfortune in the days prior. He followed her with his eyes, watching her navigate through the locker room and launch herself up onto the sink nearest the mirror. As if having waited for the final piece to click into place, the butterfly disappeared, and Noriaki sighed. It seemed there was no going back now. Their senpai certainly seemed excited, although he almost didn't have the heart to tell her they didn't need protection, especially from someone who couldn't even see.

By the time he crossed the room to reach the mirror, Daigo had already hoisted himself up and into the mirror. Placing a tense hand on the counter, he silently cursed his growth spurts, hoping it would hold his weight while he clamored through to the mirror world. Giving it a few testing pushes, he made quick work in pulling himself up onto his knees, and then further across into the mirror. His hands sunk through the surface like so much water, and his vision was overtaken by light.

When it returned, he found himself not on his knees, but on his feet once again, azure flames crackling off his newly formed clothing. He gave a cautious touch of his brow, confirming his devilish horns had returned, and the sharp cracking of a whip that followed his annoyance at their presence all but confirmed his tail had also come back. He'd really need to learn to control that in the future. A brief glance around following his self-check revealed that they weren't in the fantasy world from before; this place looked exactly like the gym, albeit a distorted version full of shifting silhouettes.

"Oh, fuck me. They're all themed aren't they? What's today's gimmick? A three-on-three? Maybe some dodgeball?" He grumbled to no one in particular.
is this because all the other males dropped

to the victor go the spoils.
alright follow me on this all of you become my girlfriends and we slap on a harem tag.
fuck you i'm still gonna post
fuck you i'm still gonna post


April 13th 2018

Hinotori Highschool

@Hero@Scribe of Thoth@Lord Orgasmo@Obscene Symphony
It was difficult to discern whether the torrent of words that came pouring from Ueno was an information dump or a form of therapy for the girl. It was somewhat ironic; Noriaki had done all he could to avoid other Persona users, at least until his hand had been forced, and yet his senior seemed to find some level of catharsis in having other contract holders to talk with. If all she said was true—and he had little reason to doubt it, considering their similarly bizarre circumstances—then he couldn't fault her for it too much. She had shouldered the burden for far longer than he had, in addition to losing her friends to the Other Side and its unknowable machinations. The last member remaining member of the previous batch.

Pushing aside the implication of their own disposable nature, the teen found himself no less stir crazy as the recounting of events began to work its way to a conclusion. He had, over the last week, pieced together some of what she had to tell them. Her explanation helped fill in gaps here and there, although none were of any comfort to him. Not least among those uncomfortable revelations was reveal of the ground zero of this entire supernatural affair; Daigo had quickly confirmed to their senpai that the house in question had been the one they had visited a few nights prior, and the burned out ruin that had been his initiation point into the world of Persona even earlier than that. As much as he didn't want a bunch of random classmates buzzing around his house every time William decided to humor them, there was no avoiding it now.

"Would it make you feel better or worse if I told you the place that I ran into that girl looked exactly like a stage? Or that her sudden appearance as a cat came the day after William told me the 'previous denizen' had escaped? I don't exactly know who your friend was, or what she looked like, but I reckon she might know a little more about Mineri-san than just her whereabouts. Might wanna ask her yourself, if she decides to sniff us out today."

He found himself once again eying the doorway to the locker room after his contribution.

"Actually, it's pretty weird that she hasn't shown up yet. I swore I saw her earlier, which should have keyed me in on something happening today. Always figured it was the black cats that brought bad luck, but here we are."
<Snipped quote by Asura>

A seal is a location in the world where a lot of mana is gathered and where the Summon Spirits rest. It's equivalent to a temple.

oh that's messed
so wait, whats a seal?


April 13th 2018

Hinotori Highschool

@Hero@Scribe of Thoth@Lord Orgasmo@Obscene Symphony
All in all, this outcome was probably the best Noriaki could have asked for. His suspicions about their blind senior were all but confirmed by her jubilation at their presence and the knowledge they too had been roped into William's little scheme. It was for the best, as it meant he didn't need to bullshit some piss poor good Samaritan excuse to explain their sudden storming of the locker room. She seemed absolutely desperate for details from her fellow 'Awakened', and seeing as though Daigo had a tendency to blabber when he was nervous, the teen found a part of the wall devoid of lockers to lean himself up against, crossing his arms and shooting the occasional glance towards the entrance as the others explained themselves.

The others did an okay enough job at explaining the happenstances that had led them into this particular scenario. Of course, Daigo knew more than Mori seemed to, but Daigo was a few gasps away from a panic attack, so he couldn't fault the poor kid for not explaining their little midnight rendezvous into the burnt out house. It would be up to him to explain that part, when it was his time to speak. Which it seemed to be.

"You want the long version or the short version? Actually, don't answer that. We don't have time for the long version. Power could come back on any minute now," He began, peering towards the mirror and its spectral visitor while speaking, as if he put as much stock in an intruder bursting through it as he did with the actual door, "Earlier in the week, I followed a cat into a burnt out house at the end of my street. Bunch of ghostly hands dragged me through a mirror inside the ruins. Ended up finding a girl in there, got my Persona, saved her from some horrible demon woman, and she sent me on my way. Figured that would be the end of that, but a few days later, she reappeared—as a cat this time, although different from the first one—and roped me into saving these two from the same hands that tried to do me in."

He almost gestured towards Daigo and Genki for emphasis, but quickly realized how dumb he'd look trying to pantomime to the visually impaired. Instead, he carried on spinning his little yarn, figuring it best to address the ostensible mastermind of the entire affair.

"Decided to go to the house again the day before yesterday, after William made his little appearance in my dreams, spewing cryptic shit. Turns out, the place looks way different when you're Awakened. Interior is still furnished, and that damned catgirl lives there. William's there too, although he didn't offer Hinari or I anything of use. Just vaguely implications that we ought to do whatever the butterfly wants us to do, or more people are going to get hurt."

He chewed his lip as the words settled, mowing over anything he might have missed in his very generous abridged version of events. A final thought did occur to him, mostly in response to a tidbit from Genki's explanation that stuck out in his mind.

"Wouldn't count on Sasaki showing up to help us. She cashed out her contract, apparently. I'd be surprised if we saw her at school again, to hear the consequences of that told."
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