Cryptiic said
Awesome! I look forward to seeing how this turns out. I'll start thinking of a post right away.Before I actually start writing however, might I trouble you with a few questions regarding the setting?First of all, roughly how advanced is the current technological level? Is the use of spaceships widespread and accessible?What are they fueled/propelled with? Are there any other currently existing space colonies out there, and if so where?Does the station have a stable artificial gravitational field? How does it work, rotation or some other means? If they exist, do any of the space colonies have an independent political status? Are they civilian based, or more the military/corporate/research types?Are there non-inhabited automated corporate structures in space? Could you describe the elevator vehicle a bit?Sorry for the wall of questions, I just like to make sure that I don't make any mistakes in regards to the setting... My apologies if you answer any of that in the IC post.
No no it's fine. I'm glad someone's curious.
The technology is pretty advanced, even for a "realistically assumed" year of 2182. The presence of "super-mind" heroes and villains before their subjugation allowed for an accelerated development of technology in nearly all fields; though military tech received the brunt of it for obvious reasons. However this surge in speed has since halted, and is now progressing at "human velocities". Commercial, private, and civilian-owned space travel is wide-spread. Advances in medicine allows for a rather unfortunate birth:death rate in the favor of rampant overpopulation. Human beings survive well into 200 years old, thankfully so considering immortality has been achieved but strictly banned. Quantum computing allows for AI, though the viability of rampant AI is impossible given proper programming protocol. Laser beams. Pew pew. Though kinetic weapons are still preferred.
Spaceship propulsion varies, with the more advanced ones utilizing Diametric Drives for yaw and pitch, and quantum vacuum plasma propulsion for forward and reverse movement. Less expensive (read: civilian-owned) use quantum vacuum propulsion alone for all directional movement.
Space colonies extend well into the outer reaches of the solar system, and several interstellar expeditions have been sent off, though none have reached their destination point yet. Mars has been terraformed into one with an atmosphere, though still requires the wearing of breathing apparatuses due to the thinner air outside. Most space colonies orbit around the gas giants, utilizing the minerals found in their rings to fuel expansion.
Graviton manipulation allows for the creation of artificial gravity in space without the need for centrifugal forces.
Politics with space colonies ultimately breaks down into corporations brawling with one another. Most, if not all significantly sized space stations are owned by megacorporations, though some are owned by governments (who cannot afford such large establishments on their own). If you live on a corporate-owned station, you are either
a) A worker for the company or one of its many smaller variants
b) Rich
c) One of the many civilians given an opportunity to live there by way of lottery
Automated space colonies exist generally, again, around the gas giants. They act as AI-controlled mining stations with only a few human hands to fix things that break down.
The elevator proceeds at an angle, with its occupants facing the "back-end" of the elevator. Think of a movie theatre and have the projector screen be on the opposite end of the direction the elevator travels. It contains several dozen padded seats in rows of differing height within the elevator, and there appears to be a stage of sorts at its lowest point, facing the seats like in a college classroom.
Hope that answers your questions.