Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
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Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

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Fairgrounds just outside the city of Mirare
Bel-Hel Festival

Shadows flickered upon surfaces of rippling light, running along the wood of trees and encircling dull stars extending their warmth from the earth. Music of an active grimness hummed in the air, driven by the white-painted figures of many players, like the sounds of a gang of devils mischievously prowling the night. Hearty bellows of laughter and feminine wails permeated between the gaps of tents as the spirits of play, seemingly emanating from the impish grins that formed where the shadows met candlelight. Countless figures moved about the grounds, fleetingly or in a drunken stupor, arm in arm or crawling upon the ground in a frightening display of acrobatics and limber. Those spidery forms, dressed in black and painted with colors to convey their status as an actor of dead, moved hand-over-foot along the dirt, spooking small groups of women with short screams from the base of their flowing skirts. The lasses would jump and just as quickly cover their moment of fright with hands upon their mouths as they giggled and continued on their way.

Indeed it was the Bel-Hel Festival of Raphae, situated upon the gnarly fairgrounds of the Mirare province. Built along the grim forests known to most as the Bel-Hel Grove, it was the perfect spot to host such a macabre party. Themed after the dead, the spiritual, the incorporeal, its participants and purveyors dressed in dark colors and painted their faces with skeletal white patterns. Freaks of nature showed their faces here, astounding the people of Raphae with strangeness and a curious fear. Nonetheless, such a black event was far from going without the rambunctious nature of Raphae's people itself; food, drink, and dance were always the main attraction. Large swathes of bodies melded together in a field of burning pits, swinging about each other in a macabre dance under the night sky and the drum-heavy music that fell from it like sinewy bats.

While certainly not the largest of Raphae's traditions by far, it did well to impress. Few could truly engage in everything it had to offer; indeed one would be remiss to realize they had only a short time in the nights to partake in what was upfront and available. Those that dabbled too shortly in too many activities failed to fully enjoy but a few as well as others. Men and women alike skirmished with one another in a battle of the gut, their weapons a cold glass of ale. Connoisseurs of the grapevine cut at one another with blades of knowledge, identifying their drinks like a detective at the scene of a crime, with a leering eye and lips curled into pride.

But battle in its truest sense was also just as prominent. As was custom for the Bel-Hel Festival, knights of the Raphae might would dress themselves in terrifying, dilapidated armors reminiscent of that which a risen skeletal soldier might don themselves. Grinning skulls covered their already darkened faces, and they carried in their hands wooden swords as they prowled through the Bel Hel forest. In its center resided a fountain of coin, given to anyone who could reach its golden, metallic waters. Those brave enough to venture inside with their own acquired sword of wood would be met with these acting knights. Their comical stumbling and groans were reflective of how seriously they took their position. In the end, the knights often claimed they always attained more entertainment value than the stubborn citizens who desired sudden wealth.

The festival only halted when the participants could not move any further, too tired to continue, too drunk to stay conscious, or too occupied with the individuals they shared a bed with that night. All throughout the night, it perpetuated, fueled by that endless energy Raphae people exhibited. And as more and more entered the wall of tents and wooden booths late into the party, more and more were reinvigorated to continue. It was always a difficult gamble to discern when they would finally end their events.

Leaning upon the curled root of a large tree, two individuals stood watch over one of many groups of dancers, eyes glued to their enthralling movements, as if the simple sight of their unity and fervor brought out such a powerful desire of longing. A small girl, decorated in a checkered suit and red cape of golden embroidery, and a much larger man, donned in a ragged set of metal and chainmail armor, head cloaked by an equally tattered black cloth.

"My condolences to your... stature and stomach, Helen," the man spoke, arms crossed and mouth grinning with a sense of superiority. The small girl maintained her gaze upon the dancers, a metal chalice in hand. She sipped it lightly and responded with a dismissive tone.

"The effects of alcohol are of no matter when I put my mind to it. The colleges of Ornuel have more than once given me insight into the negation of livery harm," she stated. "I-" she paused to take a sip, "can drink," this time a gulp, "as much as I want." Archmage Helen finished with a several-second long swallow of the rest of her drink before gasping in satisfaction. Looking up to the armored man, she returned his jest with such a look of victory that the man could only roll his eyes in hard-pressed defeat. "And I don't plan on using the magic for now. I'm here to enjoy every nihilistic mistake I can."

"I fear for Carinna's mindset," he laughed.

"I fear for how it will be compounded by her mother's," Helen added. The two laughed together for a good while, until Helen promptly dropped to the dirt floor with a thud. The knight she spoke to paused for a moment in concern, then continued to laugh.
But I want my Darkrai and Deoxys. ;_;
Cryptiic said
You'd have to know about it first, though.

EDIT: Never mind
GentleBeast said
That seems like a very interesting power. I'm thinking of a couple of ways to defeat it, but nothing that isn't difficult and/or unwieldily.As to how her power would work, let's say someone is in a standard 6*6 room with an unlocked door. Would just running your arm along the wall until it hit something that feels like a knob, sliding your arm along the knob, and then turning it along the knob, work?

That could work, yes. :P

Name: Kira Aberdale
Age: 18
Gender: Female
-Stubborn when it comes to important decisions
-Can come off as nagging
-Sometimes arrogant
Power: "Pandora's Box" - Kira possesses the ability to eliminate the perception of 'reference points' in other individuals such that they can sense and "see" an object, person, or place, but remain incapable of deducing where it is. This effect applies to sounds, smells, and touch, and not just sight. The ability is most powerful when in an enclosed space such as the interior of a building, but looses efficiency when outside. Kira can extend the ability to any number of people at one time, but cannot change the effects of her intentions between individuals in a group.

For example, if Kira were to use the ability on a single individual, she could eliminate their perception of where a certain door was located. The affected individual knows that the door is [present[/i], but is left in a paradoxical state in which they cannot locate it. They are left wandering, searching for the door when it could very well be right in front of them. This ability could be used to render a sound directionless and omnipresent in an individuals ears, or a single touch extended to their entire body. Kira can render any number of entities incapable of being located in one individual, but this number decreases significantly the more individuals she affects at once.
All players will be (by the grace of chance) in the tour group with Kira. In your next posts, feel free to express what your character would say when their name is announced on the megaphone.
A hush struggled to wash over the senior crowds looming over their new recruits, as individuals turned to one another to shut each other up, or to add in that one last quip before quieting themselves. Eventually it came to be that only a few small groups here and there amidst the seniors continued talking, but thankfully maintained a level of quietness that allowed for one individual in particular to speak. At the base floor of the room, the senior crowd shuffled slightly, unwilling to fully move themselves out of the way to make a path.

Most of the attention in the arrivals had been lured towards that narrow gap in the crowd, as did the attention of the senior students themselves. From it emerged a student, a girl, of particularly high confidence and -fortunately for the arrivals- possessing of a seemingly warm demeanor. She stopped a few feet from the edge of the gathered crowd and lifted up a dilapidated megaphone, apparently held together by duct tape and unafraid to display its wiring. The bell of the machine was a bent and broken bowl dish, and it was clear when she began to speak that it had lost its glorious sound.

"New students of Tower 89F; welcome!" she yelled over the microphone, her neck tensing visibly as she attempted to make up for the megaphone's shortcomings, "Your true orientation towards Second Academy begins tomorrow, but..." she paused, "but we have all been to it, and it is nothing special. It is short, boring, and chastising. I'm sure, having since stepped off the elevator, that you all understand the implications of living here. You don't need to be reminded or further explained, but they'll say it again anyways." The girl's stern look turned into a smile as her voice shifted from that of a revolutionary to an event coordinator.

"Which is why we of 89F wish to hold a more entertaining orientation for you all; one for the tower itself." She gestured towards the seniority, prompting a genuine, but short-lived cheer. Returning her attention to the arrivals, she continued, "I am Kira Aberdale, and while we don't have any definitive leaders here in 89F, I do supervise a student-run logistics group. If you need any information, help, or somesuch service, come find me or anyone else working with me. That being said, we do organize events like these each year when students arrive. Diplomacy with the staff has allowed us a single day this night to let loose without repercussion. But before we get to go crazy..." she lowered the megaphone and turned behind to seek out in the crowd someone else, who promptly jogged up to her side, a large bundle of papers in hand. The boy at her side whispered a few things into her ear before she spoke again.

"We would like to write all of your names down, so we can have a record of you guys in our Tower roster. The Academy has their own record, and usually prevents us from having better information on everyone here, but our good behavior has let us off the hook, so to speak. As soon as we write your name down, we ask you to proceed over into the center of the room here, where we will continue with introductions." Kira turned off her megaphone haphazardly, scrambling for the switch, which appeared to be rigid and somewhat stuck. She and her accompanying student walked along the front line of the new students and slowly tallied names, and took photos of each student. Many of them asked questions, but given her hurried process, she took no pause to give them a proper answer, instead noting her business and that their concerns could be clarified later on. With the entire group recorded, she flipped the megaphone back on and continued.

"I will read off the names of each new student, and I ask that they raise their hand and repeat it, along with any short information that they'd like to convey to us. We will get to know all of you on an individual basis moreso as time goes on, but for now we'd like to hear from everyone. Kira called each name, and after each student repeated it and said something quick about themselves, the seniors clapped lightly and briefly.

"Your new 89F class!" Kira shouted. Immediately the room burst into a loud cheer, though it was difficult at times to tell whether some were happy to see them, or eager to haze. A few miscellaneous items like food wrappers and long strands of toilet paper were thrown down onto the new arrivals, pelting an unfortunate few. "Continuing on, I'd like to ask the new students to split into three relatively same-sized groups so that we may give a short tour and a 'Q and A' for everyone." Kira, along with two other seniors, herded the group into three forms, splitting them off from one another before speaking before them.

Kira's group was beckoned under the ridges of the upper floors and towards a large double-door below a sign written 'DORMITORIES'. With a smile on her face, she stood at the head of the new students and yelled out without her megaphone, which had since disappeared somewhere.

"Hi there! So, as you may or may not have memorized, I am Kira Aberdale. Follow me and I'll give you guys a brief tour of some of Tower 89F's features," she said eagerly, gesturing for everyone to follow. Proceeding through the doors, the entourage followed suit, filing into the small hallway space behind her. Walking backwards she kept up her talk. "This is the floor 72 East Wing Dormitory, and the highest residence floor. This floor is dedicated only to dormitories, as is floors 64 through 71. Each houses about 300 hundred students, but given our maintained population of 3000 students, we have about 300 hundred students without their own bed, unfortunately. They usually crash out in any room that their friends will share, and we've managed to procure sleeping bags, pillows, and blankets to ease their discomfort." The hallways they shuffled through were lined with featureless steel doors, many of which possessed some sort of decoration on its face, be it a name, joke, or drawing. The number of names per door shifted between two and four randomly. A few of them were open, revealing their interiors as curious senior students watched as the tour walked by. Kira continued her guidance, going on about the other floors and what they contained; cafeterias, gardens, gyms, fields, parks, and completely empty mechanical floors which supposedly made up the majority of the tower.

Kira stopped the group in a large lounge area with a thick glass window overlooking the open interior of the ship. In the distance, several distinct towers could be made out amidst a mess of miscellaneous structures weaving about. Clapping her hands, she asked the group, "So, do we have any questions? After this you'll be free to go wherever you please. At this time, and only during this night, we have been freed from decibel restrictions, so there will be a lot of partying, games, and mingling. I'm sure you'll be able to find something to do and I encourage you to take advantage of it."
Gl elsewhere.
Working on another IC post.
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