Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

Most Recent Posts

So, just a warden, and not a ruler? Fine by me.
I'm hoping to take position as Malebazus's ruler, and as a goddess of storms and the dead. I don't know how much we're allowed to dictate what Malebazus was like, but I was thinking I might have the ability to do so, given how little has been described of it besides where it's positioned. I thought the whole "fire and brimstone" concept of Hades could be given a new spin.

Nanaeios, the Goddess of Malebazus, rules over her stormy kingdom with a solemn melancholic air. Malebazus appears as a vast plains with countless crags sprouting from its surface. Eternal storms far more violent than any experienced on Lymaeus rage for eternity, drowning the lands in perpetual floods and impassable muddy terrain. The dead wander Malebazus slowly, impeded by lakes that come and go, drowning them in heavy waters, or sunken in bogs littered with skeletons. Their bodies either continue to wander or become so exhausted that they can only fall face-first into the murky plains, or float atop rivers alongside the other dead. Those dead souls of especially nefarious nature experience their time in Malebazus in a much worse way; they are constantly stricken by lightning, searing their water-logged skin in flames that even the storms cannot extinguish.

Nanaeios is the patron of the storms, the dead and sirens, bane of sailors and shipwrights. Her cries are the rains, and her screams the crack of lightning. In her past Nanaeios was simply goddess of the seas, and was betrothed to the past god of death whom she deeply loved. For some reason that has yet to be decided, she was separated from this god, and fell into despair, becoming the first storms and hurricanes. Yearning for his presence, she found solace in taking his position, feeling it to be closest to him in the flesh. Mortals claim this sadness is what fuels such terrible storms that plague their lands. Sirens unleash their enthralling songs as poems of Nanaeios's laments, promising love unto mortals as deep as hers.

Nanaeios is often depicted as a beautiful young woman, with skin as white as the lightning that heralds her arrival, or as pale as death, depending on who is describing her. Those that feel pity for her claim the former, while those that suffer from her storms say the latter. The immense coat she wears upon her shoulders is a memento of her husband, which is believed to be capable of turning into black wings not unlike the harpies that she supposedly bears.
Oh hey this thing again.

Someone in the tower has reality-bending powers.
More silence? :I
Carnival of Chaos - Aneura Shivan


Tsk tsk tsk, shouldn't have touched anything

The world fell into the color of fiery bloods and sick yellows, plastered over grainy whites that were carelessly painted upon grungy structures. It certainly was the carnival of nightmares, such that a child suffering from them could arrive here and fall into despair as if they were made true. Aneura kept her calm, already tip-toeing on the edge of breaking down into fear, beads of sweat clearly revealing such precariousness. She gripped her spear tighter and brought her shield closer to her side, eyes darting into those of the carnival's occupants, scanning for signs of malevolence. Of course, it was all around her, but a particular malevolence was what she sought. For now, it seemed they would not assail them, but given their nature and chaotic behavior, she wouldn't so easily loosen her stance.

I was waiting for you silly fools to go about touching things, an echoing voice spoke within her body, its every word like a surge of cold in just beneath her skin. Aneura glared and silenced the demon quickly. "Shut up!" she simply boomed, caring not for those around her. Already quite used to dealing with the infernal pest around others, Aneura had grown to remain just as stern as before the demon would speak to her, as if knowing she was not crazy, and trusting that those around her would simply ignore her apparent ramblings. If they asked, she would dismiss them. They didn't need to know, and she didn't want to explain.

"Welcome to the Carnival of Chaos, go to the inn and speak to he who commands obedience to learn your place in his pattern," the vile clown spoke.

“Can we at least play the dart and balloon game before we go first? I want a teddy bear,” Tristan joked. Aneura swiftly batted the flat of her spear head against his shoulder and gave an ironically chastising smile. Gazing about, she attempted to find immediate way for the inn, hoping the place to be within quick walking distance. No one knew how long they would remain unnoticed in the carnival's presence. It seemed as though one of the Whitemarch brothers had noticed before, and so she followed in line.

"Of course it's a trap," Aneura replied to Tristan, "but such was to be expected. Did we not read the letter sent to General Hanus? I can't imagine the Queen's Blades expect everything to be so easy," she grinned teasingly.
Smiral said
The sauce is Blood C, an off shoot of Blood+ and Blood: The Last Vampirehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQOM3ZuDq64in case you wanna see people get owned without the music

Not even a minute in, SO DRAMATIC.
I was just confused why this doesn't happen more often in anime.
what the FUCK?!
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