As the questions flew like ninja stars towards her person, Kira busied herself with trying to replace a part of her megaphone aimlessly, not quite sure how the thing worked herself it seemed. The new students in her tour group spat out their concerns one after another, and she realized quite quickly that she had forgotten to ask for raised hands. In any case, she tried her best to memorize the questions as best she could, summarizing them in her head and throwing out the retention of ones that had been repeated. For the most part, they were what she expected, as well as what she had answered in prior tours plenty of times. But as the fervor died down, she had further wished she produced name tags for everyone. It seemed slightly shameful to have forgone solidifying their identities given her position, unofficial as it was.
Kira slightly jumped at the sudden disappearance of her megaphone in the midst of the questions, and immediately noted who had done it. Regardless of how expediently it was returned to her hand, it was clear the boy wasn't one of subtlety or self-restraint. Kira gave a faint leer towards Kirill, but washed it away with the procession of neutral answers.
She went in order.
"Behavioral restrictions are numerous, but to name a few especially pertinent ones," Kira took a breath, "All students are to remain in their rooms after the hour of nine p.m., usage of any powers upon unwilling individuals is strictly prohibited, and using them on any sort of facility machinery or structures is prohibited. Using powers in the direct presence of guards, living or mechanical, is grounds for punishment. As for dating, feel free. It's better to have happier individuals anyways. Just..." she paused, "make good decisions, please," Kira said cryptically. A few giggles whispered in the crowd. "Cafeteria facilities are open only during specific hours which change day to day. You can find the schedule printed on some flyers around the tower. Movement between towers is prohibited and actively prevented by numerous systems."
Kira smiled and sighed at Matthew's next question. "Classes? Well sort of. If you mean with teachers and stuff? No. There are class rooms which open up every day, and you are expected to attend, even if there are no individuals there to monitor. Not living at least. They come with sub-par computers and programs pre-loaded onto them to guide you through different subjects. Here, you're self-taught. Don't think otherwise though; you will need to do well on inevitable tests if you don't want to be punished." She continued, "Besides the 'unofficial' logistics group, Tower 89F doesn't have any particularly notable organizations present. I hear it's different in other towers." A stern look overcame her face as she finished with Matthew's series, and she crossed her arms. "We cannot contact our families. We don't know exactly how this silence is pulled off in terms of placating our families, but we assume many strings are being pulled to achieve it."
"As for you" Kira stated fiercely, turning to Kirill, "dealing with troublemakers is a formless thing. As we are not allowed to use powers on each other, or physical violence for that matter, it is difficult to deal with students who don't wish to live in harmony with the others. We have less than favorable means to do so, if we so desire. However what you have just done is not troublemaking, but simple impishness," Kira spat. She moved on.
"Security is nearly omniscient, even if you don't think you're being watched 24/7. All rooms possess some sort of camera or detection device. Sometimes they're completely hidden. Guards patrol the tower regularly, and you'd be wise to simply keep out of their way, even moreso the robotic ones," she turned her head to the next individual as she finished with Desmond, "You'll simply have to find open dorms on your own time."
"I can't exactly tell you where you're supposed to go. You're free to do what you wish after this, but I'd recommend securing a room ASAP. There are maps on the halls all over the place. They'll detail all floor plans of the tower save for mechanical floors. If you want medical attention, either you yourself or with the help of a friend, can make your way to floor 12 where the medical bay is located. Don't expect any friendly faces often. Sometimes Miss Kim will be there, but more often than not it'll be robots that do the bloodwork. Sexual health care..." Kira cleared her throat, "is there. You can pick up the amenities, but you'll need to file some papers to the med bay before they hand them out." Kira turned her head to the window Shane had gestured towards and responded, "Those are just the other towers. You can only get to them either by shuttles, or being a badass and flying to them somehow. You'd have to dodge an army of turrets and drones on the way though," she laughed and shrugged. "I don't actually know much detail about the happenings in other towers. Sometimes we'll get little snippets of rumors from the guards talking about their events, but that's about it. We had a student with supernatural eyesight a few years back who could see the students in the other towers through the window. I think they miraculously managed to communicate," Kira's eyes trailed upwards, as if lost in thought or nostalgia.
"As far as I know, this tower is filled with more well-behaved individuals-" her voice suddenly turned chastising and fierce, "and don't go screwing that up for us!" Clearly though, it was all in good humor as her expression relieved to one of smiles. "The mechanical floors are off-limits, and though we don't know if it has as much monitoring, students have gotten hurt pretty badly down there by various things, guards included. Stuff?" she asked rhetorically, not quite sure what Shane meant, "Um, I suppose food and drink in the cafeteria and other miscellaneous items in the cargo depot. Shuttles bring in crate-loads of various items, and if you're fast or persistent enough you can crack one open and take its contents before anyone else. They come irregularly, so the students don't get too crowded when they come around. Otherwise you can procure various items from other students. We don't have a currency, but you can trade things you do have."
Kira answered the last question sternly and without pause or thought, as if it were common knowledge. The way she stated it certainly reinforced that the new students should see it as such and take it to heart.
"Absolutely, positively, do not, under any circumstances, fight back against guards. If you do..." she paused and looked over the students once more, "it was nice knowing you." Kira was about to clap her hands when someone rose their hand from amidst the audience. A muscled, brick-like arm fell from it and attached to an equally indestructible body. The large student from before, still wearing his bandanna as a mask, was its owner.
"What is it exactly that they do to us? Punishment I mean," he asked, clear concern in his voice. Kira hesitated, but seemed to almost lose the will to lie or withhold and answer, as if it were their right to know. And while it was, she desired more than anything else to keep the night as positive as possible. Better now than out of the blue, she figured. Kira sighed again and answered grimly.
"All we know is that most students who physically retaliate against a guard, defensively or otherwise, don't often return to the tower. We don't know where they go, but presumably it isn't anywhere better than here. Or anywhere at all," Kira tapered off into a whisper. Clapping her hands, she shocked the dulled atmosphere with some light, and returned to her once attentive visage. "So! Any other questions before I let you all go free?"
Those that did not had begun to shuffle away or turn their attention to one another, once again revealing the small cliques that had formed so instantly.