WIP ofc.
Name: Izumi Kurosawa
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Distrusting, headstrong, and lacking in a positive vocabulary makes for a rather rampant individual. Izumi is the type of person that likes to "git er' done" as expediently as possible, which often times necessitates her appointment as task leader given her sense of time is incredibly constrained. In teams, this frequently leads to conflicts between leadership, as her stubbornness and desire to jump into actions leads towards disagreements on topics of safety or logic. Izumi is the type of person to kick common sense aside in favor of flashiness and revelry, which for the most part has worked in her favor. If things are such that extreme actions cannot be taken, she'd much rather sit it out than waste time doing something 'uncool'; tying this with her impatience, she comes to greatly despise times of silence and serenity, leading to a loud voice and delinquent nature. Long ago abandoning the truest sense of femininity and adorableness, Izumi has let loose her once restrained physicality and now, more often than not, uses physical violence to get what she wants even outside of magic affairs.
Bio:Izumi Kurosawa was the happenstance daughter of a pair of aloof and childish parents, and while they wouldn't agree in their warm but easily seen-through hearts, Izumi knows that the true word for her existence was, "Mistake." Nevertheless, she remained a cheerful and positive child throughout her life, never seeming to quite take to mind the cruel statements many boys would throw at her. Poking fun at her teeth, her more awkward attitude, her naivety; Izumi had her own group of great friends, and so such words could do little to change her outlook on life, or her level of self-esteem. Even so, such effects greatly diminished as the men around her grew older all the same, and teasing turned to niche preferences of attractiveness, to which she greatly benefited from a select few.
Izumi was one of the earlier editions of the Magical Girl 'scene', being just out of the era in which Hexes presented a problem, and just before the days that magical girl competitive teams had begun to form. From this, she benefited from a greater degree of seniority in her later years, though equally suffered from a relative lack of notoriety; in the earlier days, if you didn't make it big from the get-go, you were cursed to remaining as such for a great length of time as newer girls arrived on the scene to keep you down. Izumi's team was such a team, though they nevertheless kept up their activity if only for fun. When Izumi was ejected from the team due to her appearance and questionable powers, she turned instead to being a Hex hunter for a length of time. As magical girl teams rose initially, the problem of Hexes was ignored and they were able to more freely act until precedent by the new MSL dictated that Hexes still be actively paid attention to.
Even as one who specifically targeted Hexes, Izumi was left without much to do given how quickly they disappeared. Since then, she has acted as a one-girl team, fighting off others in a similar situation, or taking on lesser teams all single-handedly, if only for publicity's sake. Recently, she has suffered from a losing streak, and has considered joining a team to avert such poor records, as well as to potentially mend and boost her status in the MSL.
Magical Girl Name: Great Magical Girl Octyxia
Main Costume Color: Navy Blue/Grey
Stage Persona: "Twas under the stars of unfathomable size,
that this girl of unquestionable beauty rise,
but her features were of an unearthly scale,
too incomprehensible for any logical tale
And yet did the mortals of the world cry out,
denouncing her stature in a cacophony far too loud,
The girl of stars descended into despair from their words,
and into the sea she fell, its waves swollen and turgid.
And yay did faceless things rise from the depths,
their child a girl of watery graves and teeth,
her name too great for men to bear witness,
that even the crawling deities could not dismiss.
Great Magical Girl Octyxia, of stygian heart and colder eyes,
was reborn to bring terrifying glory upon these mortal lives."Magical Girl Octyxia was once Sailor Octa, a relatively unknown magical girl on the scene with a warm heart and an eager disposition. Sailor Octa situated herself amidst her greatest friends, who too, had become magical girls by way of the Wishing Well. Initially less popular on the streets and still pressing hard to become a famous team, Sailor Octa enjoyed the company of her comrades and the fun times that came with it. For the time being, her appearance and behavior was unquestioned and ignored.
But as their team's popularity rose, so did the tension between its members. Eventually it came into question whether or not Sailor Octa's strange and honestly creepy powers would work well with fans; no one wanted to see a toothy maw and waves of tentacles and other grim appearances. And so it came to be that Sailor Octa was ejected from the team, their former friendship shredded in the machine that is fame and ambition.
While initially discouraged, Izumi Kurosawa took the opportunity to re-imagine herself in a more radical light, hoping to gain more entertainment in a driven and fantastical persona. Though currently a lone magical girl working independently, Great Magical Girl Octyxia has begun to take an interest in attempting to form a team recently...
Great Magical Girl Octyxia's lore and persona is adopted from a Lovecraftian-esque perspective; forged by the maddening minds of cosmic entities far beyond the comprehension of mortal minds. While less endearing than the more cute and feminine attributes other magical girls exhibit, she has found a fanbase in some questionable male taste demographics... Her powers are granted to her by the "Will of Ancients whose sleeping minds bring about nightmares, and I am their conduit." Octyxia expresses anti-heroine qualities, though assures most that her intentions are good, and that her abilities simply appear of a darker nature, "because mortals cannot comprehend them."
Power Theme: Lovecraftian/Abyssal Waters
Weapon: Octyxia's weapon of choice is a
twisted lance of a dull, sick greenish hue. Octyxia forgoes direct combat for usage of the lance as a channeling object to call upon her powers with greater haste than non skill-based magical girls.
Abilities:- Esoteric Scream - From various points upon Octyxia's lance, several black beams of energy launch themselves towards their target in a curved, homing fashion. Particularly evasive individuals can avert them, but due to their speed and tenacity, leaves slower or restricted magical girls at a severe disadvantage.
- Crawling Rupture - The ground gives way to a host of terrifying appendages that entangle and shred their ensnared target. Can be used to simply hold individuals in place, or to cause damage.
- Stygian Crash - Octyxia's lance tip gathers black waters and drops it, or fires it at an opponent. The weight of deep waters can crush objects or trap individuals in it like a fluid prison. Its mass can cause severe damage to those it strikes.
- Elditch Rampage - Octyxia summons a large abomination to do her bidding. These creatures can take many forms, most of which appear as chaotic conglomerations of flesh and bone.
Do you want her to join Akiko's new team, another new team, or be on an already established team?: Join Akiko's new team, or anyone's really.