Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ink


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Like any city, Hoshiko had its share of urban legends. Myths and rumors, shared in hushed tones or with sarcastic laughter. Few people put any stock in them, not wanting to look stupid when they were proved wrong. But there is one rumor that holds just enough hope to tempt a few desperates to at least give it a shot: it's said that if a girl tosses a coin in Negai Fountain at midnight and makes a purehearted wish, a miracle will occur. While their wishes did not suddenly come true, the handful of girls who did so found themselves with the ability to change into a new magical form, equipped with the abilities needed to fight Hexes, evil spirits composed of a human's ill will towards another. For decades, these small groups of girls defended Hoshiko, keeping the rumor of the fountain just that: a rumor.

But in this computer age, urban legends can rarely go undisturbed. A skeptical high school girl decided to test the myth. Taking a single yen coin and a video camera with her to Negai fountain at midnight, she proved- to her own shock- that the legend was real. Of course, the obvious thing to do was to go on the web. At first, people cried fake at the video of her transformation; but as more and more girls decided to give it a go, posting their own videos, it became clear that the magic was very real.

Hoshiko found itself with a sudden boom of magical protectors; every night, the courtyard at Negai Fountain was crawling with middle and high school age girls, taking turns tossing in their coins and wishing some frivolous goodwill on a loved one. A midnight trip to the fountain became a popular Friday night activity for teen girls, and for anyone who wanted to witness the magical transformations for themselves. Anyone who was anyone was getting magic powers. By the time the government stepped in, approximately 80% of girls ages 12 to 17 in Hoshiko were magical girls, along with a number of tourists who had come to visit the fountain. City officials prohibited the tossing of coins in the fountain and closed it off completely from 11 pm to 1 am (though they still allowed visitors otherwise; it had become a popular tourist attraction). But the damage was already done; Hoshiko now had more magical girls than there were Hexes for them to fight.

Flowing with newfound power and nothing to use it on, these new mahou shoujo began picking fights with each other. For the most part, they kept it contained within the distortion bubbles they used to fight Hexes, preventing any damage to the regular world; but some were more reckless, careless, or desparate to show off to normal humans who couldn't enter these bubbles, and fought on the streets. The government condemned these fights, but had no way to enforce a prohibition; police weren't equipped to fight against magic. So, in order to create a more acceptable outlet and hopefully avoid more damage to public property, the Mahou Shoujo League was formed. It started out as mere unembellished matchups between girls, often with tournament style progression, but as people realized the viewership value of extravagant magic fights, it quickly evolved into something more similar to American wrestling leagues. Girls constructed personas for their magical girl forms, making up backstories and plot arcs to feed the drama.

Soon the idea of teams was introduced, and a subdivision was created for girls to fight each other in teams of five. This proved to be the biggest hit yet, with the most popular teams becoming as renowned and idolized as popstar groups. With these flashy bigshot magical girl teams weaving dramatic stories to back their battles and signing endorsement deals to advertise for companies, the one-on-one matches of the league faded to the level of high school sports. The only way to have a chance at fame as a magical girl was to put together a good team and battle your way through the ranks, and that was exactly what Akiko planned to do.
So the story of this RP is basically focused on these magical girls fighting in the MSL to try to become famous. It'll start with my character, Akiko, trying to put together a team of five, but presuming there're more than four applicants, they can form additional teams. The plot will focus both on the girls trying to win fights and create an interesting 'story' for their fighting personas, and trying to maintain their normal lives with school and relationships.

Would anyone be interested in this RP? If I get at least 4, I'll post a character sheet and hold signups.

UPDATE: There's enough interest, so I'll go ahead and post the CS. But first, to describe how magical girls work.

Magical girls are created out of a wish for another's happiness (note: these wishes are not in any way granted by becoming a magical girl, nor do they affect the girl's powers), while Hexes, the monsters they fight, are created when a human curses another to misfortune. Hexes are essentially evil spirit creatures, residing primarily within distortion bubbles, but upon entering the real world they can be seen by humans. Now, however, Hexes are usually eliminated almost upon creation by the surplus of magical girls.

Distortion bubbles are pocket dimensions that only magical girls can see and access, similar to a witch's labyrinth in Madoka Magica, but less detailed and surreal. The ability to conjure these bubbles is one that all magical girls have, along with several other shared generic powers. All magical girls are able to:
- create and access distortion bubbles
- sustain much more magical damage than a normal human can, and recover from it quickly
- shoot generic, weak energy beams and bursts
- create generic, weak energy barriers and shields
- jump extremely high and "glide" through the air, remaining suspended long enough to attack

All of these can be accomplished with no effort or magical exertion; freebie powers, if you will. In addition to these, every magical girl also has her own set of unique powers (though with so many girls, there is often overlap). These powers tend to follow a single theme (fire, ice, technology, illusions, etc.) and consist of attacks, defensive moves, and support abilities. These powers take effort and energy to use, but are much more powerful and flashy than generic powers. Girls usually start out with two to four individual "moves", and with experience learn upgraded versions of these moves along with ones that do a larger variety of things. In the MSL, it's customary to name and call out one's unique abilities when using them, especially powerful moves used as a finisher.


Age: (magical girls can be 12 to 17, but you must be 14 to compete in the MSL. younger non-competitor characters are okay)
Gender: *
Appearance: (picture or short description)
Bio: (doesn't have to be long; I imagine many will just have had uninteresting average lives before the fountain thing started)

Magical Girl Name: (what they go by in the MSL)
Main Costume Color: (teams usually try to avoid overlapping or clashing colors for aesthetic appeal)
Magical Appearance: (picture or simple description of their outfit)
Stage Persona: (the personality and backstory of the "character" a girl portrays in the MSL)

Power Theme: (best if it can be described in one or two words)
Weapon: (wands/staves are most common, but there are more traditional weapons and firearms, along with those who have no weapons)
Abilities: (2-4 basic moves with names and descriptions; you can add more later. if she's not new to fighting, she can know more powerful ones)

Do you want her to join Akiko's new team, another new team, or be on an already established team?: (teams will be fully solidified and named once all characters are accepted)

*If you want to play a normal boy as a spectator/fan/friend of a magical girl/manager of a new team/etc. just leave off the parts of the CS specific to magical girls. This also counts for nonmagical female characters.

- Akiko Yamaguchi (female/16/magical girl)
- Katsuo Kasane (male/19/team manager)
- Shizuke Ibuki (female/15/magical girl)
- Izumi Kurosawa (female/17/magical girl)

Tentatively Accepted (CS's unfinished)
- Inoue Yumiko (female/16/magical girl)
I think that's about all for now. I'll post Akiko's CS as soon as I finish drawing her, but know that her theme color is yellow/gold and she has light-based powers so that there's no overlap within her own team at least. Try to submit your CS's by the end of the week at the latest so we can start!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Ooh... Interest, definite interest. ^_^ Funnily enough, despite being a satire it sounds like a pretty original take on the genre. XD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ink


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I just didn't really know what to call it, since it's not exactly a traditional magical girl story. <xD It's a bit satire-y in that magical girls become so common they're mundane and lose their function, and the personas and stories the teams create are sort of a mockup of normal magical girl teams.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Well whatever you call it, it sounds like fun to me. XD Just need to figure out what to use for it, really... Hmmm.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Um, interested just not sure what to do yet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

Member Seen 3 mos ago

VitaVitaAR said
Um, interested just not sure what to do yet.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 2 days ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Hmm... ideas shall be derived from... somewhere.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ink


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alright, I added the CS and additional info to the first post. Go crazy!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Hm, seems like you already have five people here, so I wonder...could I apply for something along the lines of a 'manager' role for the team? The person that sets up matches and oversees training and such.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 2 days ago

WIP ofc.

Name: Izumi Kurosawa
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Distrusting, headstrong, and lacking in a positive vocabulary makes for a rather rampant individual. Izumi is the type of person that likes to "git er' done" as expediently as possible, which often times necessitates her appointment as task leader given her sense of time is incredibly constrained. In teams, this frequently leads to conflicts between leadership, as her stubbornness and desire to jump into actions leads towards disagreements on topics of safety or logic. Izumi is the type of person to kick common sense aside in favor of flashiness and revelry, which for the most part has worked in her favor. If things are such that extreme actions cannot be taken, she'd much rather sit it out than waste time doing something 'uncool'; tying this with her impatience, she comes to greatly despise times of silence and serenity, leading to a loud voice and delinquent nature. Long ago abandoning the truest sense of femininity and adorableness, Izumi has let loose her once restrained physicality and now, more often than not, uses physical violence to get what she wants even outside of magic affairs.
Izumi Kurosawa was the happenstance daughter of a pair of aloof and childish parents, and while they wouldn't agree in their warm but easily seen-through hearts, Izumi knows that the true word for her existence was, "Mistake." Nevertheless, she remained a cheerful and positive child throughout her life, never seeming to quite take to mind the cruel statements many boys would throw at her. Poking fun at her teeth, her more awkward attitude, her naivety; Izumi had her own group of great friends, and so such words could do little to change her outlook on life, or her level of self-esteem. Even so, such effects greatly diminished as the men around her grew older all the same, and teasing turned to niche preferences of attractiveness, to which she greatly benefited from a select few.

Izumi was one of the earlier editions of the Magical Girl 'scene', being just out of the era in which Hexes presented a problem, and just before the days that magical girl competitive teams had begun to form. From this, she benefited from a greater degree of seniority in her later years, though equally suffered from a relative lack of notoriety; in the earlier days, if you didn't make it big from the get-go, you were cursed to remaining as such for a great length of time as newer girls arrived on the scene to keep you down. Izumi's team was such a team, though they nevertheless kept up their activity if only for fun. When Izumi was ejected from the team due to her appearance and questionable powers, she turned instead to being a Hex hunter for a length of time. As magical girl teams rose initially, the problem of Hexes was ignored and they were able to more freely act until precedent by the new MSL dictated that Hexes still be actively paid attention to.

Even as one who specifically targeted Hexes, Izumi was left without much to do given how quickly they disappeared. Since then, she has acted as a one-girl team, fighting off others in a similar situation, or taking on lesser teams all single-handedly, if only for publicity's sake. Recently, she has suffered from a losing streak, and has considered joining a team to avert such poor records, as well as to potentially mend and boost her status in the MSL.

Magical Girl Name: Great Magical Girl Octyxia
Main Costume Color: Navy Blue/Grey
Stage Persona:
"Twas under the stars of unfathomable size,
that this girl of unquestionable beauty rise,
but her features were of an unearthly scale,
too incomprehensible for any logical tale
And yet did the mortals of the world cry out,
denouncing her stature in a cacophony far too loud,
The girl of stars descended into despair from their words,
and into the sea she fell, its waves swollen and turgid.

And yay did faceless things rise from the depths,
their child a girl of watery graves and teeth,
her name too great for men to bear witness,
that even the crawling deities could not dismiss.

Great Magical Girl Octyxia, of stygian heart and colder eyes,
was reborn to bring terrifying glory upon these mortal lives."

Magical Girl Octyxia was once Sailor Octa, a relatively unknown magical girl on the scene with a warm heart and an eager disposition. Sailor Octa situated herself amidst her greatest friends, who too, had become magical girls by way of the Wishing Well. Initially less popular on the streets and still pressing hard to become a famous team, Sailor Octa enjoyed the company of her comrades and the fun times that came with it. For the time being, her appearance and behavior was unquestioned and ignored.

But as their team's popularity rose, so did the tension between its members. Eventually it came into question whether or not Sailor Octa's strange and honestly creepy powers would work well with fans; no one wanted to see a toothy maw and waves of tentacles and other grim appearances. And so it came to be that Sailor Octa was ejected from the team, their former friendship shredded in the machine that is fame and ambition.

While initially discouraged, Izumi Kurosawa took the opportunity to re-imagine herself in a more radical light, hoping to gain more entertainment in a driven and fantastical persona. Though currently a lone magical girl working independently, Great Magical Girl Octyxia has begun to take an interest in attempting to form a team recently...

Great Magical Girl Octyxia's lore and persona is adopted from a Lovecraftian-esque perspective; forged by the maddening minds of cosmic entities far beyond the comprehension of mortal minds. While less endearing than the more cute and feminine attributes other magical girls exhibit, she has found a fanbase in some questionable male taste demographics... Her powers are granted to her by the "Will of Ancients whose sleeping minds bring about nightmares, and I am their conduit." Octyxia expresses anti-heroine qualities, though assures most that her intentions are good, and that her abilities simply appear of a darker nature, "because mortals cannot comprehend them."

Power Theme: Lovecraftian/Abyssal Waters
Weapon: Octyxia's weapon of choice is a twisted lance of a dull, sick greenish hue. Octyxia forgoes direct combat for usage of the lance as a channeling object to call upon her powers with greater haste than non skill-based magical girls.
  • Esoteric Scream - From various points upon Octyxia's lance, several black beams of energy launch themselves towards their target in a curved, homing fashion. Particularly evasive individuals can avert them, but due to their speed and tenacity, leaves slower or restricted magical girls at a severe disadvantage.

  • Crawling Rupture - The ground gives way to a host of terrifying appendages that entangle and shred their ensnared target. Can be used to simply hold individuals in place, or to cause damage.

  • Stygian Crash - Octyxia's lance tip gathers black waters and drops it, or fires it at an opponent. The weight of deep waters can crush objects or trap individuals in it like a fluid prison. Its mass can cause severe damage to those it strikes.

  • Elditch Rampage - Octyxia summons a large abomination to do her bidding. These creatures can take many forms, most of which appear as chaotic conglomerations of flesh and bone.

Do you want her to join Akiko's new team, another new team, or be on an already established team?: Join Akiko's new team, or anyone's really.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ink


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

ERode- Absolutely! A manager character would be fun to have. :> If you do want to be a magical girl, we'll likely either have an opening on the first team or enough characters to form a second team, or you could just be a manager who's a magical girl but doesn't fight. If not, it'll be great to have a non-magic girl/boy in the mix.

Asuras, your CS looks amazing so far, but your powers seem a biiit overpowered, even for an experienced magical girl. I love the Lovecraftian theme, but I think summoning eldritch gods and breaking reality is just too much.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 2 days ago

Even if it's a finishing move alone, and restricted to a certain volume of space rather than all of reality? >~>

It's also not an eldritch god either. It's just eldritch, which means it looks like Lovecraft's noodley creatures.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Out of curiousity, would the magic girls live in the same house like some pro esports peeps, or would they be more of a sports team in which they all live in separate houses?

Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: Katsuo Kasane, first and foremost, a very adaptable person, not passive, but capable of going along with any kind of situation, regardless of how farfetched or odd it may be. A person with a low level of academic intelligence and a high level of social intelligence, he's a master of kissing someone else's ass until he gets what he wants and has made the process of apologizing an art form. He doesn't just go with the flow, he rides it on a surfboard with rocketboosters made of gold, breaking the sound barrier as he cruises along the storm. And when he actually knows what he wants, he'll bend over backwards to get it, even though that's anatomically impossible without proper training. A stubborn tiger and a social dragon, Katsuo is capable of acting in a number of manners, but ultimately avoids lying as much as possible. Because while he's alright with manipulating the perception of those around him, he's been brought up in an ethical enough environment that he knows that lying is bad.

Bio: The eldest son of the Kasane family. Katsuo was raised by a single mom who often stayed out late at night, either partying or working. Gaining a sense of responsbility rather early in life, as well as the ability to take the 'unordinary' as ordinary, he was a boy who was totally fine with having multiple daddies or big brothers growing up. From the many flashily dressed men who came into the Kasane household, Katsuo learned how to play cards, gamble, cook food that went well with alcohol, swear in Chinese and English, as well as sing a variety of inappropriate songs. For some reason, despite all those bad influences, he was never really a bad kid growing up. He did reasonably alright in elementary school and had lots of friends. His little sister was well taken care of by him, and Katsuo knew enough to remove her diapers when she pooped and feed her formula milk when she was hungry.

It was basically the life of a dependable older brother, a cheeky little sister, a bachelorette of a mother, and tens of new boyfriends every year. An odd living situation, but one that he was accustom to. In high school, he picked up the habit of smoking from his upperclassmen, and became what some people could consider the ultimate gopher. With a smile, he would serve the whims of his senpai while they brought him to parties and restaurants in exchange. And in just one year, he had become best friends with some of the most influential students at school. It was an amazing achievement, all things considered. On the other hand, his grades weren't quite as marvelous. He may have been in the top percentile in terms of popularity, but he was in the bottom percentile in marks. With such terribad grades, he couldn't even graduate, and thus, right before he dropped out of school, he made some bullshit tragic excuse about his family having financial problems, prompting him to go get a job to support his little sister, his mother, and his soon-to-be little brother. While his kouhai and classmates cried, he left, on a crisp autumn day.

His little brother, Kichirou Kasane, was born in summer, right as the whole magical girl urban myth began to take off. Though Katsuo originally disregarded those tales, things changed when his sister came back home one night, with heterochromatic eyes, an embarrassingly revealing witch outfit, and a spear. Things got weird then, with a little sister who could probably decimate the whole block if she tried.

Luckily, she was also raised up to be an ethical person, and thus, while Katsuo looked for a job, his sister began to make a name for herself in the Mahou Shoujo League as an unbeatable monster, bringing in loads of cash. They moved into a bigger house, could buy anything they wanted, lived a life of utter luxury and then, promptly, she retired from being a profesional magical girl.

His mother, it appeared, wanted his sister to focus on her grades instead of fighting other girls her age.

So, to keep the rich lifestyle they had, his little sister pulled some strings and eventually made Katsuo one of the recommended candidates for a new position as a manager of a mahou shoujo team in the MSL. He wasn't exactly pleased with it at first, of course, but when the salary was mentioned?

Katsuo could finally move out of his mom's basement!

Other: Katsuo Kasane has a sister, Kaoru Kasane (featured beside him in the pic). A retired magical girl who boasted a 37 match win streak in her prime, with the rather overexaggerating title as 'Almighty God Othinus', she's now his advisor of sorts for all things magic related.
Though a former smoker, Katsuo has now switched to lolipops in consideration to his new job. The switch was easier than expected, though he suspects that Kaoru had a hand in that.
Before landing a job as the manager for a magical girl team, Katsuo was a popular sports blogger. After he got the job though, all his followers unsubscribed because they thought he was a pedophile creeper who liked to watch young girls do their stretches in embarrassing positions while sweating lewdly.
Katsuo's speciality dish is the Kasane Katsudon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

...Dude, spoilers! >: ( Also, I honestly think that the bit about people thinking he's a paedophile is kind of uncalled for and unfitting, but that might just be me.

...Anyways, decided what I'm doing, but it might take a little while since I need to finish her picture. ^^; But hopefully it'll work out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by benit149


Member Offline since relaunch

I do have an idea, but I'm not sure how she can be integrated into the story. The character in question is this one I designed -> HERE

Her name is Nil (yes, the image has her as Social Reject, but I changed it), a sort of emotionless Dark Knight-type girl who is only interested in 'devouring' negative emotions for sustenance, which there is plenty due to the girls battling each other. She can then use it to create dark energy weapons and project a field around her akin to the Somebody Else's Problem field from Hitchhiker's Galaxy. Heck, a lot of Nil's design and powers were based off of Touhou's Komeiji Koishi (the whole visible-yet-invisible phenomenon, at least). Thus, she could render herself 'invisible' to the magical girls and oversee them from afar. Only magical girls with extremely strong wills would be able to bypass this field, or if Nil allowed them to see her.

I wouldn't want to use her as part of a magical girl team due to her reclusive nature. Are there any suggestions you could think of with these ideas? A villainess? A government spy? An alien from afar? A mysterious benefactor? I'm not really sure what direction to take Nil in, but I would like to join this RP.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ink


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Asuras- Well, I suppose that does sound possible for a very powerful magical girl, but it seems like more of a maxed-out final level move. Even though she won't be new to fighting like the others, she does still need some room to grow over the course of the story. How about you save that ability for her to learn later on?

ERode- Your app looks amazing, definitely accepted! As for living accommodations, the team will be more like a sports team who all live in their own homes, but if they get into the big leagues a shared house is a possibility.

benit149- Mm, I'm not really sure... Your character just doesn't look like she'd fit in the RP easily at all, MSL team member or otherwise. Her powers and appearance don't quite give off a normal mahou shoujo vibe, and we already have Octyxia as a darker-themed magical girl. This is meant to parody typical cutesy magical girl stories, having too many dark characters would turn it into more of a deconstruction than a parody. You're welcome to apply with a different character, though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 2 days ago

Alright then. Switched it to just summoning a simple abomination that wrecks shit with stronk muscle.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by benit149


Member Offline since relaunch

benit149- Mm, I'm not really sure... Your character just doesn't look like she'd fit in the RP easily at all, MSL team member or otherwise. Her powers and appearance don't quite give off a normal mahou shoujo vibe, and we already have Octyxia as a darker-themed magical girl. This is meant to parody typical cutesy magical girl stories, having too many dark characters would turn it into more of a deconstruction than a parody. You're welcome to apply with a different character, though.

Okay then, thanks for letting me know.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Name: Inoue Yumiko
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Yumiko has white hair, white skin, and her visible eye is red(so is her hidden eye... usually). Her eyepatch is black with a white heart on it. Her uniform is primarily white, with the tie and cuffs being blue, and the buckles being gold. The patch is also blue, and the hearts on her patch and tie are white. The epaulettes are gold. Her skirt is blue, and she wears black stockings that are not visible in this picture.
Personality: WIP
Bio: WIP

Magical Girl Name: Magical Girl Weiß Kommandant
Main Costume Color: White
Magical Appearance: Same as the one linked for her main appearance mostly. ^^; Casual wear might be uploaded sometime maybe.
Stage Persona: WIP

Power Theme: Swords and War
Weapon: A rapier, the "Weiß Herz Klinge". It can provide a channel for her basic magical girl offensive capabilities, but is otherwise simply a strong and extremely durable rapier with an excess of cutting power.
Abilities: Weiß Kommandant's abilities beyond her nature as a magical girl are fairly simple. She is granted an extreme level of strength, to the point where the weapons she wields with the exception of Weiß Herz Klinge shatter in her hands from the impact of her strikes. She is a skilled fencer as well. Yumiko is also capable of drawing other swords out of objects. These blades, however, shatter easily due to the power of her strikes. The size of the blade is dictated by the size of the object she draws it from, and she can only draw blades from inanimate objects. This ability is known as "Zeichnen Schwert".
Finally, Weiß Kommandant's signature ability is hidden under her eyepatch. Inactive outside of battle, her left eye suddenly becomes a shade of turquoise when she is in a fight. This is the activation of her "Unbegrenzte Sicht". Her left eye becomes hyper-perceptive, allowing her to see the tiniest of motions and through them predict the next attack of her opponent. She is also capable of seeing through illusions while it is active. However, there are two limitations on this ability. Firstly, extended usage of this hyper-perception causes Yumiko to develop a throbbing headache due to information overload, crippling her ability to fight. Secondly, she believes that using this ability against most opponents is dishonorable, and therefore hides it with her eyepatch unless she feels her opponent is "on her level".

Heavily WIP. ^^;
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