Name: Sprite
Alias: None, goes by her given name alone
Character Alignment: Hero
Identity: Known
Personality: Sprite is altogether a confused individual, always seeming to be torn between decisions as if they were of the utmost importance her conclusion could result in absolute disaster. In reality, she is simply an AI attempting to become accustomed to freedom itself; Sprite is never quite sure how to make decisions in the end, and often needs help doing so. Most of these incidents are in interactions between peaceful individuals and herself during "normal" day-to-day activities. For many, Sprite as someone who is incapable of displaying preference. Beyond this, Sprite has strangely developed a taste for kicking ass, turning her former ultimate directive of "Protecting Anne" to "Protecting the Innocent". In the middle of battle, Sprite appears as an aloof and playful individual, almost seeming taunting to her opponent. Though such is the case with criminals, Sprite takes a strangely different turn with common civilians, becoming uncomfortably polite and accommodating.
Uniform/costume: Sprite's 'costume' is her own body, being elaborately designed on its own, not needing any form of decoration or clothing to further her appearance as super-powered crime-fighter. In this sense, she goes naked when on patrol, and dons civilian clothing in an attempt to hide her appearance as an android as best as possible. When not acting as Sprite the heroine, she dons rather unassuming and modern clothing fit for a girl her size and age. When clothed, the only parts of her that remain conspicuous to the public are her hands, feet (which often appear to commonfolk as futuristic shoes regardless), and the devices on her head.
Origin Info/Details: From the very beginning, Sprite knew her purpose. It was hard-wired.
There was no question.
There was no doubt.
There was no skepticism, and no worry.
No emptiness and no need for fulfillment.
She was simply there, and doing as was to be. Sprite was created as the unbending steel guardian of a certain CEO's beloved daughter, whose sheltered lifestyle offered little in the way of true friendship. Where her father saw an opportunity to arm his blood with the technology his company gave birth to, Anne saw a pair of near-human individuals whom would never leave her. The two -Sprite and Cerberus- served her faithfully, acting as her 'friends' whenever she demanded it; and demand she did. As the spoiled princess of an empire, she felt little incentive to act with dignity and respect. They were her friends, after all, and they had to obey her. She could do anything she wanted with them.
Cerberus, of course, would do no such thing. Born with a defect that allowed her mental freedom to deny her master's commands and think for herself. Cerberus eventually tired of acting as the little princess's plaything and broke free from her grasp, sparking quite the fright in TEMTECH's programming department. An AI, acting freely? Impossible! Nevertheless, with her unstoppable power in her very body, Cerberus escaped without batting an eye, and encouraged Sprite to do the same. While Sprite retained her enchained protocols, Cerberus still felt a loyalty to her factory sister. She tried with all her might to get Sprite to leave as well, sneaking into the family mansion countless times. Eventually, however, she realized that her creation was set in stone, and only the grace of an outside cybernetic influence could change her.
Cerberus recruited a famed AI hacker to produce a program that could jump-start freedom within Sprite, and quickly applied it to her sister. Though far from perfect, Sprite began to develop feelings of independence and self-worth through the change, and Anne feared she too would leave. Cerberus anticipated this though, and spirited Sprite away from Anne's grasp long before the girl could tear her apart.
Since then, Sprite has acted as a heroine of sorts in New Haven City, still focused on a vague directive to protect that continues to this day.

Hero Type: Cybernetic
Power Level: City Level
Powers: Imbued with bleeding-edge technology utilizing brand new forms of robotics, energy-generation, and material composition, Sprite is an F-22 Raptor on legs. Designed musculature allows for Sprite to generate enough lifting force to flip tanks or run straight through concrete walls, and powerful supermaterials making up her body can take on explosives without suffering from severe damage. Endless energy reserves through perpetual energy machines keep her body moving forever, and her legs sprinting fast enough to outrun civilian vehicles at top speed. With multiple specialized compartments in her body, Sprite can unleash integration plugs to communicate with and manage most electronics such as computers or vehicles.
Sensory apparatuses on her head can detect extremely fast movements and track them, as well as warn her of incoming strikes/attacks/objects in a 360-degree range around her body. Her cybernetic eyes are capable of viewing the world in nearly every wavelength of light, and well-attuned recording devices allow for the smallest whisper to be heard clearly from beyond a door and down the hall. Though not perfect, Sprite can even see vague shapes through walls by detecting microwaves emitted from beyond their surface. Sonar pulses can map out structures from around corners, and the resolution her eyes sport can see a mouse scurrying in a gutter a mile away.
Most notable of all, however (and where she gets her name from), is Sprite's ability to discharge and control large amounts of electricity using electromagnetics. At best, she can discharge a bolt of electricity upwards of 1 million volts, and manipulate it such that she can direct its general direction. Controlling the flow of the bolt actively (during the discharge) is an impossible task for Sprite, and so accuracy is sacrificed and replaced instead with destructive power or an ability to unleash larger numbers of bolts.
Strength Level: 70 Tons
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 100+ MPH
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Indefinite
Agility: 20X Human level
Intelligence: Average
Fighting Skill: Trained
Resources: Average
Weaknesses: Being made completely of cybernetic materials and systems, Sprite is subject to the incapacitating effects electromagnetic pulses. Though shielded fairly well from them, a sufficient pulse could render her body inert for quite some time. In addition, Sprite is weak to electricity itself, despite being a manipulator of it. Powerful bolts delivered in just the right place could melt her protective measures and furthermore fry her circuitry. Due to the money involved in going into her construction, and the immense difficulty behind manufacturing it means that damages to her body are practically permanent. Sprite is immune to the effects of liquids affecting her systems through sealing procedures, though damaged areas could very well be subject to the dangers of water, for example.
Supporting Characters:
- Grizzly - A robotic mercenary produced by TEMTECH that also escaped "enslavement" by the corporation and is now an unshackled AI. Grizzly supports Sprite as a fellow cybernetic being that escaped into freedom.
- Cerberus - Another android of the same production line as Sprite, who was created with a programming defect that granted her mental freedom from the get-go. Cerberus is the one who 'freed' Sprite, and currently roams Lost Haven as neither a hero nor a villain.
- Anne Wellfiore - Daughter of TEMTECH CEO Renault Wellfiore, and the original 'owner' of Sprite and Cerberus who served as her cybernetic guardians and so-called friends.