Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

Most Recent Posts

LeeRoy said
How big is her Dragon Form. Shoulder to ground, nose to tail?

About 30 foot shoulder height. ~240 feet from mouth to tail. But she's more lithe than most dragons her size and age, so size isn't exactly a good indicator of her strength in that sense.
In Dark Souls 2 11 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
mdk said
Networking in general has some issues, for me at least. I can't really play if someone else is using the web, which has slowed me down quite a bit (I mean, I could play offline, but the lurking threat of invasion is so much a part of the game for me, I really hate to progress without it)

Not that you'll ever be invaded anyways... >_>

*heavy sigh*
Tis a real dragon. I saw it with mine own eyes!
"Your world has been spared, to a degree. Aurora is a strange place, filled with an energy only the Angar-Ryllan's can truly see. For the time being, they will not attempt to invade again; the Maelstrom has proved too difficult. If you go now, and seek revenge and succeed, they may turn their attention once more to Aurora. They are not above revenge themselves."

"You seem to hold revenge in a negative light."

"I am not a Dragonborn."

"Indeed. Now send me beyond."

Vera Threi Shivan reflected on that chance meeting, for a moment cautious of her decisions to leave Aurora in search of Angar-Ryllans, or a force that could oppose them. As she was now, and with a distinct knowledge of one's own capabilities, Vera knew well that an empire spanning so called "stars" was not something that could be felled by the breath of a single dragon. She needed aid, someone else who shared her sentiment. In the end, that force was not to be found in this place "Sortarius". It was much too like her own world of Aurora, and with a distinct lack of power similar to the Bulwark.

Certainly the troll that hung limp in her jaws, blood and shredded flesh sliding off into the underbrush cemented her conception of how unimpressive this world was. With a flick of her long neck and a chomp, she severed the thick hide and fat body in half, and gulped down the flesh that was trapped in her maw. Its head and legs splattered on the ground, but she paid no mind. The sound of a distinct human cry in the distance had caught her attention away from the hunger she had satiated. Rising above the treeline, she caught the faint smell of blood, small but definite. There was a battle starting, evident by the blood, but given how quickly more of it began to accumulate in the air, she could tell it was not simply a scuffle. A band of raiders was attacking.

Vera stretched her massive wings over the canopy and beat them twice, disturbing a flock of birds that had deduced she was originally no threat to their small size. The town in the distance had granted her shelter earlier in the night, being quite dazed after having warped from Aurora with aid of a certain transporter. They offered her a bed and some food, but having since recuperated, she declined their offer of sustenance and flew off into the mountains beyond. Their measly offerings of bread couldn't possibly satisfy her belly. Within hours she found a wandering cave troll and swiftly butchered it, vastly greater in size and strength. It was like a goat to a lion for her, despite the fact that in her human form it could easily crush her under its weight.

Whatever was going on in the town, Vera felt a small sense of duty towards their safety. The possibility of discerning better what this world was capable of, too, enticed her. With a single great lunge, she took off into the air and soared for the plains in the distance, and unleashed a sky-rumbling roar to signal her approach.
ASTA said
Well, it isn't so much the weapon that's the qualifying factor; it's whatever is using it. I mean, it's a melee weapon. Unless people are swinging around live ICBMs as clubs, then I guess that counts as an 'abnormal sword' that has the potential to cause great havoc should its wielder hit something with it.EDIT: Unless the sword is made out of unobtainium and not some common material. Well.Meh.

I believe the proper term is 'Phlebotinum'. :3
If the character fits, it ships.
The Angar-Ryllans are like an Empire-esque (Star Wars) faction, am I correct? Talking in terms of firepower and size.
Updated Vera's CS with backstory. Involves the Angar-Ryllans, so as to give her a motive against them.
GreivousKhan said
And cause I know Noboy likes the anime. 1:00 probably zee best.

GreivousKhan said
The Chiefest of Calamities has arrived. Prepare for much boasting and arrogance!

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