Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

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"Cathrel at your serivce!"

Name: Cathrel the Janus
Aliases/Nicknames: Janus, Mirroness, The Mailman
Gender: Female
Race: Empowered Human
Cathrel was born a common human, but by happenstance way into the Nexus, was granted great powers by the Dreamers.

Age: 16

Origin: Nexus of Worlds

Height: 5'5
Weight: 110 lbs

Family: Long-forgotten nuclear family
Occupation: Founder of the Multiverse Postal Service/employee

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Personality: Dutiful, Adventurous, Sincere
Cathrel lives and breathes her work, including some form of its operation in every aspect of her daily life, vague as it may seem. More than anything else, Cathrel desires to travel and -being human unlike her Dreamer superiors- finds quite often that little can prepare her for what amazing journey lies around the corner. Even with her powers allowing for her to carry out tasks or intentions with incredible haste, she remains sensible and considerate, applying supernatural abilities only where they are needed, and not when she wants them.

Character Tier: High

Natural Skills/Abilities:

None, Cathrel was originally a common human (and a pretty weak one at that) and so exerts no natural prowess in anything except maybe for running.

Attained Skills/Abilities:

-The Janus: Given the highest power from the Dreamers themselves, Cathrel stands as the dominant force of supernatural transportation in the multiverse. Save for the Dreamers themselves, no other entity is capable of opening perfectly stable portals between universes as swiftly as she. Still, the effect is not instantaneous; Cathrel must make a motion to generate a portal between universes, and must apply appropriate distances as movement to generate a portal of larger size. For example, if she were to wish to create a portal between universes a mile wide and high, she must apply her power while traveling from one point to another totaling one mile. The portal then "sweeps open" as if it were a stage curtain, allowing for anything of proper size to proceed through until she closes it with the snap of her fingers or creates another portal (no matter the size, Cathrel can close it in an instance) (Cathrel can generate only one portal at a time). Unless the Dreamers forbid it, Cathrel is capable of entering any universe she desires.

-Teleportation: Besides creating portals, Cathrel is capable of instant transmission between two points in the same universe (she cannot transmit to another universe without generating the proper portal). Cathrel cannot teleport into solid objects, lest she become stuck or potentially be displaced herself (it is random which event occurs), and the effects of energy or magic-based shielding bar her from entering unless the shield is directional. No matter the distance, short or long, teleporting has a universal cooldown of two minutes for Cathrel.

-Linked Intra-Universal Portals: Rather than creating portals between two universes, Cathrel can also create a number of portals within a single universe. Creation of these portals requires the same distance protocol as stated before, but does not have the count limitation; Cathrel can generate and maintain any number of portals within a single universe which remain for an indefinite period of time, or until she leaves the universe. Like inter-universal portals, these are generated in space rather than on any specific surface, meaning that 99.99% of the time, they appear in thin air, or close enough to a surface that they appear bound to them. Momentum is maintained when going through portals.

-Indirect Teleportation: Cathrel can teleport nearby objects as well, but is limited to moving them to a location within sight, or within 100 meters if not in sight. This ability affects whole objects, and not parts of them. Cathrel considers the object in her thoughts, but cannot distinguish certain chunks of it. For example, if Cathrel were to try and teleport a section of lamppost, it would teleport the entire lampost rather than her desired section. Cathrel cannot teleport sentient entities due to their high seidhr concentration.

-Portify!: Cathrel can apply a rather peculiar aspect to objects that converts them into three-dimensional portal-like substances. The objects in question become portals in themselves, though Cathrel can ignore their effects herself (so picking up a "portalized" object won't affect her in the same way it would affect anything else). These portals then, can act as a sort of cutting substance, as the surfaces it is applied to are transported to a specific location (which Cathrel defines beforehand). Portalized objects are hindered by the effects of magic or energetic barriers, and seem to be influenced by the seidhr coursing through sentient beings; even physical, common shielding used by a human being can stall the effects of portalized weaponry due to the seidhr emanating from their bodies.


-Hammerspace Bag: Cathrel carries with her a bag of holding that responds to her thoughts. She does not need to fish around for what she is looking for, and can immediately reach in to receive what she desires (given the object has already been stored there before). This bag tends to carry mail and packages, but can store just about anything she can fit through the opening.

-Beacon of Tranquility: A large staff that Cathrel carries, given to her by the Dreamers. The Beacon of Tranquility serves in many functions, namely the closing of portals and portal-like entities that she has not created, as a counter to the ambition of the Angar-Ryllans. It is not capable of instant closure like possible with her own portals, though serves its purpose nicely. Particularly weak portals that are generated in her vicinity can be tampered with due to the aura it emits; those who would use portals for nefarious purposes in her presence (and given they are vastly under her power level) will find their portals instead leading to a random point nearby, instead of their intended destination. Within the staff is contained an immense map of the Multiverse, allowing for Cathrel to find her way around.
ASTA said
Obliviously, the only clear way to win an arena fight is to prep . :v

Or be like me and just enjoy the writing aspect, and have your character lose if the opponent won't themselves, all in the name of:

Replied to the PM. I really wish we'd get a notification setting already. :\
Beta said
This is seeming like more and more trouble by the minute, and seeming like my character is going to be a punching bag because he doesn't "prep" things, but reacts reflexively to pretty much 90% of things.Most discouraging.

In that sense you prep the idea that he will react reflexively to something. You call it prepping for counter-attack if defending, or prepping in anticipation of contact if attacking.
Rilla said

Listening to electronic music and seeing this, just fits so perfectly.

ASTA said
I guess. I mean, the nature of this RP requires a fair amount of 'handwavium', so to speak.Unrelated, but Rilla---your signature is just abhorrent. XD

GreivousKhan said
Damn thing is heavier then, me and it can fly. :Knature is not fair I say.

Skallagrim said
There are the stats for my dragon if that helps any...

Sounds about right. Vera is extremely long though and more lithe, so her weight is lower than 13.5 tons, which is what I got.
Also Skally, Ima PM you about a potential character that may have retroactively-created history with the Cughtagh.
I don't know the weight of a dragon that size?

Uhh... Taking into account scales, muscles... wings, that they have to be lighter in their bones. Hrm mm... Ahhh...

Maybe 10-11 tons?
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