Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

Most Recent Posts

Skallagrim said
There is a great evil about to be unleashed perhaps our erstwhile mailman can take you there.

But she has a ton so I can deal.
But tardigrades are nature's little juggernauts. ;_;
Demous said and a third of symphogear

Nobody, you do know I made a post talking to Evvie right? .-.
It came to my mind out of nowhere really, but I thought it might be an interesting topic to discuss/see how many people utilize these things.

I have noticed that there are many things that can aid towards creating a cohesive team of players in a roleplay; similar interests, instilling friendship rather than a sort of business-like relationship, etc. But one that has seemingly popped up more often lately is the use of chat rooms outside of RpG. Outside of the OOC.

Skype groups, IRC rooms, you name it. From what I have seen, roleplays that utilize these more often create a more connected player base. They interact more as friends, leading to a more fervent interest in the roleplay as a whole.

What does the rest of RpG think of this? Do you see that same thing happening? Do you think it is an effective/useful tool? Do you use a chat group/other method?
Friendly as Rilolia wanted to get with Yazulayne, having her distracted by an unfortunate animal-eared individual did bring a certain tranquility to Rilolia for the time being; orphans in Talze Uterra were one thing, but the way Yazulayne behaved was another. Exhausting might have been a proper term for Yazulayne. But there was more to her stress than teaming up with mentally questionable elf, and as she patted down her coat for something to drink to find them vacant, her stress peaked even higher. She had a headache, visions of Dead Gear falling into the lava, that swordsman's virtual invulnerability, a prison. She needed some air.

Climbing to the upper deck, Rilolia found herself rubbing her head after taking the cap from it. In her internalized storm, she nearly passed Chad by without even a hello, but a cool breeze managed to cool her head off briefly enough for her to notice the man peacefully sipping on some liverous poison. Replacing her cap and straightening out her posture, she sat beside him on the deck and took in a deep breath.

"Ah, Chad, nearly missed you," she greeted, clenching her eyes shut in an attempt to dull her growing headache. Truly she was suffering from would have inevitably come; a lightning strike of doubt and fear. The ache that comes when one is to far in to tell someone else -someone who put in time and effort- that you may want to turn back. She wouldn't say such a thing, of course, but the split in her head was screaming to do so. If a massive God of War could not take down a single man, what nonsense allowed her the chance to do it herself? Now, that swordsman may fortunately fail to show his face during their trip to Astopol, but there was a great feeling Rilolia could not shake.

"Thanks again for helping me out. I really appreciate it," she stated. He'd probably heard enough of it from her though, and she tried to bring up something else. "I don't think I ever asked, but what is it between you and Yazulayne? I sense a bit of hostility."
We all know what this means.

Sukoh gets revived.
LeeRoy said
So this just isn't going to be resolved then?At all?

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