Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

Most Recent Posts

Ah okay. Also the max age is 2 years -that's how old the game is.

Work on the Origin Myth (really, just come up with some cool make-believe background for him. An Origin Myth is supposed to reflect the motif of your character) and I'll accept him.
Freeshooter92 said
Alright, I got ULYSSES HAMMERJUSTICE up on the first page.

Where in god's good earth does he keep all those guns? .-.
I said prefer, in any case. If you can't find anything, you can forgo an image.
Freeshooter92 said
Wait, I to have an image? how the hell am I supposed to find one for what I've got planned?

Search harder.
"Nay," Mercedes replied, still scanning over the village, "and strangely I feel as though vampires may actually not have passed through here. There seems to be something more beyond." Turning back to face Father Alder as he chanted, she continued on with her ominous feelings. "The golemn is one thing, but there are aspects here that do not smell of vampires. What I sense..." she paused, looking to the sky as it began to rain, "is something altogether more evil and unnatural." When the rain turned into a storm, and lightning followed, Mercedes understood instantly that there was something coming. No longer caring of keeping herself concealed from the villagefolk, she stood herself up and brought her crossbow to bear.

And there they were -werewolves, if she could guess at all- headed straight for the village. And yet, they gave off an air of being something different than mere werewolves. It was because of this that she did not charge in steadfastly. Horrible as it was, she wished to see what they were capable of. Their speed, their ferocity, their murderous nature and how far it went. Nevertheless, she kept her crossbow trained on the one at its forefront, the largest of them all. But as they encircled upon a young girl, Mercedes would wait no longer. With agility befitting of a monkey in the trees, Mercedes hopped upon a taller roofline nearby and ran across its shingles to the town center as hastily as possible. With a single leap and a following roll, she found herself in the very heart of the charging pack, and by the girl's side.

Without even asking for permission or a word for that matter, she scooped up the girl in her arm and aimed her grappling gun back to the very roof she jumped from. Almost as soon as she had jumped into the fray, she was out once again, barely missing the talons of a few Ghoukas. Yanked up onto the two-story building, she let the girl stand back upon her feet, a worried look upon Mercede's face.

"What were you thinking little lady!" she admonished.
Soul said
I probably should have read the 'Open Roleplay' text under 'OOC'.But....I don't think I can join as of yet, seeing as I'm studying for school. Will this RP still be open anytime in the future? (Say, in about three days)? Or are you closing applications at a specific number?

Depends on how many I get. I'm probably going to keep it open for a large number of players, so in 3 days I'm left to assume there will still be room for you. Regardless, since you've already expressed interest you'll get in whenever you want.
I just unearthed a new element. It's called don'tgiveafuckium.
Mr_pink said
Reserved, also how will we interact with each other? Will we be on a team or what?

If you choose the same missions, yes. Outside of missions you can interact as you please.
Open to all.

OOC is dere.
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