Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

Most Recent Posts

I suppose signing up for missions also serves as a sort of roll-call.
Rilolia hazarded a guess this butler didn't really notice too much of a difference between her and Chad, drunkard he might have appeared to be. Her once vibrant and expensive clothing had since become dull, dirtied, ruffled and patched in several places. Her beloved hat, most of all, was likely the more tattered of her belongings; and yet, the raggedness made seem all the more lovable. Rilolia glanced at Chad, nearly shrugging as if to brush off the butler's half-compliment, half-insult statement, but for the moment the return to "nobility" felt good. She wouldn't commend the butler, nevertheless.

How the head of Lorerchais had come to know of her excursions into madness was beyond her, but she assumed that notice of the volcanic ruckus must have gotten out quite quickly. She slightly eyed the butler, hesitant but appreciative, hiding behind a facade of distrust.

"Scarlet Court, huh..." she mumbled to herself, "What do they find in Vance that warrants sending a butler to my aid? And how the hell did you know I was here?!" she cried. Certainly, even at the mention of his name, Rilolia recalled nothing of the man. "Lenz Blac" surfaced no memories from her childhood in the Lorerchais mansion.

I feel like calling him Smithers, Rilolia laughed mentally, giving off a devious smile.
Mission statements are up. Let me know if you want to change your choice!

IC posts will be up by the end of the day!
I won't assign anyone, rather let them choose. Capping the number of players per mission at 5 though, so choose early if you have a preference.

Yes, some will nevertheless be more "solo" than others.
Yep. :)
Initial missions have been put up, along with the type of mission they are. I'll get to writing up their details later tonight.

EDIT: Forgot Skys was in the middle of making his CS.

And with that, the roleplay is now CLOSED to new posters.
Awesome-o. Beringer is accepted, but, no title?

Yea I'm excited to start to Ryu. I hope I can effectively satisfy you all and make this a fun experience.
Recounted, and we've got one spot left after OldManWong has joined.
RyuShura said O holy Asuras, our Lord and Savior.

Woah there.

Anyways. Good. Throw her in dungeon Archive.
Yes. Ownership of champions (and the unit that stored/processed their data) can be transferred to another entity, or if they original owner is smart and resourceful enough, could make some sort of housing unit such that the champion's storage unit is never turned off and their connection to the internet never severed.
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