Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

Most Recent Posts

I'll put where I god damn please. It doesn't matter anyways, considering the link to it is on the front page. Each post has a 30-image limit, so I don't want to further decrease the number of image I can have in the archive OP. I need those spots for future NPC's.

Hints? Fine.

Achievements that are created or achieved by at least one player listed below. Achievements that have not been completed by at least one player have both their name's and criteria hidden. Once they are gotten at least once, they will be fully revealed. Some achievements are OOC-related, while others are story-related (additionally some are for future missions, while others are current). This will be updated as time goes on.

- It Was So Nice I Posted Thrice
Get an unintentional triple post.
Players: Makatsume Haru

- Phertersherp
Use the graphics to make a (good) joke.
Players: Nron

- ????
Hint: They're there somewhere...

- ????
Hint: The corporate shadows won't kill this one. Not this time.

- ????
Hint: "And you can have this new DLC for a low price of $69.99!"

- Visceral Holocaust
Disgust me.
Players: Tentacle Lord

- ????
Hint: Pull it off. Subtly, of course.

- ????
Hint: No wall is indestructible.

- ????
Hint: First step is to run out of bubble gum.

- ????
Hint: Walk the plank.

- ????
Hint: Turning fodder into cannons.

- ????
Hint: Blast the past.
I'm working on them. I'll let you guys know if any have been achieved. This is really just for shits and giggles.


Back to photoshop.

"Well, if that's all you gals need, I'll be headin' out, yea?" Reilcall suggested, slapping the table once again to draw attention. Lifting himself up, he knocked over his own chair, but quickly scrambled to pick it back up. Without another word, the champion strolled right out of the cafe quite haughtily, his chest puffed and head held high. Before he could make it out though, he seemingly thought it necessary to show off his wealth once more, and took out a second wad of cash which he promptly placed onto a waitresses platter. It must have been a substantial amount, because she began to cry quite shamelessly.

The three girl's comms began to ring quite perfectly in unison, hinting to the one who was on the other end. There was a moment of silence before the man spoke, though, as if he were ensuring all three had answered the call and could hear him.

"This is Zale. I see you finished your meeting with Reilcall. Now begins the tough part, as I'm sure you deduced. While you guys procure information of your own, I will be simultaneously searching the central hub as best I can for Sprite and notify you if I find anything of interest. Keep attentive and have your phones ready at all times, and we shouldn't have any issues. If you pick up anything interesting, call me back. Keyword is interesting here. I don't care for chit-chat," he spat out words like a machine gun, pausing little, and it seemed at the very end, when the girls could hear a faint gasp on the other end that he might have done it entirely on a single breath. "Zale out."

The call hung up itself.
Nron said

That does it. I need to make achievements.

This will be one.

Beringer was, surprisingly, met with an unprecedented amount of reaction to his words. Delphia at first simply averted her eyes from Beringer's crouched position and refused to place her hand upon his, but she nevertheless uttered a first word to the group.

"Sure," she mumbled, her eyes still traced to the side. She seemingly disliked such close eye contact. Beringer's communication was short-lived, however, as Ulysses brazenly motioned to take Delphia into his metallic clutches. The girl was hoisted up without an issue and without a peep; for all Ulysses abrasive tendencies, Delphia made no motion or word to avert being placed on his shoulder. She remained as unenthusiastic as ever, retaining the ever-apathetic gaze away from any and all direct vision.

The scientist looked a tab bit pleased at her quick "integration" (if nay of the champions were willing to call it that), and took a few steps backward as if to surrender her to their care finally. With a monstrous, long bow, the doctor gave his goodbye's, some final words of encouragement, hope, and thanks, and disappeared in a flash of light, indicative of his leave from Agar Mythos itself. All at once, the world seemed to fade back into place.

Their meeting location was, at first, seemingly a nameless building with an address in the outskirts of Titan, a mountainous city reflected in the real world upon Mt. Fuji itself. Upon entering the room initially, it was a dull grey, littered with various chairs, electronic boards, and miscellaneous messages. It seemed to be a doctor's office of some sorts, but as the doctor himself had appeared, it was altogether lightning quick and unexpected; he had warped in, Delphia in tow. At that moment, the room too instantly changed, growing deathly quiet and seemingly removed from the world. Now that he was gone, things returned to normal, and the sounds of a common pedestrian bustle outside once more reached their ears.
Realized Sariel has yet to get in a post for Massachrist, so I'll give a little more time for that before I make the next post for it.

Saint Material post incoming.

Excuse me tonight if I seem extremely tired or absent. I just spent a couple hours working on a statistics project, which isn't quite done yet.

EDIT: Dropping Shinobi and letting in user Skull with his champion "Kid". He'll arrive soon.
I will be PM'ing you guys.
No it's k. It's been happening to everyone lately.
Wow dat double triple post. Achievement unlocked.

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