Avatar of Asuras


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

Most Recent Posts

What the hell is a 'mini' nuclear missile?
Patch 1.0 Changes:
  • Averus OP'ness decreased to 25% of its original

  • Event Horizon ship no longer invisible

  • Stitchenstein can now spawn abominations inside Helsann buildings

  • Tara's Demon Lord title removed

  • Nerfed Reilcall's bank account

  • MLarky dialogue options updated
  • Expect lots of updates and shit by the end of the day.
    Freeshooter92 said
    Oi! That's not fair to the rest of us!

    What isn't?
    MLarky for best character 2014.
    Individuals have to pay a fee to create champions, and the fee is pretty hefty if you're not independently wealthy. There's also a limit on the number you can produce, and the rate you can achieve that limit. So it is highly unlikely two champions would appear within an hour of one another, at best.
    Apokalipse said
    Sorry, I'm a bit behind. I haven't even read anything because of homework and other RPs. I swear I'll prioritize this tomorrow! Gotta go to sleep now, though. (Sorry D: I know this RP runs solely on the presence of me ;) )

    No worries. Life takes precedence. I myself was super busy today so I feel you.
    Freeshooter92 said
    Someone must slip through the cracks every so often...

    Not really. Averus appears unconditionally before each newly-spawned AI (champion AI, that is) within 1 minute of their birth, so it's kinda difficult to escape him.
    Makatsume Haru said
    So, should I wait for Skull or go ahead and post?

    Give him a little more time. We don't want to get too far ahead before he posts. That being said, he should post soon. :L
    I'll put where I god damn please. It doesn't matter anyways, considering the link to it is on the front page. Each post has a 30-image limit, so I don't want to further decrease the number of image I can have in the archive OP. I need those spots for future NPC's.

    Hints? Fine.
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