Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

Most Recent Posts

Roll Call Tally:
Freeshooter: O
Nron: O
Scumbag: O
Anderiel: O
Konica: O
Makatsume: X
Rinnee: O
Apokalipse: O
guyvolk: O
Preacher: X
Nem: X
RyuShura: X
OldManWong: O
Skys: O
Skull: O

Save for Skull, our YDKM team hasn't rolled call'd, as well as Preacher (Sariel) of Massachrist (who also hasn't posted in awhile).

The YDKM players posted relatively recently, though, so I'll assume they just have'nt showed up in the OOC for this yet. Preacher however... If this continues I'll drop him/her.

Please post soon Rinnee, so we can get on to the juicy parts of Event Horizon. :U

Now I'm working on a Saint Material post.
Let's get a role call here. If you're still around, please post here.
Nice post. Quality over quantity.
Achievement list has been updated with 4 new entries.
Massachrist post is up. Things to note:

  • You're free to go and attack the zombies as you please. There's a few dozen of them. Think of them as commonplace zombies with minimal amounts of armor, but devastating weaponry (if it hits skin). Roleplay killing them as you wish, just try don't make it a cakewalk. There's supposed to be some amount of danger here.

  • The big four-legged one is extremely tough and surprisingly quite fast.

  • Gaul's wraith has yet to encounter anything, that's why I haven't notified it of anything.

  • Now, on to the other missions:

  • Waiting on Miriel & Tara, as well as Vydia to post before I update the mission.

  • I'm letting Kid get some stuff in before I make another post for YDKM. In any case, you guys are free to go where you please, and I'll make a post accordingly if you find anything. For now, consider this time to interact with one another.

  • Saint Material players are also free to go where they please. Things will happen soon. Feel free to make up aspects of Agar Mythos as you wish (that is, places/things/events in the city of Titan). Run them by me if you have any doubts. Collab if you want! I'll join if you do. I will have a post shortly

  • "Ah, right," the priestess recalled, her words indicative of apology but her expression quite the opposite. She seemed almost absent-minded. "Stitchenstein's creatures..." she trailed off, and gave a glance at Gaul's skeletal form up and down before continuing, "As a necromancer, he's quite capable of raising the dead. He conjures all manner of unholy things, be them human remains or that of the forest fauna. What's worse, he takes pleasure in infusing them with various macabre contraptions. Their bodies are twisted into new forms, mangled or not, and given weaponry that is often simply grafted to their skin."

    An all-too close cry in the air had instantly set Fran on edge, and she held her flamberge at waist-level. It was clearly inhuman, and had some hint of mechanization -crackled, synthesized, almost. "Ready yourself...?" she paused, "Did I ever catch your name? I am Head Priestess Fran Meilleur of the Helsann Avery Church. May we find success with one another." Her words were surprisingly calm for the situation. The rain began to pick up as shuffling forms approached from beyond the town gate. Raindrops pattered on their hairless or otherwise skinless forms. As they came closer, it was evident what they were; tortured souls nailed and screwed with all manner of equipment, stitched together in some areas, and crackling with tiny jolts of electricity in some places.

    Rusted blades of all kinds sprouted from their twisted skin, or were chain and locked to their hands, unable to be dropped by any means. They moaned and groaned with synthesized voices, as if computerized, hot breath escaping their rotting mouths. Among them, a four-legged abomination, an amalgamation of human body parts and some unknown monster for a head, and a collection of metal machines upon its arms that looked as if they belonged to a mantis.

    It's jangling sounds with each step were defeated only by the gravelly and deep booming of its voice as it skittered towards Fran, Gaul, and his minions.
    The old man shook his head disappointingly, long beard sliding along his lap as he did so. "Direction? Mmm... It changes from time to time. Poor Fran can only react to her gut instinct and intercept them if she is wrong minutes later. I'm afraid you'll simply have to keep a lookout," the mayor stated. He laughed before responding to Ekho's question, taking the near-insult in stride. Being so old he had very little spite in his heart, and choose to instead let it be dominated by humor and happiness for what short time he had left.

    "Dying? Most certainly. At this age, there's no doubt. But do not fret. Everyone's time comes. I'm expecting mine by dinner time tonight," he laughed heartily, and then promptly took another drink of water. "If you have no questions-" he was cut off by a familiar sound. Monstrous cries outside and in the distance caught his ear, and surely that o the champions. He turned to an expression of worry and practically shooed them out of the room.

    "They're here! Go! Hurry!" he stressed.
    OldManWong said
    I modified my post because I wrote it while I was slightly intoxicated, should be more coherent now...I hope

    Nuuu. Keep it intoxicated modu.

    Sariel still hasn't posted? K. Massachrist post incoming.
    Yep. Now you'll have to deal with all the pirates that will inevitably see you.
    So basically just a big bomb. Nothing special. Sure, you can use scorched earth, just realize no on likes their cities being blown to smithereens.
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