Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

Most Recent Posts

Name: Zanzilith
Gender: Male

Personality: Zanzilith's abhorrent personality is built upon a twisted whimsy and even more gruesome imagination. To him, everything is equally considered, equally respected... In that sense, nothing is treated with kindness or consideration. Humans are just that, human, and he views them as such, but offers no more mercy to them because of it. Enjoyment of anything is of utmost importance to Zanzilith, abandoning all so-called morality in favor of doing whatever his heart desires at the time. Having an abyssal sense of amusement, such enjoyment is found in the torture of whatever he whimsically desires; human or otherwise. Penultimate to satisfaction is imagination, variety, novelty. When one does the same thing as before, they squander the time they have on this world to experience greater things. To try something new, do something in a new way, or come up with a new idea is the second base aspect of Zanzilith's psychology, which leads to increasingly horrific activities.

Abilities: Zanzilith's abilities facilitate the sickness of his actions upon others, heightening the senses in all fields, exuding auras of terror. Zanzilith possesses no active abilities that are sudden or otherwise, but rather a set of passive natures that affect those around him.

Deathless Aura - Zanzilith causes all living beings around him to become incapable of "dying" no matter the amount of damage done to their bodies so long as he maintains a presence. Otherwise fatal wounds will result in a still-standing individual, though the pain and wound will still be present. For example, if an individual were shot, they would bleed, experience the same pain, but would not die if subject to prolonged bleeding. Dismemberment, bleeding, heart attacks, concussion; no matter the injury the individual will still maintain consciousness. A more specific explanation is this: in the presence of Zanzilith's Deathless Aura, nervous systems will always function no matter the injury. This extends to all "parts" of the body, attached or not. A severed limb will still transmit feeling to the original body if it is severed. This ability extends to all individuals in the vicinity (about a 100 meter radius).

Ethereal Rooting - Though normally immune to the weaponry of the human world, those Dolls in the presence of Zanzilith are rooted to a corporeal plane and become subject to all of its physicality. Normally useless weapons and objects can harm Dolls in Zanzilith's vicinity, be they guns, blades, or rocks. This radius extends only 10 feet around him.

Marked for Death - Entirely aware of his vulnerability outside of a host human body, Zanzilith marks his Marionette with a curse that kills it should he die as well. This allows Zanzilith to always possess a hostage of sorts, making things quite difficult for Dolls wishing to leave the innocent Marionette unharmed. The mark's "timer" is continually reset as long as he is in the Marionette's body, but begins to count down normally if he is separated. He must remain outside of the body for at least an hour for the mark to disappear.

Marionette: Maria Berkel

Zanzilith controls only a single Marionette at a time, emulating the nature of a single, despised serial killer on the loose. No changes are made to the host body, save for it being subject to his Deathless Aura.

Misc: Theme Song
As the words spilled out from the butler, Rilolia felt more and more that she was just another cog in the elder's spinning wheels; a tool for the rescuing of Vance Warren, rather than an individual they truly sought to make happy and safe. Realistically, she thought, they'd stress that she turn back for fear of danger and send their own cronies in her place. She'd ignore that, for now. What was all the more interesting was why they looked toward's Vance's "thought processes" of all things. It seemed so petty, but in the end ot was his very nature that drove her into action anyways. It wasn't impossible they were feeling at least slightly similar things as she.

Lenz Blanc's offensive comment surely failed to render Chad complacent, but Rilolia couldn't help but snicker at his misfortune. A hand to her lips gave away her expression despite being a ploy at hiding amusement. At his question, Rilolia butted in.

"We know he's in a prison, and that's pretty much it. Which prison, and where that prison is, I'm not sure. I didn't exactly study up on Astopolian maps when I was young," she chuckled, folding her arms, "though if I had to guess, it's in the biggest and most secure one they got. It seemed like a pretty big deal when they took him away."
Hookayden. Post is up for YDKM, Saint Material, and Event Horizon.

For YDKM people: Yes that is an invitation to happen to see Sprite walking about. If you want to make it more difficult for yourselves, be my guest. Whatever you think is best. Ultimately information on his location will be provided.

Saint Material, continue on with what you guys want to do. I suggest doing a timeskip to the next day, where you all meet up for something or other. Be imaginative. What do you guys do in your free time (that is, what do the champs do?).

Event Horizon peeps: things will be continuing as per norm. If you want to do a big collab, speak up, because it will be quite useful for what is about to happen.

Central Hub

It was no more disheartening than seeing his face upon the face of a wall with his name printed in bold black letters beneath. That is to say, it wasn't disturbing at all. It was the norm, and it was so often failed. The mission he had seen posted to the mission board earlier had since disappeared hours ago, signalling that it was finally undertaken, and he was once again a part of a wild game of cat and mouse. Pitiful it was that they no longer sent the hoity-toity hotshots of the day, and resorted instead to continual mission postings in hopes that maybe some no-name would have the skill or luck to catch him.

Sprite walked about the streets in full view, hidden by the waves of bodies swimming about him. His face was covered by a bandanna, obscuring his features save for the electric blue eyes glowing from underneath the hood. For the time being, no one gave him any particular looks. The posters showcasing him in all his glory were taken months ago in an entirely different getup. Since then, his choice of clothing has changed several times to avoid detection. Without his visage to judge similarity, the populace was left to simply assume he was but another civilian. Completely invisible.

Until the poor champs managed to get any bit of information on his whereabouts, he had little inclination or worry to go into hiding again. He likely could walk straight past them in this crowd and spark little suspicion. And if push came to shove, he always had a quick way out. After several capture or murder attempts, he had grown weary of fighting all for naught. Lifting a hand from his warmed pockets, Sprite pulled forth a small photograph of a certain individual whose appearance was dominated by full-body armor. Central Hub was not his destination, but as he had just risen from a long period of hiding within it, he had yet to make his way to the far-off target.

Sprite walked for the nearest train station that led out of the city, pointedly quite close to the heroes of the mission...


"So you've been to jail?" the girl suddenly asked of Averus, looking quite neutral but having a strangely surprised tone to her words. She averted her attention from whatever tiny creature was skittering along the floor and into Averus's very eyes. There was something entirely different than any common program to them, and for all of his wisdom, he couldn't quite deduce what it was. What could be felt, however, was a quiet but unnerving sense that this program didn't exactly belong here, or anywhere for that matter. It was a thought not of his own, that was for sure, which made it all the more peculiar. With time, it had passed.

Before even allowing for the man to respond, she became seemingly disinterested and made for the door despite the commotion, appearing entirely unfettered by what was even happening. There were a number of police outside, each quite on edge at the appearance of Ulysses armor, deducing quickly that it was his doing that had alerted the nearby populace. Receiving calls of someone unloading firearms had raised red alarms and a hasty dispatch. Given the quickness of Ulysses "surrender" made them only more confused. Data that was pulled up on the champion averted concerns, however, and they realized what type of person they were dealing with.

When Beringer attempted to bribe them, it only furthered the strangeness for each and every officer there. It seemed almost too weird that they still maintained hands upon their firearms. One of the officers approached Beringer, taking the cash with hesitation, but altogether appearing like a man who thought himself quite lucky.

"Well then, Uh..." he stammered, looking between the two armored men, "I suppose this will suffice for damages. Given the nature of your... comrade, we won't need to bring you back to the bars." Ulysses' offers of cash went unwelcome, however, as if the officer was willing to accept only certain amounts of bribery. He had standards, apparently. The officer retreated back to his comrades and had them off rather dejectedly, as if they were still expecting something to happen. The police gone, the champions were once again left alone, but not without the stares of several civilians in the area. The onlookers eventually dispersed as well, returning to their own lives.

Delphia spoke up between Beringer and Ulysses, having appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

"I hope you're as generous during meals," she stated to Beringer.
In the darkness of a common room, a young woman clicked perfectly on her keyboard, the strokes and accuracy a hint at her social tendencies. The glow of a computer illuminated her face, turning an otherwise passive grin into a rather unnerving stare. Lines of text appeared continually over multiple web pages. She was apparently chatting with several different groups of people at once.

A light pinging noise alerted her empty eyes to an exclamation mark appearing at the bottom corner of her screen. Ignoring the chat rooms, she opened up a new tab to a single, much more concise line of words.

>Muppet has entered the chat room
>Muppet: Hello Sam
>Berkowitz: Who is this
>Muppet: I'm here to alert you of an addition to Agar Mythos you'll greatly enjoy. I hope you'll cooperate.
>Muppet: Hello? I'm quite certain you're still around.
>Berkowitz: No guarantees.
>Muppet: We'll see.
>Muppet: A certain someone qualifies for your...
>Muppet: Tastes
>Berkowitz: What are you talking about?
>Muppet: I know. Feel free to speak openly. This room is very secure. I have made certain of it.
>Berkowitz: I'm leaving.
>Berkowitz has left the chat room.

The girl sat back in her chair, still staring quite quizzically at the computer screen. She had closed the window, returning back to the familiarity of her normal chat rooms. Still, she seemed quite disturbed, leaned back and far from her keyboard.

Ping. A chat room had opened up, one she hadn't ever created or entered for that matter.

>Berkowitz has entered the room
>Muppet: Please spare me the troubles. I am quite tired tonight and in dire need of sleep.

The girl instantly leaned forward, a quick bead of sweat forming on her forehead, clearly distressed.

>Berkowitz: Your seriousness has caught my attention.
>Berkowitz: I'm listening
>Muppet: Good. I need you.
>Muppet: And I'm certain -once again- that you need what I have.
>Muppet: Titan. Tomorrow. I can make your dreams come true, and you won't have to be caught.
>Berkowitz: Where?
>Muppet: Heaven's Plane Skybridge. Use an old form. 2:00 PM JST
>Muppet has left the room.


The interior of the ship was well-kept, seemingly brand new with polished metal surfaces and unscratched or marked buttons and labels. The cargo bay door acted as a ramp up into the ship's largest room, which was then filled only with small stacks of tied-down boxes and palettes. It seemed more like a private, single-employee delivery service ship than a major shipping name. Amidst the four girl's conversation, a fifth made herself apparent.

Short, petite, cute. The girl who had entered the cargo room through a small hallway at its side waltzed right in with a cheer in her step. Wearing a pair of goggles and toting a few miscellaneous engineering tools on her belt, she was made out to clearly be the ship's owner, if not the engineer.

"Hidie ho there folks!" she brilliantly called out, saluting the gathered champions, "I'm Helia, your pilot for the ride to Nihon. Here's to getting along!" Taking a step forward, she looked on each of the girl's faces, one after another, as if to cement the images in her head. "So what are each of your names? I'll likely be shipping you guys back here after it's all done. whatever it is you guys are doing," she stated. Reaching into her pocket, she revealed a remote control of some sort, which she passively pressed a few times, clearly familiar with its layout and functions. The ship sprang into motion with a jolt, lifting off the deck floor before slowly picking up in speed.

"I might also be seeing you guys sometime or another, if you ever get picked for the Auroran battles, that is. Or if you just wanted to visit!" The vibrance in her demeanor was practically infectious, seeming almost to saturate the air with happiness itself. It was no wonder the ship seemed so bright; it must have been coated with her personality endlessly.
Swiggity swag. Updates:

Preacher's being ejected through the airlock. Welcome TheFake, as he'll be taking the slot!

Still waiting on Gaul to post before continuing Massachrist. Working on posts for all other missions.
I more meant for it to be an easily-accessed text chat room, not for mics are anything like that. If you would like to join the chat group, please PM me your skype username.
If I made a Skype chat group, would you guys join?
Freeshooter92 said
OH! IT IS OTHER ROBOT GUY WITH BIG ROBOT. THAT MEANS WE ARE RIVALS. IT IS DESTINY.Also, how big is the robonaut, roughly?And, I just noticed that the champion archive looks a helluva lot like a fighting game character select screen. But for all I know that's the point.

Not really, but now that you point it out, it does. xD
For his actions, Ulysses and co win a squadron of alerted police.

Likely to Ulysses dismay, the act of busting a hole in the door had quickly shifted Delphia's feelings of apathy into one of distaste for the hard surface of his shoulder. Her expression remained as stagnant and unreadable as before, but her more active motions indicated she was less than happy about his actions. That, or she was quickly becoming scared of the metal titan and wished nothing more than to keep away from him and his devastation.

Delphia thusly hopped down from his shoulders and walked a few paces away, without even glancing back or turning to look upon him. To the trained eye, it seemed as though she was more focused on a tiny bug than Ulysses himself; or rather, the hole in the door he had made. Averus' not-so-subtle ploy at trying to discomfort the group altogether went unnoticed by Delphia herself, but at the same time she made no move to let him doing anything anyways.

Unfortunately for the group, Ulysses aura of chaos and mayhem easily raised itself to danger mode, and extended its reaches into the guardians of the city; that of the police. Within minutes, the cries of several sirens sounded off outside, and they were approaching fast. Though the dismay might have reflected on the champions, Delphia, once again, displayed little care in the world, despite the fact that their mission's troubles had just been set in motion.
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