Carnival of Chaos - Aneura Shivan
If it weren't for the distant cry of an explosion, Aneura might have saved just that many more seconds. Standing in a spot she knew was devoid of oncoming pendulums, she paused to look to the sky, as if searching for the tell-tale signal of an explosive going off, or where it was coming from so she could deduce who had experienced it. It was too dark, however, and the sight of glinting metal swinging to and fro distracted her too much to properly scan the horizon. Rubbing the sore on her cheek, she continued forward, gracefully and knowledgeably dodging the flying death blades as well as she had done before; she chalked up the simple wound on her cheek up the vileness of the illusionist. She was doing just fine.
Eventually Aneura came to a fork in the gauntlet, but sparing no time came to a quick, simple, and wholly unthinking solution.
"Right is right," she stated to herself. Without further consideration, she made her way down the right path, thinking it better to take chances than debate possibilities and thought processes. Such would likely have been futile anyways, as the illusionist was madder than any man she'd encountered before.
I could have given you the right answer, whispered the voice inside her. Too focused on clearing the deadly game, Aneura simply dismissed its teasing, preferring to remain satisfied with her decision than delve into doubt and worry. 'It is just lying to me' had become a frequent chant of hers lately. She pressed on as fast as she could, becoming more comfortable with skipping past guillotines. Her muscled tensed in consideration that she was simply becoming too cocky...