Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

Most Recent Posts

Gaul is dead. Bring in the Massachrist post (meaning, I'm working on one :3).
Everyone but guyvolk (Gaul) responded to the rollcall, which is awesome, but it seems as though he's been absent for awhile (a whole week since he's been on RpG).
Carnival of Chaos - Aneura Shivan

If it weren't for the distant cry of an explosion, Aneura might have saved just that many more seconds. Standing in a spot she knew was devoid of oncoming pendulums, she paused to look to the sky, as if searching for the tell-tale signal of an explosive going off, or where it was coming from so she could deduce who had experienced it. It was too dark, however, and the sight of glinting metal swinging to and fro distracted her too much to properly scan the horizon. Rubbing the sore on her cheek, she continued forward, gracefully and knowledgeably dodging the flying death blades as well as she had done before; she chalked up the simple wound on her cheek up the vileness of the illusionist. She was doing just fine.

Eventually Aneura came to a fork in the gauntlet, but sparing no time came to a quick, simple, and wholly unthinking solution.

"Right is right," she stated to herself. Without further consideration, she made her way down the right path, thinking it better to take chances than debate possibilities and thought processes. Such would likely have been futile anyways, as the illusionist was madder than any man she'd encountered before.

I could have given you the right answer, whispered the voice inside her. Too focused on clearing the deadly game, Aneura simply dismissed its teasing, preferring to remain satisfied with her decision than delve into doubt and worry. 'It is just lying to me' had become a frequent chant of hers lately. She pressed on as fast as she could, becoming more comfortable with skipping past guillotines. Her muscled tensed in consideration that she was simply becoming too cocky...
Come on guise. ;_;
How do they destroy fights? I believe you are dismissing the difference between death and incapacitation, which, if anything, ensures that players don't even have to deal with god-moding given their characters will be incapable of dying, and will regenerate after the ordeal. You just proved it's even less powerful, rather than too powerful.

If that's the case, then removing him from the Marionette's body should make everything okay, no? I made him such that his auras work only when in a Marionette, so if he's removed (as I'm sure most Dolls would attempt to do, correct me if I'm wrong), the Deathless Aura would be negated. He himself does not gain the benefits of Deathless Aura, and nothing does either when he is not possessing an individual (in a body).

And don't you think that's a bit of a double standard then? One player gets to circle around the rule, and others do not?

EDIT: In any case, I've grown more tired of this than excited to play. Forget I ever submitted an application.
Okay now that it's back up I want another roll call, cause we're getting uncomfortably slow with the posts even before the down time.
Where did the posts all go?
Raineh Daze said
Stop trying to use science on these things, for a start. Yes, going by science, these things should get hurt, But if science was all that applied to them, they'd be fully natural creatures. They're not, so science has no relevance. Mundane weaponry is less effective than a special toothpick, and that's the way things are going to stay,

Science and logic are mutually exclusive.
VitaVitaAR said
Okay, um, I just woke up not so long ago so I'm not quite ready to give big explanations for bio stuff, but, um...Dolls do not follow quite the same rules as things from our world do. The same holds true for Puppeteers and, while they're possessed, Marionettes(keep in mind that Marionettes gain Doll-like traits and therefore Puppeteers need to be aware of this and avoid situations where this would be blatant). They are also extraordinarily powerful. A combination of these traits means that mundane weaponry has no effect, simply bouncing off of them or even breaking. They also regenerate, but it varies from Doll to Doll and lethal damage is still lethal. You could, however, use something that hits especially hard to knock a Doll over or something like that. And as explained, Doll Hunter nails hurt Dolls, as do other Dolls, Marionettes, and Puppeteers.Dolls are from another world, one I could best explain as something like... Asgard. Not in that it's where dead people go or anything, but as in it's a another world sort of alongside the human world. Also they're not gods or anything but yeah. Puppeteers also come from this place, and I'll leave it at that to avoid spoilers.

Thank you. That makes more sense. So it's not that they're unaffected by real-world physics, but just that they're tough enough that they do little to nothing.

I'm still waiting on an explanation as to what else isn't right with my CS.
In what way does simply being "supernatural" make them immune to conventional weaponry? Is a griffon immune to guns because it's 'supernatural'? It's made of flesh and blood, supposedly, so is its skin just so strong that it deflects projectiles? 'Supernatural' is about as descriptive as saying, "it's pretty sturdy." How sturdy. Why? I assumed they were incorporeal because otherwise they'd be so tough or have some sort of "supernatural shield" which is not described anywhere in the Int-Check setting.

I can change it, nevertheless, but I'm quite curious to see what else is so unacceptable that you request I start from scratch.
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