Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

Most Recent Posts

Zran said
Colour me interested! Couple questions though you mentioned airships, are they basic steam-punk airships? What exactly would be the tech level? As in like gunpowder age or medieval swords and arrows. Can we make our own factions/spheres? I've an idea for a race of builders, They've completely mined out their Sphere and built inside it. They're also master Air-shipwrights.

They're not steampunk. They run on gaseous mana in the air, not on steam. However they can look like however they want, and most tend to adhere to some basic form of old sailing ships (they still use the air currents to push them along). No gunpowder. Medieval weaponry is still the norm, though things like cars (generally hover bikes, actually) exist, as well as lighting and machinery.

You sure can, though you need to run it by me before getting it accepted. Again:

Your background is so open-ended that I permit the creation of entire Spheres with their own histories (and really anything else). Anything you don’t describe, however, is surrendered to me; I may further the setting of whatever you create in any way I wish, though do expect me to consult you first. I’m not a douchebag. If it relates to something I have already made, I will let you know if it meshes. Go wild.

Limited Spaces
Interest Check

Welcome to Aurora! Before I get into describing the setting that all of this will take place in, I’d like to give a few words of caution, as well as describe how this roleplay will work; I’d like to think I operate things a bit differently as GM than most other roleplays. First off: gaining acceptance into this roleplay will be inherently more difficult than others. There are 7 open spots in this roleplay, and I will be hand-selecting which CS’s get the go-ahead after a certain time period is up. You will be sending me your characters over PM first, and I will acknowledge that I have received them.

When the creation period is up, I will respond to everyone letting them know if they have been accepted or not. Realize that I don’t do this out of spite, but that I can only handle so many players with how this roleplay will work, and I wish for only players who I believe will put in effort and fervor as well as boost the roleplay up. This most certainly means near-perfect spelling and grammar, as well as an interesting idea. And by that I mean, “more interesting.” I’m sure plenty of you have interesting ideas.

Now to describe how things will play out; I think of myself as a very improvisational GM. I do not like to create an event with the intention to lead a player down it perfectly and into my intended end. I forge events, see how the players reacts, and continue on from there. How you react will be the driving force of the roleplay and its plots. As plot progresses, I will introduce other events, which again, depending on your reaction, may lead down another path which I will further improvise with. This method has worked very well for me and my players in past roleplays, and I hope it works for you too.

Because I hope for a good player base and continued activity, I will NOT be lenient with extended absences that aren’t warned about. If you plan to be gone, tell me, otherwise I will boot you to free up space. It is perfectly fine if you are busy, but if you disappear without a peep, we will have problems.

With that, please enjoy and post a comment if you’re interested! I’d like to get a gauge of how many players will be vying for a position.

Aurora is a world quite different from our own, being in several ways completely alien to our concept of how the universe is structured. Individuals of Aurora live on the surfaces of their own worlds, but these “worlds” are no more than tiny shards compared to the infinite surface they float above.

Below everything rests the Infinite Ocean, an endless surface of waves and ripples that extends further into the horizon than anyone has dared venture. Above this ocean rests the one true sky, and in this sky float countless Spheres. These bodies, these ‘Spheres’ are the worlds that all stand upon. They vary in size from a simple hill to having the surface area of the United Kingdom. All are spherical, and despite the variation in size, all exert the same gravitational force on their inhabitants. While they rotate, they do not wander from the place, eternally rooted to their unique spot in the sky.

Their spacing is such that any well-built airship could take you from one Sphere to another in at least an hours time, though this distance increases the further one gets from the “central” Sphere. The worlds are concentrated in what is believed to be a center, and their density grows smaller the further one travels from this central point. Eventually it gets to the point where one cannot see another Sphere even if they travelled for years into the distance.

The inhabitants of these Spheres vary greatly, and it is a great achievement to say you have visited all of them and met their peoples. So to are the cultures and societies different on each world, though there are a number of nations which have lain claim to multiple Spheres.

Above the highest Spheres, one can look out into “space” which is believed to exist, though none have reached it. A “sun” exists in space, but it does not move much like the Spheres. Instead, it ignites and extinguishes in a daily cycle, leading to the effect of day and night which is universal for all Spheres -there are no timezones. Because the Spheres rotate during this day/night cycle, there does exist “Dim and Bright” times of the day for individuals depending on where they are on their Sphere. If their position on the Sphere is pointed away from the sun during the day, they receive only reflected light from the Infinite Ocean, which is slightly dimmer than if they were directly facing the sun.

The Infinite Ocean is mysterious in that none have gone below its surface or even approached it closely. Above every inch of its surface exists an invisible but impenetrable shield that no one in the history of all time has ever gone beyond. Airships crash when coming upon it, and living creatures are vaporized upon touching it.

Given their location above the Infinite Ocean, all Spheres technically share the same atmosphere, though there are degrees of distance from the surfaces of Spheres that can be measured related to the concentration of ‘mana’ in the air.

‘Mana’, as it is called, is the miracle energy that pervades every space in the world in some form or another. It exists in three states much like ordinary matter; solid, liquid, and gaseous. Solid mana takes the form of crystallized materials, generally green in appearance. It is used for many magical applications, mostly used directly by human (or any other race) hands. It can be turned into a writing material (much like graphite) to create magic runes, which, when recited, create a spell. When put into a stave, it can also facilitate spells cast by mages.

Liquid mana courses through large bodies of water, appearing as a slightly lighter liquid coursing through. In lakes, rivers, and seas, liquid mana runs in defined currents, can be harvested by individuals for use as a fuel in many ways ranging from power plants to personal vehicles.

Gaseous mana exists in the air, but it grows exponentially thinner the closer one is to the surface of a Sphere. Gaseous mana is used almost exclusively for the powering of airships travelling in the sky (in between Spheres). As the mana gas is thin on the surface of a planet, airships must first burn liquid mana to get themselves far up enough to run on the mana fumes. When burned, liquid mana turns into gaseous mana, and eventually condenses into liquid mana on Sphere surfaces.

Spheres all have their own names given to them by their inhabitants or otherwise, but there are a few notable Spheres that I will speak to you of:

Bulwark is the titular Sphere of the empire that owns it; the Bulwark Empire is the largest of Aurora, possessing well over a dozen Spheres themselves. Bulwark is a massive Sphere completely covered in a sprawling city, and is well-defended; massive platforms running on gaseous mana surround Bulwark in the sky, lending to its name. It is known as the undefeatable Sphere for its impassible defensive prowess. Below the surface of Bulwark exists the most massive tomb in Aurora.

Dereie is an arid Sphere home to the dragonborn, a race of humans capable of shifting into draconic forms. Massive spires exist on Drerie, stretching so far into the sky that airships can run on gas mana there. They are a warrior race and proud of their blood. Outsiders are rarely welcomed.

Nmesis is simply a spherical body of water with no solid surface whatsoever. Nmesis is highly secretive, though it is known that a great nation of aquatic peoples live beneath its waters.

Sabaton is an abandoned Sphere once belonging to the Bulwark. It served as a massive prison and insane asylum, and due to unknown reasons was left to its own designs. It is assumed that many people still live there, though they are regarded as little more than ghosts and ghouls or bandits seeking safety.

This will be updated with any other notable Spheres as players or I develop them.


Your characters will exist within this world, which at the time is suffering from a strange event; no children have been born in five years, and it is deeply disturbing for those who have noticed it. Questions are being asked, and the situation and paranoia associated with it has led to increasingly more antagonistic war rhetoric between nations. Aurora is on the brink of chaos, and no one knows how to solve the issue.

Creating a character is pretty much the same as in any other roleplay. I only ask of you to create a background that puts your character in a position in the present in which he/she/it is currently on a mission. It could be any sort of mission (‘mission’ is used loosely here). They could be on the hunt for someone with a bounty on their head, or they might be on the run from the authorities! They could be a warrior who is trying to move up in the ranks, or a mage trying to learn in an academy of magic! It can be anything so long as it creates a goal that I can facilitate. Initially all characters will be alone unless they agree with one another to start together.

This does not mean they will always be alone, however (they’ll always be with some NPCs or another, at the very least); if I deem it sensible or a good idea, and the opportunity arises, I will have characters come into contact with one another. Once again, though, this does not cement them together. At any point they can separate again in favor of going down a different path.

With that, use your imagination!

Note: Describe your background, but outside of your CS and in the PM you send me, please summarize exactly what your character’s current goal or situation is. Depending on how I feel about it, I may discuss it with you/ask questions. Silence does not necessarily mean I do not like it.

[Appearance at top of sheet]
Race: (if it is a race of your own creation, described it here)
Home Sphere: (if any)
Theme Song:

  • You’re free to be any sort of power level you wish, though realize that with great power comes great responsibility. Your actions will have greater impact than if you were less powerful. Also note that I will match difficulty in “opponents” (if any) compared to your power level. You’re never safe.

  • I prefer appearances to be an image. You’re free to describe them as well, or to not use an image, however.

  • Your background is so open-ended that I permit the creation of entire Spheres with their own histories (and really anything else). Anything you don’t describe, however, is surrendered to me; I may further the setting of whatever you create in any way I wish, though do expect me to consult you first. I’m not a douchebag. If it relates to something I have already made, I will let you know if it meshes. Go wild.

  • -empty-

  • Submit to the lord.

  • Failure to comply by posting time regulations (which will be loose and in accordance with necessity) will result in termination... Possibly.

  • By joining you agree to allow your character to lose in many ways.

  • All of your decisions will have appropriate consequences. Roleplay you character as they would act, but be smart, ultimately.

  • If you're going to be gone for any significant length of time, please notify me. There's no shame in needing to attend to real-life stuff... you fucking loser.

  • PM me your finished Cs's. DO NOT post them here, or anywhere else save for a PM to me.


  • You are free to work on a CS now, but the submission period will start only once the OOC has been created. Do not send me any PM's for CS's until then.

  • If you don't like to do collaborative posts, this is not the place for you.
  • Tentacle Lord achievement get.

    - Visceral Holocaust
    Disgust me.
    Players: TentacleLord
    "Death by existence?" Rilolia pondered, sounding quite perturbed. Such a profound title could only mean one thing, she though. He was forcibly being kept alive and sentenced to an eternity in lonesome in this 'dark hole'. How horrendous. If anything, she thought (and if his rescue were anything but impossible), simply being executed would have put her heart at a greater ease. She put a hand to her chin and thought for a few moments, pacing slightly on the deck.

    "So then I suppose we are to procure some information on this place, right? Otherwise we'll be headless chickens running around the butcher's back room." Secrecy in Astopol, given the already monstrous designs of their fortresses, meant an equally if not more impossibly difficult to penetrate location. If they Astopolians couldn't guard it, or felt it was so terrible as to not even deserve the company of prison guards, then it meant it was furthermore desolate. Where in god's name could they possibly have dropped Vance then? Simply asking a common Astopolian for "directions to the nearest abysmal hole meant for the worst of the worst" would probably garner absolutely nothing of value, which meant they'd need to interrogate someone with a wealth of knowledge or power. The mission was becoming less of a castle crash and more of something like espionage, and that meant a prolonged period of time in the country.

    That was even worse than a smash and grab to Rilolia.

    "So then how do we find this place? I don't suppose you know where this hole or mountain is, Lenz?" Rilolia asked.
    You on a phone?
    Skyswimsky said

    *throws pokeball at skys*
    Massachrist post is up.

    Limbs, blood, and somehow still active pieces of flesh were littered about the forest floor, the only sign of ichor being a slightly darker patch of mud, or an area so literally drowned in it the ground failed to soak it in. Trickles of creatures still came in, though they seemed to be the tail end of the invasion. A dozen or so remained, as well as the larger one, but the danger was still evident. Both of Gaul's skeletal warriors were separated bone-by-bone until they were but the husks they originally sprouted from. Gaul himself seemed to disappear, as if flitting into nothingness, and Sariel was no where to be found, presumably still lagging behind.

    The larger machine-corpse seemed to notice Theow's intent considering how driven he was at charging towards its own position. Scrambling forward, it took strides over its smaller shambling comrades, surprisingly careful not to crush its allies. Its mantis-like claws clanged upon its metallic forearms like some death knell, steaming breath seeping from its toothy maw. With no warning, presumably due to the lack of bodies between it and Theow, the creature rampaged forward, suddenly quite faster than expected. With raised talons, it swung down at Theow like a pair of guillotines.

    By contrast, Ekho received the easiest portion of the mob, though it could have been attributed to her beastly patterns. As the larger one converged on Theow, however, the zombies seemingly realized the danger of remaining nearby, and turned their sights on Ekho instead, encircling her quite quickly in a tightening circle of pink flesh and rusted metal. Luckily for her, Mother Fran noticed her situation and darted forward to help. Amidst the rain, moaning, shambling, and clanging metal, her voice was faint but Ekho could clearly see she was persistently speaking. Given the seriousness of her expression and the relentlessness with which she spoke, Ekho could have guessed she was praying during the battle. Her flamberge swung to and fro, cleaving countless minions, the weapon glowing a miraculous light as it did so. Some of the bodies sported grievous scorch marks upon their wounds.
    The path clear, Gem saw her chance to make a break for the greater safety beyond; her fellow mission champions were cleaning up what looked to be their own singular group of zombies. Before she could take the chance, however, a great commotion caught her attention from behind. Some of the zombies she had ignored in favor of getting closer to the others stepped aside in their march as a much greater foe presented itself.

    This one was clearly much more intelligent than the rest, an electricity crackling about its skull-less cranium. It moved with purpose and without difficulty; it walked as any normal living creature would. In its hands, a brutish weapon was held upright in both of its armored hands. A massive double-ended scythe of some sort that looked more like it was bludgeoning than cutting. Though its sunken face was exposed, the rest of its body was not. The zombie was clad in thick armor from head to toe that clearly put strain on the creature's strength, though it still moved persistently towards Gem. A few dozen feet between them, it readied its weapon, holding it to its side as if preparing to sweep her aside. A grizzly smile overcame its face as it picked up the pace.
    Aoi said
    You seem to know alot~ :P

    Me and Rodey follow BB, so yea.
    Interest. :D
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