Yazulayne stopped counting how many days she had spent on this boat already, nor did she care. Her whole purpose, visiting the archipelago, got swapped away by the visit of a certain vampire girl. She didn't even want to think too much about her, after all she said she was sent by a certain person. But the cursed elf would help anyone who was in need of it after all, as long as it is for a good cause; and she already promised.
All by herself, the girl wandered around in one of the wooden corridors of the small ship, keeping herself somehow busy`, talking her thoughts out loud. 'Mhm, we do wonder if a ship can actually burn, it is surrounded by water after all, no? Maybe we should try...but the mean captain got already annoyed at the hole we made yesterday! So should we dare? But then again there is no way to make fire ourselves...maybe if we ask Lyra?'
Each passing day left Rilolia with a smaller and smaller window of hope, as if an imp were yanking a poorly built viewing port with all its might, nudging it closer to closure. Hopelessness. The vampiress exited her proscribed room with messy hair that had been scuffled amidst a restless sleep. As the hours passed on the ship, she was left with fewer and fewer modes of entertainment to pass it by, until sleep was the final option. Though a vampire, and therefore devoid of that human need for rest, she could still close her eyes and wander off for a time. Unfortunately, the pressing nature of her mission kept her from sleeping soundly.
Down the hall, Rilolia came across the strange elf around a corner, though had heard her distinctive speech pattern long before. She had ignored the quirk before, but stepping before Yazulayne, the two of them alone it seemed, Rilolia pressed the question.
“Good morning Yazulayne,” she greeted, though darted her eyes across the hall, unsure of what the time really was, “Were you speaking to someone?” Rilolia asked rhetorically, a smirk on her face.
Continuing her aimlessly walk she nearly bumped into another person! Thankfully though, her years of experience at avoiding people and their shadows, she came to a halt without any damage done. It was the girl from yesterday, the person she would provide with happiness, greeting her back rather friendly.
"Good morning." with a small pause of thought and time to look around she continued. 'Did we spoke to someone besides to ourselves? We think not.' Paying full attention to her quest-giver again she answered, oblivious about her smirk. "No, to no one in particular."
Rilolia eyed Yazulayne warily, as if feeling she were being played a fool. Her ventures in the Talze Uterra unveiled an unfortunate number of madmen and mad creatures, but most were either such because of their economic situation, or their very nature. The forests were a force of insanity all their own, anyways. But this elf seemed to have a bit more depth to her than a wildling that had succumbed to hunger and madness. First of all she was an elf, and second she seemed healthy enough. How young was she? Was she just playing her own game, experimenting? Rilolia crossed her arms and let go of any semblance of courtesy to what might be a touchy subject.
“You keep saying ‘we’. I don’t understand. Are there two ‘you’s’?”
"Eh?" The elf was surprised and clearly troubled by that question, most people had enough manners to not ask that, but it didn't seem like the vampire cared. 'Why is she asking us?! Should we just nod? But that would be a lie...how should we explain? Let us go with that...'-"We refer to ourselves as many or else she would lose herself and go insane! We suppose you could also say there are many of us, does that satisfy as an explanation?"
It was satisfying, though certainly not unexpected. There had to have been something going on in her head that elicited behavior, but given who she was, Rilolia was reluctant to simply jump to the conclusion. Still, it didn’t quite explain exactly who this other Yazu was, or if she had ever begun to talk to one or the other without realizing they switched control their voice.
“I suppose,” Rilolia narrowed her eyes, still quite evidently unsatisfied. She averted the subject though, given Yazu’s reaction to her question. Hopefully the elf didn’t expect everyone she met to simply go by without truly pondering how she spoke, and why. “How much longer till we reach the archapele-whatever?” she asked.
It looked like Rilolia disliked the travel oversea as much as Yazulayne, sadly she didn't know herself and thus, shook her head. "We would wish to know that too. The longer we stay on this ship the harder it gets to occupy ourselves, there are not many people we can talk to apart from Lyra. The deck has too many people for us to go outside. Being able to fly must be a great trait."
“Until you hit into a ship that is,” Rilolia laughed, “But it certainly is. Some detriments come along with it though, unlike in an elf like you,” she said blatantly.
"An elf like us? Heh." The cursed elf smirked a bit. "If people get to know us better, they usually refer to us as a monster." A bit depressed about that she added with a rather overjoyed smile."But we still love everyone and help out where we can!" to it.
She must have been referring to whatever afflicted her mind, but Rilolia didn’t affirm it. “You seem nice enough, I really can’t imagine why you’d be called a monster. Maybe quirky,” she stated carefully, “but not a monster. Did something happen?” she asked, though immediately cringed ever so slightly, realising she may be bringing forth bad memories.
Did something happen? What kind of question was that? Was she supposed to tell her now the story of her life? Whatever it may be, it didn't dwell well with her, taking a few steps back and holding her head with one hand as she recalled "major past events" the elf responded."Please... we would prefer not to talk about that." Followed by a "Do you like butterflies? We love those carefree buggers! The prettiest one we saw had a pattern similar to a rainbow!" paired with a smile.
At least she didn’t break into a monologue on the history of Yazulayne. Rilolia sighed, lifting her chest up and down with the breath. “Right, right. Butterflies,” she passively replied, “I suppose. Most butterflies I’ve seen were the bloodsucking kind. Or giant and not so pleasant. The moths though. Those were the worst.” A clear dichotomy presented itself at that moment, and Rilolia realized Yazulayne would be the sunniness to her own dreary attitude. It couldn’t be too bad. She hoped.
This time, in full honesty, Yazulayne had her jaw dropped wide open. Talking about butterflies or other "nice" things was a usual move to distract herself from anything depressing, she actually never heard of bloodsucking butterflies, pressing the issue further. "Eeeeeehhhh? There are vampire butterflies?! Luckily I've never seen those!"
Rilolia continued, nodding, “But the worst of them are the huge moths that fly about and spread toxic scales everywhere.” The vampiress, though relaying such horrible creatures of the dark, seemed to be quite reflective, as if reveling in the nostalgia. She shook her head and returned to the real world, staring down at Yazulayne. “At times I wish I could just go back. Maybe even go back home, but I’ve got to save my… friend. Maybe after that.”
"Back home?" Again, and also thanks to the talk of the killermoths, she looked rather depressive now. "Sometimes we wish we had a place to call home." Before cheering herself, and hopefully Rilolia, up."Don't worry, we will save your friend no matter what! As we already said, we might not look like that but we are pretty strong!" Confident in her own abilities, she nodded with a rather large smile."Anyways, our thanks for this conversation but we had enough." She could guess that Rilolia might ask her more about her home now or whatever, and even Yazulayne couldn't fool herself every 30 seconds. "We will talk later, good-bye for now!" With that the elf girl actually turned around to move the corridor towards her cabin.