Avatar of Asuras


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5 yrs ago
Political opinions on a public forum? I just wanna rp for god's sake!


Call me: Asuras

I like: Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Anime Aesthetics

I play: Anything. Mostly women.

I have a long history of GM'ing, perhaps even more than playing. I like art, and I commission a lot. D&D is my life right now.

Most Recent Posts

LimeyPanda said
...I'm waiting for you to offer to 'fight me IRL'

No I want to fight him first. Dibs.
Disciple Cain said
So I tried Danbooru. Hard to find fully clothed characters. Like. Really hard. I got maybe three good ones out of forty pages. XDI'll try pixiv now.

First type in a tag you want, for example


Then type in


And BAM. All pictures with the tag full_armor will only present non-NSFW images (never mind the fact that full armor tends not to show skin xD)
Raen Elvarasi said
Tempest, I don't do RPs that don't offer a class or option that fits my taste. :) And no, I don't bite people. I fight off instinct and muscle memory. After training for nearly a decade in Martial Combat, I have found it the best way to fight. I fight with agility and savage tactics, and I certainly don't fight fair. And Gat, the color and clothing fits, but nothing else really does. XD Plus...He seems so short.

Raen's actual combat skill:

Disciple Cain said
Where does everyone find their reference pictures? I gotta know. Google images is just not doing it anymore.



A place called danbooru... don't judge. :U
There's the Massachrist post. Sorry about the delay folks. I've recently made another rp, and it really burnt me out initially.

The people of YDKM seem to be gone, really. Dunno. If we can just get Rinnee to keep going on Event Horizon, we'll be golden.

Saint Material is slow, but it's going so no worries there OldManWong. I understand the feeling of having shitty internet.

With one last heavy slump, the final walking corpse had met its eternal end and fallen to the wet earth. Theow stood before a massive mangled body pierced by the metal it had once used itself to try and cleave the champion. Blood seeped forth from its upper portions, from its head and its missing arms, behaving like a waterfall that dissipated into the ground, overcome by the much greater torrent of rain that followed. Ekho removed her hand from the base of another zombie's spine, quite sure at that point the thing was vanquished.

Mother Fran surveyed the scene, eyes drooped in exhaustion as the rain dripped from the veil and onto the tip of her nose. Her flamberge was held outward, catching the rain as if desiring to soak in its cleansing properties. The blood that coated it slowly slid away from the winding blade, and once fully gone, she returned it directly to her side. No more moans escaped the caged mouths of re-dead beyond, no scratching metal, and no pattering of naked feet. The forest was quite, save for the storm, for the moment.

The priestess turned to face the group, a vague smile emanating from her soaked face.

"Thank you all for the help. The swiftness with which you all felled these creatures..." she paused, as if taking a moment in consideration, "gives me hope that we may fully remove the problem. They very rarely come in great groups like this back to back, and so I believe we may have some time before the next brings danger to the town gates." Resting her arms, she slammed the ground with her sword, piercing the mud until the weapon was suitably stabilized in an upright position.

"If you also deem it wise, I believe we could attempt to search for Stitchenstein in his very forest." The distinct sound of steel crashing upon steel caught their ears, however, screeching from within the deeper confines of the forest. Mother Fran immediately retrieved her sword, granted little time to rested her arms. Her look of concern to the gathered group indicated she wished for them to follow suit, and she made off further into the woods.
The armored creature's charge went unabated, and even as the twins descended upon it, it did not hesitate. With jangling plates of armor, it stomped forward a few more paces, raising its double-ended scythe to meet Gem's strike, easily intercepting their own weapons in a clash of steel. With their airborne nature, they could only land in a spot behind the armored zombie, rolling over its block and back down to the wet ground with a splash.

Turning about to meet the twins, the zombie brought its newly reared weapon over its head and down upon them. The scythe's nature allowed for the very tip of its blade to potentially strike on of them should their arms fail to keep the weapon far enough away.
Kore found his path cleared, easily crushed with the immense strength he possessed. The group he found ahead, close to the town gates, had suddenly broken into their own movement. But rather than returning to the safety of their town, they proceeded closer into the forest, failing to notice Kore's great stature and form. Nevertheless, it merely made the distance between the two less great, and the robot need only move to his left through the forest to intercept them. Surely his form wouldn't cause concern if her were to appear suddenly before them all.
Carnival of Chaos - Aneura Shivan

She didn't have much, but what she did would have to suffice; Aneura ripped a portion of the cloth hanging at her hips from underneath the plate armor, shaping it as best she could into a rectangular strip. Encircling her leg with it, she tightly bound the wound with what little depth the cloth had to it. It stopped a significant amount of the bleeding, but she knew that, eventually, it would seep beyond the bandage and she'd need true medical attention. Aneura lifted herself up from the prone position and into a weakened stance. Her gait was stumbling, but she managed to move nevertheless.

Shield and spear in hand, she proceeded forward, looking for some sort of exit. It seemed as though the guillotines had since disappeared, or rather were no longer a factor in her location, and so she moved on with a tad slighter haste than when she was weaving around swinging blades. The storage room must have an exit, she thought, and so she staggered about in a single direction, following her gut instincts as to which way was most likely to get her out. Most buildings, she thought, followed at least somewhat f a common design pattern, unless one was purposefully designing an establishment with confusion and labyrinthine ideas in mind. At the time, it seemed as though she was no longer partaking in an illusory gauntlet, and so she held little worry that logic would fail her here.

Aneura had little knowledge of the time that had passed, and so with gritted teeth and a steely resolve, she picked up the pace despite the pain she received at every step. The children were counting on her, and she wasn't dead just yet.
Lithus Collab - Begin with Lithus's thoughts, his journey thus far, etc. I will introduce interaction soon.
Alright. Now I can collab.
I have yet to update for Bikko's IC. Things have been stalled with him due to plot-creation issues.

On that note, though, I've become quite free for most of the week now, so I can turbo-collab with everyone if you're around.
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